The 4 Mistakes People Make with Drinking Lemon Water (and Juice)

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Learn more about the benefits of lemons and the top mistakes people make when consuming lemon water.

Video on Oxalates, Gout, and Kidney Stones

0:00 Introduction: Lemon water
0:14 Lemon water benefits
2:28 Top mistakes when consuming lemon water
6:02 Learn more about lemon juice!

Let’s talk about lemon juice and how to avoid common mistakes when consuming it.

It’s important to avoid pasteurized lemon juice because the heat used can destroy some of the benefits. Instead, consume lemon juice squeezed from organic lemons or blend whole organic lemons.

Top potential benefits of lemons and limes:
• They can help reduce kidney stones
• They’re high in vitamin C and may help reduce the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency and scurvy
• They have an antihistamine effect
• They have anti-fungal properties
• They can help reduce uric acid
• They can help increase iron absorption

Top mistakes people make when consuming lemon juice:
1. Drinking it right before a meal
What to do:
• Consume lemon water at least a half hour before you eat.

2. Not diluting it with water and not using a straw
What to do:
• Dilute your lemon juice with water and drink it through a straw.

3. Drinking it if you have an ulcer or gastritis
What to do:
• Lemon water will cause a burning sensation in this situation. Avoid anything acidic if you have an ulcer or inflammation in the stomach.

4. Drinking it if you have alkalosis
What to do:
• Lemon juice can worsen the symptoms of alkalosis and should be avoided in this situation.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the common mistakes people make when drinking lemon water. I’ll see you in the next video.

67 responses to “The 4 Mistakes People Make with Drinking Lemon Water (and Juice)”

  1. I’m drinking juice from half a lemon and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar every day with water.. It does wonders.

    • @Nenita Hortillosa I have a 32oz water jug thingy that I fill. I put a half a lemon and a couple tablespoons of ACV. I drink that throughout the day. Start in morn after breakfast. Just refill water when the container gets low. Drink with straw. I like the taste of acv, so it doesn’t bother me at all. ❤️

    • Same me.. as sugestied once by Dr Berg… sparkling mineral water 2 spoons of ACV 2 spoons of freshly squeezed lemon and lime juice, plus some hymalayan salt.. should I change this habit which seems to be working okay? 😮

  2. Good Morning, Dr Berg 🍎
    Thank you so very much for sharing this Interesting and important information with everyone, God bless you all 🙏

  3. I never thought about it being pasteurized. It looks like I’ll be buying lemons. I like the idea of grinding up the whole thing in a blender with ice and drinking it with a straw like a slushy. I may have missed it though in my mind I think a big mistake would be adding too much sugar to make it more palatable.
    I was unaware of its antihistamine and anti fungal properties. That makes it more desirable. Ty Dr. Berg❤

    • @dita4911 I recommend using organic. TBH for myself I use whatever I can find. I prefer organic yet it’s not always attainable. When I lived in Florida I took them right off the tree in the back yard. And as much as I tried to keep it organic I lived in an HOA and had to pay lawn services to weed and feed the lawn. So they definitely weren’t organic.

    • Dr. Berg has a video. Blend whole organic lemon with either a little Stevia or a cup of organic blueberries and one one cup of water.
      Put all in a blender and blend for about 30-45 seconds.
      I do this almost everyday since I saw that video.

    • Do NOT eat citrus peels folks. They are very high in oxalates which will lead to oxalate toxicity problems.

  4. I drank alcohol the other night and the next day to get rid of my hangover I drank half a lemon in warm water and it cleaned me out! Hangover gone 👍

  5. About a year and a half ago, I stumbled upon Dr Berg’s lemon water vid. I had a beer gut, haven’t exercised in over ten years and physically miserable then. Fast forward to now and after a bunch of his vids, I am now in my best shape ever (getting shredded and almost seeing my fifth and sixth pack, hee hee). I m 52 and 💪🏼now.

  6. I still remember Dr Berg’s video about his own ordeal with kidney stones 😞 Happy that you’re no longer suffer from that, and you’re there to teach us how to avoid them.

  7. Just wanted to say you are the reason I’m healthy today. I’ve learned so much from you and I am in the healthiest state I’ve ever been, both mentally and physically. If it is sore throat, sleep deprivation, blood sugar (energy level) or candida, your information made me overcome these things quite easily.

  8. What about a slice or two in your water that you sip all day? Plain water is so difficult for me to drink, the lemon slice makes it drinkable.

  9. Since watching your video on benefits of blending the whole lemon I’ve been doing that with electrolyte powder most mornings. Lots more vitamin C in the peel than in the juice.

    • Well I did keto and after 6 weeks I could hardly walk. Your statement is correct, and I still respect Dr Berg, but it is simply NOT TRUE that everybody responds in the same way.

    • @Dr. Eric Berg DC is there a way to connect with you Dr. Berg? I have non stop headaches due to burnout, have no idea how to remedy it. Have been doing 2 years of IF and recovered from hernia this way. However after taking new job now non stop headaches, what to do?

  10. I will admit that I started eating whole lemons with a little bit of xylitol before my last meal of the day. Yes, I know I shouldn’t use xylitol either but it helps. I no longer eat regular processed sugar and still noticed many changes overtime. Also, if I want a snack at night I have a couple of pieces of sliced lemon. I started having more energy, lost more water weight, and I noticed changes in my skin. I will also say I don’t drink lemon water because I’m fine with the entire lemon. In addition, I have multiple sclerosis and after starting the lemon addition, certain symptoms began to happen less often. That plus removing a lot of the fatigue has been great for me.

    Edit: After eating the lemon, I make certain to a baking soda rinse, or drink a 16 ounce bottle of water. Always. I also use a fluoride rinse if I somehow do not have baking soda. Lemon is very had on enamel so you absolutely must at the very least drink the water. This was approve by my dentist who does not like advertising things that are actually harmful. As he is on keto himself, he will even tell me which types of toothpastes and toothbrushes to use. So I trust his advice because he said his goal is to only see me every 6 months, and he wants a good record of less surgeries❤. Thank you to the commenter who reminded me that I needed to put this information here.

    • @zachocracy~ do not like raw honey, but I will try the other two. Both are at the market in the organic & unprocessed section (I just checked). Thank you! Because you reminded me of the molasses and that is something I use to eat growing up. I stopped because I couldn’t find real (homemade) when I moved. In Oregon everyone had it 😆

    • @MarO~ You made me feel a lot better, thank you. Mine happens to be birch. I found the video you were talking about and wow. I somehow missed it. I am super relived because I do not like the other types of sugar because the aftertaste makes me want to puke. But I am so happy you had written this and I found the video. I appreciate it a lot.

    • @Rumplegirlskin Excellent, I wish you the best! I mainly use Raw Honey from a local apothecary to get local immunity, and the same molasses I feed my plants.

    • @JESUS IS LORD~ I will make an edit. I am very aware and I believe a lot of people may be concerned I am not taking precautions. So I do have an added step in place.

  11. Top potential benefits of lemons and limes:
    • They can help reduce kidney stones
    • They’re high in vitamin C and may help reduce the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency and scurvy
    • They have an antihistamine effect
    • They have anti-fungal properties
    • They can help reduce uric acid
    • They can help increase iron absorption

    Top mistakes people make when consuming lemon juice:
    1. Drinking it right before a meal
    What to do:
    • Consume lemon water at least a half hour before you eat.

    2. Not diluting it with water and not using a straw
    What to do:
    • Dilute your lemon juice with water and drink it through a straw.

    3. Drinking it if you have an ulcer or gastritis
    What to do:
    • Lemon water will cause a burning sensation in this situation. Avoid anything acidic if you have an ulcer or inflammation in the stomach.

    4. Drinking it if you have alkalosis
    What to do:
    • Lemon juice can worsen the symptoms of alkalosis and should be avoided in this situation.

    Thank you Dr Berg! 🐱👍🏿

  12. I mentioned Japanese water therapy on Dr Berg video a while ago and this is what is being said here. Don’t mix fluids with solids. Leave a gap of 45 min prior to eating, after your lemon drink, and 90 mins after eating before taking more water.

  13. Wow 10 million subs !!! I’ve been a subscriber for a long time. I remember way back in the day when I watched my first Dr. Berg video. They were the only ones that provided detailed and useful info. I’m so happy to see that all your hard work and effort has paid off. You deserve it Dr. Berg.

  14. So many things I didn’t know about drinking lemon juice.. Thank you so much Dr. Berg for the treasure trove of information you never fail to share with us. I really appreciate you 🙏

  15. Dr Berg is one of my favorite YouTubers cause he’s not just fun and funny, but also very informative! 👏👏👏

  16. I’ve recently begun drinking watered down lemon juice with just a bit of stevia to mildly sweeten it. But I’ve been consuming it with my food. Oops. So thanks for bring this to our attention Dr. Berg. IMHO, you’re helping to make the world a bit better place, though it’s going to take a generation or two or three before the results are fully realized. Hopefully, by then you’ll be watching down from heaven but don’t count your chickens… 😉

  17. Thanks to watching hundreds of Dr. Berg’s videos, as well as Dr. Jason Fung’s, and strict keto I’ve gone from 265 lbs at over 30% bodyfat and diagnosed pre diabetic to 214 lbs at app 14% bodyfat in 7 months, all while gaining muscle. I turn 50 in 2 months and am in the same shape as when I was in the military.

  18. Dr. Berg..your videos have helped my health, exceedingly. I cannot say thank you enough. Since starting intermittent fasting, taking ACV, watching my blood sugar, and working out at the gym, I have lost 10 lbs. in 10 weeks! Thank you so very much! And, Your intermittent fasting videos have been Life changing! As have your videos on Oregano oil for kidney infections, you very possibly saved my life!!!! God Bless you and you family!

  19. From the studies I’ve read pasteurization only drops vitamin c a few percent, but could drop it up too around 40% if the pasteurization/shelf time are rather extreme.
    Thanks for all you do, you’ve taught me so much. Hopefully this is returning the favor a bit!

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