A Simple Test for Low Stomach Acid

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A deficiency in stomach acid can lead to a myriad of health issues. Try this test to see if you have low stomach acid.

Videos on B12 Deficiency:

0:00 Introduction: Stomach acid deficiency
0:15 The best tests for low stomach acid
2:25 Stomach acid deficiency symptoms
2:40 Atrophic gastritis
3:06 Atrophic gastritis symptoms
8:20 Atrophic gastritis causes and remedies
10:55 Learn more about low HCL!

Today I’m going to cover the best tests for low stomach acid and what to do for a deficiency in stomach acid.

The best tests for a stomach acid deficiency:
1. Riddler’s gastric acid reflux point test
Press on your rib cage one inch below your breastbone and one inch to the left. If the area is tender, you may lack stomach acid.

2. The baking soda test
Dissolve 1/4 tsp. of baking soda in eight ounces of water and drink it in the morning before eating. If you don’t have enough acid in your stomach, you may start burping after one to five minutes.

3. The betaine hydrochloride test
Take one betaine hydrochloride supplement before eating, and add more with each meal. If you have low stomach acid, your symptoms will be relieved.

Symptoms of low stomach acid (low hydrochloric acid):
• Indigestion
• Gas
• Bloating
• Acid reflux

Another common problem people experience as they age is called atrophic gastritis.

Symptoms of atrophic gastritis:
• Mucosal atrophy
• Low hydrochloric acid
• Low B12 or folate
• Low iron
• Intolerance of red meat
• Indigestion
• Gas
• Cognitive decline
• Brittle nails
• Restless legs
• Thinning hair
• Acid reflux
• Muscle cramps or muscle twitches
• Rosacea
• Bad breath

Common causes of atrophic gastritis:
1. H. pylori
What to do:
• Consume sulforaphane

2. Low hydrochloric acid
What to do:
• Take betaine hydrochloride
• Take methylcobalamin and methylfolate

In some cases, you may need to fix the inflammation in your gut before you increase your stomach acid. You can do this by consuming cabbage juice, wheatgrass juice powder with water, zinc, and probiotics. It’s also important to get on a Healthy Keto® diet.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! Give one of these tests a try to find out if you have low stomach acid. I’ll see you in the next video.

43 responses to “A Simple Test for Low Stomach Acid”

  1. I find this very informative.. I am grateful for your commitment to health and well-being. Thanks again, Dr. Berg!

  2. Good work Dr Berg. I did get tested and it was H.pylori … I was taking betaine hydrochloride which wasn’t the best thing at the time since I didn’t know I hadn that pesky h.pylori situation. Now the doctors got me on this medication that I at first didn’t want to take for it but decided since it’s only for 14ndays I said ok

    • I also took it, but beside certain strain of probiotics since i read they increase iradication rate, and thank god it works.

  3. This is exactly what I needed this morning!!! I’ve been having acid issues and I really think this is the problem!

  4. Followed you for years Dr Berg and this advice cured my gastritis which was long standing due to poorly treated hypothyroidism. I still do b12 jabs and keep a close eye on nutrition levels but this advice saved me years of horrors from the GP prescribed Omeprazole. Thank you.

  5. Useful tests! I think these symptoms also can accompany flu or chest infection viruses; as they upset the digestive system as well. Thanks for the info Dr Berg 🌸

  6. Sharing these priceless notes from Dr Berg:

    The best tests for a stomach acid deficiency:
    1. Riddler’s gastric acid reflux point test
    Press on your rib cage one inch below your breastbone and one inch to the left. If the area is tender, you may lack stomach acid.

    2. The baking soda test
    Dissolve 1/4 tsp. of baking soda in eight ounces of water and drink it in the morning before eating. If you don’t have enough acid in your stomach, you may start burping after one to five minutes.

    3. The betaine hydrochloride test
    Take one betaine hydrochloride supplement before eating, and add more with each meal. If you have low stomach acid, your symptoms will be relieved.

    Symptoms of low stomach acid (low hydrochloric acid):
    • Indigestion
    • Gas
    • Bloating
    • Acid reflux
    • GERD

    Another common problem people experience as they age is called atrophic gastritis.

    Symptoms of atrophic gastritis:
    • Mucosal atrophy
    • Low hydrochloric acid
    • Low B12 or folate
    • Low iron
    • Intolerance of red meat
    • Indigestion
    • Gas
    • Cognitive decline
    • Brittle nails
    • Restless legs
    • Thinning hair
    • Acid reflux
    • Muscle cramps or muscle twitches
    • Rosacea
    • Bad breath

    Common causes of atrophic gastritis:
    1. H. pylori
    What to do:
    • Consume sulforaphane

    2. Low hydrochloric acid
    What to do:
    • Take betaine hydrochloride
    • Take methylcobalamin and methylfolate

    In some cases, you may need to fix the inflammation in your gut before you increase your stomach acid. You can do this by consuming cabbage juice, wheatgrass juice powder with water, zinc, and probiotics. It’s also important to get on a Healthy Keto® diet.

    Thank you Dr Berg! 🐱👍🏿

    • ​@someone other than myself The second test in the video (baking soda) is described incorrectly. 😅

    • once again sir @fidel catsro thank you for summing it all up,
      and a big big thanks for Dr. Berg for this enfo,
      been suffering this types of symptoms,
      i hope i could fix mine too someday

    • ​​@someone other than myself

      test 2 (baking soda):
      (01:00 to 01:30)
      burp means stomach acid low
      no burp means stomach acid is good

      test 3 (betaine hydrochloride):
      (01:30 to 02:00)
      burp means stomach acid is good
      no burp means stomach acid low

      Do i have to keep meowing this over and over again?

  7. 3 key points with Tammy AI 💊💊💊💊💊
    0:00: 👩‍⚕ There are tests to determine if you have low stomach acid and atrophic gastritis is a common condition that causes low stomach acid.
    4:15: 💊 Low stomach acid can lead to deficiency in B12, folate, and iron, as well as other symptoms.
    8:51: 👨‍⚕ Low stomach acid can be caused by H pylori bacteria and inflammation, and can be treated with natural remedies like sulforaphane and betaine hydrochloride.

  8. OMG, No wonder Dr Berg has over 10 million followers!! There’s no one who is doing this. Not even most doctors. Dr. Berg, I just came from my doctor yesterday because I have ALL the symptoms you’ve mentioned. My doctor told me not to drink coffee, milk and eat spicy foods and it will go away… my hair is falling out and my nail is extremely brittle and have roscea. I used to have perfect skin! and most importantly, I’m extremely tired 😫 😩. How long do does it take to fix my inflammation??? can i still take apple cider vinegar & lemon juice on an empty stomach?? I think stress brought on low HCL acid?? or could it be I have auto immune disease? I’m so miserable!! 😞😩😢 Can you please help me further instructions to correct my stomach problem? Thank you so much!! 💋💋🙏🙏

    • So sorry to hear that Christy. There may be other issues with your health that cause these symptoms – but very often a lot of these complaints can be succesfully addressed by switching over to intermittent fasting – giving the body rest time to heal properly. I would advise to start off your journey to healing with this step.

    • Hi Christy… I know what you are saying… I’d just recommend to start with what Dr. Berg is saying in this lesson, change lifestyle habits, it all takes time, but have patience and keep listening to Dr. Berg’s videos. I thank God for sending him to us. We have all done so many things wrong during our life time, but now we know.. now we can start doing as best as we can with what we have.

    • Only one I know as great as Dr.Eric Berg channel is Dr.Ken Berry. There is a Indian doctor think his name is Jamnadas. He is intelligent on this topic as well. From what I’ve seen for the most part they all agree as far as the Keto Lifestyle & intermittent diet.

  9. Thank you Dr Berg for these videos. So important to understand what is happening with our bodies and gain knowledge on them. Low stomach acid seems to be a huge factor in digestion and the cause of many gut problems which in turn affects our emotional wellbeing too.

  10. This is a PERFECT follow up to yesterday’s video. I mentioned Roemheld Syndrome as a big problem to the heart rate increase as it relates to the gut. I have had awful acid reflux for a long time. I finally did come across these tests and it was indicative of low acid. I do a tablespoon of ACV twice a day and it helps A LOT. I use the Fairchild’s you mentioned in a separate video. I couldn’t find it in my area so I had to order it. But it’s worth it to have the undiluted stuff. Thanks for all you do!

  11. Sorry Dr. Berg ! I only have a slight modification here. In the baking soda test, you should burp within 1-5 minutes of drinking the baking soda to make sure you have enough stomach acid not the opposite. As I always say, you are the gift from God to all human beings.❤❤❤

    • ​@Omar El Bishlawy at 1:57 of the video, Dr Berg described baking soda test again and at this time stamp, it is accurate. I believe there are some errors in the video editing that’s causing the confusion.

      Stomach acid is acidic. Baking soda is alkaline. If a person has enough stomach, the burp will happen within 1-5 mind (sometimes even within less than a minute). Cheers. I am no expert. Dr Berg is the expert here. 🙏🙂

    • I agree. I have read several articles on this and my understanding is no burp within 3-5 mins (depending on the article you read) means low stomach acid. While a burp would within 3-5 mins would indicate adequate stomach acid. This makes sense when you think what happens when you add baking soda to an acid like vinegar. It releases co2 gas which in your stomach would cause a burp. But if you dont have enough acid in the reaction then not enough co2 to cause the burp.

    • Yes, I was going to point this out too! This is a big mistake. It’s a chemical reaction to the stomach acid that makes you burp.

    • Agreed, I think Dr Berg made a mistake here… all other sources say if you don’t burp within 1-5mins it means your stmach acid is low

  12. Hi Dr Berg! Thanks for your hard work! Would be nice to hear from you anything about vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss.

  13. I am a new believer in the Betaine hcl. It has stopped my acid reflux. I am still working out logistics of using and in the healing process of my poor stomach, but i have had a great deal of improvement. Thanks Dr. Berg❤

  14. Have been on meds for GERD for 2 years and decided to do research on causes and how to cure it naturally. Added 1 capsule of Betaine HCL to each meal and my reflux, bad breath, upset stomach are basically gone. Did the baking soda test this morning after watching this. Yep, belching started almost immediately. I am better informed now so when I go for my 1 year GI doctor visit, I can say, “ no more Pantoprazole! “

  15. Dr Berg ! You are doing a fine work. Your knowledge is reaching to all corners of the world. Can’t thank you enough.

  16. Thank you Dr Berg for your this video, I have been suffering from low stomach acid for more than a year without realizing it. And I had just started taking betaine HCL, i am feeling much better as the day goes by. I am doing keto ( about 4.5yrs) with about 5% carbs , I am also doing OMAD yet I have to take about 2 pills of metformin(850gm)to
    control my blood sugar. I am suspecting that the elevated blood sugar is caused by the very low stomach acid in me.

  17. Hello Dr Berg. Could you do a series about digestion without a gallbladder? My Sister had her gallbladder removed when she was young. She’s middle age an having difficulties with eating cleaner and fasting. I was wondering if any of your insights could make her good health journey more fruitful. Thank you for all your good work!

  18. Wow! Every time I’m needing a health question or concern answered. Here goes God using Dr. Berg again and again and again!😂🤗👏🙏💜🌞🌈Thank you so much for your dedication and sacrifice. I greatly appreciate it!

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