Stop Eating Almonds for THIS Reason

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A healthy snack but bad for the environment

"The water footprint of one California almond has averaged 12 liters (3.2 gallons)" as stated by a 2019 study (Fulton et al 2019 Water-Indexed Benefits and Impacts of Californian Almonds)

And California can be up to 30% more water-efficient in growing almonds than other parts of the world

You can enjoy the occasional snack but making almonds a big source of your diet is quite water-consuming

#HealthyHabits #OptimizeYourRoutine
#healthlyliving #foodhealth #healthchoice

30 responses to “Stop Eating Almonds for THIS Reason”

  1. 3.5 litres of water for one almond? there must be around 150 in a bag and there is crate loads of them in the shops. Is there any chance a mathematical mistake was made?

    • They’re using the same water logic that was used with beef – counting ‘green water’ and pretending water is ‘used up’ in the production of beef/almonds. Lets not forget, every drop of water we encounter has been through a living thing many, many times (whether a cow, an almond tree or a human). Each water drop is borrowed, used for its purpose then recycled.

  2. Gotta say I‘m pleasantly surprised that you care for our environment💪🏼 Used to drink a lot of almond milk but since they need so much water I switched to soy milk and biological „normal“ milk

  3. I drink.almond milk because I can’t tolerate dairy and been warned off soy because of thyroid issues. Is oat or hazelnut milk any better. The only thing that bothers me with the oat milk is the amount of carbs in it.

  4. Some Moroccan almonds varieties are grown just with water from the rains sometimes in a nearly desertic environment.

  5. This video is very misleading.. Yes almonds do use a lot of water, but most of that water is rain water.
    While I appreciate you talking about environmental issues, and recommending more environmentally-friendly nuts, I find it extremely hypocritical that you make an environmental case for almonds, yet you promote and eat animal products which are far far more destructive to the environment.

  6. All that water comeback in the mother nature, you can eat and don’t worry. Water does not disappear. It is constantly moving and changing forms in the water cycle.

  7. California’s aquifers have been drained by almond-growing orchards. Almonds are also very high in oxalates.

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