A/Prof. Sarah Zaman – ‘Ketogenic Diet in the Management of People with Heart Failure’

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Associate Professor Sarah Zaman is an Academic Interventional Cardiologist at Westmead Hospital and the Westmead Applied Research Centre, University of Sydney, Australia. Sarah has been recognised as a national leader in academic cardiology as recipient of the prestigious National Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellowship and NSW Elite Post-doctoral Grant. She has also been recognised internationally within interventional cardiology; having been selected from a world-wide application process to the SCAI-ELM Fellowship.

A/Prof Zaman has a PhD from the University of Sydney, targeting prevention of sudden cardiac death. She leads a Women’s Heart Disease Research Program at the University of Sydney focused on healthcare inequities in heart attack care for women and female-predominant cardiac conditions, such as spontaneous coronary artery dissection. She leads clinical studies and has more than $2 million in competitive grant funding.

A/Prof. Zaman is regularly invited to national/international interventional scientific meetings and organises the Australian/New Zealand Endovascular Therapies scientific sessions and Essential Percutaneous Intervention Course. A/Prof Sarah Zaman is an active advocate for women in cardiology, having co-founded the Women in Cardiology groups for Australia/New Zealand.

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10 responses to “A/Prof. Sarah Zaman – ‘Ketogenic Diet in the Management of People with Heart Failure’”

  1. When I was diagnosed with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in 2019, I had already been diagnosed with heart failure, having an ejection fraction of 35%. After adopting a ketogenic diet and losing some weight I was able to begin exercising again. Fast forward to 2024, my liver is completely healed and my ejection fraction is 60%. Today I eat a carnivore diet and am stronger and healthier than I have been in decades. I am 77 years old and see an open-ended future.

  2. It’s so refreshing to see a cardiologist on our side. I tried to discuss the dietary issues with my specialist – he said he couldn’t help and that he wasn’t a nutritionist!

  3. At age 60, I was diagnosed with diastolic failure, 35% EF, inverted T wave, immobile septum, mitral regurgitation, and CAC 177 and increasing. I declined traditional care in favor of self-care. I started plant keto, drifted to animal keto, and then mostly carnivore as I remain today. Today, 7 years later, my EF is 55%, T wave normal, all other heart metrics normal, and falling CAC of 133. And my kidneys improved as well. At age 60, I was diagnosed with diastolic failure, 35% EF, inverted T wave, immobile septum, mitral regurgitation, and CAC 177 and increasing. I declined traditional care in favor of self-care. I started plant keto, drifted to animal keto, and then mostly carnivore as I remain today. Today, 7 years later, my EF is 55%, T wave normal, all other heart metrics normal, and falling CAC of 133. And my kidneys improved as well.

  4. Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation here. After one year as a carnivore my cardiologist has taken me off of both of my medications, Metropol and Flecanide. I’m down to only seeing him once a year now. He said “You’ve done more to heal yourself than anything I could have done for you”.
    My cardiologist knows I’m a carnivore and praises what it has accomplished in my health.
    It’s not just that my AFib has been reversed but I’ve also healed my Crohn’s disease and IBS as well as many
    other issues.
    Carnivore heals.

  5. Go easy on the whole test, test, test methodology.
    If you’re healthy why test at all apart from how you feel.

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