Dr. Paul Mason – ‘The corrupt history of the food pyramid’

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Dr Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney, and also holds degrees in Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. He is a Specialist Sports Medicine and Exercise Physician.

Dr Mason developed an interest in low carbohydrate diets in 2011. Since then he has spent hundreds of hours reading and analysing the scientific literature. For a number of years Dr. Mason has been applying this knowledge in treating metabolic and arthritis patients who have achieved dramatic and sustained weight loss and reductions in joint pain.

Dr. Mason is also the Chief Medical Officer of Defeat Diabetes, Australia's first evidence-based and doctor-led program that focuses on the wide range of health benefits of a low carb lifestyle, particularly for those wanting to send into remission pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic illnesses.

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28 responses to “Dr. Paul Mason – ‘The corrupt history of the food pyramid’”

    • I starved myself fat and sick on 1200 low fat, high fibre calories a day for decades. Had an active job and went to the gym daily. Barely fit a size 18 Canada.
      Took seed oils out of the diet and switched to the old 1950s British diet in the prologue of Good Calories, Bad Calories. Dropped to a 6/8. Stayed there.
      That was over 14 years ago. Never will return to the low fat death diet.
      The British diet also saved my husband’s life.

  1. Interesting side note. The “K” ration issued in WWII was developed by Ansel Keyes as a hi energy food source in concentrated form. It consisted of a large amount of animal fat and all kinds of meats ground into a thick paste that was then heated and dehydrated to clear out the moisture and packed into sealed wax cartons for soldiers i the field. The “K” ration was named for Ansel Keys. (Also had loads of sugar and some grains un it). It’s also been reported that Ancel keys actually altered the data from the Minnesota study and alter data from several European studies that debunked. The fat is bad theory, and actually pointed to carbohydrates being the greater problem.

  2. Excellent look at this troubling history of the dietary guidelines we’ve been told to follow for decades.

  3. I always watch anything from Doctor Mason. Very informative and delivered in an entertaining way. Brilliant.

  4. I get sick just thinking of all the years that I fed my family according to the vile guidelines thrust upon us by our corrupt government.

  5. Dr. Robin Wilcourt had an interesting talk about Ansel Keyes and how he showed our food industry how it would make more profit from grains than meat. Ansel Keyes should have been made infamous for the destruction he helped cause.

  6. Thank you Dr Mason.
    Changing my diet saved me from debilitating back pain, nerve pain, joint pain, muscle pain, digestive issues, raised blood pressure, 20kg over weight. It took around 8 months for all these problems to resolve. Since 2020 I’ve been completely pain free and never felt and looked healthier.
    I’m only eating fatty meats, seafood, eggs and dairy.
    Prior to that I was eating the mainstream version of a healthy diet (lots of veggies, fruit, whole grains, low fat, eating the rainbow etc) for decades and watching my health slowly decline.

  7. From the top down and the outside in, complete failure all around through our medical/sciences. No wonder there are always articles written near weekly proclaiming ‘We have no idea and our best guesswork doesn’t add up without addition of corrections.” And with this small group, how many have tried to spread this to their peers only to hear the complaints about how hard it is to eat how we’re supposed to?

  8. let’s not forgot how television shows have done their part to reinforce the fear of heart disease. Almost every beloved tv dad has run into heart trouble. it’s engrained in our psyche.

  9. I’ve been low carb for a few years now. Weight and BP both normalised. OA pain gone. Even my Gfr has normalised. 72 year old female, on no meds (despite GP wanted me to take statins). I think my LDL chol is 6.2 mmol/. How could they get it so wrong?

  10. I was born in 1965. My older siblings pre 1957. My darling mother fervently adopted the healthy heart guidelines of the 70’s, and I received the products of her “heartfelt healthy endeavours”, since then, I have battled with my weight for 50 odd years, since I was 7.
    My older siblings not so much, I believe because they probably had more saturated fat in their diet.
    Sadly I also went on to become a coronary care nurse and in that role further purported the so called healthy NZ heart foundation food pyramid. It totally sickens me to think what I told people post heart attack in the 1990’s.
    18 months ago I adopted a low carb higher protein lifestyle and hey presto my weight came down. However year of restrictions and dieting have left their mark both physically and mentally. It’s not something you just shut off after 50 years, sugar addiction is real and the offending food is everywhere.
    Thank you Dr Paul Mason, presentations like this reinforce to me that I’m on the right track now, so informative and enlightening, the history of these lies must be shared everywhere.

  11. I’ve heard this presentation, or a variation thereof, dozens of times. Personally, I enjoy the Nina Teicholz, Zoe Harcombe and Gary Taubes versions first and foremost. Paul Mason is a good speaker however and thus ensures this story gets to a wider audience.

  12. Thank you so very much! 🤩
    In Sweden in the 1970s, we had a recommendation from the government about eating 6-8 slices of bread per day. Now I know where this came from.
    I’ve linked to this video on a Swedish Facebook channel dedicated to stopping false recommendations from our government, it’ll sure give us more fuel.
    I’ve been on an LCHF diet for 10+ years now, and I feel like 40 again, rather than my 75.

  13. I can’t go to supermarkets anymore without feeling angry when I see what is being consumed by the population.
    Is it part of the depopulation agenda?????

  14. Fantastic lecture as always! Really unfortunate that this isn’t common knowledge. We will just have to try and make it so.

  15. I hope CSIRO diet researchers sit to the table for Australian dietary guidelines. Specially now that they are using low-carb and protein-adequate diets in their own research with success.

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