Stop Your Body From Deteriorating

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 


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The Supplements That Lowered My Age by 12 Years:
The Diet & Routine That Lowered My Age by 12 Years:

Feeling like you're aging too fast? You can slow down this natural process by making lifestyle improvements:

1️⃣ Your body naturally deteriorates with age, but inaction accelerates it.

2️⃣ Moderate your lifestyle by lifting weights, doing cardio, eating well, and sleeping enough.

3️⃣ Consider supplements to support aging gracefully.

Aging is inevitable, but its speed depends on your choices. Simple habits like exercise, hydration, mindful eating, and sufficient sleep can make a huge difference in your long-term health. Start today!

#DailyWellbeing #fitforhealth #healthythoughts #AgeGracefully #BalanceIsKey

4 responses to “Stop Your Body From Deteriorating”

  1. How can you be one of the most famous biohackers, putting so much effort, and just say “we’re all gonna age, it’s inevitable”
    Aren’t you aware of the tech revolution happening ??
    Don’t you know Aubrey De Grey ?

    You could call your community to sign the longevity dublin letter for example.
    Keep the biohack going but stop being pessimist and defeatist ffs, do something about it

  2. Now that there is no more sunlight in the morning, I started wakig up 20 Minutes earlier, doing some YouTube HIIT/Tabata. This has brought me huge benefits for mood and circadian rhythm setting.

  3. Siim should consider maybe doing like the woman in France. If he has a son, just have him assume Siims identity upon Siim’s death which will probably be in the normal time span. When the son dies his natural death then everyone will think that Siim was the oldest guy since Mathusala.

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