These Mistakes Are Super Unhealthy!

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Don’t make these 11 common mistakes with your supplements! Find out how to maximize your results from supplements by using them correctly.

Check out my interview with Dr. Bruce Hollis: ▶️

0:00 Introduction: 11 common mistakes with supplements
0:28 When to take supplements
1:35 Too many supplements
3:36 Cheap supplements
7:40 Taking bad advice about supplements
10:30 Supplement dosage

Today, we’re going to talk about some of the common mistakes people make with supplements.

1. People often wonder what time of the day they should take their supplements. Taking your supplements in the morning can give you the energy you need for the day. Avoid taking electrolytes before bed and calcium supplements before eating. Some people benefit from vitamin D supplements in the morning, while some benefit from taking them before bed.

2. Avoid swallowing too many supplements at once!

3. Introduce supplements one at a time to learn what works and doesn’t for your particular health problem.

4. Supplements won’t work if you have a poor diet. Make sure to get enough protein and limit your carbs.

5. Cheap vitamins contain cheap ingredients. Many cheap supplements and daily vitamins contain calcium carbonate, the type of calcium found in cement. They also contain fillers and dyes! Synthetic vitamins, except niacin and benfotiamine, often have side effects and should be avoided.

6. Avoid taking supplements and drugs together at the same time for the same problem.

7. Certain vitamins work synergistically with others, so you have to take those particular supplements together. For example, if you’re taking high doses of vitamin D, you must also take adequate magnesium. Similarly, high doses of zinc over time can cause a copper deficiency.

8. Don’t take advice about supplements from people who don’t know the data.

9. Many people don’t take a high enough dosage of their supplements to see results. You often need to take more than the RDA to produce a therapeutic effect.

10. If you’re a vegan, you must take supplements to prevent deficiencies. Vitamin B12, vitamin D3, omega-3s, iron, zinc, iodine, and calcium are all vital for your health.

11. Use the correct dosage of your supplement to see results. Your paracrine/autocrine system needs about 10,000 IU of vitamin D daily!

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you avoid some of the common mistakes people make with supplements. I’ll see you in the next video.

78 responses to “These Mistakes Are Super Unhealthy!”

  1. When my doctor read the supplements I was taking from my chart she said ” you know, those don’t really do anything”. That’s one of those people giving advice without any data

    • allopathic paradigm… they are trained to revere the drug companies, are paid by them to promote thier poisons and taught that anything homeopathic is fake.

    • I’m going to be 60 years old in October and I am only on one medication an inhaler I don’t even use that very often,, maybe a couple of times a month. right now, I believe in natural healing supplements food that will help my body not the doctor pushing their drugs on me

  2. DR. BERG!!!!!! I literally ordered like 8 supplements (including your d3 and k2 lol) to take lol and they got here YESTERDAY and you just made this video. I swearrrrrrrrrrrrr the timing of your videos and my life is crazy lol.

    • I was taking the d3 and k2 supplement and when my doctor did my annual blood test, the vitamin d level was almost toxic. I had to stop taking that supplement before it did any damage.

    • The pharmacutical industry demonize vitD obviously they would say you have too much of it 😂 DrBerg made a video specifically about it go look it up

    • @@brendas1346doctors standards a very low …vitamin D is determined by …Age …race …weight ……your range should be 80-100 if your vitamin D is over 100 is toxic….below not toxic

  3. Dr. Berg, would you please put together a video just for vitamins: what vitamins to take together and what vitamins not to. Thank you.

  4. I mentioned berberine to my doctor and he was okay with it. My A1c is approaching normal levels in which my doctor mentioned taking me off metformin. I’ve been eating only protein and cruciferous veggies for nine months and now am ninety pounds lighter.

  5. I prefer skip breakfast and lunch and eat a meal around 5PM, because I am absolutely not hungry. I work out around 4PM, eat, and take my supplements.

  6. I loved that phrase: “there is a difference between learning and understanding, and memorizing. They are not the same thing” So true, I have always noticed there are people that can spend decades in their field and still remain incompetent because they are just there for the paycheck. Then there are those that are dedicated and passionate about what they do.

    • There is no better example of this than the ministry. Those guys can spout their denominational spin but don’t ask them to teach the bible. That’s not what they’re paid for. “It is difficult to get a man to understand when his salary depends on his not understanding.”

    • This is so true!! Several months ago I had to quit a dr bc I felt all she was doing was “memorizing the textbook.” Where I live I find it extremely difficult to find a knowledgeable and outside the box dr. I have a new dr now and she is somewhat better, but still not what I’m looking for.

    • AND, even after you understand and learn, you still need CURIOSITY to be any good at helping to solve a problem.

    • More than just a paycheck. Some are in it for the prestige it offers. And don’t forget, a lot of physicians graduated at the bottom of their class.

  7. My doctor tried to kill me.Put me on 30 mg of crestor then waited to see how long it would take for me to be diabetic.I suffered debilitating back pain,inflammation in BOTH rotator cuffs,then NAFLD.Yes I was diagnosed with pre diabetes after 18 months,and sky high BP.When I enquired about taking milk thistle for rejuvenation of my liver,I was poopooed.I quit him,and researched EVERYTHING myself.1 year later my health is restored and I’m flourishing.70 YO female carnivore.I take Vit D3,K2,and magnesium.I would NEVER discuss supplements nor nutrition with a ‘DR’ agan,EVER.

    • Salute to the Real. You are an overcomer. Never give up, never quit. If you fall, well get the hell back up then!!!!

    • Better than that…..why ever return to said Dr. ever again….??! 🤷
      All prescription drugs are poisonous and harmful.

      Personally I’m not against antibiotics only on rare needed occasions. But I also personally would never take the whole course. I take maybe one half of one pill.
      They’re too strong and can cripple us…or permanently shut kidneys down. Research….

    • Wow, it amazes me how horribly ludicrous most doctors are. I’m so sorry you had to go through this. It would be nice to find an intelligent doctor, but that is so hard to do.

      One of my worst experiences is when I was pregnant and asked about prenatal vitamins and was told the baby doesn’t take anything from me. I could not believe what I was hearing. That was the only time I saw that doctor. Another was when a doctor told me I don’t need vitamin K for my osteopenia. They are crazy.

    • Wow. So glad your ok. I was prescribed crestor too n I have many back issues (5 herniated disc’s, 2 bulging disc’s, and nerve issues). I noticed the crestor made my pain super bad (+I was on opiates). Once I stopped crestor my pain went way down n I didn’t need opiates anymore.

  8. I’m going to be 60 years old in October and I’m on no medications,, I do have an inhaler I take during the summer occasionally, but other than that I’m drug free, I take my supplements every morning, and I try to consciously eat right😊

    • If you change your household products to more natural ones without harmful chemicals, you might be able to lose the inhaler. I’ve heard testimonies to that effect from those who shop from the wellness store that I shop from

  9. Have a younger female doc who is excited that a 71 yr old is not on any meds and doing great….she loves looking at my supplements and diet and even suggested a good additional supplement for keeping my BP down. There are a few good ones out there…keep looking and ask around. Magnesium glycinate and Epsom salts soaks fixed my nighttime jerky legs. Get a DNA test that shows what mineral and vitamin deficiencies you have. Then build your supplements and diet around that. It made my chronic back and neck pain of 40 yrs fade away. I take Dr Berg’s vit D3/k2.

  10. Dr Berg notes

    1. People often wonder what time of the day they should take their supplements. Taking your supplements in the morning can give you the energy you need for the day. Avoid taking electrolytes before bed and calcium supplements before eating. Some people benefit from vitamin D supplements in the morning, while some benefit from taking them before bed.

    2. Avoid swallowing too many supplements at once!

    3. Introduce supplements one at a time to learn what works and doesn’t for your particular health problem.

    4. Supplements won’t work if you have a poor diet. Make sure to get enough protein and limit your carbs.

    5. Cheap vitamins contain cheap ingredients. Many cheap supplements and daily vitamins contain calcium carbonate, the type of calcium found in cement. They also contain fillers and dyes! Synthetic vitamins, except niacin and benfotiamine, often have side effects and should be avoided.

    6. Avoid taking supplements and drugs together at the same time for the same problem.

    7. Certain vitamins work synergistically with others, so you have to take those particular supplements together. For example, if you’re taking high doses of vitamin D, you must also take adequate magnesium. Similarly, high doses of zinc over time can cause a copper deficiency.

    8. Don’t take advice about supplements from people who don’t know the data.

    9. Many people don’t take a high enough dosage of their supplements to see results. You often need to take more than the RDA to produce a therapeutic effect.

    10. If you’re a vegan, you must take supplements to prevent deficiencies. Vitamin B12, vitamin D3, omega-3s, iron, zinc, iodine, and calcium are all vital for your health.

    11. Use the correct dosage of your supplement to see results. Your paracrine/autocrine system needs about 10,000 IU of vitamin D daily!

    Thank you Dr Berg!

  11. Thank you for discussing calcium. I was taking with meals and it caused massive GERD. I Thought something was wrong with me. I kept googling and found nothing on calcium causing digestive issues. Now I KNOW!

  12. I historically never ate breakfast, ate 2 meals a day. After listening to (countless hours) of Dr. Berg I trained myself to switch that to breakfast and lunch and I skip dinner. I sleep better and have more energy all day! ❤

    • Same here! I find myself rarely hungry in the evenings now, it’s really nice. I consider being hungry as feeling alive and well!

    • As long as you don’t have an occasional drink or two (in the evening)…then you’re screwed 🙂

    • I’m the opposite, I only have energy during the day if I’m fasted. Processing meals slows me down big-time regardless of how healthy.

    • @@kevinstarski1598 luckily I don’t like alcohol. Maybe a monthly Bold Rock cider (I live local to the brewery). You are right, though, I have to eat a little with that.

  13. At 7:55, exactly. I went 18 years as a chiropractor, but until I took Functional Medicine course through Functional Medicine University run by a chiropractor, I did not put it all together.
    Thanks Doc, we need you man !

  14. This is what a real super hero looks like. I can’t imagine how many lives he helped save bringing people back to God made food and nutrients and moving people away from man made junk

  15. Thank you, Dr. Berg! Here’s a real doctor here who is actually trying to heal people than dispensing drugs that make people sicker in other area instead.

  16. Just when I did not think I could appreciate Dr. Berg anymore I realizing that he is one of the very few medical professionals (especially in the media) who cares about US more than BIG PHARMA! He is not afraid to call it like it is when giving info on the pharmaceutical industry. THANKS Dr. Berg!

    • He is a chiropractic physician . The AMA excludes Chiropractors often. Chiropractors can heal that’s why they are against them. Dr.Berg is a gem.

  17. I had restless leg syndrome for several weeks so I was not sleeping. I would have to get up and walk most of the night and it was miserable. I researched on the internet and found an article that advised it could be a vitamin B1 and B6 deficiency. I started taking both of these in the morning and afternoon. My restless leg symptoms totally disappeared by the 7th day. It has been months now and it has not returned. What a relief.

  18. Dr Berg hit the nail on the head , when he said memorizing isn’t the same as learning and that is a huge issue with the school system , because they measure a person’s knowledge by the testing but what they have done is making them remember so much and then forget half of what they learned 😮

  19. My husband took himself off his diabetic medication by controlling what he eats going for walks and fasting for 2-3 days once a month. His numbers have been great. I am in awe of his discipline he also writes down everything he eats and utilized Berberine,Psyllium and a few others supplements but mostly clean eating. Thank you Dr. for this valuable information.

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