Sedentary Lifestyle: The Primary Cause of 35 Chronic Diseases

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 


Motivate yourself to be more active by checking out the benefits of exercise and what could happen if you stay inactive.


0:00 Introduction: The benefits of exercise
0:38 The dangers of a sedentary lifestyle
1:47 Exercise benefits
10:30 Learn more about stress!

Let’s talk about the importance of exercise for your health by looking at the benefits and what could happen if you don’t exercise.

A sedentary lifestyle can have a lot of negative effects. An interesting research paper suggests that inactivity is the primary cause of over 35 chronic illnesses.

Keep in mind that it’s essential to also focus on recovery after exercise to really benefit from it.

Top benefits of exercise for your health:
1. It increases mitochondrial biogenesis and oxygen in the mitochondria.

2. It increases immune defense.

3. It may help decrease the risk of 13 types of cancer and decrease the side effects of chemo.

4. It supports neurogenesis and can have positive effects on your memory and mood.

5. It increases oxygen throughout the organs.

6. It may help lower blood sugar levels and decrease insulin resistance.

7. It increases elasticity in the skin, joints, muscles, and arteries.

8. It’s the only activator of muscle growth.

9. It increases DNA repair.

10. It can help support weight loss, shrink a fatty liver, and counter bad habits.

11. It increases growth hormone and testosterone and decreases insulin.

12. It lowers cortisol. It also helps reduces oxidative stress, mental stress, physical stress, and stress on the body from pollution.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the importance of exercise and motivates you to exercise more. I’ll see you in the next video.

48 responses to “Sedentary Lifestyle: The Primary Cause of 35 Chronic Diseases”

  1. I took charge of my body and already lost 15 kg (around 30 pounds). I changed my diet and did 16:8 fasting and did exercise. Now, I will do this for rest of my life.
    Edit: OMG: thanks for all the love ❤️ 😍

  2. This has made me want to exercise regularly. I was 2 nowadays around 4 want to get to 7 have lost 20 kilos down to 110 kilos height 1.84 need to get to 90 kilos. Lots of thanks for your health information. Appreciate your efforts.

  3. Top benefits of exercise for your health:

    1. It increases mitochondrial biogenesis and oxygen in the mitochondria.
    2. It increases immune defense.
    3. It may help decrease the risk of 13 types of cancer and decrease the side effects of chemo.
    4. It supports neurogenesis and can have positive effects on your memory and mood.
    5. It increases oxygen throughout the organs.
    6. It may help lower blood sugar levels and decrease insulin resistance.
    7. It increases elasticity in the skin, joints, muscles, and arteries.
    8. It’s the only activator of muscle growth.
    9. It increases DNA repair.
    10. It can help support weight loss, shrink a fatty liver, and counter bad habits.
    11. It increases growth hormone and testosterone and decreases insulin.
    12. It lowers cortisol. It also helps reduces oxidative stress, mental stress, physical stress, and stress on the body from pollution.

    Keep in mind that it’s essential to also focus on recovery after exercise to really benefit from it.

    Thank you Dr Berg!!


  4. I try to do 6000 steps a day. Although I have to sit 8 to 9 hours a day as part of my job, I do move around every hour and clean my house constantly on purpose. It does help me a lot

  5. 1.5-2h of walking atleast a day, usually aim for 10km or 6.2 miles. 16:8 fasting. ACV 2 table spoons a day. Cold showers. Went from 127kg (280 pounds) to 90kg (198 pounds) in 7 months, now around 88kg (194 pounds) at 180cm (5’11). Aiming for 82kg. Blood pressure went from 140/90-95 to 120/75.

  6. Thankyou for another awesome video Dr Berg. I try my best to stay active at 71 years old. I did walk everyday and train to run a 5k and 10 K marathon 2 times a year. I stay busy cooking, cleaning and growing a backyard garden. I lots of herbs and plants like Neem, Moringa, Tulsi, Aloes, Ginger Tumeric etc etc. I am taking it easy since last year when I got hurt from running the 10K with sciatic nerve pain, and also digestive issues. I don’t have my gallbladder anymore, but doing my best to stay healthy. I am always sharing your videos with others. Thankyou again for your time and great advise on how to take better care of our health! God bless ❤🙏🏻

  7. First off I am 66 years young and was retired from work in 2021, I got tired sitting around so much that I ended up getting a full-time job at a big chain store lumber department. It is a very physical job with lots of heavy lifting and movement. I do approximately 20,000 steps per shift. In the last 6 months I have seen much so improvement in my physical capacity and flexibility. I feel like I am in my 30’s. I truly believe exercise and movement are a very important part of the equation. I also eat healthy (Keto), try to keep my stress level down and to get quality sleep. Thank you Dr Berg

    • When my Dad retired from 35 years of throwing mail, he noticed his friends that retired before him all passed away before they didn’t stay busy after retirement! My Dad is caring for my Mom now because she has arthritis bad and can’t get around well at all! I worry about them,I’m to young not to have my parents ! My Dad and Mom are amazing people ! My Dad is a Vietnam veteran

    • I am the same age and I live on the 6th floor and I never use the elevator unless I have a load of groceries!

  8. Exercise and resistance training is the ONLY thing helping me beat my eating disorders and alcoholism.
    It proves to myself every day that my body matters and I AM in control. I walk 1 hour a day and lift twice a week.

    • Once we realize habits we’re harming us and not helping us, it’s easier. Also the money & time we’ve spent running in the wrong direction.

    • Excellence! Yes all our answers and healing come from inside of us—that mean we have to take responsibility for ourselves

  9. I’m at a 10. I do something every day: walking, aerobics, rebounder, kettle bell workout. I will be 62 on Saturday and I feel great. Greatly appreciate you, Dr. Berg.

  10. 7-8 Dr. Berg, daily do OMAD, keto, IF, avoid unnecessary stress as much as I can, take my supplements regularly & everything else you teach & share your “health gospel” with as many as I can.
    You’re the universe’s best health adviser, Dr. Berg. Forever grateful to you. 😊

  11. Oh baby! I do the locomotion! lol Speaking as someone who spent 6 months NOT moving after moving all my life and then went back to it…. It’s HUGE! for everything! Health, mood, sleep, everything! Thanks Dr Berg… shared! ✅

  12. I’m a 1. It’s horrible! I’m 48 and miserable and help issues keep piling up. No one has clear answers and it’s a struggle. Thank you Dr Berg for all your research and recommendations. They are motivating.

    • I feel ya at 63 was told I have high blood sugar, cholesterol, fatty liver , depression and colon problems. I felt like crap and just struggled to get thru the day. I joined the ymca and work out 1 1/2 hours 5 times a week. I also cut out all sugar, fried foods ,most fast foods and alachol. It’s been 6 months and I feel great! Got my blood numbers recheck and they are just boarderline now. I also lost over 20 pounds and started putting on muscle.I’m feeling alive again. ✌️

    • You’re fortunate to discover Keto and DrBerg, et al by only age 48. I was 58. Fix your eating as it’s 85% of the solution. The exercise will become more and more desirable and enjoyable as you get your weight down. And for sure, as the Dr says, it will improve your emotional highs and lows. Good luck!

    • If you are not getting clear answers, you may be seeking info from the wrong people. Some people keep things vague because it is a benefit to them if you are ill. You are no good to anyone but yourself if you are in good health.

    • You can do it!! ❤ Im 46. Radically changed my diet 5 months ago, lost 45# and counting! My mom, sister and i have lost over 115# total! We just ate fruits and some veg (no nightshade as they can cause inflammation) Cut out all sugar, dairy, coffee, breads… Kinda like an AIP protocol (anti inflammatory). We feel great! I’m just starting to ad in some things, like tomatoes and organic half and half for my organic coffee ( which is one of the worst things that’s sprayed chemically). I also do Lucy Windham-Reed exercises on you tube! She’s got something for every size and she and disability.. been following her for several years. Sides kept me mobile even at my heaviest 💕. #yesican

  13. Every other day, I do some stretches in the morning. I’ve been doing that for the last 10 years. I’ve always done a lot of walking, especially in the summer, it’s probably helped to keep me alive this whole time, especially when my diet was much worse. With Healthy Keto, OMAD and Intermittent Fasting this has all improved. Thank you!

    • @Dr. Eric Berg DC I will! Where was all of this health information when I was growing up? My life would have gone in an entirely different direction!

      Thank you always, for your diligence!

  14. 9. I’m pushing 64yrs old. I’ve been strictly carnivore for 6 months. I’m on the beach by 5am doing a combination of walking and wind sprints. I come home and work on my microfarm until 3pm. Break my fast (20-4) and recover for the rest of the day. As someone who has suffered from mental health problems all of my life, there is no better medicine than keeping moving. I’m in the best shape of my life both physically and mentally. ✌️😎

    • Wow!!! I AM very impressed!! Good for you!! And, exercising at the beach?!! I covet THAT!! I used to live in Downeast Maine…The beaches were gorgeous!! Oh…And that salty sea air is super invigorating!! 🤩

      I have a homestead in Texas and right now it is dangerously hot!! I just stepped in (8:15 a.m.) from doing my morning chores…Nothing really vigorous, and I am ALREADY drenched in sweat!! 🥵

      It’s supposed to get 104° degrees today…I’m going to set up one of my rooms as a fitness room so I can do palates and some weightlifting with freeweights.

      I, also, do OMAD and have done a very long prolonged fast, thanks to Dr. Berg’s helpful information. I’m definitely SOLD on the health benefits of fasting…Folks really noticed a difference in my appearance, and I NEVER felt SO good in 40 years!! My energy levels were phenomenal! 🤩

      The ONLY thing that was hard was that although my energy levels skyrocketed…I struggled to have the strength I needed to handle working on my homestead.

      Anyway…Thanks to Dr. Berg, so MANY of us are taking charge of our health!! Great job on turning YOUR life around! 🤩

    • @homesteadgmad8223  Downeast Maine? You left Gods’ country to go to Texas? I’m on Cape Cod. It’s 71° out at 10:30am. Don’t know how you do it in that kind of heat. As I get older I’m finding I just can’t take the heat like I used to. Thanks for your response. I appreciate it. Enjoy your day and stay cool somehow. ✌️😎

  15. I am 63 yrs old and work a full-time warehouse job. Combining that with 2+ yrs of low-carb eating and IF(I find OMAD extremely easy with a full-time job), I honestly have never felt healthier. Thank you Dr. Berg for ALL of your advice, education and inspiration over this time. Take care.

  16. I’m self employed doing landscaping work and I also try to do 3 miles a day on the treadmill. When weather creates days off I might add weights into the mix. I was 276 6 feet tall two months ago I am down to 265 and dropping with intermittent fasting and reducing carbs. Thanks everyone for your insights.

  17. I suffered a TBI and haven’t been able to workout for over a year to this point. Prior to this I worked out 5-6 days a week. I have had some noticeable muscle loss. I’m hoping to be cleared at the end of the month to start light weight training and be able to drive again. Fingers crossed 🤞

  18. A 10 and I am reaping all the benefits. I exercise daily, eat healthy, watch your videos, and take your supplements. Life is good! Thanks Dr. Berg!

  19. With confidence I can definitely say that exercise does more for your body than you think! I did an experiment on myself over the course of 2 months. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure (it’s hereditary) a few years ago. I was at about 140/92 consistently. Throughout my 20’s I always had a bp of 115/70. I am a laboratory scientist so I have the luxury of running my own blood work as often as I’d like. It’s a nice convenience to have. However, for a month straight I ate a SUPER LOW sodium diet but didn’t do much cardiovascular exercise. I powerlift so I did strength train during this time. My blood pressure barely came down after 4 weeks. I also ate foods like raw garlic and beets to also help with my bp. The following month I ate a slightly higher sodium diet but made sure I did at least a half an hour of cardio at 5-7 days a week. After 4 weeks my blood pressure came down to around 130/85. I will also add that I’m around 12lbs overweight. Not much but enough to raise my blood pressure. My bloodwork remained about the same. My cholesterol/HbA1C/LDL/triglycerides remained unchanged. I am healthy for the most part so those numbers have never been elevated. I sometimes wonder if working nights for the past 16 years have had an affect on my blood pressure as well. The take from this on my part: Moving more has had a bigger impact on my cardiovascular health than dietary changes alone.

  20. I am mid-50s and have exercised at least 4x weekly since high school. I never regret even doing something as “simple” as a walk. Exercise helps my brain from bouncing all over the place. Get out there – your body will thank you! Nice work everyone.

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