What Would Happen if You Gave Up Bread for 30 Days

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 


Is bread bad for you? I won’t tell you not to consume bread, but consider what would happen if you gave it up.


Links to Bread Recipes:

0:00 Introduction: Is bread healthy?
0:30 Negative effects of bread
0:55 Gluten explained
5:44 Gluten-free foods
6:05 Alternative bread recipes
6:18 Learn more about the healthiest bread you can eat!

Is bread keto-friendly? No. Is bread good for you? No. Let’s talk about why.

Consuming bread raises your blood sugar levels and affects the body in many negative ways. Most bread also contains glyphosate, an herbicide that can lead to many health issues.

Another big problem with bread is that it contains gluten. Gluten is a general term for a variety of proteins. These proteins are in certain grains, especially wheat.

Our bodies can’t fully digest gluten, and it’s associated with celiac disease. The great majority of people actually have a genetic problem that causes them to be gluten-intolerant.

However, a lot of people don’t notice any symptoms even though they have a genetic problem with gluten intolerance. This could be because one specific protein that’s part of the gluten complex stimulates a person’s opioid receptors.

This can mask GI symptoms from eating gluten even though the gluten is still damaging your body. Just because you’re not experiencing GI symptoms from gluten doesn’t mean it’s not affecting your body in other ways.

Other gluten side effects can include:
• Diabetes
• Hashimoto’s
• Psoriasis
• Dermatitis
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Autism
• Changes in the brain and brain function
• Heavy or irregular periods
• Erectile dysfunction

Consider not consuming bread or grains for just one month and see how you feel—I think you’ll notice a huge difference.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! Try giving up bread for 30 days, and come back to tell me how you feel in the comments. I’ll see you in the next video.

41 responses to “What Would Happen if You Gave Up Bread for 30 Days”

  1. When I discovered my gluten intolerance last year, thanks to Dr. Berg, my local doctor told me that as much as %30 of population is intolerant to gluten but I was in that %0.1 aware of it.

    • Take Nature’s Way Stinging Nettles before wheat meals for celiacs. San Luis sourdough also doesn’t react to celiacs.

    • @Dariusz Wright, many ppl who are “gluten intolerant” can digest gluten just fine when they travel to different countries.

    • My dad’s got coeliac disease so I like to act like Dad in other words be on his side and I feel so much healthier now for taking up the challenge mum has also got on board with our idea 😀

  2. Did Whole 30 a couple of years ago. 30 days eliminating grains, sugar, alcohol, dairy. Felt marvellous, lost 6kgs, sleep was amazing.
    I probably eat bread once a month now.

  3. Dr. Berg is probably one of the most evaluated YT channels ever. The anti food pyramid knowledge is definitely beautiful, and the system is most likely concerned.

  4. Thanks Doc for another great video. I have a Gluten problem so I just trying to keep bread and grains out my diet 🙃

    • Gluten goes waaaaaay beyond bread/grains. You obviously only have gluten sensitivity and not gluten disease.

    • Take Nature’s Way Stinging Nettles before wheat meals for celiacs. San Luis sourdough also doesn’t react to celiacs.

  5. DEFINITELY listen to him!! Once in a blue moon I’ll have a piece of GF bread w/eggs but I’ve not eaten bread for over 10 years and it’s one of the best choices made. Dr. Berg you are the amazing doctor of knowledge that has helped change my health/life. THANK YOU!!

    • ​@Darkspice 6eggs, fish, chicken, broccoli, asparagus, brussels sprouts, lettuce, peppers, onions, garlic, spinach, spices, beans, apples, pears, blueberries, raspberries, avocado, walnuts, almonds, sardines, salmon, tuna, tea, coffee, ……no frozen, all fresh. I’m always satisfied, never hungry, no cravings. I’ve discovered that you don’t need rice, pasta or bread to fill your stomach.

  6. New info for sure, especially when it comes to periods and bread effects on estrogen. I try to stick to keto bread at home, but always struggle to find an alternative on the go. Thanks for the info Dr Berg 🌸

  7. I have been eating pretty much like Dr Berg advises us to eat…way before I came across his channel…. And now he confirms the awesomeness of my nutritional habits even more. I gotta tell you: I am almost 56 and EVERY SINGLE PERSON who meets me for the first time thinks I am in my early 30’s…. (often 32 or 33…. Not even 35)
    So people!!!! Listen to this man. He knows what he’s talking about! 👍👍

    • @T Thow long are you going to attempt?
      If you feel a little discomfort in your stomach, ignore it and use water and even chew gum for 20minutes to distract from it.
      If you can do 14-18hour fast every day for 3-5days, you will have cracked it.
      Some of that is sleep time, the rest is best if you can be at work without taking food, just water so you have distraction.
      Eventually you will know you have unlinked your daily routine from your body’s cravings and you would get “hangry” any more and you will be free to focus and not feel lethargic.

    • @T T once you get used to it, anything else feels stupid. People are getting less and less intelligent due to stupid dietary habits. It feels good to NOT be one of the many. I’d rather be one in a million.

  8. This is great advice, Dr. Berg. I haven’t given up bread entirely yet – I still consume rye bread only once a week. But I haven’t eaten pasta or anything with gluten for a couple of months. The results are FANTASTIC. You’ll feel so light and full of energy during the entire day.

    I did a little experiment to test this. I had pasta last week to see how my body feels about it after two months of no gluten. I can tell you that it was awful, I felt so tired after it, bloated, and even a little depressed for some reason.

    • thats exactly how I would feel after eating gluten! it makes such a difference to be able to cut it out of your diet

  9. I have been without bread for 15 months on your healthy keto, and I don’t even crave bread anymore. Now that’s amazing, because I used to love bread all the time and every day I couldn’t go without it. I feel so much better now on your healthy keto plan. Thank you, Dr. Berg!!!!

    • Did you replace regular bread with keto bread? I’m trying to find a replacement because I can’t imagine giving up bread all at once.

    • I still can’t get over how many foods I no longer crave that I thought I could never give up! It’s been over 10 years since I kicked the bread habit. Congrats on eliminating it from your diet Joseph.

  10. After experimenting with all sorts of food in 2018, I learned that I felt soooo much better when eliminating bread (gluten), sweets and processed meats from my diet. Between 2018 and 2020 I had shed 85 pounds, was exercising every day and felt at the top of my game. Cravings were nonexistent and I had to remind myself to eat – LOL!! I’m not blaming the pandemic, It’s totally my own stupid fault – but somehow I have spiraled back into old habits of not only bread, but sweets, processed food, snacks, and the list goes on. Sadly, I gained ALL the weight back (and more), and feel worse than I did back in 2018. I know it’s just a matter of getting my mind in the right place to eliminate my “comfort friends” as I call them (bread, sugar, etc…) Since I’m turning 65 in January, I have decided to return to my good eating / exercise plan beginning July 1. Now that I have “said” this publicly, I must be held accountable for it – right? Fingers crossed!! Thank you Dr. Berg for ALL of your wonderful videos – I have learned a great deal of valuable information from you!! Now, I just need to put the information into action!! 😊

    • I found that eliminating the carbohydrates like breads and sugars is not the only thing I need to do. I needed to eat meat. Only then did I feel satiated and full so that I would stop eating before I consumed too many calories which would then deposit as fat on my body. Since I started the carnivore diet, I have trimmed down to my high school weight and I can see my abdominal muscles again for the first time in decades.
      I started keto by following doctor Berg but then I started following dr. Ken D Berry MD and dr. Sten Ekberg on their YouTube channels. And with my own body I learned that cutting out carbs and sugar only gets me part of the way but what gets me across the finish line is eating meat.
      Take the carnivore challenge and do it for one month and see the results.

  11. I started baking my own bread seven years ago because my body rejected eating the bread you can buy anywhere. I am using unaltered organic spelt flour. I am letting the yeast dough stay in the fridge for 12 hours. By the way it doesn’t matter how optimized your diet is, with stress you can break anything apart in your life.

  12. Dr. Berg, have you evaluated sprouted grain (aka ‘Ezekiel’) breads? Found in the freezer section of grocery stores. It doesn’t contain any processed flours/grains. I’ve tried it on the “Fast Metabolism Diet” and lost 25# in 4 weeks.

  13. I am on the keto diet, following dr Berg advice for years. Lost 12kg and did not get it back. As I have a gluten intolerance, I do not eat bread for years. Very very rarely, just gluten-free. Do not feel like eating. Replaced it with more vegetables, cheese, or eggs. Thanks Dr Berg for everything, whatever you do.

  14. Thanks for the great content and for educating me. I have been without bread for several years now and I honestly don’t miss it that much.

  15. The dna test I think is so important. They actually told me 10 years ago when I first did it that I can’t eat gluten but the entire appointment with all the genetic/diet info was too much to absorb so I was confused and didn’t really hear it!
    I re-did the test a few months ago and understood that although I’m not “celiac” gluten is a serious poison for me- (I used to crash to sleep after eating it and have all kinds of symptoms but didn’t know where it was coming from) and since I’ve truly stopped all gluten- cannot express how much BETTER I feel!
    (Still dealing with autoimmune and many issues but this lifted a layer of pain, fatigue and brain fog)
    For anyone- I know how addictive bread is and how hard to make the choice to stop but yes thank you Dr Berg- please everyone try it.
    Also know that if like me you don’t feel totally better it doesn’t mean gluten is good for you, but you may have other food reactions that are combining to create confusion or lack of health… and IGG/IGA test or go off the main allergens at the same time if nothing else. It’s hard but it is worth it. ❤

  16. I love bread. Back years ago I pulled back to just eating it one day a week. I lost weight and have kept it off. Great advice Dr Berg!

  17. I’m very interested in learning more about DNA testing and food! I didn’t know this was available. Could you do a quick video on this possibly explaining food allergies or learning more what our DNA can teach us? Thank you Dr. Berg! 🥖🥯🥐🥨🧬🧬🧬

  18. Hi Dr. Berg, What are your thoughts on homemade bread made with100 percent organic stone ground whole wheat flour? Made with 100 percent grass fed butter, organic honey, yeast, and almond milk?

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