4 Common Ingredients That Will Kill You!

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These 4 foods can shave years off of your lifespan! Find out about the dangerous ingredients found in 99% of the foods that kill.

4 Dangerous Ingredients to Avoid – Wallet Cutout Card:

0:00 Introduction: 4 ingredients that will kill you
1:00 Junk food ingredients
2:45 Nutrition facts vs. ingredients
3:05 The 4 common ingredients in junk food
4:38 Click the link to download my printout card!

In this video, we’re going to talk about 4 common ingredients found in 99% of all junk foods that can shorten your life. You won’t understand which foods to avoid until you know the ingredients.

Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate, interesterified soybean oil, hydrolyzed corn oil, maltodextrin, dextrose, and dextrin are chemical names for common junk food ingredients. Companies use these names to cause confusion.

It’s important to look beyond nutrition facts and read the ingredients because not all calories are the same. Calories from high fructose corn syrup are not the same as fructose from fruit. Synthetic starches differ from the starch found in vegetables, and there’s a big difference between cane sugar and synthetic sugars like glucose syrup.

Check the ingredient list and avoid these foods!

1. Sugar
2. Starches
3. Seed oils
4. Refined proteins

Soy protein isolates and A1 beta-casein create inflammation and should be avoided. You’ll also want to avoid wheat gluten.

Print out my convenient cutout card to keep in your wallet so you’ll know which foods to avoid on the go!

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about the foods that can kill you! I’ll see you in the next video.

92 responses to “4 Common Ingredients That Will Kill You!”

  1. People don’t seem to want to be bothered learning about this subject………until they’re in the ER. But, many go right back to eating garbage after just a few months after the ER visit. They chose plausible deniability. 😢

    • I find that they trust the system. People like that think that companies would not do anything to harm them. Definitely a bad idea. Eat only what is raised and grown.

    • I think there is addiction factors in these foods that make people crave them. 1 month of clean eating can help make you start craving healthy foods, but then you have a “few” of something bad and you are craving the crap more than ever.

    • You are both correct. We’ve been brainwashed from birth to trust the system until you wake up to find that the system cannot be trusted. University students used to be taught eugenics…look that one up in a dictionary. It will explain the philosophy of the need to limit humans life span.
      If that’s not evil I don’t know what is.
      Wake up world !!!!

    • @@shikhalemuel6802 I once heard that if you’re craving unhealthy food, it’s time to start eating healthy so you crave those foods. Every time I crave something with sugar, I think about this and think it’s time to make a change. It’s easy to step off the good trail.

    • I’ve started taking the same approach. I also refuse to buy anything that has an absurd amount of ingredients when, if it was using only natural ingredients, it would only have a few.

    • Everything in the universe is a chemical so if you refuse to eat chemicals you must be starving

    • Claiming you don’t eat chemicals is like saying you don’t breathe air. Everything around us is made of chemicals, including the food you eat and the water you drink. If you were avoiding all chemicals, you’d literally starve and dehydrate yourself to death. It’s just basic science and common sense.

    • 😂😂😂 then vote then get out there and talk to people. Stop commenting on the internet. You know there’s a whole website where you can call your congressman, senator Governor. All kinds of things. Anytime takes effort not standing around pouting

    • In a perfect world yes..
      But this is population control at it’s finest.. its not up to them to ban these products..its up to us not eating that crap..

  2. “If you don’t recognize the ingredient(s) on the label.. neither does your body when digesting it”
    -> is something I heard from my naturalpathic doctor that stuck with me

    • I like this one, “When looking at a food label, if you don’t already stock any of the questionable ingredients in your kitchen, then don’t buy the product.”

    • Very short list, actually:
      whole- home grown or foraged.
      Everything else is for convenience, and potentially deadly.😃

  3. My girl makes jams and jellies, she offers some that are sugar free that she was sweetening with Stevia In The Raw. One of her customers that wears a glucose monitor called her and ask if she mixed up the sugar free with the regular as her glucose was off the charts. The same day we watched your video on Maltodextrin and we decided to check some different foods. Can you believe that Stevia In The Raw is cut with Maltodextrin. This is absolutely criminal. They know damn well that people looking for sugar substitutes are doing that for either diabetic reasons or just want to keep insulin down. They are trying to kill us before we collect that Social Security and they are doing a pretty good job of it.

    • I found an organic stevia that ONLY had that as an ingredient. I ordered more of the same and now it lists “organic inulin.”

      The stevia brand sold in bulk at Costco is NOT SUGAR FREE.

    • Before jumping to conclusions, let’s get the facts straight. Fruits naturally contain sugars, and their levels can vary from one batch to another. Even with sugar-free labels, these natural sugars can still cause spikes in blood sugar. So, blaming a sweetener without considering the natural sugar content in fruits might be a bit misguided. Maybe it’s time to learn how these things actually work before crying foul.

    • Stevia is only stevia. If you get a commercial, processed “stevia”, well, its like with everything else.

    • @@Penobscot-xs6xgBut she specifically stated that they did (check the facts) on the stevia in the raw, and it was cut with maltodextrin.
      So if stevia in the raw was used to make the food, then it would affect the blood sugar levels.

      Also, fruit sugars are at least half fructose.

      If you eat some every day, drink fruit juice, or eat things made with fruits (especially concentrated foods, like jams and jellies, fruit roll-ups, etc.), you are going to be eating too much of it.

      Fructose is just bad news. And no one is just having a very small amount per day, if they are having it in any form at all.

  4. Oddly, I have Covid to thank for waking me up to the fact that nobody in the govt, corporate media, the medical establishment – and least of all, the processed food industry – gives the slightest whit about keeping people healthy. Once you see that, it’s easier to switch gears and make the right choices.

  5. This just might be THEE best channel on YouTube! This man truly educates us. 👏👏👏👌

  6. 4 Common Ingredients That Will Kill You!
    1. Synthetic Sugars
    2. Highly Processed Starches
    3. Seed Oils
    4. Refined Proteins

    • ​@@adeyemibabatunde1814 Here are some specific foods that commonly contain the four harmful ingredients mentioned:

      1. Synthetic Sugars
      – Soft drinks (soda)
      – Candy and sweets
      – Breakfast cereals
      – Flavored yogurt
      – Baked goods(cookies, cakes)

      2. Highly Processed Starches
      – White bread
      – Potato chips
      – Instant noodles
      – Crackers
      – Snack bars

      3. Seed Oils
      – Fried foods(french fries, fried chicken)
      – **Margarine
      – Mayonnaise
      – Packaged salad dressings
      – Processed snacks (chips, popcorn)

      4. Refined Proteins
      – Protein bars
      – Meal replacement shakes
      – Processed meat (sausages, hot dogs)
      – Imitation dairy products(some cheese substitutes)
      – Plant-based meat alternatives (some brands of veggie burgers)

  7. There is no excuse to be uneducated about what you should be eating anymore this information is saving lives.

  8. I had to stop eating grains, bread, dairy, soda, carbs, sweeteners and even quit caffeine.
    It was that bad with me….
    Now mainly meats and fish and eggs.
    Feeling like I was born today!

  9. My eating code is, if you can’t pronounce, or it is not the name of a real food, then don’t eat it. It has taken a long time for me to get here (about 5 years), but I eat 99% of food I cook/create. I know what is in my food as much as one can buying ingredients from other people.

  10. Thank you dr. Berg…you have helped me so much. I’ve gone from a 240lb in a wheelchair on 15 medications. Now I’m 160, no meds, and I workout everyday living a life I enjoy. I bike, walk my dog and do stand up paddle board. I’m 64 years old and healthy🙏🫶thank you from the bottom of my heart❤️

  11. how to know if something is real food:
    step 1: see if there’s a food label, discard if there is one.
    step 2: repeat step 1.

  12. Thanks so much, Dr. Berg! A prime example of why we need to read *EVERY* ingredient label is when I was buying Milk Thistle made by a company I’d held in high regard, had added Maltodextrin to its Milk Thistle capsules! I was absolutely stunned.
    Thanks for coming to the rescue once again, Dr. B. Will print your wonderful card ASAP. 🎊

  13. Dr. Berg, let me add, as someone living in senior housing, NO one here will change their high sugar/starch, highly processed food diet. One by one they watch each other die miserable deaths due to diabetic complications. They do not want the knowledge, they want the food, no matter what. Really, they refuse to think about it or have lost the ability to think about it. The community room is daily filled with sale bakery items bought by residents to share. They are eating themselves to death full willing. I think it is also a mental disorder.

    • To be fair I have a 90 year old healthy sprightly aunt who eats refined carbs like donuts and pastries all day long and has done so my whole life.

    • Blood sugar problems make you stupid. My whole neighborhood noticed when I started Dr. Berg’s program.

    • I’ve had 2 seniors turn their noses up at my suggestion for organic products when they were speaking of the quality of something. They seem to think it just means it’s made with organic materials (like compost) and it goes bad fast. They are missing out. Dummies.

    • My mom started wanting sweets more and more and she was 87 I had no clue that it was cancer…. we didn’t know it was cancer until she was diagnosed in May 23 and then she passed a month later. The hospice nurse explained to me about how cancer/sugar works. Please keep an eye on your elderly and their habits. I wish I had known earlier. But now I have applied the knowledge to my own health and have got off sugar, refined /processed foods, try to grow my own, lost 20 pounds and exercising. I miss my mom but I know she is no longer sick suffering or in pain. She ended up with radiation induced angiosarcoma from radiation therapy for breast cancer at age 70. 😢

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