The Early Signs of Colon Cancer You DON’T Want to Ignore

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Catch colon cancer early! Here are the six early indicators of colon cancer you can't ignore.


0:00 Introduction: Early warning signs of colon cancer
0:57 Risk factors of colon cancer
3:25 Early signs of colon cancer
5:11 Ways to potentially avoid cancer

Today, I want to cover the early warning signs of colon cancer that you should pay attention to. These indicators do not necessarily mean you have colon cancer, but they are important clues that could help in the early detection of this disease.

Risk factors associated with colon cancer:
• Smoking
• Drinking
• Unhealthy diet
• Obesity
• H. pylori infection

Red meat has also been associated with colon cancer. However, recent studies have found no direct correlation between red meat and cancer and that the quality of meat consumed, such as grass-fed versus grain-fed, can make a difference.

Genetics play a role in colon cancer but only account for about five percent of cases. Lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise can have a much greater impact on gene expression through epigenetics.

Six early indicators of colon cancer:
• Blood in the stool
• Anemia without a known cause
• Thin stools
• Worsening constipation
• Abdominal pain
• Sudden weight loss or loss of appetite

If you experience any of these symptoms, it's important to consult with your doctor for further testing and evaluation.

But what can you do to potentially avoid colon cancer? Here are a few tips:
• Limit the use of antibiotics, but if you must take them, also take a good probiotic.
• Try intermittent fasting or prolonged fasting to give your colon a break and allow it to heal.
• Incorporate cruciferous vegetables such as kale, broccoli, and cabbage into your diet for their anti-inflammatory and probiotic properties.
• Stay physically active to strengthen your mitochondria and decrease cancer risk.
• Add spices such as garlic, thyme, and sage to your meals for their anti-cancer properties.
• Avoid foods that cause inflammation in the gut, such as gluten, grains, seed oils, and junk food.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! Remember, early detection is critical, and taking care of your gut health can play a significant role in preventing colon cancer. I'll see you in the next video!

64 responses to “The Early Signs of Colon Cancer You DON’T Want to Ignore”

  1. I’m 42, will be 43 this year.
    I am scheduled for a colonoscopy this coming Wednesday as a form of prevention.
    The age is getting lower and lower for colon cancer. Especially when a friend of mine was diagnosed at 39.

  2. Thank You Five years ago I went to the Gastroenterologist and after he did a colonoscopy, at my pleading, they found something. He kept insisting that it wasn’t cancer, even though the pathologist called and said that there was something wrong. I found another doctor who said I probably had cancer and did colon surgery. He had to remove 12 inches of my colon because of the cancer. What I learned was that You must be your own advocate! Find a doctor like Dr. Berg who will listen to you because your life depends on it.

    • At the time I was 60. I had been seeing that gastroenterologist for awhile and he just dismissing my complaints. When the pathologist called his office I knew something was wrong but he didn’t. He no longer works at that practice.

    • ​@@arystorey5063Did you have to have a stoma? What were your symptoms that you knew something was wrong?

    • What is up with our doctors gaslighting everybodys symptoms these days. This has to be a systemic issue.

  3. I had previously had haemorrhoids and bled so a few years later, when I started bleeding again, I almost missed going to the doctor and almost died of bowel cancer.
    Don’t delay going to the doctors :-O

  4. Thank you Dr. Berg,
    I had a blockage, a bowl reconnection, and 25 lymph nodes removed.
    I was told to see an oncologist. I followed the Joe Tippens protocol, and rotate my meds ivermectin fenbendazole, and menbendazole. Also utilize Chinese medicine. Diet is very important, all the new pesticides, preventative, are getting worse. I’m going on 3 years very gradually to Joe T.

    • That’s great to hear! So glad to see a success story. It’s difficult to find information on the protocol. Where can I read/research? Thanks!

    • @@sunshine9122 independent journalist . YouTube. Joe Tippens. Over 80 holistic doctors who fought cancer with their own protocol have been assassinated. Good luck

  5. Dr Berg taught me how to eat to live instead of living to eat. For me it’s been life changing.

    • Yesss. Same here my friend. He is the best. Healthy keto with intermittent fasting. One meal a day five a week. Two meal twice a week. And 3 days water fast each month. Thank you Dr.Berg

    • get a healthy balanced diet of twice meal daily and intermittent fast once or twice a week. Do not compromise on macro and micronutrients. Rather a healthy way of being fit is by burning more calories@@stephaniepetion6100

  6. The more we watch content like this, the more we understand what’s behind numerous health problems. Great insightful take on this topic, Dr Berg. Thank you 🌞

  7. My mom died from colon cancer in 1991 at age 51. I’ve had to have colonoscopies since age 30. Today I turned 53. My mom had, had a hysterectomy and was never put on HRT. Lack of estrogen can make you more susceptible to colon cancer and lots of other diseases. The study about HRT WAS FLAWED yet it scared so many women out of using it.

  8. My brother, 68, was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer last year. He’s responding well to treatment at U of Penn. I’m 56 and have gotten regular colonoscopies and endoscopies since age 22. Although my doctor recommends the procedure every 5 years, I insisted on getting them every 3 years due to family history of stomach cancer and my own polyps. You MUST advocate for your health despite what some doctors recommend!!!

  9. Intermittent fasting, carnivore diet, workout—-hard, sleep, drink plenty of water, no alcohol, no drugs, enjoy life and watch Dr. Berg. Mind, body and spirit.

    • Isn’t carnivore diet supposed to to be meat, isn’t adding fiber will be better?? I’m confused

  10. Over 20 years ago, doctors gave my grandma 3 months to live after a stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma diagnosis. She changed doctors, took a special mushroom supplement for cancer and continued to live. She had to stop eating highly processed foods and moved out of her toxic environment as well.

  11. I always watch your videos trying to spot something that does not make sense. But everytime i find myself saying “He is right. That does make sense”. Ive learned so much from you and I look forward to more Gut Videos. Sepcially does relating to GERD and Acid Reflux/Heartburn

  12. No sugar no alcohol no smoking
    17 hours no food Choose a time frame and be consistent Exercise be happy circle around people who are happy also and be humble and kind

  13. My boss, who never missed a day of work, called in sick one day in late 2002. The next day he had a meeting in the office to tell us he was diagnosed with colon cancer. He was dead two months later. Even though he was a small thin man in his 50s, he enjoyed eating all sorts of carbage and loved his frozen margaritas at Chevy’s Tex Mex. RIP Ken S.

  14. I’ve watched your channel off and on for years. Sadly, I was diagnosed with colon cancer last month. I’m 52, male. I’m having surgery this week, a resectioning. Never had pain or noticable change in bathroom habits. I’m thin but always hungry. Ate whatever I wanted to a fault, because I am active and have no other vices…lol. Only problem I had was very severe anemia last summer. Finally had blood work and told to get to hospital ASAP, as my hemoglobin was 64. I was often dizzy and out of breath. I was given a blood transfusion, sent home, when I said I was a poor eater. My iron is normal now due to better diet. I wanted a colonoscopy the more I read into the cause of anemia. My mom died of colon cancer at age 48. I was last tested in 2018. They said I was fine and to return in ten years. I had to really push for this colonoscopy. I was hoping for polyps, because I honestly feel good right now. But I’m not so lucky. Stress may play a role — the past three years have been horrid for stress on me due to family factors. The past six weeks I’ve now made dramatic improvements regarding diet because the fear of death is here. You suddenly become ready. My surgeon says I’ve gotten to them at a good time and expect a very positive outcome, saying I’ll be “cured”. Where the tumor is, the bleeding would have been flakes by the time I had bowel movements, so never would have noticed. Anyway, get tested early and advocate for yourself. Be as healthy as you can.

  15. I am 46 and had colon cancer last year. With the help of great doctors, great surgeons, my family and luck, I am cancer free. I’ve decided to take a new track on life.

  16. My friend passed away of colon cancer at 36!!!!! He got it when he was 34, did chemo and all that…. It was really painful to know that he seemed so much more healthier than me and he got that. I don’t know what happened but it’s so sad colon cancer took him so young. Thank you for posting this video Dr Berg. Very helpful to understand this cancer.

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