Longevity Secrets of Centenarians – Dr Nir Barzilai

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02:00 Nir's Beginning in Longevity Research
05:00 Fasting and Calorie Restriction in Mice
10:55 Similarities Between Animal and Human Aging
18:25 Tradeoffs in Longevity and Frailty
23:50 Secrets of Long-Living Centenarians
28:20 Genes That Make You Live Longer
32:05 How to Turn On Your Longevity Genes
32:21 Can Metformin Slow Down Aging
43:45 Metformin Side-Effects

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27 responses to “Longevity Secrets of Centenarians – Dr Nir Barzilai”

  1. Use Code SIIMLAND for 20% OFF InsideTracker: https://info.insidetracker.com/siimland
    02:00 Nir’s Beginning in Longevity Research
    05:00 Fasting and Calorie Restriction in Mice
    10:55 Similarities Between Animal and Human Aging
    18:25 Tradeoffs in Longevity and Frailty
    23:50 Secrets of Long-Living Centenarians
    28:20 Genes That Make You Live Longer
    32:05 How to Turn On Your Longevity Genes
    32:21 Can Metformin Slow Down Aging
    43:45 Metformin Side-Effects

    Nir’s Book Age Later: https://amzn.to/44BqX1n

    The Supplements That Lowered My Age by 12 Years: https://youtu.be/VsZRKvb1Fuo
    The Diet & Routine That Lowered My Age by 12 Years: https://youtu.be/5KNsfEBXKMg
    The Workout Plan That Lowered My Age by 12 Years: https://youtu.be/OsVXAW-Tc3Y

    NEW Shop: https://www.siimland.co/shop
    NEW Merch: https://www.siimland.com/merch
    Metabolic Autophagy Book: https://amzn.to/2W4YfDF
    Stronger by Stress Book: https://amzn.to/2VhuXTn
    The Mineral Fix Book: https://amzn.to/3yhey3y
    The Immunity Fix Book: https://amzn.to/3mssSQI
    Metabolic Autophagy Master Class: https://www.siimland.co/metabolic-autophagy-master-class
    Total Sleep Optimization Video Course: https://www.siimland.co/total-sleep-optimization-video-course
    Metabolic Autophagy 4 Week Meal Plan: https://www.siimland.co/offers/EwhNysUs
    Intermittent Fasting Video Course: https://www.siimland.co/offers/JL2Nx9Rw
    Check Out My Coaching: https://www.siimland.co/coaching

  2. Yeah don’t take supplements those are bad but take metformim. Don’t exercise in the morning. Lol, bad takes all around. Why do all these health experts look so old even though they shouldn’t

  3. “What is good for the muscle is not good for the rest of the body.” It’s one of the biggest issues with longevity information. I hear fitness Youtubers giving contradictory information all the time. For instance, arguing that intermittent fasting and low protein intake is not effective for longevity because it hurts the gains. It doesn’t make sense because I have not seen any jacked centenarians chugging high-protein meals every 3 hours. In the end, the information for muscle growth and performance is getting mixed up with longevity information. Of course, there is a balance between both goals but no one has found that balance yet as far as I know.

    • If your growing your body with high levels of protein, your accelerating your aging. Dont overthink it. Anything that accelerates aging is going to cause you to get older faster.

    • You don’t have to be a hulk. You need to preserve your muscle/strength and bone density. Falls take old people out.

  4. Did he say if you have high cholesterol as you age it blocks your arteries as you age? I’m Hearing different. Plus muscle is protective as you age. Can’t go too far either way

    • “This guy” is Nir Barzilai, not only a prominent figure but very educated and knowledgeable individual. Who are you?

  5. On the one hand multiple supplements could have antagonistic effects but on the other hand they could have synergistic effects that are multiplicative. This has been observed in antiaging experiments in animals. A few supplements that normally give 15 to 30 percent lifespan increase combined may give over 100 percent increase. And we humans are actually very long lived may be a few mutations away from agelessness, best case a few supplements and you pass that threshold.

  6. Thanks. A lot of interventions are really not “longevity” interventions – they are just ways to live optimally or to compensate for non-optimum habits. True longevity interventions would take us beyond what optimum health would do.

  7. Bryan Johnson takes 100+ pills and measures all biomarkers. Instead of accelerating aging, they seem do to the opposite. Not saying you need all those pills, many will most likely overlap. But they don’t harm him, or he would have stopped taking them.

  8. @9:30 I would take some of this with a grain of salt. Glucose elevation in the blood as a result of exercise from globalisation and glycogolysis or gluconeogenesis in the liver probably has a completely different metabolic effect than blood elevation of glucose from consuming carbohydrates. This can lead to incorrect conclusions. I would be mindful to discourage morning exercise based on elevated glucose: the minute you stop exercising, over the day you likely have better glucose dispersal and utilisation because you mobilised it from liver & muscle in the morning. Data points are not the end point, longevity and health span are

  9. I juz checked the rejuvenation olympics billboard by Project Blueprint, didn’t see your name on the list. Have u consider doing this? I have high hopes for u….

  10. Meformin DOES affect mean blood glucose by reducing insulin. I was placed on it for PCOS, which is caused by high circulating insulin, which itself is caused by insulin resistance. I had three goes at metformin before I could handle it – wasn’t diarrhoea but nausea for 6 weeks. It may well be that it’s main mechanism of action in longevity is by turning down the volume of insulin by 1. its effects on blood sugar 2. It’s effects on insulin signaling. It acts to lower mean blood sugar, which in turn reduces insulin. So Siim, you are correct. It may have some other effects, for sure – even in nature, one chemical (hormone) has multiple different effects.

    “Metformin activates the enzyme adenosine monophosphate kinase (AMPK) resulting in the inhibition of key enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis and glycogen synthesis in the liver, while stimulating insulin signaling and glucose transport in muscles. Metformin increases … glucose disposal into skeletal muscle”.

    It also reduce sugar absorption in the gut, probably the reason people get diarrhoea

  11. Really??? This guy says he wrote a book but now disagrees with some of the claims in it? Not something I am going to buy. He does not fit with the work of Siim and is not a good resource on this channel. Of course he is entitled to his opinions. Also his thesis about longevity and cholesterol levels are suspect and not proven. I watch many of the episodes and this was disappointing to say the least

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