Why You Should Stop Drinking Tap Water

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Worried about your tap water?

While it's cost-effective, there are some potential health considerations to keep in mind.

Tap water may contain fluoride, which, when in excessive amounts, could have adverse effects, particularly on children's developing brains and thyroid function.

Additionally, tap water can contain traces of medications and birth control due to the recycling process.

To ensure you're drinking safe water, investing in a quality water filtration system like a Berkeley filter or reverse osmosis filter can be a wise choice.

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14 responses to “Why You Should Stop Drinking Tap Water”

  1. You have a specific brand for the reverse osmosis filtration? I noticed that there are many sketchy filter systems that may even do more harm than good

  2. I use a berkey in UK, excellent filtration. If using reverse osmosis it removes most of the electrolytes you need for hydration so you then have to get the electorlyte balance right in your body by supplementing with salt and food or manufactured electrolytes which has more margin for error.

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