The POTASSIUM Epidemic: Dr. Berg Explains Symptoms, Signs, Diet, Causes, and Treatment

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Learn why you need such high amounts of potassium to support a healthy body.



0:00 Introduction: How much potassium do you need?
0:10 Potassium explained
0:48 Potassium RDAs
3:03 Potassium supplements
3:30 Potassium deficiency
3:50 Potassium deficiency symptoms
4:47 Potassium deficiency causes
8:15 My potassium challenge
8:38 Learn more about potassium!

Let’s talk about the importance of potassium and what can happen if you don’t get enough.

Your body requires a lot of potassium. The daily requirement for potassium is 4700 mg.

Potassium is important for the sodium-potassium pump. The sodium-potassium pump is like a battery for your cells.

Vegetables are the best source of potassium. One cup of leafy greens provides between 500 and 800 mg of potassium. If you consumed five to ten cups of vegetables daily, you would get plenty of potassium. In comparison, a banana only provides about 300 mg of potassium. Bananas also contain a lot of fructose.

Unfortunately, the average person is not getting enough potassium from their diet—and potassium supplements typically only give you up to 99 mg of potassium per tablet.

Potassium deficiency is often overlooked. It’s difficult to diagnose, and symptoms of a potassium deficiency are sometimes vague. Early symptoms often include difficulty breathing, fatigue, and heart palpitations.

A more severe deficiency in potassium can lead to the following:
• High blood pressure
• Increased risk of stroke
• Fluid retention or edema
• Bone loss
• Kidney stones

Causes of potassium deficiency that go beyond a lack of potassium in the diet can include:
• Penicillin
• Diuretics
• Steroids
• Chronic stress
• High insulin (high-carb diet)
• Refined or processed foods

Even the keto diet and prolonged fasting can lead to a potassium deficiency if not done correctly. You will lose potassium as you lose water weight on keto. Consuming enough potassium on keto and taking a potassium supplement while doing a prolonged fast is crucial.

Eating too much too quickly after a prolonged fast or consuming too many carbs after a prolonged fast can also cause a severe potassium deficiency, which can be dangerous.

My challenge for you is to start consuming a lot of foods high in potassium, like leafy greens, for one week and see how you feel. I think you're going to notice a big difference.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of how much potassium you really need. I’ll see you in the next video.

69 responses to “The POTASSIUM Epidemic: Dr. Berg Explains Symptoms, Signs, Diet, Causes, and Treatment”

  1. 4 times as much potassium as sodium is needed(Potass 4-1 sodium). The average person has this switched😬. They usually have a sodium to potassium ratio of 1:4. They’re very light on potassium & very heavy on sodium intake🥴. Normal potassium level tests check the blood outside the cell. Only 2% of potassium reserves are present outside the cell. 98% of potassium is inside the cells & the tests don’t look there. A special test for intracellular potassium is needed to really see the potassium levels……

  2. I had cardiac arrhythmias and my doctor didn’t help me 😡Thank you Dr. Berg. I take potassium and magnesium myself every single day and my resting heart rate fell from 72 to 54 (!) in a few months 😊

  3. I was worried about taking too much apple cider vinegar, but after watching this, I am more assured now. Actually come to think of it, my ACV consumption isn’t that high after all. Usually I consume ACV with lemon juice and hymalayan salt with warm water in the morning before breakfast. Now I believed I am good. Thanks Doc.

    • I’m here because of this. I’ve been taking ACV capsules routinely for years. I’m wondering if it might be affecting my vision.-

      After sustained use of apple cider vinegar that disrupts potassium levels, combined with drinking excessive amounts of water, you can develop sodium deficiency.

    • @gretzkyz , I dunno what is your vision issue, but i can recommend you to consume raw aloe vera. It will be bitter though. So I would suggest you to take it with something else.
      Watch some videos about its benefits, it’s amazing. I am taking this almost every week now. I do noticed some improvements in my eyes.

  4. I was in the hospital with high blood pressure. They discovered I had a potassium deficiency and when they gave me potassium my blood pressure went down 30. That was a light bulb moment!

    • Honestly, we need so so much of it & then I read about oxalates & the first 4 on the food list for highest potassium are highest in oxalate levels

    • I’m trying to find how much cream of tarter to safely use . I read 1 tsp. yesterday but I want more than 1 source to start on that. I have regular heart palpitations, I have to be careful, bending over can push it out of rhythm easily

    • Please google hyperaldosteronism. There is a simple blood test to test for it. If you have it, you’ll need more than potassium supplement.

  5. I had a couple of health issues and I lost a lot of electrolytes. My heart started failing. Turns out my magnesium was so low that my body could not process potassium affecting my heart. I take magnesium supplements to this day and my potassium is fine.

  6. The sodium-potassium pump is a special protein in cell membranes that helps maintain the right balance of sodium and potassium ions inside and outside the cell.

    It works by using energy from ATP to move three sodium ions out of the cell for every two potassium ions it brings in. This creates a difference in ion concentrations, which is important for many cell functions.

    By doing this, the sodium-potassium pump helps cells work properly and stay stable.

    • Curious if you’re on the medical field? I’ve tried to talk about the s/p ratio and intracellular tests with the pcp I’ve been going to and she says she doesn’t know about those tests and my insc wouldn’t pay for it.

  7. I reversed kidney failure by increasing potassium. I juiced a made a huge GREEN salad with an Avacado based salad dressing( also Avacado in my salad). I approve this message!!!!

  8. Good morning everyone 🌄 Let’s keep on supporting Dr Berg because he has always given us information we can use to help make our health better👍🏽👍🏽

  9. My wife passed away almost 5 years ago at 64 years old because her body was depleted of potassium. The doctors at the hospital told me that they tried pumping her full of potassium but it was going out faster than they could pump it in. Her heart had no potassium and just stopped.

  10. Omghow timely. I’ve been on keto for a few years and recently decided to experiment with carnivore. A few weeks into it I started having cramps and random heart palpitations. This video suddenly reminded me why. I’ve not been eating greens and avocados. Under keto I used to eat 4 to 5 cups of greens plus 1 avocado a day and supplemented with electrolyte powder. I will now up my dosage of electrolytes. Thanks for the reminder dr berg!!!

  11. Omgosh Dr.Berg!
    Ever since I’ve had the covid shots, my life has been turned upside down.
    I have a huge distaste for salt. I have low potassium. I have had heart problems, gallbladder problems and a plethora of other issues. This video ties in to the whole potassium connection. Doctors have scared us into being afraid of potassium. I have all those signs! Thank you SO, SO very much for this video! 🎉 I appreciate you very much. You’ll never be silenced! Never!

  12. I been suffering from higher heart rates for a so long time. Thanks Dr Berg. Started taking potassium… my symptoms reduces greatly. Still had the same symptoms now and then… started magnesium recently and its a miracle. My heart rate fell down from nearly 90 to 67 today. It has instilled a great confidence in me. Thank you again Dr.Berg

  13. You are so right Doc… I was on bp meds for 17 years or so …. my bp NEVER went down and NEVER stayed the same ..I was eating salads but not enough . in April of 2021 , watch another video of yours , I increased my salads per day and my bp has been GREAT since and off of all meds that did not do a thing ! Started the Keto diet , NO SUGAR and low carbs …… loss 37 lbs in a couple of months and been heathy since .

  14. some high-potassium foods friendly to a paleo or ketogenic diet:
    – Swiss chard (1 cup, cooked): 961 mg
    – Spinach (1 cup, cooked): 839 mg
    – Avocado (1 medium): 690 mg
    – Beef liver (3 ounces, cooked): 444 mg
    – Brussels sprouts (1 cup, cooked): 494 mg
    – Mushrooms (1 cup, cooked): 428 mg
    – Salmon (3 ounces, cooked): 534 mg
    – Broccoli (1 cup, cooked): 505 mg
    – Pork tenderloin (3 ounces, cooked): 382 mg
    – Brazil nuts (1 ounce): 187 mg

    • I still eat about 3 medium potatoes per week. Zero muscle cramping is the result. Leafy greens don’t cut it AFAIC. I used to gobble magnesium and salt the hell out of everything, ate salad etc, still degenerated to cramping.
      I’ll cope with the starch, thank you. The secret is to use your muscles sufficiently to deplete the glycogen stores so that they can grab the carbs. A potato has an ingredient list like health food, compared to grains.

  15. I have been eating one meal in the evening for the past 5 years but had not noticed that potassium depleted until I my blood pressure checked in at 155/95. Fixed it in just two days (around 65/115) by eating just 5 baked potatoes.
    I would never have noticed if I didn’t get my pressure checked because you just feel the same.
    As a side note I sprint uphill three days a week and I noticed a marked improvement at the end/failure point. Much more comfortable in my recovery.
    So watch your potassium levels fellow OMAD’s.

  16. Im sure im speaking for the majority when i say we all appreciate and thank you from our hearts for what you do Dr Berg. God bless and keep you protected. 🤍🛐✝️

  17. Great info! It’s such a blessing to have Dr. Berg give us this info. I’m a nonsecretor and GAD65, with a number of autoimmune diseases. In my early years, I was stationed on a toxic military base, had 12 immunizations in one day like most military people, and was a nurse for many years having to have more immunizations to obtain jobs. Just grateful for every day I’m still here. I am prescribed 80 meq of potassium a day, which adds up to about 32 over-the-counter pills daily. Doctors don’t have a clue about my body. I have hyperoxaluria due to damage from celiac and working in a moldy government building more recently. I think I lose more potassium when I’m dumping oxalates. When I mention it, they look at me and treat me like I have mental problems. I start to not feel good when my potassium levels get on the very low edge of normal for some reason so they see me as a hypochondriac. I’m sure I have potassium highs and lows even eating the same diet. I have to stay aware of my body’s signs. Information from Dr. Berg has surely helped me with my health challenges. If I didn’t have this info I no doubt wouldn’t have made it this far.

  18. Dr. Berg, I have been studying your page for a long time, and this is the very information that saved me. I don’t think I would be here today if I had not learned this from you. Following a tornado, we had to be put in housing by our insurance co. till our house was rebuillt. We were eating in restaurants and I started having very high blood pressure. Many trips to the ER, I started studying on your page taught me about it. I have a large beautiful plate of brightly colored vegetablles every morning, and Avocado. for breakfast now. I stay as far away from the whites as I can. I do still love ice cream, but I know it is pure poison, so I try to steer clear. Thank you for all your good information.

    • Good for you for being so observant of the changes in your body, and not just turning to pills. So glad you’re feeling better! (Lol, chocolate ice cream is a huge weakness for me!)

  19. This reinforces the shock that I had when researching the amount of minerals and electrolytes that I needed to supplement while I was fasting. The sheer amount of potassium recommended is mind blowing.

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