Why is this Country in Most Overweight the World: (THE REAL REASON)

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What is the fattest country in the world? Learn more about the country where over 94.5% of the population is overweight or obese.

0:00 Introduction: What is the fattest country in the world?
0:33 Why is obesity so prevalent in Nauru?
2:23 Ultra-processed foods
4:43 Side effects of seed oils and ultra-processed foods
5:25 Learn more about how to get healthy and lose weight!

Today we’re going to talk about the fattest country in the world. In this country, the average person weighs 225 pounds. This country also has the highest rate of diabetes. Nauru, a small island in the South Pacific with a population of 11,000, is the fattest country in the world.

The island of Nauru was a rich source of phosphate and quickly became one of the richest countries in the world. When all of the phosphate was depleted from the land, the country went into a deep state of poverty where it has remained ever since.

Nauru’s obesity rate went from 2% to 61%. This was caused by the shift from a traditional diet of fish, coconuts, fruits, vegetables, taro, palm oil, and coconut oil without any grains or seed oils to a Westernized diet of processed foods.

Nauru’s soils have been depleted, so they’re no good for growing food. Over 40% of the marine life has been destroyed by pollution, and nearly 100% of the food is imported. Even water must be imported into Nauru.

Ultra-processed foods typically contain the following three types of ingredients that can cause many consequences for your health:
1. Artificial starches: Modified food starch, modified corn starch, maltodextrin
2. Synthetic sugars: Corn syrup, glucose syrup
3. Highly inflammatory seed oils: Corn, cottonseed, canola, soy, and safflower oils

Seed oils are the only trending item that parallels obesity, even more than sugar! They create nutritional deficiencies, inflammation, and cause you to feel hungry after eating.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this has increased your awareness about Nauru and some of the reasons why it’s the fattest country in the world. I’ll see you in the next video.

47 responses to “Why is this Country in Most Overweight the World: (THE REAL REASON)”

  1. Could you talk about obesity in babies. I see this situation all over the place. Must be horrible for the babies…

    • Yes… They just need to be fed healthy fats, butter for example, and good natural foods, and probiotics. Bad bacteria in the gut are connected to obesity, bad oils cause gut dysbiosis. Children NEED to be protected from refined oils, hydrogenated fats, and ultraprocessed junk.

    • @@JuliElisabett Exactly this. My 10 month old is a lean, mean, fighting machine who can keep up with his almost 4 year old brother. He is very bright and thrives on organic fruits and veg, EVOO, grass-fed butter and meat, beans and legumes, Greek yogurt and of course breast milk.

    • @@lindi792 oh, that is so great, just how it should be! I have a baby too, he’s one year and 7 months, he eats natural yogurt, a lot of meat, eggs, vegetables, fruit, and drinks fermented vegetables brine in spoonfuls. He looks so healthy and happy. I always wish for that for other children too.

    • @@JuliElisabett I never thought of fermented vegetable brine. That sounds like an awesome, healthy addition 😊

    • ​@@lindi792
      Hooray 👏 I’m so glad you breast feed your baby so many mothers don’t want to which I wish when my son was younger I had done it longer. I was pressured by my Ex-husband to stop 😡 because he was embarrassed when we went out to eat and I asked for a bigger booth to be able to feed my baby boy because my breast were so big from the milk I couldn’t fit him and I in between a regular booth 😔…so my husband yelled at me “I wish you would just stop that!”
      I was a young mother and wife and if I had to do it all over again I would’ve told him where to stick it!!!
      My son was so happy I had breastfed him because he NEVER had a cavity until he was 18yrs and that was because he thinks from how hard it was to really clean in between his braces🤷‍♀️.
      He told his ex-fiancee he wanted her to nurse their children because of all the health benefits.
      My parents had us on a farm when I was little and we had fresh butter and fresh milk (which our sweet cow Daisy had more cream than milk in her milk).
      All of our cattle was grass fed and I think I heard him say to my mother and another farmer they only gave the cattle grain for a week before butchering for more tender meat 🤔 I may’ve misunderstood because I was really young at the time.
      I wish more mothers would feed their babies healthy instead of just shoving junk food into them to shut them up 😢.
      My mother NEVER breastfed any of us supposedly because she had milk fever 😢 I remember saying to her: “You had it with ALL 6 of us?” 🤔. She NEVER answered me 😢. I feel like she just didn’t want to and I believe a lot of my health problems today are because of her giving me Whole milk as a baby 😭😔 and then feeding me regular food before I was old enough (unfortunately my mother was not a real compassionate mother, but was abusive to me).
      God Bless you for taking excellent care of your baby’s health ❤🙏

  2. It’s a shame. Thank you Dr. Berg and team for bringing this up. Will check it out further just out if interest.

  3. It is heartbreaking that greed and corruption destroyed what once was vibrant and healthy to a disease poverty state. Greed and corruption is ruining the entire planet. I am concerned for my young grand children will grow up on a planet that can no longer be regenerated.

    • Bill Gates is doing all this right now. Proposing processed packets of meals that are “good for the environment” yet are ultra processed for our health. Look into it and you can start piecing it together.

    • Great words. You are so right. We will just grow our organic vegetables, raise chickens and fish, and keep our hopes. 💚

  4. It’s a crime on what they are putting in our foods. The food industry and the government need to be held accountable

    • People have a choice of what they buy. They chose to eat that crap. Stop blaming everyone else. Start making better choices. It’s that simple.

    • @@charlotte1366 the problem is, under the idea of “universal health care”, we will ALL be paying for people who are making terrible food choices, and most of them have ZERO understanding so they literally cannot, and will not, ever change.

    • You are a traitor to the people. You do not understand, that stuff DOES NOT NEED to be put it the food, it’s purposely put there to poison, go support criminal organizations who murder, the choice is yours, but remember, traitors will be treated as such, the time is coming…@@charlotte1366

  5. I love you, Dr. Berg! Thank you immensely for continuing to educate us on how to live healthier, happier, higher quality lives! ❤

  6. Nauru just broke diplomatic ties with Taiwan days ago and I was wondering what this country is about and Dr Berg makes this video. Thanks Dr Berg for always knowing what we need. Love from Taiwan❤

  7. Thank you Dr. Berg❤. Yes these foods and oils are HIGHLY inflammatory. These highly processed seed oils should ONLY be used for machinery lubricants.

  8. Good morning Dr Berg , as always, thank you for your time to educate us on our health 🌝have a great weekend and keep well 🤜🤛

  9. This same situation exists in all South Pacific/Asian 3rd world countries. Coke and Pepsi is cheaper than water and kids grow up on it daily. Everything is fried and covered in sugar, etc. Philippines, Indonesia and other small countries have the exact same diet. That’s why most Filipino’s have diabetes, cardiovascular/heart problems and other diet related illnesses.

  10. I have five kids. Slowly over the past year I’ve removed all seed oils from their diet. Along with some of the worst snacks we used to buy for them. I don’t think the realize how much healthier they look. The more I have learned I can apply it to their lives. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge.

  11. Dr. Berg, as a lawyer, I appreciate you mentioning limitations of regulation, and regulation comes at a huge cost. Education really is the answer and what is lacking the most.

    • Yes, but how can a little education compete with mountains of misinformation? I think you already know the answer!

  12. I didn’t know the definition of food before watching this video. It’s crazy to think so many things people eat don’t actually meet the definition.

  13. Thank you so much for this relevant content, Dr Berg. Your continuous educational videos bringing awareness concerning our health are priceless in a corrupted world ruled by corporate greed and evil. We need more people like you. Stay strong and blessed 🙏🏻

  14. Respect 2 you Doc for sharing this information..mann…crazy how so much of the foods and drinks even in grocery stores r even processed foods and drinks..or not as healthy as they claim 2 me…these really got me thinking…specifically about how I’m gonna make a change in how I eat..Hopefully this information continues 2 get 2 more people

  15. Dr. Berg, Could you please think of creating a safe healthy multivitamin for us to use? You do so much to educate and help us to be healthy and happy! Thank you so much Dr. Berg for caring about all of us ! We appreciate you and luv you ! 🥰❤

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