Why Women Can’t Lose Belly Fat After Menopause

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Discover how to lose belly fat after menopause!

0:00 Introduction: How to lose weight after menopause
0:10 What is menopause?
0:37 The role of the adrenals in menopause
1:05 Understanding your hormones during menopause
2:19 The autonomic nervous system explained
3:45 The parasympathetic nervous system
6:22 How to exercise after menopause
7:40 The worst exercise for stomach fat
8:25 How to burn belly fat after menopause
9:45 Make sure you can always find unfiltered health information by signing up for my newsletter!
10:09 Learn more about how to deal with stress!

Let’s talk about why it’s so difficult for women to lose belly fat after menopause—and what to do about this issue.

When a woman goes through menopause, their ovaries no longer produce or release eggs. This big change leads to a cascade of other changes. The ovaries also make hormones, which means a woman in menopause will have lower hormone levels.

However, when this happens, the adrenal glands are supposed to act as the backup system for the ovaries. The adrenal glands make all of the hormones that the ovaries make.

If the adrenal glands are strong and stable when a woman is going into menopause, they may experience fewer symptoms. It’s not normal to experience symptoms of menopause unless there’s a problem with the adrenal glands.

Another part of the body we need to focus on is the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is the recovery system of the body. It influences your sleep and ability to recover. Fat burning occurs in the recovery phase.

Exercising your parasympathetic nervous system will help reduce cortisol, support sleep, and get rid of belly fat.

In order to strengthen your parasympathetic nervous system, it’s crucial to increase the time you rest in between your reps and sets of exercise, as well as the days of exercise. You have to make sure you don’t overtrain and give your body a chance to completely recover and reset.

How to lose belly fat after menopause:
1. Do high-intensity exercises with longer rest periods
2. Don’t overtrain
3. Don’t train over soreness
4. Focus on getting more sleep
5. Take advantage of chiropractic care, massage therapy, or physical therapy
6. Consume omega-3 fatty acids
7. Take DHEA
8. Go on a low-carb diet with intermittent fasting
9. Get plenty of magnesium, choline, vitamin B1, and vitamin D
10. Try lemon balm, passionflower, or ashwagandha

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! Try these tips to lose belly fat after menopause. I’ll see you in the next video.

39 responses to “Why Women Can’t Lose Belly Fat After Menopause”

  1. Dr. Berg thank you for your insight. You really explain things in plan English, which I am sure thousands of people appreciate.I have learned a lot of information that answers my questions. 😊

  2. HIIT is really good, true. Just one thing concerning “jogging“ => most people exercise on a pulse that is too high because their oxygen-threshold is so low. My pulse threshold for 5 min sustained running is at 170-175. If I exercise at around 125-135 pulse that feels relaxing to me. If I go for a 10 km run and aim at 150-160 continuous pulse that wrecks my sleep because my heart feels jumpy. So, the distance to the sustained pulse rate is important in strengthening the parasympathetic nervous system. Feeling relaxed while exercising moderately over an hour or two can be beneficial, too!

    • This sounds similar to zone 2 workouts. I need to get a watch that measures my heart rate when I do this exercise. I really enjoy it but it’s hard to go so slow and it will be easier to stay in the right range if I’m actually measuring the heart rate! I strictly breath through my nose which helps to keep me slower!

  3. This is pure gold and it explains so much. I was running up to 5k 4-5 times a week this summer. I was so exhausted, my legs felt heavy and weak, my weight would come down slightly and then go up. I sprained my ankle and told myself there must be a good reason why, well here it is. Thanks so much Dr. Berg!

    • @[:z;{ I did keto when I was younger and lost 30 pounds in a few months. Now I’m over 50 and I did keto for 4 years and only lost 10 pounds, that came back in a week after I stopped. Now I’m fasting, tomorrow is day 4 of a water fast.

    • Jogging 4-5x a week of 5k miles creates cortisol. I would suggest doing that every other day or two. Or increase your good carbs with protein. If you want to do that everyday.

  4. I am in perimenopause at 51 years old nearly 52 with regular monthly periods still. Valuable info for me for the next phase when it happens for me.

  5. Great content. I find that a healthy mentality toward menopause and aging will reduce the stress level. Reduction of stress will help control the weight gain. I love this content because it gives an alternative perspective to exercising.

  6. I’m 56,i hit pre menopause, and rapid progressive multiple sclerosis at the same time. Can’t believe even walking impossible and my belly just gets bigger😂 since June and now waiting treatment🤷‍♀️ thank you, interesting♥️

    • Interesting as I seemed to go into menopause and progressive MS around the same year. I don’t take any of the DMT’s but saw an integrative MD/naturopath years ago instead. My menopause symptoms were very slight though. Intermittent fasting and eating fewer carbs serves me well.

    • I’m having the same symptoms! Multiple sclerosis like symptoms. Although I do not have multiple sclerosis. What I have found that really really helps me, I no longer drink just water. I put a pinch of sea salt every time! I make sure that I have enough salt during the day as well. I’ve upped my intake of natural vitamin C mostly through oranges and tangerines but also through acerola, cherry and rose hips. It has been a godsend to me….I also added bananas only in the morning (yes I know it’s not keto friendly) You may want to try that. It calmed my symptoms alot…

    • Regarding MS look into the Coimbra Protocol. Very high dose vitamin D can supposedly hault/reverse MS and other autoimmune disorders. Dr. Berg has a video about it. I also read a book about people doing Coimbra that I got on Amazon about people reversing MS with doctor supervised high dose D3

  7. I went through an early menopause (aged 44) that coincided with being treated with steroids for Crohns, and developing arthritis. We didnt have this type of quality of information available. Fast forward 25 years and Im so glad we have it now, and hope that many women are able to take charge of their lives.

  8. Your adrenal and cortisol support has helped me with all of the symptoms you mentioned in this video. I sleep better and I am losing weight around my belly now. Before that I worked out with a personal trainer and did not ose any weight.

  9. I’m 53 and weighed 185 lbs, all of it around my abdomen. I was having hot flashes, night sweats, dizziness, mood swings, sleep issues, irritability, and bouts with anxiety. Last May I was fed up with those symptoms and decided to try keto and intermittent fasting. It has certainly been a journey with a lot of course corrections, but I am now 150 lbs and feel so good! I have eliminated all the symptoms and am determined this is the lifestyle for me. I’m in maintenance for a bit right now, but am now starting to add exercise to get stronger. The main thing is not the weight loss for me … I never want to feel the way I did before.

  10. 1:14 I suffered from a host of menopausal symptoms, signifying drop in estrogen, and yet developed melasma at the same time, which is what some women get during pregnancy (but I never did) due to high estrogen level! Estrogen deficiency AND estrogen dominance, what a bummer!!! I can never hope to find even one doctor who acknowledges this, let alone understands it. Why can’t there be more Dr. Bergs in the world?!

  11. 0:15: 🔑 Women experience changes in their bodies during menopause, including a decrease in hormones and the cessation of egg production, which can lead to symptoms such as hot flashes. However, if the adrenal glands are strong and stable, there may be minimal symptoms.
    3:50: 🧠 Focusing on the parasympathetic nervous system can help with recovery, sleep, and fat burning.
    7:07: 🏋️‍♀️ Strengthening the parasympathetic nervous system through recovery is important for weight loss.
    Recapped using Tammy AI

  12. Some good information. I wish I had known this when I started Menopause. I had Adrenal Exhaustion because life was full and busy. Had to learn to totally relax with meditation. I am past it now, but Menopause information is needed. Thank you Dr Berg👍🏽

  13. I went carnivore the year before I went through menopause and I have to say it was so easy. Also no abdominal fat. All the women in my family have struggled for years when they went through menopause.

  14. 1. Short exercise
    2. Sleep
    2. Not to exercise long times
    4. Focus omega 3
    5. DEGA supplements
    6. Massage
    7. Low carb IF
    8. Magnesium , Collin potassium
    9. Aswaganta
    19. Herbs
    Summary Triggers parasympathetic nervous system
    Great video

  15. I was just worrying about this today and thinking about what I can do to help with my belly fat and fatigue. I’d started drinking lemon balm tea and it seemed to help. Thank you, Dr Berg, for giving me such a clear answer!

  16. Good to know why the belly fat is so difficult to lose. Even when I maintain an ideal weight I still have that annoying belly. I’m 62 and breezed through menopause.

  17. Finally, it makes real sense – how all these work and what we should do, Thank you, Dr. Berg. Your videos have always been insightful and resourceful. 🙇🏻‍♀️

  18. This makes so much sense. I’ve had a lot of smotache issue throughout my life. Finding out that my parasympathetic system was so off due to past traumas. Now going into menopause I’ve gained weight and started intermittent fasting and slower work outs. Meditation after workouts because it felt good. But long behold there is a reason why!!❤❤❤❤

  19. Thank you Dr. Berg. The alarming thing that I am noticing is that women, who are way to young to be experiencing menopause, are showing signs of disproportionate body fat in their abdomens as if they are already menopausal. As of me writing this, I am a 46 year old male, and I am seeing women who are in their late 20s and early 30s whose abdomen’s protrude out like their a middle aged beer drinker. They are not really obese, and seem petite in other areas of their body, but they have the shape of menopausal woman. I rarely, if ever, saw this when I was in my 20s.

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