You Will Never Get High Blood Pressure after Watching This Video

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After watching this video, you may never have high blood pressure again! Find out about the root cause of hypertension.

Vitamin D Toxicity:

0:00 Introduction: Essential hypertension
1:04 High blood pressure causes
2:12 Vitamin D deficiency and high blood pressure
3:02 Genetic high blood pressure
3:48 Insulin resistance and hypertension
4:43 Vitamin D and calcium
6:11 High blood pressure medication
6:46 How to lower blood pressure

Today, I’m going to tell you how to prevent hypertension and how to get rid of it if you already have it. Around 95% of high blood pressure is classified as essential high blood pressure, which means the cause is unknown.

Around 20% of the time, hypertensive medication doesn’t work because blood pressure is just a symptom of an underlying problem! If you treat a symptom and don’t address the root cause, you’re only camouflaging the problem.

Vitamin D deficiency can cause hypertension. Your body's water pressure control system runs higher if you’re low in vitamin D, causing vasoconstriction in the arteries and increasing blood pressure. When this system goes up, it also causes sodium retention. More sodium and more water mean higher blood pressure.

Potassium protects against excess sodium, but most people don’t get enough. You need 4700 mg daily.

The risk of high blood pressure goes up during the winter when vitamin D is lower due to lower sun exposure. If you have darker skin, you’re at an increased risk of high blood pressure and vitamin D deficiency.

Genetic high blood pressure problems are usually associated with a genetic problem with vitamin D. Insulin resistance is also connected to high blood pressure.

If you eat a lot of carbs or snacks frequently, you may develop insulin resistance, a precursor for high blood glucose and the root cause of many chronic health concerns, including a fatty liver, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and belly fat.

If there's too much calcium in your arteries, they can become stiff, increasing your blood pressure. Vitamin K2 can help direct calcium to the bone and teeth. It’s also vital that you have enough magnesium to prevent calcium buildup and clotting.

High blood pressure is typically treated with calcium channel blockers and beta blockers. Magnesium may act as a natural calcium channel blocker and beta blocker.

Try the following 4 things to lower blood pressure naturally:
1. 10,000 to 20,000 IU of vitamin D daily
2. 800 mg of magnesium glycinate daily
3. Low-carb diet
4. Increase potassium intake

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about the causes and solutions of high blood pressure. I’ll see you in the next video.

63 responses to “You Will Never Get High Blood Pressure after Watching This Video”

  1. This is exactly why I love Standard Process Supplements, Nutrition, Science, etc. This explains to ME what makes Cal-Amo so great! That’s pretty much all we need, a company with true integrity to feed the world! Y’all have a great Friday! 🙂

  2. Sometimes it’s not deficiency in anything, if you overthink things, your mind can cause this to happen as well. The mind is something so overlooked.

  3. Dr Berg notes:
    Dr Berg tells you how to prevent hypertension and how to get rid of it if you already have it. Around 95% of high blood pressure is classified as essential high blood pressure, which means the cause is unknown.

    Around 20% of the time, hypertensive medication doesn’t work because blood pressure is just a symptom of an underlying problem! If you treat a symptom and don’t address the root cause, you’re only camouflaging the problem.

    Vitamin D deficiency can cause hypertension. Your body’s water pressure control system runs higher if you’re low in vitamin D, causing vasoconstriction in the arteries and increasing blood pressure. When this system goes up, it also causes sodium retention. More sodium and more water mean higher blood pressure.

    Potassium protects against excess sodium, but most people don’t get enough. You need 4700 mg daily.

    The risk of high blood pressure goes up during the winter when vitamin D is lower due to lower sun exposure. If you have darker skin, you’re at an increased risk of high blood pressure and vitamin D deficiency.

    Genetic high blood pressure problems are usually associated with a genetic problem with vitamin D. Insulin resistance is also connected to high blood pressure.

    If you eat a lot of carbs or snacks frequently, you may develop insulin resistance, a precursor for high blood glucose and the root cause of many chronic health concerns, including a fatty liver, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and belly fat.

    If there’s too much calcium in your arteries, they can become stiff, increasing your blood pressure. Vitamin K2 can help direct calcium to the bone and teeth. It’s also vital that you have enough magnesium to prevent calcium buildup and clotting.

    High blood pressure is typically treated with calcium channel blockers and beta blockers. Magnesium may act as a natural calcium channel blocker and beta blocker.

    Try the following 4 things to lower blood pressure naturally:
    1. 10,000 to 20,000 IU of vitamin D daily
    2. 800 mg of magnesium glycinate daily
    3. Low-carb diet
    4. Increase potassium intake

    Thank you Dr Berg!

  4. Excellent video Dr Berg.. We really need to address this big time. Soo many people get put on the drugs without addressing the root cause. Thankyou You are a 🛟 life saver.🙌🏼

  5. I eat TONS of salt. I don’t “exercise”. I eat TONS of red meat. I have absolutely perfect blood pressure always.
    I practically LIVE outdoors. I work, play, and relax outdoors. I take 20,000 IU’s of Vit D3 a day with K2, Magnesium, and Zinc with it.]
    ( And also Dr. Berg’s Trace Mineral complex twice a day. )

  6. I’m in my sixties so my whole life I’ve felt locked out from the necessary health and nutritional info needed to manage myself and my body…
    the internet,
    Dr berg and other Drs have given the world the necessary knowledge for FREE and
    I thank you!!!!!

  7. I had high blood pressure from my early 20s been taking medication for 25 years, keto diet. Intermittent fasting and keto vitals. Cured me 100% no longer take any medication and feel amazing. Do it.!

  8. I am so happy to have seen this video. I’ve just had a consultation with a cardiologist. He attempted to get me on medications for blood pressure and blood thinners, saying I’m at a high risk of stroke and heart attack. I have atrial fibrillation. I had chest pains after the consultation as he scared me so much. I am so very grateful to you, Dr. Berg, you are very thorough, and I tend to believe you more than I do the consultants.
    I have natural blood thinners by taking garlic cloves. I take potassium and magnesium supplements and vitamin d3. I have spinach and moringa juice daily and have started acv in water before meals.. if I went on blood thinners I’d have to stop the natural remedies.
    Thank you so very much 🎉🎉🎉 ❤

    • I’m 66 and had the same scare last year, the cardiologist put me on meds and things got worse, especially in my legs. Followed Dr Berg’s suggestions but also addressed my hypertension by listening to a meditation at least once daily (there are lots of them on You Tube), this made all the difference in combination. good luck.

    • Beside these recommendations in the video try Strauss drops for heart. They did wonders for my heart and my calcium coronary score . Blood pressure and lipids. It took me 2 larger bottles , 3 times a day 2.5ml drops.

    • See Doctor Suneel Dhand’s video that came out a few days ago (it’s on his YouTube channel). It’s titled something like “Things are getting Dangerous.” The doctors who were trained and had private practices when I was a kid (1950s) would NOT approve of the way things are run now by MDs, who are also card-carrying members of the “medical-pharmaceutical complex.” Their version of the Hippocratic oath bears little similarity to the one doctors took before the great greed epidemic hit all the medical schools.

    • Lumbrokinase is also a good natural blood thinner, which also removes biofilms that some bacteria hide behind.

  9. Great video!

    Been pushing my Vitamin D levels from <20ng to >140ng/ml and I feel great. Now I keep taking 4000iU as a maintanance dose to just stay in the 80-100ng/ml range.

    This is a list of what has changed since then:

    – IBS has gone in just 19 days when I initially took 50.000iU daily for a month
    – Good quality sleep without breathing issues
    – The urge to consume sugar and carbs has gone, switched to Keto with ease
    – Better metabolic health, fat burns faster
    – Teeth grinding at night stopped
    – Dental health is now perfect, gum inflammation disappeared and no new holes in my teeth
    – Libido is back
    – No more leg cramps at night after exercise
    – Better mood and less anxiety
    – No more high blood pressure
    – Liver encymes on my bloodwork are back to normal

    This might be the outcome of Vitamin D supplementation (including Magnesium and K2) and a ketogenic diet in combination which improved my overall health and well being a lot! 😊

    • You took 50,000 iu of vit D for a month, nothing else like being outside getting sun as extra, just asking because I also have ibs , thank you

    • ​@@yolandasilva1921 true getting out in the sun is beneficial. But if you have been following Dr. Berg, he explains why even that isn’t enough depending on what’s going in your body. Some folks are not able to make their own Vit D3 in high enough quantities with sunlight. Supplementation with D3, K2, amd the trace minerals can help improve the absorption. With ibs, you already know your gut is inflamed, so 50K IU/day for a month, should help to reduce you inflammation and soothe your gut.

    • After taking Vitamin D for a long time without magnesium , I developed a huge magnesium deficiency. Gotta watch out for that.

  10. Dr Berg, you have helped so many including myself. As of today I am down 56 pounds in just 4 months. My main source of education is this Channel. Thanks for all the hard work you put into creating amazing content.

  11. I’ve dropped 50kg’s and my doctor has taken me off my high blood pressure medication. Lift weights 5 days a week and walk minimum 10000 steps per day.

  12. I went from 295lbs to 195lbs on keto and still had elevated blood pressure. After incorporating magnesium and vitamin D, plus Hibiscus tea three times a day my blood precious significantly improved

    • @@haygurl3978 I’ve taken magnesium glycinate and magnesium taurate, both are considered the best formulations for their specific purposes.

      • Magnesium glycinate is ideal for improving sleep, reducing anxiety, and easing muscle tension.

      • Magnesium taurate is especially good for cardiovascular health, managing blood pressure, and supporting the nervous system.

    • @@godesofdnyte Also consider drinking a potent cup of hibiscus tea three times a day, as it is widely known for its positive effects on lowering blood pressure.

  13. I had high blood pressure for years, I started intermittent fasting, stopped all sugars, and supplemented with all the vitamins Dr. Berg suggested to help with psoriasis and it worked, but to my surprise my BP went to normal..I was floored and excited..

  14. You are absolutely right , I’ve gone through all different doctors to try to find out the cause of my high BP, but no one cares , I went to a hyper tension clinic ,and all they did was change my meds, I asked about the lack of Vit D, could I get tested , their answer was , it has nothing to do with it , it was my old age., thank you for educating us so we can be advocates for our own health , if we relied on these so called experts , we would die at an early age !

  15. Having had HBP for last few years I started carnivore diet …and my blood pressure went back to normal within 5 days!

  16. One thing that I’d like to share is Sleep Apnea.. there’s a lot of people who have it and don’t know they do.. if you feel tired during the day or even if you have High Blood Pressure.. you should take a Sleep Apnea test.. it can literally save your life.. while you sleep you stop breathing and your body fights to save your life and start breathing again… and that affects your heart so much..leading to High Blood Pressure..

    • Possibly. But the dress around here would put 95% of people on those sleeping mask. I think they are majorly abusing this

  17. I am an Indian living in the USA, and I want to express my gratitude for your videos. They’ve been a great help to my family and me and every video you have made is GOLD!

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