Mikhaila Peterson – ‘Don’t Eat That’

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Mikhaila Peterson is a Canadian health blogger who runs the blog “Don’t Eat That”. She is also the daughter of renowned Clinical Psychologist, Jordan Peterson.

Mikhaila endured multiple health problems when she was growing up. She was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis at age 7 which eventually led to her needing a hip and ankle replacement as a teenager. She took multiple prescription medications, suffered from serious skin problems, was severely depressed and had chronic fatigue.

After years of research trying to solve her autoimmune problems, she began to focus on her diet and started eliminating foods via self experimentation. Mikhaila eventually ended up on a Carnivore diet (beef and water only) which has resolved her multiple conditions. She’s now off of all medications and in complete remission.

48 responses to “Mikhaila Peterson – ‘Don’t Eat That’”

  1. I have many of the same issues as yourself and dad. 10 yrs ago I went on an extreme restricted diet and only ate a couple things- meat and oats and a couple vegs. for a few months. I felt unbelievably fantastic. I fell off the wagon and had a fast food meal and almost suicided. Talked myself through it minute by minute, hour by hour. Unspeakable anxiety and depression. Diet can be life changing. But wow is it hard to maintain severe restricted eating when food is such a social thing and so many events revolve around it. Its socially isolating. I wish I could find my tribe locally. Drs are full of it. They know little. The allopathic system almost killed me. Integrative is the way to go but even they don’t know what to do with us. There is something genetic going on.

  2. Love the Petersons, what amazing great people they truly are, and I love Mikhaila because she is so like her dad, honest, genuine, passionate, caring, these are some of the most fantastic people in the world!

  3. first signs of depression when she was 9…good lord…I almost cried about that…also how amazing is it that her dad is a psychologist and she revolutionated both of their lives with just food…damn I’m so impressed right now!

    • I don’t think that is the right way of looking at this…everything is connected ..he supports her from psychological perspective and she helps him other way..Jordan P. struggled with similar problems so he knows more about approaching this the right way. Love them both and I hope things will get better or stay steady , resonably easy way. God bless their family

    • @Dave Gammon clearly youve not listened to Mikhaila otherwise you wouldnt have made such a silly comment!

    • @Diana Balan it’s unusual in children with low or average IQ’s and though rare with high IQ children, it’s where you will see most of it. A lot of is mostly due to something called terror management theory. Extremely high IQ children are often terrible at terror management. Not usually terrible but often terrible at terror management. If any of your children are extremely high IQ, I recommend philosophy books that go deep enough into theories of God and an afterlife that will give the kid some hope or introduce them to the concept of radical life extension which could ease the turmoil as well. The problem of course would be if they over fixate on abstract philosophies or on radical life extension, but it is certainly preferable to the existential crisis they are experiencing.

  4. This is such a powerful life story and testimony. What a shame she had to suffer so much but what a blessing that she discovered low carb. Thank you for sharing this.

  5. What she said about listening to your body is spot on. Everybody metabolizes food and nutrients differently. Doctors know very little regarding nutrition and health. Each person needs to figure out what works best for them. I applaud Jordan’s daughter for making the Journey. Question everything, do not be afraid to help yourself. My Doctor told me that my health was my responsibility. Try what works for you. It is your body, you have to live in it.

    • I agree that doctors know very little about nutrition. My daughter is a Dietitian, and she is constantly amazed at how little doctors know about nutrition. Because doctors have so much education, they assume that they know everything about everything.

    • Amazing how a doctor can say that but when a nurse say “You can’t follow your brother’s diabetes routine”, they say “Why?” I say “Because if they are doing it wrong and end up having complications you may not be far behind” okay fire the nurse!

  6. My daughter went through some of the challenges she has. When people don’t understand the illnesses they start to blame people. Believe me she is very brave to have got through this. It requires a lot of patience and understanding. As a parent one feels helpless and try to research as much as possible and one tries to become the Dr. to find answers. Thanks for sharing this knowledge is very useful to help others. God bless you.🙏

  7. You can tell Mikhalia was going to say his dad has ‘worse depression’ than she has but she stopped and instead said ‘he has the same depression I have’. Very protective daughter

    • I think a lot of that may have to do with him being a public figure which, in turn, has made him a target by ‘special interest’ groups. The court of public opinion can weigh heavy on an individual as well.

  8. She is so transparent and honest and humble about it all. Love her story. Her dad has a great story too. 😊👍

  9. Mikaila , you and your family have been through so much and still keep going ! Good on You for doing your own research and persevering! I also , like your dear Dad, had an apple out of the bag or clonazepam physical dependence, took as doc prescribed and had a heck of a time through withdrawal ! You are a inspirational family ! Keep forging Ahead !!

    • Did you ever try going down by 1/4 of a pill very week or so? That’s what I did, and it took me like 3 months to taper off because sometimes I would wait two weeks to go down in dosage, but I was totally fine and didn’t notice a thing. I don’t understand why all these people say they had terrible withdrawals, no offense but why the fudge would anyone try to go off of benzodiazepines suddenly

  10. I love the Petersons! They get so much unwarranted hate but they’re so strong and they mean to help others

  11. This lady is a superstar. I have saved thousands on dental bills because keto carnivore stopped my gum disease in its tracks. Thank you Mikhaila.

    • I had tooth decay and gum problems all my life, since going animal based I get no more tooth decay and my gums are stable.

  12. I’m so thankful for the strength Mikhaila and her father have. I too have an autoimmune disorder and am now into week 7 of meat and broccoli. Feeling amazing for a dead man (was supposed to have kicked the bucket by American Medical standards) Mikhaila was a guiding star during my hard times and the value her father has brought to my life as well is unfathomable. Such an amazing family and I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them.

    • I’m glad your making tough changes. There family is very loving. How long did the cravings last after changing diet?

  13. Thank you!! I’m glad you were able to get this out and continue to do so. I’m 41 and suffered massive depression at a young age. I lived in the panhandle of Tex growing up where (at the time) all Drs put you on antibiotics every time you visit them. Now we know that ruins your gut and digestive health causes you to be sensitive to all kinds off foods and drinks. We also ate fast food almost daily and didn’t have the best food in the grocery store. Super small town/area. I don’t live there anymore. I’m thankful at my age now to have videos and education out there about different ways of eating. I am fixing my IBS, digestive system, bloating pressure, gut pain, sleeping disorders and mental problems with an all high fat carnivore life style. I don’t really eat out because I can eat at home and I love my cooking and food much better.

  14. I almost died in 2020. During covid, I was so sick with an autoimmune disease that when I was finally able to see a Dr. she could not believe I was still alive when she got my blood work back. I was constantly hearing voices, seeing people who were not there during this time. I experienced seizures collapsing with sudden neurological spasms. All my Drs couldn’t find anything wrong with me. I was one month married when I got sick and thought I was spending my last few months alive with him. Long story short, I’m 99% recovered by doing a lot of the same things she’s done and now am coaching friends and family a new way to live. I have a dream to someday share my experience like her.

  15. The end of the vid where she almost took the position of not having hope anymore, almost broke me down. Cause when you, not lose but give up hope then everything and anything else does not matter. You’ve lost, game over. I’m glad she showed herself to be stronger. Like father like daughter!! God bless ’em both.

  16. I am watching my arterial blockages open up after 5 months of keto carnivore and no statins. I believe lipids heal when not suppressed. Dr. can’t believe an old fat guy shed 30 pounds and am no longer pre-diabetic. Now I’m weaning off lorazepam and dealing with anxiety.

  17. What an inspiring post. I have been low carb, carnivore, and falling off the wagon for a few years now. Time to buckle up and get disciplined. I just feel better when I’m eating carnivore. And no more blood pressure meds, swollen legs, psoriasis, etc. Thanks for the post

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