9 Ways Dr. Berg BLOCKS the Side Effects Of Carbs While On A Keto Diet

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 


Find out how to block the damaging effects of sugar, stress, and more.


0:00 Introduction: How to block the effects of sugar
0:17 What to do if you go off keto
17:42 Get unfiltered health information by signing up for my newsletter

Sticking to keto and intermittent fasting is the best way to meet your health goals. But, if you make a mistake on keto, it’s not the end of the world. Today, I’m going to share how to block the effects of sugar and carbs, as well as other potentially problematic things.

1. Sugar
• Consume fiber
• Take electrolytes, B vitamins, and trace minerals

2. Grains
• Consume shellfish
• Take glutamine or consume foods high in glutamine
• Consume B vitamins (nutritional yeast)
• Take vitamin E
• Consume foods high in vitamin C
• Consume foods high in antioxidants
• Take benfotiamine
• Take alpha-lipoic acid
• Exercise
• Take berberine
• Consume cinnamon
• Consume apple cider vinegar
• Consume healthy fats
• Do intermittent and prolonged fasting

3. Alcohol
• Consume vitamin B1 or nutritional yeast
• Drink pickle juice or take electrolytes
• Take milk thistle

4. Certain medications
• Take milk thistle
• Take CoQ10 (if you’re on a statin)
• Take vitamin B1 and B12 (if you’re on metformin)
• Take a probiotic (if you take an antibiotic)
• Take betaine hydrochloride (if you took an antacid)

5. Excess sodium
• Consume foods high in potassium

6. Oxalates
• Consume cheese
• Consume foods high in magnesium

7. Excess water
• Consume sodium and other electrolytes

8. Keto and IF side effects
• Take electrolytes
• Consume B vitamins

9. Stress
• Take vitamin B1, magnesium, and zinc
• Exercise and physical work
• Sleep

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! Follow these tips if you come off of your keto plan. I’ll see you in the next video.

46 responses to “9 Ways Dr. Berg BLOCKS the Side Effects Of Carbs While On A Keto Diet”

  1. Great video Dr Berg. Can you do another video on overcoming a sugar and carbohydrate addiction? My weakness is so called keto bread as well as dark chocolate. I usually eat OMAD or 2MAD, but i struggle with extended fast, and i used to do it easily.

    • As a fellow addict I can only tell you what works for me and the only thing that works is not having any. If I have something like dark chocolate I’ll have cravings for sweet things for at least 3 days and my addiction wins(which happens a lot) and I have anything else those 3 days may end up turning into a week. Then I go through the phase where I feel horrible physically and mentally from the sugar and carbs again which I’m sure you know about and I get stuck in the I’m gonna stop the eating this trash and then failing loop. I don’t know if it’ll work for you but for me avoiding it is what works best and frozen blueberries are the only thing that can satisfy my sweet tooth without any side effects of cravings.

    • yes, sugar is a drug, I was raised on it. I just don’t bring anything in the house. If I brought ice cream home I would eat the entire carton. Well fast forward and I don’t do that anymore, I look at things in the store and just am repulsed by most of it. It will get easier and then you won’t even miss it.

    • You’re not going to die an early age because you ate a little dark chocolate or an extra piece of keto bread!🤣. You might even live longer because of all the antioxidants dark chocolate contains…..The answer is to gain more will power to not consume the whole container of chocolates or the whole loaf of keto bread in a single day….portion control is key!

    • @captnse  Portion control doesn’t work for addicts. I’ll use alcohol as an example. Some folks can have a couple of drinks and be okay, whilst one drink for someone else will lead them down a long road of multiple alcoholic beverages. Some people will say it’s a choice, but with addiction, the best and only choice is to avoid whatever you’re addicted to at all costs, because if the addict makes a choice to try and indulge even a little bit in their addiction it often ends badly.

      Food addiction isn’t taken as seriously because it won’t kill you immediately, but if you look around especially when you go shopping you’ll see it’s rampant among people. So the problem isn’t consuming 1 bar of dark chocolate. It’s trying to stop after 1 bar of dark chocolate. For me my biggest vice is dried fruit which sounds silly on the face of it, but if I consume even a handful of it. That starts of a cascade of me consuming all sorts of sweet things afterwards. Whereas you may be able to indulge in sweet things and control the portions, that’s impossible for some and it’s not by choice.

  2. To whoever is reading this keep going,you’re doing fine! No matter how slow your progress each new week is filled with tiny steps forward. Be proud of yourself you got this!

  3. Thank you for yet another interesting and very informative and helpful video. I am a huge fan of yours and I follow your videos regularly. It’s really helped me to completely change my lifestyle and I have now graduated down to just one meal a day intermittent fasting. It’s been 8 weeks now and I have lost 28 lbs. It really works. I never thought I would be able to achieve just one meal a day but by following your advice and tips I actually find it really easy now. Although it was a bit tough to start with. Thank you. Thankyou. Thank you Dr Berg!

  4. That was a tour de force of Dr. Berg at his best, great video! I hope you and your family have a wonderful (and minimal stress!) holiday season. Does anyone know of a powder form/drinkable multi-vitamin that covers all the keto specific needs? (I struggle taking pills since I was a kid). It would be great to just put the powdered vitamin in a smoothie (with electrolyte powder, kale, lemon, ACV – get it all at one time). Thank you again Dr. Berg – I broke 200 lbs finally! down from 287 to 198, from May to now (Nov 21). This is my first holiday season and trying to build a strategy to enjoy the holiday, not be a weirdo, and also not lose my gains or more importantly restart bad habits. It is nice to have learned the skill of fasting and have that 2 day or 3 day fast in my toolbox (and not be scared by it having done it a couple of times) to reset.

  5. That’s very helpful. I can suggest these points to people who are not strict on their diet. They can neutralize the bad effects then. Thank you.

  6. Thanks Dr Berg, I was on you IF & Keto for 4 months earlier this year, some great results but have been off for 3 months. Some, not all, bad habits have returned. I started back on keto yesterday. Great timing on this video.

  7. Someone was spying on me yesterday!
    I was prepping for Thanksgiving yesterday. I’m the chief chef.
    I totally fell off the wagon snacking on too many carbs.
    I didn’t even check my ketone levels thus morning because I just know I kicked myself out of ketosis and I nearly always stay in.
    Feeling disgusted w/myself!
    Thanks Dr. Berg and the encouraging words from the group.
    Today is a reset💪

    • @samanthaporter6662  It’s tough isn’t it?
      I crave both sweet and savory!
      I just know I feel so much better eating smart, and that has to be my motivation.
      Good luck. Stay strong.
      We’ve got this!

    • My take on this. Life is to be enjoyed. Doing keto or eating right is important but 2 holidays a year and a birthday is to be LIVED. Enjoy what you want in moderation just get back in it the next day.
      Being so strict sets you up for falling off.
      Trust me. I did the same. Now I enjoy the holidays and an occasional splurge. I just drink ACV and cinnamon in water after I eat carbohydrates. It WORKS.

  8. Hi, Dr. Berg ! I’ve been on your healthy keto diet for 1 year now. I take suplements too. Everything is fine and I cured my acne, insulin resistance and PCOS – everything thanks to YOU ! Your knowledge and kindness are amazing ❤ Greetings from Poland 🙂

    • Congratulations! I know a lot of effort goes into making these changes and there is a power and joy that comes with knowing you’ve healed yourself. I’m working on healing my acne I’m managing PCOS as well. Wishing you continued success!

  9. Ugh ,have completely fallen off my diet this past week before Thanksgiving and I can feel it . I definitely feel like crap and really can’t wait for Thanksgiving to pass and get back on track and hopefully do better for Xmas

  10. Dr Berg really does deserve Pulitzer prize nomination for his efforts in clarifying what good health is and what’s going on inside the body with regards with what’s in the label that we call ingredient list with the food we buy. He makes more sense than any doctor I’ve ever met in his field!!

  11. Hi Dr. Berg. I just want to say that your videos and advice are so valuable and life changing! I’m a type 1 diabetic and I have been on the healthy keto diet for a little over two months now with intermittent fasting of 18 hours a day. The carbs I get is only from vegetables and nut butters and flours. Since I have been eating this way, I no longer experience sugar highs or lows and I was able to reduce my insulin doses! My blood sugar average for this period is 130! I lost 8 pounds, have more energy, my chronic shoulder pain from playing violin is almost completely gone and I have been able to sleep all through the night for the first time in YEARS! Thank you so much for your healthy keto videos and intermittent fasting and all your videos because they are life changing!! Anyone thinking about trying this, take it from me, it is life changing! You can live without consuming grains, sugar and carbs and feel amazing and improve your health dramatically!❤❤❤❤

  12. I love keto but on holidays (like Thanksgiving)…I’ll be eating carbs/ sugar and feeling happy about it looool. For me, I just got on a 48-72 hour fast after the holidays to get back on track. It’s never been a problem 👍🏾

  13. Dr. Berg, your comprehensive breakdown on countering the effects of sugar, carbs and stress is invaluable! Your insights on nutrient-rich solutions, from fiber to B vitamins, are a game-changer for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for sharing your expertise!

  14. Thanks for the vid Dr Berg, I have found all your information very helpful and life changing. I was a unhealthy lacto ovarian vegetarian as I didn’t really like vegetables just ate a lot of bread and pasta eggs and cheese. 3 years ago I went keto and intermittent fasting with long fasts up to 6 days every month. I lost 120lbs in 8 months my BP plumeted and I came off the BP meds which was great. I became more active and my insuline resistance and inflammation dropped as well and I found I actually do like vegetables. I fell of the wagon last Christmas and have been eating more refined grains and sugary stuff this last year. My weight stayed the same and my BP climed a little but my inflammation went high. I stated needing to urinate at night and thought it might be a prostate problem starting but it was actually kidney disease, as I found out after a bood test 4 weeks ago. I went straight back onto a strict keto diet and now 4 weeks later, no night time urination and my inflammation has dropped considerably. I am glad you covered whole grains, as I was avoiding them when on keto, but I love organic oats and ancient grain cereals with no gluten and added them back into my diet last week with some organic yoghurt and berries. I now know I cant cheat on the refined carbs and sugar now as I need to repair my kidneys and keep them functioning well.

    Keep up the good work people need this kind of truth and help.

  15. Thank you for including oxalates as one of the things to be concerned about when consumed in excess. I’ve correlated oxalate consumption with skin issues (like rosacea) and issues with my eyesight (an early appearance of macular degeneration). This came about when I included some highly recommended foods which I learned are high in oxalates. Specifically, almonds, spinach, chard and cinnamon! I reduced my intake of these foods, and I noticed a reduction in rosacea and the “anomaly” that was appearing in my eye has diminished greatly.

    I’m not strictly on the ketogenic diet, but I have pretty much eliminated sugar, grains and over-processed foods. I keep an eye on the quality and source of my food, and I practice a time-restricted-eating plan. I’ve already reached my goal in five months of losing 50 lbs. and I feel great.

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