Surprising Reasons for High Blood Sugar Despite LOW Dietary Sugars

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Consuming the wrong diet isn’t the only cause of high blood sugar. If you don’t know what’s causing your high blood sugar levels, you need to check this out.

Check out Dr. Ken Berry’s Video on Blood Glucose: ▶️

Dr. Ken Berry’s YouTube Channel:

Healthy Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fasting Plan:

0:00 Introduction: Is high blood sugar dangerous?
0:30 Blood sugar explained
2:27 Surprising causes of high blood sugar
7:20 False positive high blood glucose test
8:10 Make sure you can always find unfiltered information on health by signing up for my newsletter!

Some people have high blood sugar levels, and it’s not actually dangerous. Let me explain.

Having high blood sugar levels due to consuming high amounts of refined sugar and carbs is different than having high blood sugar from normal physiological processes.

High blood sugar that occurs because of a physiological reason won’t create the damage that pathological high blood glucose can.

An A1C test measures your average blood glucose levels over three months. If you have physiological high blood glucose, your A1C won’t be elevated. But, if you have high blood glucose derived from the wrong diet, your A1C will be elevated.

It’s important to consider all the different factors when you check your blood glucose.

Surprising causes of high blood glucose:
• Infection
• Injury
• Inflammation
• Mental stress
• Dawn phenomenon
• Lack of sleep
• Artificial sweeteners
• Excess caffeine consumption
• Jet lag
• Intense exercise
• Menstrual cycle
• Certain medications
• Prolonged fasting
• Low sodium

Top things that can affect the results of your blood glucose test:
• Using expired testing strips
• Having wet or dirty fingers
• Having sugar on your fingers
• Extreme temperatures
• What you ate or drank just before you tested

If you have high blood sugar, the most crucial thing to do is get on the right eating plan. Learn about the Healthy Keto® diet in my other video.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

Follow Me On Social Media:




Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you better understand what causes high blood sugar levels. I’ll see you in the next video.

41 responses to “Surprising Reasons for High Blood Sugar Despite LOW Dietary Sugars”

  1. I think I may be suffering lack of having the right amount of oxygen during sleep. This may be affecting my blood sugar levels. Especially during winter my breathing can be a bit laboured.

  2. I was hospitalized on heavy duty IV antibiotics for a bacterial infection that got into my bloodstream. Afterward my health insurance company started sending me diabetes pamphlets even though I don’t have diabetes. Apparently there was something about high blood sugar in my hospital records (due to the infection) that the insurance company saw, and they assumed I had diabetes even though proper diabetes testing was never done. I told them to stop the pamphlets LOL

    • My blood glucose went up when I had a kidney stone that caused an infection. Luckily I had a doctor who recognized that I was not diabetic. A Basel Metabolic panel was taken just this week and my blood glucose was 95. When I was suffering from the infection it went up to 105. My Cardiologist recognized that I was not diabetic as well. I am a former nurse and I watch these issues like a hawk, The only time I had any issues is when I was sick enough to be admitted to hospital. I do not eat anything sugary very often. I have A Fib tendencies and I am on Metoprolol 25 mg once per day which also can raise blood glucose.

    • I wonder if a diagnosis of diabetes in that record can affect the cost of life insurance in the future. Just a thought

    • I pray to God that you won’t ever develop that terrible disease!
      Don’t allow anyone to tell you that it’s not that bad of a sickness!

  3. So much thanks to you Dr. Berg. This video is the answer to my problems. It is exactly what i was searching for. THANK YOU ❤

  4. The standards as preferred that are quoted here are much lower than other places, and earlier times. In aus we have looked for a good blood sugar range between 4 – 5.5 nM [In Aus we use the mole system]. This translates to 80 – 100 mgm / dL. Mainly in hospital we like to see blood sugars less than 120 mg, this is considered acceptable. By keeping to this level of blood sugars, I kept my A1c below 7, again that is the optimum in Aus, Canada, UK etc. However I was advised by my endocrinologist that recent research has determined that a slighter higher level of blood sugar was considered safer in “older” patients, I’d say over 60yrs as the organs seem to need more glucose in order to function at optimum levels.

  5. Thank you Dr Berg. I took your advice and started taking Benfotiamine and that fixed my A1C and glycation problems! You saved my life

    • What was your A1C before taking benfotiamine. Which benfotiamine did you. take. I mean which brand. What about glycation problems

  6. I just gained more respect for you if that is possible Dr. Berg for yielding to Dr. Berry on diabetic issues and keto information! I follow both of you and I highly respect both of you and all of you have changed my life! Thank you and God bless you ❣️ We don’t take your information for granted and we are listening!

  7. Thanks Doc. This information fills in gaps.. gaps that are typically filled with advice that can make one worse. Wholistic thinking, Wholistic practices, for the **Big Win** thanks Doc!

  8. I have my annual exam in a couple days. I checked my tests online. My blood glucose was 113. My doctors dont order A1C tests so I do my own A1C test at a local lab and it has averaged 5.3 to 5.4 over the last 4 tests but 5 tests ago it was 5.7. Long term my A1C averages 5.4. My glucose averages 107 for the past 4 years. I do fast for the tests and work out daily and my body weight is around 200 for 6 foot tall frame. I dont know what else to do. IS my A1C more meaningful or is my glucose?

  9. THANK YOU! I FINALLY got a an answer to why my A1c (10) is higher than my blood samples during the day! (just got tested a week ago). I have pain I deal with on a daily basis and I take tramadol. Stress with family. All the other “stresses”. But my daily glucose level is 100-130. So……gonna have a long talk with my primary. She’s throwing Metformin at me and increased Synthroid but we’ll talk first because I refuse to take it (was on Metformin with Endocrinologist in beginning, but it only made me very sick so she went to insulin). Primary is new for me as my other primary retired. You SO made my day: the stress alone from just THINKING about the A1c problem is enough to raise my A1c! You da man, Dr. B! And I already signed up for the newsletter connection…..I’m indebted. I’m working on it, with your bits of insight……Thank You! (bowing low! )……

  10. I just recently got my bloodwork back after doing keto and maintaining over 40 pounds weight loss. I was depending too much on artificial sweeteners. My a1c went from a normal level of 5.4 to pre diabetic of 5.8. I’m cutting way back on them.

  11. This channel itself has tons of information and i like how he is still mention getting good information from another channel. Very humble.

  12. Thank you, Dr Berg. Dawn phenomenon confuses a lot of diabetics and brings them to despair, since we have to go do our fasting bloodwork just when our morning cortisol and glucose levels are high! When we try to tell this to the docs and nurse practitioners who want to put us on meds/insulin, they just assume we’re know-it-all internet surfers, and our protests should be disregarded.

  13. Thank you for informing us. I really needed that. I was surprised that sometimes my mom had a little bit of high blood glucose level.

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