The Problem With American Bread

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The prevalence of gluten intolerance in the United States compared to Europe can be attributed to several factors

1. Bread Type: In the US, only 23 percent of bread is the softer type, while most European bread is. The softer European bread may be easier on the digestive system.

2. Pesticides: The US uses pesticides like Roundup, which contains glyphosate. Some studies have linked glyphosate to gut issues, potentially exacerbating gluten intolerance.

3. Dietary Habits: Europeans often pair their bread with healthier ingredients like vinegar and olive oil, while Americans tend to consume bread with high-calorie sauces and various additives.

So, it's not just about the type of bread but also the overall dietary context and environmental factors that may contribute to differences in gluten intolerance between the two regions.

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17 responses to “The Problem With American Bread”

  1. That’s partly the issue some farms found out that if you spray roundup onto grain while it is being stored you lose less of the yield I believe that its around 15% to 20%. So on top of the farmers spraying the plants they also spray onto the grains. This has been outlaw in some states I believe around 2020.

    • Unfortunately, it’s STILL being sprayed all over even non GMO crops to dry it out in the US and some places even more than before. I miss bread but my health and skin has improved dramatically since eliminating bread & pasta from my diet.

  2. Making money is an action, keeping money is behavior, but growing money is wisdom. I found this out a week ago after getting a $10,800 return on my $3,000 investment in 7 days.

  3. I am french born and raised in France. Never had much issues with gluten except from low quality bread. Went in Canada for a year, I couldn’t digest anything gluten related except ciabatta buns. Pasta would wreck me the hardest. Came back to France, had a little psoriasis spot on the arm who went away in a few months.

  4. Milling flour freshly makes a big difference too. Some people got rid of their issues since they started using fresh flour.

    Digests in my experience about 1.5x as fast as usual store bought flour.

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