The #1 Best Anti-inflammatory Food in the World (Surprising)

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Learn more about what causes inflammation and discover the best food for inflammation.


0:00 Introduction: How to get rid of inflammation
0:20 Inflammation explained
0:43 The worst foods for inflammation
4:00 What is glutamine?
4:50 The root cause of inflammation
5:45 The best anti-inflammatory food
6:54 The best anti-inflammatory food for vegetarians and vegans
7:37 Foods high in glutamine
8:10 Make sure you can always find unfiltered health information by signing up for my newsletter!
8:33 Learn more about sauerkraut!

Today, I want to share the best food for inflammation.

This food is powerful for any type of inflammatory condition, autoimmune disease, or any condition that ends in “itis.”

There is an interesting connection between inflammation in your joints and inflammation in your gut. To get rid of inflammation, we can’t forget about supporting a healthy gut.

Top foods that cause inflammation:
• Grains
• Alcohol
• Sugar
• Junk foods/ultra-processed foods
• Corn
• Soy
• Seed oils
• A1 milk proteins
• Fiber and functional fiber products
• Plant-protein products

Even beans, legumes, and vegetables can contribute to the problem if you have an inflammatory condition. You may need to try the carnivore diet for a little while.

The root cause of inflammation starts in the gut, and it’s called intestinal permeability or leaky gut. Glutamine, an important amino acid for your colon cells, is essential for this situation.

The best food to fight inflammation is beef, which is very high in glutamine. Glutamine greatly supports the gut and is beneficial for inflammatory conditions.

One of the best anti-inflammatory foods for vegans and vegetarians is cabbage. Cabbage, especially red cabbage, is a great source of glutamine.

Other foods rich in glutamine include:
• Sheep or goat cheese
• Kefir
• Eggs
• Fish
• Bone broth

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the best food for inflammation. I’ll see you in the next video.

61 responses to “The #1 Best Anti-inflammatory Food in the World (Surprising)”

  1. 🍖 Breaking my fast with 80/20 grass-fed grass-finished Beef & 2 tablespoons of Sauerkraut, after my Ghost Pepper and Lemon Smoothie on an empty stomach today! Thanks, Dr. Berg! Have a wonderful day, people! 🙌

  2. Dr. Berg, since I had Covid for the first time 2 years ago, and this year I had it for the second time, I started to suffer from dysbiosis. I also have hypoparathyroidism due to thyroid removal, which In itself, it greatly harms intestinal functioning. I researched your vídeos and discovered that glutamine has the ability to regenerate intestinal cells. I took 5g as recommended by nutritionists, but I had a very bad effect, very weak, shaking, urinating too much, I was scared. It seems to me that glutamine causes us to eliminate calcium, is that true? Will I not be able to use this amino acid? I have already taken compounds with various amino acids and this has never occurred to me. And please, Could you talk about female hormone replacement? Thank you so much for sharing and helping us so much with your knowledge! 🙏

    • I was clean Keto for over 4 years but I still had some gut issues, so I went Carnivore for the ultimate healing. The supplement you took was probably the problem. Get the ultimate healing from just eating beef and lamb and maybe some fermented cabbage.

    • ​@The Man ​ I will try to follow your advice and start the keto diet. I worry because I’m already underweight. I’m going to see a nutritionist and adapt my diet a little as I also have discomfort with foods with a high foodmap content. Thanks!

    • @Mary Mary
      I wish you all the best on the road to recovery because I really believe that you will do it. Every beginning is very hard and can sometimes make someone despair, but never give up. You are sure to find the perfect ingredients on the way to your ultimate health.

    • @Mary Mary Keto or Carnivore are not weight loss diets. They will optimize your body. After your body is healed it will gain muscle and your bones will get stronger. Eat till you want not more, do not starve yourself.

  3. I hope many people watch this video and be informed. Changing diet is much easier than medication. Thank you, Dear Dr. Berg.

    • For some changing diets is easier or harder depending on how they have programmed to think.

      Definitely easier than spending hours at the gym but both are important 😊

    • Changing your diet is not easier by any means. Taking a pill is far easier. The diet change is better for you though.

    • I think people view changing diet as far harder since you have to have discipline to actually eat healthy. Is diet better than meds? Definitely. Is taking a pill easier than changing your lifestyle? Definitely

  4. Dr Berg is the Boss, thank you so much Sir for your valuable information. I’ve private playlists of (mostly of your videos) different ailments for my family friends and myself. Now my friends and family message me and I forward your information and videos.
    Such a wealth of knowledge, and I love your eat yourself healthy then add necessary meds & supplements approach. Thank you again.
    Yes Dr Berg all this nonsense about eating real meat, and all orchestrated too is highly concerning.
    Im also sick of this censorship too, grrrr

  5. Before yesterday I started training again, I did quite high intensity training, short sets. Yesterday I did 25 hours of fasting, broke it with a salad that had cabbage + 200g of beef, then did a 20h fast. Dang, the soreness of the muscles after a time of inactivity was almost non-existent, I could only feel pain by massaging the muscles, but the rest of the day I was pretty much not feeling any. It’s impressive that this video came out right at this very moment.

  6. I followed Dr. Berg’s advice and removed the seed oil and my inflammations decreased significantly after 2-3 weeks. For a year, no doctor could understand why these inflammations were so painful and even almost suggested to me that it was in my mind “you got to learn to live with it”.

  7. I found your channel about 8 weeks ago now, the same amount of time I’ve been doing fasting, and keto diet. I was also diagnosed with MS a year ago (at the hospital), but I am still awaiting to see the MS clinic. At one point, they were confused and not sure what exactly i had (neurologist). Keep in mind that I’ve had non-stop pain this whole year to the point where i needed help walking. I cut all sugars and carbs (small amount of sugar in the kefir), and fast every day at 18:6. Im telling you, these last 8 weeks have been amazing with hardly any pain left. I’ve been eating sauerkraut every day as a side as well as kimchi, kefir, and beef a couple of times a week. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Im also taking a B1 vitamin.

  8. I was vegan for seven years. Slowly, I came back to meat. Now, I’ve reduced my carb intake. I feel better. I now eat mostly beef, chicken, eggs and certain vegetables including cabbage. I clearly feel better. My inflammatory issues have subsided.

    • Very interesting insight from you. It’s good that you listened to your body, tried it out and noticed that you felt better. I wish you all the best for the future.

    • Do you mean you were plantbased bc many get the term vegan wrong as being vegan is not a diet. Being vegan is against animal exploitation.

    • 5 years on a strict plant based diet almost killed me health wise … two pages double columns of ailments. Quit and went on a Keto diet and after 6 months, my bloodwork was all in the normal range. I will never go back eating a vegan/plant based diet ever again. Also seeing those who eat no meat all look so sickly, that should have been a red flag before I went on that plant based/vegan diet.

  9. Absolutely spot on! Beef and cabbage makes up 99percent of my diet over the past 7 years. It literally erased my inflammatory problems.

    • You must be eating something else too though. Only 2 things for 7 years sounds more akin to monk living.

    • ​@Cornelious Stradivarius
      You know what…the way they’re genetically modifying everything, you may have to pick 1 or 2 things to eat each day that won’t kill ya. 😅🙂

    • Autoimmune diseases can be caused by eating a lot of mammal foods (such as beef) because mammals are so similar to humans.
      Chicken has more glutamine than beef. Fish and cheese have almost as much as beef. Cabbage has less than spinach and much much less than foods with a high protein content.

  10. Dr Berg you have helped me change my life! 3 months in Keto and IF and my fatty liver is healing, my inflammation has all but gone, my fibromyalgia is stable and I’m 28lbs lighter
    Thank you Sir

    • Yep! Me too over a year ago! The weight was falling off FAST! I had gotten down to 129lbs! I was running up to 5-6 miles a day with no pain. My joints started feeling better, no more pain from lupus or fibromyalgia. My skin started to glow!! I stopped every single pill my Dr gave me and changed my eating habits ( not that it was horrible) but I was eating everything the FDA says is “healthy”. I research what Dr Berg said for a yr before I started doing what he recommended, lol. And he’s helped me tremendously!

  11. I was really hoping the surprise #1 food was going to be carrot cake, but beef makes sense. Love these videos. Thanks Doc!

  12. We love you Dr Berg! THANKYOU so much. I started watching your videos 12 months ago, and as a result, changed my diet radically and started intermittent fasting. I avoid all these types of foods you mention. Today I have significantly reduced my endometriosis pain! KEEP GOING and people, please persevere with your diet!

  13. Started keto years ago thanks to Dr. Berg. Now doing carnivore but still listen to everything Dr. Berg says!

  14. I agree. I’ve been doing Keto & fasting for 4 years already. Before doing Keto & fasting, I was following the typical doctor recommendations like avoiding red meat, nuts & beans. I was already doing low carb & I was active but the bloating, gout, plantar fasciitis, dermatitis wouldn’t go away. I started watching your videos & stopped eating grains, highly processed carbs & also stopped using highly processed cooking oils, & then all the inflammation went away. I am trying to share my experience to people that have this problems but us is difficult to change their minds because they were told by everybody including their doctors the wrong information. I want to thank you Dr Berg, for all your informative videos. What gives Keto a bad name is when people do it wrong. When people are not well informed & do dirty Keto, it creates new problems.

    • People look at me like I have a leg growing out of the side of my face when I try telling them about how the food we all are eating is causing all of our illnesses and inflammation. My boss told me the other day “Why are you doing this? You know, nobody can live forever?” (I told him I was making cabbage juice and he was utterly disgusted lol). I said I am not trying to live forever, I just want to feel good, be healthy and avoid all medications. Even then, they still dont get it!

  15. 😱WOW! I’m watching this in shock. I’m on my lunch break, sitting in my car enjoying my piece of steak and sauerkrauts as I watch this. I also had eggs, sardines, and beets for breakfast. My health has improved so much watching Dr Berg. Thank you so much for caring about our health and wellbeing, and for educating us.🙏

  16. Crippling arthritis since my 40’s…and it was all the bad food and toxins…and all the medical doctors did was give me toxic medications…and I got worse and worse. It was good “real” food and nutrients that gave me the most improvement. Thank you Dr. Berg!

  17. Dr. Berg knows what he is talking about!
    I have been using Glutamine for over 10 years as a muscle recovery agent after my gym and calisthenic workouts!
    Had no idea that is also amazing for inflammatory issues!
    Dr. Berg is humanitarian awesome!
    Thank you again for this educating information for the improvement of health and wellness!

  18. Dr. Berg, your awesome!!
    I’ve had a very similar set of illnesses as you had lifelong, I am 56, been exhausted trying to figure it out on my own holisticly. I’ve never been freed up from the cycles of illness for very long. Your content and clear way of presenting is giving me the opportunity to heal and regenerate. Thank you again💜

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