7 Surprised Magnesium Benefits You Don’t Know

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You probably know magnesium supports the heart, but did you know about these other surprising health benefits of magnesium? Check this out!

Check out Dr. Berg Magnesium Glycinate here: 🛒 OR


0:00 Introduction: Magnesium explained
0:42 Well-known magnesium benefits
1:47 Surprising benefits of magnesium
4:53 Magnesium RDAs
5:04 The best source of magnesium
5:14 Other foods high in magnesium
5:25 Top things that deplete magnesium
6:00 The best type of magnesium supplement
6:10 Learn more about magnesium!

Let's talk about the health benefits of magnesium.

Magnesium is a fascinating and important mineral that's involved in over 350 enzymes in the body. Enzymes speed up the chemical reactions in the body, and they don't deplete their energy in the process.

Well-known benefits of magnesium:
• It supports the heart
• It may help with muscle cramping
• It supports sleep
• It may help reduce anxiety
• It may help promote relaxation
• It supports the flexibility of the arteries
• It may help with headaches
• It may help with problems related to the nerves and muscles

Surprising benefits of magnesium:
1. It may help regulate LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increase HDL

2. It helps make ATP (energy in the body)

3. It helps regulate adrenaline, cortisol, and ACTH—and counters oxidative stress from these hormones

4. It's involved in enzymes related to lecithin (the antidote to cholesterol)

5. It's a natural calcium channel blocker, beta blocker, and antithrombotic

6. It helps regulate blood sugar levels

7. It's involved in making DNA

Many people don't consume enough magnesium, which can cause a magnesium deficiency and lead to various health issues.

Magnesium-rich foods:
• Foods high in chlorophyll (dark leafy green vegetables)
• Nuts and pumpkin seeds
• Dark chocolate (sugar-free)
• Sea kelp
• Avocado
• Low-sodium sea salt

Here are the top things that can cause you to become magnesium deficient:
• Refined sugar and refined carbs
• Alcohol
• Diuretics
• Diarrhea
• Low stomach acid
• Certain gene variations

The type of magnesium supplement I would take, if needed, is magnesium glycinate.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you better understand the interesting health benefits of magnesium. I'll see you in the next video.

40 responses to “7 Surprised Magnesium Benefits You Don’t Know”

  1. I take only about 100mg of magnesium glycinate per day before bed. I found when I take more, I feel weird. Also, my levels are perfect via blood test.

  2. We need a video covering the types of magnesium and their individual benefits. There are so many on the market, oxid magnesium citrate magnesium, marine magnesium, bisglycinate magnesium, etc.

  3. Magnesium glycerinate has really saved me when it comes to the aches associated with hip bursitis. I have had hip and knee pain for 11 years due to years of running. -my doctor suggested this for joint stiffness- and also it does help me sleep. 👍🏻

  4. Dr. Berg, i cannot even begin to thank you enough for these videos!! You have helped me so much to recognize what my body so obviously needs!!

  5. Thank you Dr Berg.
    Could you please make a video about Lyme disease? Has there been any new information about it since you last approached it?

  6. Again, thanks for an excellent review. I believe there are another two significant causes of magnesium deficiency that should be noted. I believe the chronic use of PPI’s inhibit magnesium absorption and will result in whole body magnesium depletion with chronic use. I am not certain if oral magnesium supplements will reverse this as long as the PPI use continues. The second cause is the high consumption of “cola soft drinks” where the ingested benzoic and phosphoric acid may impair magnesium absorption.

  7. (Dr Berg recommends Magnesium Glycinate 310-420mgday)
    Well-known benefits of magnesium:
    • It supports the heart
    • It may help with muscle cramping
    • It supports sleep
    • It may help reduce anxiety
    • It may help promote relaxation
    • It supports the flexibility of the arteries
    • It may help with headaches
    • It may help with problems related to the nerves and muscles

    Surprising benefits of magnesium:
    1. It may help regulate LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increase HDL

    2. It helps make ATP (energy in the body)

    3. It helps regulate adrenaline, cortisol, and ACTH—and counters oxidative stress from these hormones

    4. It’s involved in enzymes related to lecithin (the antidote to cholesterol)

    5. It’s a natural calcium channel blocker, beta blocker, and antithrombotic

    6. It helps regulate blood sugar levels

    7. It’s involved in making DNA

    Thank you Dr Berg! 🐱👍🏿

  8. magnesium deficiency is a huge concern for most people and they don’t even realize it. From their diet and even our over used soil to grow foods can lead to it. I also believe the RDA is too low for magnesium. I been taking magnesium for over 3 decades and I sleep like a baby. On days , I don’t, my sleep is not as good. At least according to my Fitbit

  9. Opioid use is associated with decreased levels of several micronutrients, including vitamin C, potassium, selenium, zinc, calcium, MAGNESIUM, and several B vitamins. FOLATE, etc… Thank You Dr. Berg 🙂

  10. Thank you for pointing out the form of magnesium. I worked for a supplement company for years and over and over I learned how my clients were not aware of how many forms minerals come in and many times they would buy the least expensive, not knowing the difference. I spent most of my time educating my public vs selling, but I feel if you aren’t taking care of your public correctly, you shouldn’t be in a position of selling in the first place. Another area of needed knowledge is in understanding how much you can take. Because these companies are regulated by the FDA (boo!!) The amounts are ridiculously low. Ex: potassium 99 mg. I think it’s important to point out that some folks may need wayyy more depending on their own circumstances. So maybe offer websites or other where folks can learn for themselves what amounts of supplements might work better. Just my two cents. Thank you for continuing to be blessed to be a blessing for others. I thank God every day and pray for your health, your work, your happiness, and to be able to help us the way you do. You’ve definitely found your calling. 😊

  11. 🍫 For those of you asking about forms:
    – Mg Glycinate is a great all-rounder, and the glycine can help with sleep!
    – Mg Citrate has a little extra “oomf” to help with constipation
    – Mg Threonate might be best for the brain (if memory serves, there isn’t as much research on this one, though)
    – I personally do not recommend Mg Oxide

  12. Thank you very much for covering this. I’ll start taking it again. Hopefully it will help with the spasticity. You and your team are a true blessing!

  13. Thanks as always. Sandberg you are greatly appreciate it. I have a question though I just made the liver detox smoothies that you had told us about unfortunately even though I have traveled to four different stores before I could get the keeper it took until I started making the Smoothie this morning before I realize that the kefir was low-fat. But the only kefir that I could find was low-fat. So will that have the same benefits as the whole full fat smoothie? (Honestly I don’t even know if I have a fatty liver. But even though I drink a lot of water I do pee all the time so I figured this wouldn’t hurt)
    I did want to mention though that I did follow up on some things that you had said another doctor out the country I had implemented regarding people that were dealing with low Vitamin D. Unfortunately although I reached out to them I never heard anything back so this is just me implementing what I feel would be helpful for me. So that brings me to my additional question because with the amount of D3 that I started consuming I know you suggested the one thing we don’t want to do is add any calcium or whatever so with the kefir giving a form of calcium I want to know would you feel like that would be countering. I understand this is not medical advice per say we’re just on the internet talking but I figured that I would just ask your opinion on those two things

  14. I started keto about a week ago and lost 9 pounds already (probably water weight), but I was shocked at how swollen my stomach was. It’s about 3 inches smaller, if not more! Thank you for all you do, Dr. Berg!!

  15. I serendipitously discovered magnesium about seven years ago. Since I discovered it my chronic headaches went away.

  16. Im taking Magnesium Glycinate Lysinate at your advice and I noticed a huge difference immediately! My magnesium is low but within test level range so my cardiologist ignored it and tried to put me on statins. My chloresterol is only 214 keto/IF I asked him about magnesium at my visit, that why he tested it, but then ignored low magnesium and low potassium, dehydration, and I am an ileostomy patient recovering from a cerebral ischemia. Thank you Dr. Berg! Im dealing with the University of Texas Medical Branch I have to teach them something new every time I see someone. I have 26 diagnosis without you I woulldnt stand a chance of surviving all the medical mistakes they made with me

  17. Dr. Berg could you do a video on the magnesium stearate (vegetable source) used in vitamins. I watch a NP and she said not to consume supplements with magnesium stearate because it has not been studied enough for daily consumption. Saying that we truly don’t know the side effects from it. I know a lot of your vitamin/supplements have it in it. I take a number of them. I can’t see you putting something that hasn’t been studied enough in your products. Please do a video on magnesium stearate. What it is and if there is any studies. It would also be interesting to see the videos on the others fillers in you supplements. Thank you

  18. Hi Dr Berg and others here: I get nasal congestion, I believe due to Marcons (anti-biotic resistant). I have tried rinses with several compounds and learnt so far, that its better to not touch these Marcons. My last experiment was with NAC and EDTA rinses. And both ended with a month-long suffering, loss of smell, which was scary as I was worried if the dislodged/angry bacteria try to enter the brain. I wonder if there is some better solution?. I read from certain literature that maybe very low-dose EDTA nasal spraying on daily basis is better, as that maybe allows for immune system to slowly detect the bacteria so these bacteria do not have a sudden incentive to dislodge and move to other places?

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