Instantly Lower Blood Pressure within 60 Seconds

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

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This simple method to help lower your blood pressure is fast, free, and something anyone can do. Check it out!



0:00 Introduction: Hypertension explained
0:10 Hypertension causes
4:45 Insulin and hypertension
6:13 Natural alternatives for hypertension
6:23 How to lower your blood pressure fast
8:54 Get unfiltered health information by signing up for my newsletter

Today, I want to share an interesting home remedy that can potentially lower your risk of hypertension.

Many people with high blood pressure are told to reduce their sodium intake. However, a deficiency in sodium can lead to high blood pressure. A low-salt diet can actually worsen your blood pressure.

In my opinion, potassium is one of the key factors in restoring healthy blood pressure levels. Not decreasing sodium—just increasing potassium.

Vitamin D is also important for someone with hypertension, especially essential hypertension.

Insulin resistance is at the heart of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a combination of hypertension, high blood glucose, fatty liver disease, and high cholesterol. It’s crucial to go on a low-carb diet to support healthy blood pressure levels.

Natural alternatives for hypertension:
1. Consume more potassium (vegetables)
2. Go on a low-carb diet
3. Take vitamin D or get more sun

You can also try an incredible and simple breathing technique to help lower your blood pressure fast. This technique is called paced breathing.

Take six complete breaths per minute. Slowly breathe through your nose using your chest, inhale for five seconds, and exhale for five seconds. Do this periodically throughout the day.

Other potential benefits of paced breathing:
• It can help increase oxygen saturation
• It can help increase exercise tolerance
• It can help decrease sympathetic overdrive

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! Try this simple technique to help lower your blood pressure. I’ll see you in the next video.

45 responses to “Instantly Lower Blood Pressure within 60 Seconds”

  1. You’re great, Dr. Berg! I live in the state of Rhode Island. Within the past few years, I encountered two people in my area who told me you helped them reverse advanced cancers. It’s refreshing to see doctors, like you, who cure illness instead of band-aiding issues with poisonous synthetic drugs making matters worse.

  2. This breathing technique helps so much just when your nervous and all freaked out over something. It’s having the whear for all to remember to do so. It’s training your self and make it a healthy habits. If you want to pass along this great method tell someone especially before they get upset because unless their coaches let’s say they may not get it. I hate for instance when someone would say, “calm down”. Honestly, that upsets me more usually. I almost never get that way now. 😊

  3. Thanks Dr. Berg, another informative vid smashing the processed food industry’s profit above health mantra. Breathe in through the nose, hold for 4 beats, and then exhale slowly through pursed lips mouth making a whoosh noise is something I read a long time ago for insomnia- it worked and just do it a few times a day for a few minutes, World of difference.

  4. The breathing to lower bp works! I discovered that while waiting on my IV infusion for RA. Prior to appointment I had been shopping and dealing with heavy traffic etc. My initial bp reading was high for me, 140/86…I knew I needed to calm down so I began deep slow breathing and seriously, within 5-10 minutes the nurse retook my bp and it was 126/60. Now I make a point of concentrating on breathing and I also take electrolytes. Dr Berg, thank you!! ☺️

  5. My husband, who is diabetic was eating a lot of sauerkraut, olives and pickles at night as it kept the blood sugar reading in the morning down.
    But the new doctor he got when we moved told him it was bad for his bloodpressure which was at 130.
    So he stopped for two weeks. By the end of two weeks he was up to 150. Went back to what he was doing and it dropped again.

  6. Dr. Berg! since I started listening to you while getting back into keto, my health has changed for the better.
    I had developed high blood pressure while taking care of my husband that had stage 4 lung cancer. I gained horrible weight, and I was severely depressed.
    He passed 4 years ago and it took me awhile to work through that loss. I had tried keto shortly after his death but didn’t have the right guidance. I lost weight but I also went through some serious hair loss.
    At the time I was led to believe that it was possibly my thyroid in which I was tested and that wasn’t the case.
    In May of this year I made some changes in my life which helped me get back to keto. Through word of mouth I was led to you ❤
    I’ve lost almost 50 pounds, no longer on BP meds. My hair is coming back. Recent blood work showed that my sodium is within range, potassium is up. But chloride is very low. Of course I don’t know what that means and I would love to see a video on that. I do deal with osteoarthritis now so I don’t know if that has anything to do with that.
    My friends are amazed at the change in my overall appearance and attitude. And it’s ALL THANKS TO YOU!!

    • Yes! My story exactly. By following Dr. Berg and Dr. Berry, I made huge changes in my diet and lifestyle. As you said, I feel better physically, and my mood is unbelievable. I’m very upbeat and laughing a lot. No more antidepressants for me. As you mentioned, I have joint pain and muscle pain, and I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t want to start taking medicines for that too.

    • Thank God he can read data. What about those who are doctors and don’t read data but continue prescribing drug after drug.

  7. Thank you! The road map you provided is the keystone to my physical spiritual and mental wellbeing. Your knowledge provided the missing ingredient. Bless you! And it’s the largest part about 90 percent of my problem, between enduring stress to mental health. Everyone needs this! Thank you again!

  8. This is excellent timing for me. I have been to a cardiologist consultant just a couple of days ago. My chest aches do not appear to be from cardiology related problems. Had ultrasound of the heard and ECG (EKG if you are American). So, it’s all stress and anxiety related. My BP has been flying between 125/60 to 140/70 and that’s on best out of 3 measurements. I do think that breathing works. Eliminating stress is a challenge. I am just getting back onto Keto wagon after falling off. Was pleased that my cardiologist and my family doctor do not dismiss Keto as a fad. They are quite understanding of this. Good wishes and good health to all. Thank you, Dr. Berg.

    • Chest aches if long going can also be a sign of Pulmory Hypertension, do you also feel somewhat dizzy or fatigued most of the time ?

    • If you’re going through Perimenopause, or are menopausal the chest discomfort is not likely from anxiety. It’s hormonal. If you’re a man ignore my comment lol

    • @@MissKrisLoves Thank you very much. I am going back to the cardio consultant once he gets the results of the sonogram and ECG and bloods. He did say that in his view it was not cardio related. He has gathered a lot of information about it. Trust me, not looking to be sick, but better to get checked out. If he tells me “go away, you silly girl” I will be only too happy to oblige. LOL Best wishes.

    • @@EmperorKonstantine01 Thank you for the insight. No, I don’t have either. I do have some fatigue but I know it’s because I don’t exercise enough and don’t get enough sleep and have an awfully stressful job. They are not even sharp, completely random and feel like a light quick pull across the top of my breast. It could be muscular or neuralgia or sorts too. Plan is to eliminate anything cardio related and then look into other things. Thank you for answering. It is very nice to have a caring community here

  9. If you have a large upper arm, make sure the person taking your blood pressure is using a large enough blood pressure cuff because it will give an incorrect reading. It happened to me and the dr tried to get me to take a prescription and the nurse said that the cuff was too small and to make sure I always tell them to use a extra large cuff. So glad she told me.

    • Also, make sure that the cuff is placed on right. It has to be above, not touching, the elbow. Your arm has to be resting on a table at chest level. Otherwise, the reading will be inaccurate

  10. Thank you, Dr. Berg. I’ve been messing around with breathing intuitively, seeing it makes a difference but could never nail it down. This filled in the gaps, thank you

  11. I started following you and went on the Keto Diet/Intermittant fasting in January this year. My blood pressure wasn’t that high to begin with, about 140+ over 100, but it has dropped to 130 over 70. I’ve also gone from 225 Lbs to 180 Lbs (6’3″). I use this breathing method any time I get my blood pressure checked. It quickly lowers your blood pressure after physical activity (like walking into the Dr’s office and being stressed about the exam/procedure). I learned this technique when I was a teenager at a Silva Mind Control class (My mother made me go). I’ve used this for 50 years to relax or calm down in stressful situations. It works great. Thanks for all of the advice. Request: do a video on Bladder Cancer.

  12. God bless you and thank you; Dr. Berg
    for this invaluable, educating, and
    health/wellness, and life improving information!
    I have already implemented the
    breathing technique, and I am taking Liquid Vitamin D drops.
    Dr. Berg; you are humanitarian awesome!

  13. Great share! I teach my hypnotherapy clients how to use rhythmic breathing in this way to get out of anxiety states, activating a relaxation response (parasympathetic). Counting the breath also helps distract the conscious mind away from whatever is stressful. Your point of doing it repeatedly is important: we become what we repeat.

  14. Yes! I have known about and practiced this for many years already, (my normal resting breathing rate is already pretty close to that anyway, depending on how calm and relaxed I am, almost always between 6-10 breaths per minute), and my blood pressure has always been around 100/65 or thereabouts, every time I ever check it. I am only 50 years “old” (young!) though, so hopefully I can keep my BP that low throughout my entire life.

    I also do intermittent fasting and oftentimes OMAD (One Meal A Day) on a daily ongoing basis, (I usually only have to eat 2 meals a day if/when I’m working really hard physically at work, like digging ditches, climbing in attics, etc, but when I’m on my own time, and on weekends, I usually just do OMAD), and I have pretty much always eaten that way, ever since I was a teenager, plus I also have a daily stretching routine that I do, so maybe that also has something to do with my BP being so relatively low. I still have plenty of energy and stamina to do anything I want though, so it’s not TOO low.

    Thanks for sharing this Dr. berg! I think if more people did regular relaxation, meditation, stretching, yoga, and conscious deep breathing, at least long enough and regularly enough to “train” your body to just breathe slower and deeper on a regular basis, then more people would be MUCH healthier, even (especially) without the need for ANY kind of drugs, especially if you ALSO combine all of that with healthier eating habits, like intermittent fasting and OMAD!

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