The Mystery of GOUT Revealed

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70 percent of people with gout have high blood pressure. Learn why and find out the best natural remedies for gout.


0:00 Introduction: Gout explained
0:38 Causes of gout
1:10 The typical treatment for gout
1:49 The best natural remedies for gout
2:02 Understanding gout
4:53 Other gout remedies
7:50 Is uric acid bad or good?
9:05 Preventing gout
10:24 Learn more about potassium!

Let’s talk about gout and gout prevention.

It’s been found that there is no correlation between levels of uric acid in the blood and gout attacks. But, we also know that the pain involved in gout attacks is due to uric acid crystal formation creating inflammation.

The main medication for gout works by inhibiting the formation of uric acid. However, it has serious potential side effects.

The top natural remedies for gout are celery seeds and tart cherries. Both of these can help inhibit the enzyme that makes uric acid in the body.

Other natural remedies to get rid of gout:
• Celery leaves
• Artichokes
• Sage
• Thyme
• Leafy greens
• Potassium
• Omega-3 fatty acids

While uric acid can be a beneficial antioxidant, some interesting data suggests that it becomes a pro-oxidant when it gets into the tissues. This makes sense because when it gets into the arteries, it can cause inflammation and lead to problems like high blood pressure—and when it gets into the joints, it can cause inflammation and lead to problems like gout.

Nitric oxide is beneficial for both the cardiovascular system and gout. Gout patients experience a lot of inflammation, free radical damage, and oxidative stress—and they need nitric oxide to help counter these things.

Nitric oxide can also help regulate the enzyme that makes uric acid and can suppress certain triggers of gout attacks.

Potassium is also important for gout patients because it increases nitric oxide in a potent way.

Ways to help prevent gout:
1. Increase your potassium intake
2. Decrease your sodium
3. Eat foods that increase nitric oxide (celery leaves, tart cherries, leafy greens)
4. Avoid fructose and sugar
5. Support your kidneys (Renafood)

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! Give these natural remedies for gout a try. I’ll see you in the next video.

42 responses to “The Mystery of GOUT Revealed”

  1. *Historically Gout was always related to high sugar intake – via wines and other sweet-cakes & delicacies*
    By the 1700’s Gout became more of a problem -where it was called the _’King’s disease’_ or the ‘disease of the rich’.
    Gout began to rise as sugar intake increased. Eventually – middle classes & even the poor – started to suffer from gout.. ————❤

    • @JennyC don’t add sugar to coffee, foods.. fruits contain sugar like cherries. bananas- eat it green before it fully ripens. Have been using green banana flour for breads, does not require sugar
      raw carrots, don’t cook it. watch sugar vids by Dr Berg, Gundry

    • Leto diet does increase my gout issues. Also one of my triggers is dark beers. I can drink two or three and my toe will be hurting the next day

  2. Another superb presentation.
    I suffered from gout and was told I’d be on Allopurinol for life so decided to do something about. Knew I was eating large amounts of Mackerel and stopped immediately and so did the gout. Also things like Marmite and meat extracts. If Allopurinol does not work than it has to be Colchicine. Strangely when I had gout my blood pressure was normal but now I’m gout free my blood pressure is high!

  3. A friend of mine suffers from gout, I will send him this video. Thank you Dr. Berg for sharing all these valuable information with the public for free!

  4. I suspect that what brings about the conditions for gout to manifest is Lactic Acidosis.
    Your thoughts on that Dr Berg would be interesting.
    Thanks for all the very helpful videos.

  5. Celery, Celery, and more Celery. It was February last year (2022) when I was suffering with gout, and I also had a fatty liver or (toxic liver). I came across a Dr. Bergs video of Celery benefits. I started drinking Celery juice every morning 1 cup. My gout was gone. February 11 this year (2023), I went back to my doctor, did the blood test he told me my liver is very clean. I still drink a cup of celery juice every morning. Thank you, Dr. Berg.

    • Well that’s great to know, thank you. I was wondering how to put more celery in my diet. I have a great juice machine that’s been sitting on the shelf for years. Time to put that machine to work and make some celery juice and other juices. My liver my doctor said is in chronic condition but give no advice how to get my liver well. All the doctors I’ve been to for the last especially 24 yrs have not cared about me at all. I can’t find a decent doctor. Dr. Berg is the best ever I found and right at my fingertips. Can’t get better than Dr Berg. I had this doctor that told me I had gout and my big toe or any toes weren’t in the pain like Dr Berg describes. I believe the doctor was covering up about this shot that was bad that another doctor had put in my knees is the reason I was at the ER clinic. I was told it was a bad batch of shots but the doctor said she had one from another batch that was suppose to be from a good batch so I got one shot in the worse knee. The ER doctor blamed it on gout. The one shot caused me horrible pain for over a month. I forget what the shots were called but it was suppose to put some chicken gel from the cone of the chicken as a cushion in my knees. When I first started getting the shots they worked for about a year helping my knees. Then they changed the medicine and caused problems of only working a short period then the one shot caused me to have total pain as it must of been from the bad batch. The ER doctor covered it up that I had gout and it wasn’t the bad shot in the knee that caused all the severe pain. I didn’t have gout at all.

    • @Lindy Kaz wow. I can tell you that good PT is hard to come by too corrective exercise is what we all need. There’s are Bergman and a dr Ekberg as well.. Funny. the knees over toes guy and Bob and Brad and Brendan Fox. Put some parsley and a little apple in your juice and you’ll be hooked. Dr Bergs advice will clear your liver! Be well.

  6. Had gout about 6-7 years ago. Bad diet, drinking beers all the time. Eating pizza ect. Gout is gone now due to eating low
    Carb/keto cut way back on beers. Heard gout is really a back up of liver and kidneys due to inflammation from bad diet.

  7. My Dad had gout .I wish I knew about you Dr.Berg when my Dad had a flare-up of gout esp. on my wedding. My poor Dad still walked me down the aisle like a trooper .

  8. It seems that the triggers can be individual. The classic that they tell you is meat and shellfish, and those foods do indeed trigger flares for many. There is also research now implicating sugar and fructose as triggers, which I think is pretty huge. But, interestingly, a loved one has gout and neither of those trigger a flare directly! However, any more than one (alc) drink will! So, there are a lot of possible foods to keep your eye out for when managing this 🤔

  9. Dr berg you really are amazing, the way you help us all & educate us with all your knowledge possibly helps or prevents us getting worse thank you 🙏❤️💯

  10. Diet, adequate hydration and excercise is what keeps gout at a minimal for me. Understanding what your personal triggers are and how to avoid them is critical.

  11. My husband suffers from gout. Super fit, low carb…..I believe there could also be an autoimmune association causing flare ups. He followed “drop acid “ book. He did have high BP before going keto. No gout attacks when keto for 9 months but then they came back. Seems to flare up with stress. I think stress must lead to a cascade of hormones that leads to gout.

  12. It’s kinda funny how I haven’t had a flareup in months, but just as I started to feel tingly on my toe, this video dropped.

  13. Dr Berg Assalamu Alaikum…
    I am fifty seven and diagnosed as a heart patient five years ago but I have never taken a single pill in these five years but use organic and natural foodstuff,green natural vegetables and salads of lambsquarters,amaranth,purslane,watercrest,dandelions,mallows,woodsorrels,jaggery and goat milk and ghee…..I feel great…..I got corona but only used cinnamon,peppers,gingers,fennel seeds,kalongi,walnuts,pink salt and got recovered soon….I get infected by some kind or the other but recover with these natural gems…..I do not eat any bread at all and no hybrid or GMO vegetables or fruits….I feel great and thanks GOD(Allah SWT) for His treasure spread all around us but need to be explored……Ills and ails are condition which can be made better naturally with natural things and all medicines must be natural which creat no problem …..

  14. This channel never ceases to amaze me. Concise verifiable information.
    One of the most important sources of online health related information that I use personally and recommend to friends and family.

    Australia may be a big mess at the moment, but there is always hope and something positive I can do through watching many of the videos on this channel.
    (I dont normally promote YouTube channels as a whole, but Dr Berg’s approach to detail and common sense is elite in my opinion)

  15. I have read that beets were also a great source of nitric oxide. Also, increasing water intake, as well as all other essential minerals, and the D3 K2 combo to lower free floating calcium, and as you said lowering suger intake, and those things that like to crystallize. You are the best Dr Berg.
    Everyone remember today, and all the fridays of Lent are supposed to be days of fasting and prayer.
    Think gout sufferers might be surprised at increasing clean water intake, with all the essential vitamins and minerals, while fasting should break up crystals that have already formed.

  16. For me the gamechanger with my gout problems was drinking enough water… I realized I was severely dehydrated for a long time. Now I try to make sure to drink 2.5 to 3 liters of water every day. Of course I minimized drinking alcohol and eating red meat. My gout problems seem to be gone for good. It took 6 months to get rid of them.

  17. A big game changer for me when I got hit by a gout attack was apple cider vinegar. Within 2 days it got better and disappeared after one week. Now I have made a habit of drinking 1 glass water with 3 tablespoons of ACV. Never had a problem with gout again.

  18. This is so true about nitric oxide..I noticed this when I took this and it also clears up your skin and is great for workout recovery and muscle growth..Great connecting the dots with the advise of using Potassium and Nitric Oxide…Dr Berg gave me so many “Eureka” and “Aha” moments I truly lost count lol. Saying thanks still leaves us with a debt to you.. 😊

  19. Dr Berg, I have gout and I can feel it when my Uric acid level is high because of my big toe discomfort. I made this smoothie that you suggested in one of your videos, 2 cups of kale+ 1cup blueberries+ 1cup of full fat Kefir+ 1 cup water. I also started taking vitamin D and magnesium before bed which has really helped me sleep better as you suggested. A week later, I noticed the pain in my toe was gone. I had a complete physical last week, my uric acid level was completely normal. I’m not sure if it’s the smoothie or the magnesium supplement but I’m ecstatic!! Thank you so much Dr Berg!!!

  20. I have gout and my father had gout. Peanuts almost always will trigger my gout and then any sugars compound it. Trying to stay more hydrated and aware of triggers. Thanks Dr. Berg for your insights.

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