DON’T Make These Mistakes When Trying to Boost Your Metabolism

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 


Avoid these big diet mistakes and try my tips to burn fat instead.

0:00 Introduction: How to burn fat and lose weight
0:10 What is metabolism?
0:20 Common diet mistakes to avoid
6:15 How to lose weight healthily
10:20 Learn more about what a healthy diet looks like!

Today, I want to cover the five worst diet mistakes, especially when trying to boost metabolism.

The top mistakes dieters make:
1. Trying to boost metabolism
A slow metabolism is not really a slow metabolism at all—it’s an efficient metabolism. Stimulating your metabolism is a bad idea because you’ll burn it out.

2. Going on a low-calorie diet
Many people who appear to have a slow metabolism have a history of going on low-calorie diets.

3. Stoking the metabolic flame
People do this by consuming six small meals throughout the day. But eating frequently doesn’t speed up your metabolism. Every time you eat, you stimulate insulin. Even in small amounts, insulin can prevent you from burning fat.

4. Overtraining
Fat burning occurs in the recovery phase. Overtraining doesn’t allow your body to recover.

5. Consuming processed protein shakes
Protein stimulates three of the fat-burning hormones. But, the quality of the protein is crucial. Many protein shakes are refined and are of poor quality. The protein powders are also typically very high on the insulin index scale. Try consuming high-quality animal protein instead.

Remember, it’s not "lose weight to get healthy." It’s "get healthy to lose weight." Switching to using fat as your fuel instead of glucose and converting your body into a state of ketosis will help you lose weight.

You’ll know you’re in ketosis when you can do intermittent fasting and your appetite and cravings disappear.

To burn fat as fuel, you must consume moderate amounts of high-quality protein and avoid high-carb foods. High-intensity interval training with a lot of recovery will also help you burn fat. On top of that, you need to keep your stress low and get plenty of sleep when trying to lose weight.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

Follow Me On Social Media:




Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the biggest dieting mistakes and how to really burn fat. I’ll see you in the next video.

34 responses to “DON’T Make These Mistakes When Trying to Boost Your Metabolism”

  1. 0:22 Boosting your metabolism
    1:14 Going on a diet
    2:01 Stoking the metabolic flame
    3:21 Overtraining
    5:17 Processed protein shakes

  2. Dont bow to big sugar/fruit, and resist the temptation “if any” from the smells of sugar-breads! 🫡
    Happy Monday, Healthy Keto Community!! 💪 THANK YOU DR. BERG!

  3. Hope there’s a follow up video of what to do instead: When you drink water, try to drink cold water, it forces your body to heat it up to normal body temperature. Likewise try to live in a cooler house. Protein is more thermogenic than other foods, it requires more “processing-effort” than other foods. When you eat include chillies in the meal. All easy to do metabolism boosters.

  4. What I learned. May apply to some and not all. I.F. slowed my metabolism down after 2 years of doing it. I began dragging and immediately felt better when I stopped and went back to 3-4 smaller meals daily( at anytime if hungry that is).
    I.F. was great as I lost weight but once my fat was gone, I was dragging butt and I could never consume enough in such a short period to sustain myself. 6ft 185-190, workout daily and work construction. I did learn Whole foods mostly meat and veggies, no grains, no dairy and I’m super human again. Gain and sustain lean mass, no belly fat.
    On another note. My metabolism really took off when I focused on it. I concentrated on walking, working and even talking fast. If I felt I was moving slow or dragging, I would step up my game. It’s now habit and I’m moving like a teenager again and it’s hard to put on fat stores.
    Side note: Not knocking I.F. If I ever get sick or gain weight, it’s always in the arsenal. Good day all.

    • Thank you. I can relate to the things you said. 4-5 very small meals work for me. One large meal makes me feel very lethargic. I eat and asa I feel it in my stomach, I feel satisfied and stop. Also, all the exercise I’ve done and it did not cause any weight loss.

    • Thank you for sharing your success story. I found just eating 1 or 2 meals a day with IF my protein intake won’t be enough, eventually lose muscle and bone density for people someone who is in 50-60.

  5. The top mistakes dieters make:
    1. Trying to boost metabolism
    A slow metabolism is not really a slow metabolism at all—it’s an efficient metabolism. Stimulating your metabolism is a bad idea because you’ll burn it out.

    2. Going on a low-calorie diet
    Many people who appear to have a slow metabolism have a history of going on low-calorie diets.

    3. Stoking the metabolic flame
    People do this by consuming six small meals throughout the day. But eating frequently doesn’t speed up your metabolism. Every time you eat, you stimulate insulin. Even in small amounts, insulin can prevent you from burning fat.

    4. Overtraining
    Fat burning occurs in the recovery phase. Overtraining doesn’t allow your body to recover.

    5. Consuming processed protein shakes
    Protein stimulates three of the fat-burning hormones. But, the quality of the protein is crucial. Many protein shakes are refined and are of poor quality. The protein powders are also typically very high on the insulin index scale. Try consuming high-quality animal protein instead.

    Thank you Dr Berg!

  6. Cheers so much Dr Berg today I started my high intensity interval training and I don’t even feel hungry right now ☺❤

  7. I needed to hear this. I started doing dirty keto and IF, then calorie counting which brought back in carbs. I gained back eight of the forty pounds I lost. I’m recommitting, thanks Dr.berg ♥️

  8. Do the exact opposite of what they say! I love it. Thanks for being so strong and standing up for all of us!

    • He’s 100% correct. The covid pandemic taught me a valuable lesson. Do the opposite of what the mainstream medical community wants you to do and you’re going in the right direction. Since changing my lifestyle and switching to a keto diet I find the same to be true regarding nutrition.

  9. I used to be a little overweight but now I have a normal body mass index. I lost weight without realizing it, maybe because I followed my wife’s eating habits which are high in fiber. My wife was born into a culture of eating boiled or raw vegetables as a side dish.

  10. I’ve personally cut down on excessive exercising and no longer get out of breath. Planning on keeping the routine down to one or two times every five to six months.

  11. My advice to “boost” metabolism is to have lots of low intensity aerobic exercise. To lose weight you can either lower your calorie consumption or increase your calories burned. Burning more calories consistently has many benefits. For example, you can have decently looking meals and still be in a deficit. Doing low intensity aerobic training will promote more and healthier mitochondria which in turn offsets a lot of problems like insulin insensitivity.
    But also be careful:
    * you have to plan to do this indefinitely, if you stop exercising daily you will also have to cut calorie consumption immediately or you start losing weight
    * the activity has to be safe and low impact. Otherwise you might injure yourself and being injured when your body is used to a lot of activity is not fun and you will probably gain weight.
    * make sure what it means for the activity to be low intensity. If your activity is walking or running, make sure you can keep talking easily, in full sentences. If you are out of breath while walking briskly then you are no way ready to start jogging… Anything higher than that and you are unlikely to be able to exercise for long enough, each day, and then recover for the next day without some kind of overtraining issues. Also anything higher than that and your body starts cutting down on burning fats and you really want it to be burning fats predominantly.
    * it takes a lot of time, every day. I aim to burn additional 1000 calories every day. For me, this is equivalent of running or walking 16km (10 miles). Since I can’t run 16km (10 miles) every day, I try to run 10km (6 miles) and walk 6km (4miles). This takes about 2h, or at least 2.5h every day if you take into changing your clothes, showering after the run, etc.

  12. 0:25: ⚠️ Boosting metabolism through stimulants is a mistake and can lead to long-term issues.
    2:10: 🥦 Lowering carbohydrate intake is crucial for tapping into fat stores and promoting weight loss.
    4:18: 😔 Overtraining and lack of sleep can hinder weight loss efforts, while protein can stimulate metabolism.
    6:33: 💪 To lose weight, focus on getting healthy and using fat as fuel, which can be achieved by converting your body into a state of ketosis.
    8:30: 🥦 The video discusses the importance of keeping cortisol levels low and following the dietary guidelines for a healthy diet.
    Recap by Tammy AI

  13. To whoever is reading this keep going,you’re doing fine! No matter how slow your progress each new week is filled with tiny steps forward. Be proud of yourself you got this!

  14. One of the best things about this dude is that he never takes credit for himself when he uploads something. He always respects us, the audience, and he is always full of energy in his videos. Keep up the hard work!!

    • He also assumes we already have some basis, skipping useless infos that usually bloat down these kind of videos. Which is awesome, makes for much more efficient information!

  15. Love how multiple researchers are pushing back on ultra processed food industries rhetoric. Thanks Dr Berg for huge contributions to this effort. I know it’s turned my health issues around

  16. My wife’s metabolism is kind of weird. She’s been doing the keto thing for a while, cutting way down on carbs, and her weight has been mostly holding steady.
    Then we went on a cruise for a week and she ate kind of normal, healthy, in moderation, but with some deserts and stuff. She started feeling full a lot faster, and she ended up losing weight.
    I kind of wonder if her metabolism is super efficient, but when it got a little fuel it decided to just take off.
    Since we got back she went back to eating keto and the weight has started to come back a little…
    I just don’t get it.

  17. Thanks for this Dr Berg, after a long time going off keto to the SAD 😞 I’m trying to get my mojo back and revving up my metabolic machinery. Perfect timing

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