What Would Happen if You Drank Soda for 14 Days?

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The average American consumes 45 gallons of soda a year. Here’s how soda affects your health.



0:00 Introduction: Is soda bad for you?
0:40 How much sugar is in soda?
2:00 The problem with soda drinks
4:38 Beverage industry conflicts of interest
6:10 How soda affects your health
7:44 Get unfiltered health information by signing up for my newsletter
8:07 Find out what would happen if you gave up sugar for two weeks!

Let’s talk about what happens to your body when you drink soda.

In a ten-ounce soda, there are up to ten teaspoons of sugar. Instead of cane sugar, soda companies are also using high-fructose corn syrup.

High-fructose corn syrup can create even more problems than cane sugar, especially for the liver. The effects of fructose on the liver are actually similar to the effects of alcohol on the liver.

Fructose creates more fat than glucose, and it doesn’t satisfy. Fructose can potentially lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The high-fructose corn syrup combined with caffeine in soda may lead to issues with your blood pressure, heart, brain, bones, and kidneys. Soda is also a key contributor to childhood obesity.

The sugar in soda feeds unfriendly bacteria, yeast, and fungus. It can also suppress your immune system and make you more susceptible to infections. This can lead to other issues, including increased tumor growth.

It’s crucial to point out that cancer thrives on sugar. Sugary drinks also block vitamin C and deplete vitamin B1 and vitamin D.

Soft drinks are associated with over 180,000 deaths worldwide. But combining soda with a fast food meal is an even deadlier situation.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of how soda affects your health. I’ll see you in the next video.

52 responses to “What Would Happen if You Drank Soda for 14 Days?”

  1. Thank you Dr Berg. This message goes beyond health. Thanks for standing for the truth. You embody the word ‘ethics’.

    We’re behind you Dr Berg.

  2. I cut out soda and chocolate a year ago. I list 60 pounds ❤
    I drank 6 cans of mt dew a day. I dont get up 5 times a night anymore..I only get up up once now. Thank you Dr Berg ❤

  3. I have 45 and my last can of soft drinks was 25 years ago . I drink only still water , sometimes green tea , never alcohol because I don’t like it and the perks for my health at tremendous. My blood tests are perfect , I can run 10 km under 1 h , I look 10 years younger…

  4. I only drink soda on rare occasions and even than I drink less than half a cup. I know how sugar can impact negativity on out body. Thanks for these videos doc. I’ll try to cut out sodas permanently from my diet

  5. My friend, who never drank alcohol and touched a cigarette, developed stage 2 fatty liver thanks to his regular soda consumption. He was shocked as he thought that only alcohol cause fatty liver. An experienced liver doctor told us that soda is as bad as alcohol if not worse for the liver.

  6. When I was a kid in the 60s and a teen in the 70s no one in my sphere was obese. The slightly overweight kids in my class were singled out as abnormal. When I look around now I am speechless

    • I agree. I grew up in that same era and overweight children and teens were few. Today, it seems like the norm to be overweight.

    • Not sure if you live in the midwest but wow. I’ve managed to maintain my weight over the years. I walk through a store here and almost EVERYONE is overweight. The “normal” weight people are the outliers. I feel like I stick out a bit not being fat. lol

    • I grew up in that time also. We didn’t eat fast food only when we went on vacation and that was a treat. God bless my mother how she warned me about drinking to much soda.

    • In Cathedral school we had an Immaculate Heart of Mary Nun pour soda on the windowsill of our classroom ..the next day the paint was gone.

  7. I have confirmed that soda caused my neurogenic bladder also causing complicated UTI regularly. It’s sad that sodas continues to be supplied in the market. Thanks for the video Dr Berg🥰

  8. Dr Bergs video on stop eating sugar for 14 days really turned my health around in the right direction, in the nick of time. Highly recommend

  9. As someone who basically consumed ONLY soda from childhood until I was in my 30’s- I don’t know how I’m still functioning!! Thankful that I gave up soda completely in 2020- and it’s amazing how much I now LOVE water- only water & coffee from now on!

    • Same brother! Grew up on soda and drank it right up until my mid 30s and that’s when reality finally caught up with me. I was basically type 2 diabetic. Wounds wouldn’t heal, had nerve issues in my hands and feet, poor circulation, and bad vision problems not to mention probably tons of damage to my liver and kidneys. Finally quit soda for a year straight and man what a HUGE improvement to my health. Basically everything fixed overnight. Soda is evil.

  10. Love it when somebody tells the truth even when it means stepping on the toes of powerful organizations. Kudos Dr. Berg.Been many years since anyone in my family has consumed soda.

  11. I havent had a fizzy drink (bar sparkling water) for about 18 years, and thought I’d lost all cravings, but watching this video with all the drinks being poured out, it’s like an advert for coke and makes me crave it again 😅
    But seriously, good info Dr Berg and thank you once again

  12. Dr Eric Berg has helped me and many others throughout the years, I appreciate it, even though I am a fitness guru I am always learning more as I get older. His calm demeanor and positive approach reflects the community on his YouTube page. Best regards Dr eric berg and his team

  13. Dr berg, your content is always very informative. And, sometimes a bit scary. Reality in your face. However we need this in the world. I am a huge soda drinker. I drink it like water. I’ve been having some issues that mimic alcoholism. However, I don’t drink alcohol. I bet it’s that damn soda. Thank you Dr Berg for the critical information on this dangerous issue

  14. My Dad was a Pepsi addict all my life. He always had a Pepsi in his hand and a fridge stocked with the stuff. He would wake up in the middle of the night to take a sip of his cold Pepsi from the fridge. He literally never drank water. He died a few years ago from bladder cancer that had spread unchecked. The Dr said he had not seen bladder cancer before since it was rare. My Dad’s teeth were brown, he had severe arthritis, paranoia, always obese and a mean MOFO. He served as a good example how not to live my life.

  15. Amazing video Dr Berg! Haven’t had soda for a couple years but will share this with people that do. I appreciate you showing how our 3 letter agencies are trying to hoodwink us. God bless you and your family!

  16. This is great information. I made a complete lifestyle change at about 40 years old and a big part of that was reducing my soda consumption. I was a daily drinker but now I’ll have it once a week or so. It’s a game-changer.

  17. I’m so glad I’ve found you and your channel. I’ve been soda free for years after going hard on pepsi most my life. Never felt better. Cheers

  18. Perfect timing. I was just thinking about giving up sugar. You mentioned so many of my problems, now I know why I’m going through that. Thanks Dr. Berg!! You’re the best!

  19. I really don’t know how to thank this man, I had liver issues, Sugar addiction and anxiety and stubborn overweight. After only 2 weeks of fasting and ketogenic diet I finally wake up refreshed and all previous problems are gone. God bless you 🤲🏻📿

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