Take This IMMEDIATELY after a Stroke

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Learn the signs of a stroke and what to do if you have a stroke.


0:00 Introduction: Recovering from a stroke
0:25 Strokes explained
0:55 How to identify a stroke
1:40 The best nutrient to take if you have a stroke
5:27 The biggest cause of vitamin E deficiency
5:38 Foods high in vitamin E
6:05 Stroke prevention
7:28 Learn more about tocotrienols!

Today, we’re going to talk about what to do if you have a stroke and the best nutrient to support stroke recovery.

Mini-strokes have symptoms that aren’t permanent. But severe strokes can leave permanent damage. If you have a mini-stroke, the odds of you having a severe stroke are pretty high.

Warning signs of a stroke:
• Loss of balance
• Blurry vision
• One side of the face starting to droop
• Arm or leg weakness
• Speech difficulty

If you experience these symptoms of a stroke, it’s crucial to call an ambulance as soon as possible. There is a certain medication that can help you if you can get it fast enough.

There is also a type of vitamin E called alpha-tocotrienol that may be beneficial. All it takes is a very small amount of this nutrient to help prevent glutamate-induced brain cell death.

If you start noticing stroke symptoms, you may also want to take alpha-tocotrienol as quickly as possible or use it during your stroke recovery.

Tocotrienols may help prevent a stroke, help prevent damage during a stroke, and support recovery after a stroke.

Tocotrienols are also very powerful for many other health conditions. Vitamin E, in general, is necessary to allow omega-3 fats to work in the brain.

One of the top causes of vitamin E deficiency is a diet high in refined grains. Or, you might not be consuming enough vitamin E. But keep in mind that it isn’t easy to get vitamin E from food.

Natural ways to help prevent a stroke:
• Consume garlic
• Get on the ketogenic diet
• Avoid consuming sugar
• Take omega-3 fatty acids and avoid omega-6 fatty acids
• Exercise regularly



Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! Consider having tocotrienols on hand to take at the first signs of a stroke. I’ll see you in the next video.

58 responses to “Take This IMMEDIATELY after a Stroke”

  1. There is a problem with getting the medicine after having a stroke.

    Having had two small strokes and three minor stokes I was never given the post stroke medicine.

    The problem is you get to the hospital and admitted as an emergency patient. You have wait for the doctor to get to you. The doctor will not issue you the medicine until you get an MRI. You wait to be taken down to the MRI. Once there you have to wait for all the patients in front of you to get their MRI. This includes non emergency scheduled MRIs. After that you wait to get taken back to the emergency room where you wait for the doctor to get around to you. This process has always exceeded the four hour limit to receive the stroke medication.

    Stroke patients are not given the ER priority they need.

    • I’ve had family members experience strokes and yes, unfortunately this happens in hospitals, beyond frustrating 😞

    • Happened to me with a TIA, too. I had to have 3 MRIs because the first two had artifacts on the scan. I had the classic stroke symptoms (slurred speech, one-sided facial paralysis, strong headache) and was taken to an ER that specializes in stroke and heart attacks. I knew the classic symptoms AND was sitting in front of a Dr within 1 hour of symptoms coming on. I was seen right away, so that was not an issue, but I was not given anything as a preemptive treatment.

  2. Dr. Berg, How I wish I had seen this video years ago when my mom had her major stroke. Seeing her decline after the stroke was/is life shattering. It rendered her completely reliant on others-her worse nightmare. She was medicalized for three years and it was the saddest! I knew more could be done, but was asking questions of the wrong people ! So, thank you for this information Dr. Berg. This, and all the information you share is so very important, and I’m so very grateful for it. My mother can’t be helped, but everyone else around me can, given this information.

    • This is horrific if this happens to a dear one. Years ago in early 80s there were no MRI scans no CT scans, just normal treatment that basically relied on self recovery. I also wish medicine was that advanced in those times so that we could save our dearest ones who were struck by this.

    • @Elise Meola I’m so sorry to hear that hun. Now I understand completely why you said what you said. 😓 my deepest apologies for misunderstanding!

  3. Warning signs of a stroke:
    • Loss of balance
    • Blurry vision
    • One side of the face starting to droop
    • Arm or leg weakness
    • Speech difficulty

    Tocotrienols may help prevent a stroke, help prevent damage during a stroke, and support recovery after a stroke.

    Natural ways to help prevent a stroke:
    • Consume garlic
    • Get on the ketogenic diet
    • Avoid consuming sugar
    • Take omega-3 fatty acids and avoid omega-6 fatty acids
    • Exercise regularly

    Thank you Dr Berg! 🐱👍🏿

  4. I was having mini strokes for years and didn’t know I was until my husband saw my eyes twitching and pulled over to a fire department that took me to the hospital ( I didn’t think I needed to go) after CT scan had a huge tumor in my head. I have had memory issues and sometimes people look at me weird because I can be hard to understand. It’s frustrating to say the least but lucky to be alive. My neurologist said I had probably been having TIAs for 10 yrs. I had memory and forgetfulness for yrs, such as looking at a straw and not remembering the word straw and calling it a sippy upper thing. My kids and husband called it “Wendy language “

  5. Good morning Dr Berg . Thank you for all you do for your viewers it’s much appreciated. I wish you and your family Gods blessings have an amazing holiday love , light and health to all your viewers and SHALOM to all❤❤❤🙏🏼

  6. Thank you for this most important information. What I was specifically listening for, should one take the Tocotrienol version of Vit E on a daily basis to prevent a stroke? While I feel I’m doing the best possible thing for my body by being on Keto/OMAD, my biggest fear is a stroke. Your thoughts?
    BTW, wishing you & your family a very Merry Christmas!!

  7. Given the massive uptick in adverse reactions of the nervous system from the mRNA jab, this video may be more helpful than even Dr. Berg realizes.

    • I’m caring for someone who had everything on this list except one side of their face didn’t droop. Over a year later they are going to physical therapy to get their balance back. Their eyesight changed drastically and they had to get a major change in the prescription.

    • I agree with this comment fully but also Covid is a bio-weapon. It can change depending on your genes, enviornment…… China hares everyone but themselves and when I say CHINA, I mean the government and not the poor citizens who has been brainwashed by tyranny

  8. It all seems to center around nutrition and taking the right vitamins.
    All such useful information–thank you!🖤
    So glad that I started taking better care of myself–these issues run in our family.

  9. This needs to go viral!
    We are the prey and the likelihood of a stroke is more common than not especially since our bodies have become pin cushions.
    Thank you Dr.Berg you’re a GOD sent one love ❤️.

  10. I needed this video when my mom had her stroke in October 2021. It was a mini stroke but since then her balance has been off. when she walks, she feels wobbly, as if she’s not walking in a straight line and is about to collapse sideways. Her motor functions are “OK”. Dr, will this video’s recommendations still work a year after that stroke??? Thank you in advance.

    • Regardless if it was a year or more, continue to have your Mom in treatment. Physical, Occupational, and Vestibular Therapy do help. Also, make sure she is mindful of what she eats. Low Carb will help to prevent her from having another Stroke. Basically a healthy lifestyle.

    • If she had an mrna shot, need to neutralize the constant production of the spikes in her body. It us still attacking her organ sp heart if she never had it neutralize. If no shots, she can go ahead doing all Dr berg suggested.

  11. As a child i saw both grandparents have strokes, after seeing how it happens ( i called the ambulance as i was only other in the house) There is NO way you would be able to administer med on you own, you wouldnt be able to open a cupboard, or the bottle. I managed somehow to give my grandad asprin, i couldnt understand what he was saying as speech gone but i could see what he was reaching for, he got it down and saved his life, he did die a few months later though.

  12. The comment section is sad to hear, I feel bad about what I’m about to ask. I had a major stroke, 2 three inch clots were removed and a stent put in 27 July of this year. Six hours from incident to angio. No clue what caused it, no aneurysms, no vaccine of unknown origin lol. I had been eating a lot more fish this year and that may have been a major role in my recovery. I walked out of the hospital after three days. My left side is still firing, ice is painful, hot water feels like fire and food tastes like chemicals. It’s getting better over time but now that I’ve typed that my answer seems obvious. Of course this would help, and probably slow down or stop a future one. Now I just need to figure out a way to exercise that doesn’t cause bruising on Brilinta. Losing allot of weight ( combo of atorvastatin and hating food right now?) and starting to lose muscle mass. 205 to 165lbs since July. Gallbladder was feeling crampy so I started taking the ox Bile Salts hopefully I’m not countering or nullifying the statin for cholesterol. Sorry to ramble love your videos, got some of my kids and wife watching too. Super helpful.

    • Do you Exercise daily? As in 20-30 minutes of some kind of routine that makes you breathe heavy and sweat? You have to breathe heavy and sweat otherwise you’re not getting the maximum benefit of triggering the right response from the body. I can do this with simple jumping jack in slow motion believe it or not making it low impact for my joints. Weights in my hand when they get too easy.

    • Atorvastatin caused the muscle loss. In the medical insert, it tell you all the side effects from taking this statin. Here are a few of them:
      Loss of appetite.
      Weight loss.
      Increase BP.
      Increase Cholesterol.
      Liver and Kidney damage
      Hair loss.
      Brain fog.
      That just a few.
      I ween myself off of it, because it did not help me at all.
      IMPORTANT: your doctor should check your liver every 3 months, for damage.
      Also when you go to the doctor, monitor yourself. Some places still use the infra red thermometer. What I absolutely found out, when it was used on ME ( on my forehead), I experienced tackicardia, which made my BP go up. When checked on my wrist, everything was normal.

    • 1960, I don’t know who you are addressing your question to, but I didn’t get it. I had 5 major strokes. The doctor’s were puzzle how I survived. I tell everyone who had a stroke. Get plenty of rest, take it slow, remember you know your body better than anyone, reading help with memory and writing help with spelling.

  13. I’m 26 and suffered a young pontine stoke this month…. 😞 I’m really scared when dr said another major stoke may occur in 1 out of 5 people within a year after having a minor one…..NEED TO TAKE THIS VIDEO SERIOUSLY

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