Don’t IGNORE These Nighttime Signs of Diabetes

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Don’t overlook these 15 nighttime signs of diabetes!

0:00 Introduction: Diabetic signs at night
0:11 Frequent urinating
1:35 Restless legs syndrome
2:42 Diabetic neuropathy
4:01 Excessive sweating
5:47 Hypoglycemia
7:11 Gastric reflux
8:55 Heart palpitations
9:15 Teeth grinding
9:28 Headache

Check out these 15 symptoms of high blood sugar that might occur while you’re sleeping.

1. Frequent urinating
This is known as nocturia and occurs when your kidneys remove excess sugar from your blood.

2. Excessive thirst
As your kidneys eliminate sugar through your urine, you deplete magnesium, potassium, and calcium. You can also become dehydrated, so you may have excessive thirst.

3. Restless legs syndrome
Excess sugar depletes vitamin B1. Vitamin B1 deficiency causes lactic acid buildup and a lack of oxygen in the legs. This can also be related to magnesium deficiency.

4. Peripheral neuropathy
This condition causes burning, pain, or numbness on the bottom of the feet. Benfotiamine combined with alpha lipoic acid is a great remedy.

5. Cramps in lower legs and feet
Too much sugar in the blood can cause a magnesium deficiency and calcium buildup. Magnesium glycinate supplements can help, and can also improve sleep.

6. Excessive sweating
This usually occurs in the face, neck, or upper part of the body. High blood sugar causes sympathetic dominance, which causes a person to be in a constant state of fight or flight.

7. Sleep apnea
This usually occurs because a person has high levels of insulin.

8. Hypoglycemia
If you have high blood sugar, your body will try to lower it with insulin. This can cause you to wake up during the night with low blood sugar. Following a low-carb diet for at least 6 to 8 months can help correct this problem.

9. Delayed sleep
High levels of sugar delay the release of melatonin.

10. Gastric reflux
High blood sugar can affect the autonomic nervous system that controls the valve on the top of the stomach, causing GERD.

11. Nightmares/vivid dreams
This is typically related to a neurotransmitter problem caused by a deficiency in vitamin B1, which is depleted by high blood sugar.

12. High blood pressure
Nocturnal dipping occurs when your blood pressure and pulse rate decrease during sleep. When you have diabetes, this doesn’t happen. This is called non-dipping.

13. Heart palpitations
This is caused by a lack of potassium and magnesium and can be corrected with a good electrolyte powder.

14. Teeth grinding
The activation of the sympathetic nervous system puts a person into a state of stress while they’re sleeping, causing teeth grinding.

15. Headache upon waking
This usually occurs because of dehydration.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about diabetes symptoms at night. I’ll see you in the next video.

57 responses to “Don’t IGNORE These Nighttime Signs of Diabetes”

  1. I was told that I had insulin resistance ..
    Restless legs is my symptom (not slways )
    Thank you very much !

    • Same here. If I consume any excess sugar during the day, chocolate, a cake or whatever, I’ll lay down in bed and immediately get restless leg. It would even sometimes wake me up. I even had some water melon at lunch and despite its antioxidant benefits, the high levels of sugar would set my legs off at night.

  2. I have the second and the third, and the sixth symptoms, mostly the thirst, a few months ago someone also told me these are symptoms of diabetes, I went to check it out and fortunately I am not diabetic (yet). But anyone who has these symptoms should definitely get checked it out just in case.

  3. Like describing me 2 years ago. Had symptoms no 1,3,7,8,12,13 and 15. In fact, frequent, strong headaches in the morning. Years of blood work, CT scans and 3 different doctors looking mainly at neck muscle problems turned out to be jack all. A fourth doctor talked about possible inflammation of some sort. Curious and desperate, I went on dr. youtube looked up inflammations and made a potion with turmeric and ginger. My sinuses opened up immediately as if I was not even breathing till that point. Headaches disappeared instantly. I started not feeling hungry all the time. I then stumbled upon your videos Dr. Berg on intermittent fasting and thought to give it a go since I was not eating 4-5 times a day anymore. That was Jan 23. Today I have lost 18kg, and I am as light as I was 25+ years ago. I am 46. I do not understand everything you say, but just watching you and following as much as I can has changed my life. As difficult as it was to lose the weight (I trained regularly for years) it is now easy not to put it back on. I still do not understand the mechanism behind the weight loss but the first 14 kilos I lost in six months. I had people approached me worrying that I had cancer or something. I take magnesium, vitamin d and kalium as well as B1. Never been healthier. I know you have heard it many times but thank you and thank God you are around man!

  4. My problem was of my making , eating too many sweet things & drinking too much water after 6pm ,i cut down on sweets & not drinking after 6pm & made sure i walked a lot during the day .

  5. I had been grinding my teeth since my 20’s and I never ate anything with sugar, being that was extremely athletic. The grinding was causing the headaches when I would wake up. Went to my chiro told him about it and he adjusted my jaw, changed my life. Cramps or peripheral neuropathy in the lower feet can also be a symptom of heart failure, kidney disease and liver disease.

    • I have severe clenching and bad TMJ I’ve been to chiropractors but they focus on the neck I usually go to gentle upper cervical chiropractor’s because my TMJ came on after chiropractor adjusted my neck when I asked him not to. I’m curious if you can possibly explain how your jaw was adjusted, Sounds very interesting. I’m a big-time clincher which makes my neck muscles hard as rock in my jaw. Thank you

  6. Howdy from Australia, thanks to you doc l diagnosed myself as type 2 in 2020 from an older vid.. l had covid at the time so a doc’s appointment was delayed. l had high sugar dry lips, urinating 7 times a night, my eye sight was affected, was very thirsty, l went very low carb sugar and lost 18 kg, every blood check is great, no issues with eyesight, my feet have no probs at all, l take metformin but want that reduced, just wanted to thank you for helping through your vids.

  7. Excellent advice as always. I told a customer about you and a couple of weeks later he came in and thanked me for letting him know about you. He was really happy for the info, me too. I have to tell you about a coworkers mom scheduled for leg amputation in 3 days. They rubbed baby butte paste with zinc (30-40%) all over her leg up until the appointment. At the appointment, Dr. walks in, looks at her leg and cancelled the operation. So 5 months ago I hit my tow on a rock and 2 months later I noticed my toe had turned dark purple under and around up to the side of the toenail, not black but close. I put the zinc cream on for 5 days, totally gone. I had a pimple like thing on my arm for a couple weeks till it started looking worse, put the cream on that night, half gone next morning. Anytime my toes started to feel weird, put the cream on and gone. I think everyone needs this in their medicine cabinets, heals quickly. You are the best. Also I try eating better, intermittent fasting too. I’m diabetic.

  8. I went on a 6 day water fast and am now on a carnivore diet. I am thirsty all the time and I drink water with electrolytes. I also take potassium and magnesium supplements. I’ve lost over 25 pounds but when I started this fast, I weighed over 400 pounds. I am already walking better. My goal is to lose 150 pounds or more. I’m tired of being on deaths doorstep. I only eat one meal per day. I am losing one pound per day. We will see what happens. I have some of these diabatic symptoms but am not sure if I am a diabatic. I have to lose weight, or it will kill me.

    • Yay for you taking control of your best life! Healthy is the best and feels the best! You’re well in your way for your best life! You got this! I’m so happy for you! Feeling good is the best!

    • Well done! Once on the mission to be healthy you won’t turn back. It just takes a while to truly get committed.

    • Me too. I can’t get over how thirsty I am. I am also craving salt. I used to have a hard time salting my food. Now I heavy salt everything (1 tsp a day).

      On week 7. Starting to feel better. The first 6 weeks, I felt horrible. BBBE ( beef and lamb)

  9. I’m just asking. Is there a YouTube channel more informative and amazing than this one? i’ll wait.

    • I will wait too, but I will wait until I have at least a million subscribers, then I will tell people how to slow down the aging process. In the meantime, my channel has videos about the physical capabilities of a person at 60 years old, this is my personal experience. At least, my videos are good motivation.

    • @@deepforestenergy60I just subscribed to your channel, interested in seeing what you have to say thanks for sharing

  10. This guy … doesn’t even know he’s helped some one sitting on the other side of the planet.
    Thank you Doctor Berg. ✌❤🙏

  11. I used to suffer with many of these issues before this skilled dr helped me cure my diabetes, free for about 4yrs now!❤ ty again Doc😊

  12. 1) Urinating frequently at night
    2) Excessive thirst
    3) Restless legs syndrome
    4) Peripheral neuropathy
    5) Cramps in your lower leg/feet
    6) Excessive sweating at night
    7) Sleep apnea
    8) Hypoglycemia
    9) Delayed sleep
    10) Gastric reflux
    11) Nightmares/vivid dreams
    12) High blood pressure
    13) Heart palpitations
    14) Teeth grinding
    15) Headache when you wake up

  13. Thank you. I’ve been having quite a few of these symptoms. Especially, night sweats, that I thought was from menopause, insomnia, tiredness, etc. Much needed information.

  14. I had most of these and I’m thin. I began to deteriorate, having mini strokes, migraines, brain fog, tingling hands and feet, interrupted sleep, tmj symptoms, etc. I was skin and bones until cutting out sugar and carbs, dairy and gluten. It took about 6 months to feel better and gain weight, but 9 years later I’m feeling more healthy and energetic in my 40s than I did in my 20s. So grateful for these videos!

    • What do you eat? I have all these symptoms too, trying no dairy, gluten and low carb but I’m only getting 900 calories

  15. Never realized how pre diabetic I was. Crazy. I’ve been doing more serious intermittent fasting and eating keto, carnivore, mixing it up and avoiding carbs like the plague. I have reversed so many of these! Thank you thank you!

    Dropped from 225 to 190 so far too. Which is nice.

  16. I was exercising and eating low carb and lost 50lbs. I stopped, falling back into old habits, and now I’ve gained it all back and have a number of these symptoms. I’ve got to get my act back together!

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