The #1 Thing that STOPS You From Losing Belly Fat: Not Sugar or Carbs

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 


Find out why you can’t lose belly fat. Hint: it might not be sugar!


Are there any benefits to Alcohol?

0:00 Introduction: Why can’t I lose belly fat?
1:05 The #1 thing that will stop you from losing belly fat
1:20 Is alcohol keto-friendly?
2:50 How alcohol causes belly fat
4:10 The truth about alcohol benefits
4:25 Other problems with alcohol
7:18 Action steps
9:50 Learn more about how to get rid of belly fat!

Let’s talk about why you can’t lose belly fat. If you’re exercising, doing keto and intermittent fasting, and you still can’t get rid of belly fat—this may be why.

One of the top things that will stop you from losing belly fat is alcohol consumption.

You may have heard of keto-friendly wine or that pure alcohol is keto-friendly. Pure alcohol is not a carb or sugar and doesn’t directly increase your blood sugar or insulin. However, indirectly, it can create severe insulin resistance.

Liver cells treat alcohol like poison and try to get rid of it. The toxicity of the alcohol injures the liver cells and can even kill them. During this process, you develop fat in the liver cells, which can lead to a fatty liver.

With a fatty liver, you can also experience inflammation and scarring in the liver. Chronic inflammation and scarring can then cause cirrhosis and increase your risk of liver cancer and other liver problems.

Alcohol also blocks your ability to burn fat. Don’t expect to burn fat for 48 to 72 hours after alcohol consumption. It’s a source of empty calories and depletes important nutrients.

You’ve probably heard that there are certain benefits of drinking alcohol in moderation. But, recently, they’ve found that was only a marketing tactic, and there are no benefits to drinking alcohol.

Alcohol also has negative effects on other parts of the body, including:
• The brain
• The endocrine system
• The gut microbiome
• The heart
• Estrogen production in men (increases estrogen and decreases testosterone)

It’s crucial to realize the negative effects of alcohol and consider the real reasons you’re drinking alcohol, like stress. Many natural things can help you reduce stress. If you can’t give up alcohol, try diluting it with sparkling water.

If you take milk thistle before drinking, it can help protect the liver against poison and can help support the liver. Kombucha tea with low amounts of sugar is also a great alternative to alcohol and gives you a nice, relaxed feeling.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps explain how alcohol can stop you from losing belly fat. I’ll see you in the next video.

56 responses to “The #1 Thing that STOPS You From Losing Belly Fat: Not Sugar or Carbs”

  1. I thought i needed this with the title but nope. I do not consume alcohol!! I think for me, it is stress, always pushing myself. Good luck everyone, and thank you, Dr. Berg!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  2. I found that carb cravings and alcohol cravings are just about identical. Quitting carbs made it so much easier to quit alcohol.

    • It was very same for me, and I had 6 tall boys a day and I have been off carbs and sugar for almost two months and I don’t even think about beer

    • i drink light beer almost daily and i still lose weight including belly fat while doing keto. i don’t know what DR berg is talking about. maybe it’s just the individual i don’t really know but im proof so you can’t refute me. i believe it’s HOW MUCH you drink. i drink about on averge 3 cans of light beer like Coors light or Modelo Oro a week. as for wine i drink it occasionally but in very small proportions. im still losing weight INCLUDING belly fat. my stomach is almost flat. i went from 195lbs to currently 172lbs in just 2-3months!!! KETO does work but i also drink light beer so not sure what Dr berg is talking about

  3. Alcohol also has negative effects on other parts of the body, including:
    • The brain
    • The endocrine system
    • The gut microbiome
    • The heart
    • Estrogen production in men (increases estrogen and decreases testosterone)

    Thank you Dr Berg!

  4. Dr.Berg I really want to thank you, you literally changed my life. I lost 120lbs (55kg) in the past year following all your advices on fasting and keto diet. Now is time to build muscles and get stronger. Thanks again!

  5. I quit drinking years ago, and the sugar cravings skyrocketed like crazy and never stopped. AND sugar is so much more commonplace, accepted, and forced on you at every opportunity — especially in America, and especially in the South.

    So sugar, carbs, and alcohol are basically ugly step-triplets that could (in theory) be enjoyed in extreme moderation but will actually ruin your life.

  6. Things that helped me were your data on how to fast correctly. Especially, I had no access to bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, ect. And had only access to nutrients rich foods. And your data on stress relief. Didn’t need to exercise. I could see my abs in 3 days of fasting over 18 hrs… could not believe it 😂 after years of bloating..

  7. I can attest! Started “keto” with lots of wine almost on a daily basis in 2019 – “stress reduction”. In October 2021 had a clear mammogram and in August 2022 diagnosed with breast cancer equivalent to stage III, mastectomy and radiation therapy behind me and now on heavy medication till the end of 2024 hoping to get rid of it. Of course, there are many reasons for cancer, but alcohol was the main contributor in my case, killing all organs and systems to produce, apart from other things, huge estrogen levels triggering cancer. And no, there is no “safe” amount of alcohol and the daily glass of wine “with dinner” is not necessary at all. People say that it’s difficult not to drink when with other people and to eat healthy, taking care of health preventing cancer and other deadly diseases. No it’s not difficult at all! What IS difficult is treating cancer for years, having severe side effects from chemo, radiation therapy and topical and hormonal medications, and hot flashes. Now this is really difficult! Many thanks, Dr. Berg, for this video – most people avoid taking about it and it’s a big taboo topic, even though alcohol greatly contributes to development of the most deadly diseases.

  8. I don’t drink alcohol. But I’m stopping the diet sodas. I’ve already quit the low carb energy drinks. Figure worth a shot because I’m working out more lately and I can’t budge the scale. Also, drinking these things could be an easy and fast way to Jack your system up.

    • I quit diet sodas in December, a habit I’ve had for almost 40 years. Not only do I have more money for real food, but with IF, I’ve been losing about a pound a week and I’m not even exercising. You can do it! 👍🏻

  9. I would like to mention after watching your weight loss videos, specifically intermittent fasting, I’ve been able to shed 40 pounds and maintain a wight between 127-134 and lead a healthier lifestyle that includes calisthenic workouts. Thanks a ton!

  10. Dr. Berg, this video is spot on! I have insulin resistance, fatty liver and a high BMI. I’ve been losing weight, and recently reached a plateau. Over the past few months, I noticed that after every weekend, I showed a 7-10 Lb. weight gain that took all week to get rid of.
    I go out with friends every weekend, and we have drinks with supper. After watching this video, I know why this is happening. I didn’t drink last weekend, and noticed that I didn’t gain the 7-10 Lbs. I actually started to see my scale move the other way. Because of this video, it all makes sense. Thank you again!

  11. I stopped drinking after years. I can proudly say i havent had a single drink this year and everything is just better. It is so weird that alcohol is still being pushed by companies and in TV. Cigarettes vanished from TV and it is time to do so with alcohol. Today it is still you that are weird if you are NOT drinking. Anyway sorry for the rant. TLDR stopped drinking, working out and loosing fat succesfully.

  12. Thank you so much for all that you do to get us all healthy. I was one of those heavy drinkers, for many years, and developed NAFLD. I started Keto, and had some success. I lost some weight, my BP went down, and my sugar went down. Through this, I was still drinking, in moderation. Once I stopped drinking altogether, now I am noticing subtle changes. My fasting sugars still run about 105-110, but I know it takes time. Today marks 179 days of sobriety, and I am still committed to getting healthy, and staying sober. Thanks for the help!❤

  13. Great video. Need to follow this one with one explaining that High Fructose Corn Syrup is even harder for the liver to process than alcohol, without the buzz from alcohol. So, if one doesn’t drink alcohol, their fatty liver is probably from the High Fructose Corn Syrup in their soft drinks. Love you Dr Berg. Stay safe and vigilant, some very powerful people hate Truth Tellers.

  14. I never intended to ditch alcohol but it just happened after a few years on keto 😂 the funny part that here in Mediterranean a good wine is considered a part of life so I thought that social gatherings would be a problem… it turns out nobody cares what you drink as long as everyone is happy and enjoying themselves

  15. My husband used to be a big drinker, but now rarely drinks after I explained that the body sees alcohol as a poison. I’ve known alcoholics who looked 60 when they were 40, even without the belly. If it’s doing that on the outside, imagine what it’s doing on the inside.

    • That’s why I don’t drink as often as I used to. Going on 34 soon and I look and feel like I’m in my early twenties

  16. This is me! I eat fairly well and I excersize regularly. I lost 50 pounds but then plateaued and I’ve been there for the last 3 months. I knew it was the wine and I was drinking a lot. I recently weaned myself off because while I’ve slimmed down elsewhere, I cannot get rid of this belly so I stopped. Thanks for making this video. I remember the times when I couldn’t drink for a month, my stomach started to shrink and I wasn’t even working out at those times so the wine is the culprit.

  17. From my personal experience, this fact is IRREFUTABLE.
    No matter how I gained weight on my body sometimes, I always had a washboard flat stomach — permanently. I was known for my flat stomach….until, at 37 years old, I started drinking alcohol.
    I gained 25kg in two years and for the first time in my life, I had a lower belly problem.
    Last year, I dropped 16 kg in 6 months because I stopped drinking.
    So many health channels discuss everything under the sun, but they never touch on the devastating effects of alcohol. It is some kind of enigmatic phantom that nobody wants to blame, because most people love a drink or two.

  18. This is spot on. A few years back, my wife tried to go Keto and could not lose weight. I told her it had to be all the wine she was drinking. Fast forward to today, she quit drinking cold turkey a year ago and recently tried Keto again. In 2.5 months, she’s down 20 pounds.
    None of this surprises me. Berg has it right.

  19. I need to hear this as I’m just about getting my stomach flatter. I’ve minimised alcohol a lot. During lockdown I was drinking 2 glasses a day or every other day. After my mum’s passing I continued drinking regularly until I began taking an interest in the ketogenic diet. I’ve lost 12 kilos. I now drink vodka with sparkling water 💦 once in long while. I no longer keep alcohol in the house

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