My HEARTBURN Was Best Thing that Ever Happened to Me

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 


Discover the key nutrient that can stop heartburn for good.


0:00 Introduction: How to stop heartburn naturally
1:01 Side effects of antacids
2:57 What is heartburn?
3:45 3 natural ways to get rid of heartburn
5:12 The most important nutrient to prevent heartburn
5:53 What if I have an ulcer?

In this video, we’re going to talk about three ways to get rid of heartburn without using antacids. Antacids only work for a short time, requiring you to take more and more to keep your symptoms at bay. Through prolonged use, antacids will only make heartburn worse by depleting your stomach acid.

Antacids are associated with the following side effects:
• Bloating
• Indigestion
• Allergies
• Increased infection in the stomach
• Depression

Antacids create a condition known as achlorhydria, which depletes your stomach acid, but you need your stomach acid to get rid of heartburn. Your stomach is very acidic and should have a pH between 1 and 3. Enzymes cannot be activated if you do not have the right pH.

Heartburn is not a problem resulting from too much acid—it's a valve problem. Keeping the pH of the stomach between 1 and 3 keeps the valve shut.

How to get rid of heartburn naturally:

1. The most important nutrient to eliminate and prevent heartburn is vitamin B1 (thiamine). Your stomach can not produce acid when you’re deficient in vitamin B1. A diet high in carbs depletes B1. Low B1 deprives the autonomic nervous system, which controls the valves of the stomach. Look for a natural source of vitamin B1 to get rid of heartburn.

2. Potassium and zinc are very important for your stomach acid. Try a good electrolyte powder and trace mineral supplement to increase your intake of these important minerals. Also, make sure you’re getting plenty of sea salt.

3. Increase your stomach acid. This triggers the valve at the top of the stomach to close. Apple cider vinegar and betaine hydrochloride can help acidify the stomach.

It’s important to note that if apple cider vinegar or betaine hydrochloride causes burning, you may have gastritis or an ulcer. In this situation, you need to heal the stomach before taking apple cider vinegar or betaine hydrochloride.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you get rid of heartburn for good. I’ll see you in the next video.

36 responses to “My HEARTBURN Was Best Thing that Ever Happened to Me”

  1. Thank you Dr. Berg for your help
    You’re right my gerd medication doesn’t work just as my medication for my neuropathy doesn’t touch my pain

  2. I stopped drinking alcohol – the day after Christmas.
    I used to get terrible heart-burn & reflux in the middle of the night.
    Since – then – I had only one attack of heart-burn – early on — but none since.
    Can’t say for sure that Alcohol was the cause – but I’m feeling the benefits all the same..

    • Good for you. I’ve not drank alcohol in 6 yrs although i do crave a glass of wine every now and then. I just think of the physical pain any kind of sugar or carbs will cause me and the cravings go away😊

    • Well, I can say for sure that alcohol absolutely caused heart burn after laying down. You’ve got it SUPER bad if you have heart burn sitting or standing

  3. Imagine a Holistic Health Practitioner who recommends calcium carbonate for someone suffering from gastroparesis 😐 WOW! 😮 Thank you, Dr. Berg! Have a healthy Sunday, y’all! 🙂

    • Currently eating tums like candy. I’ve been off pantoprasole for maybe 3 months. Partly voluntarily. Partly because of a proposal of surgery to maybe fix the problem. Surgeon demanded I stop the damn pill for 2 weeks before his first test. I’m eating way less tums now than that first 2 weeks! Possibly less than while taking prescription strength drugs. Some additional tests (torture games the Dr’s people blamed on insurance requirements), and they tell me my heartburn is severe (I tried to tell them that) and I also have a large hiatal hernia. They could help, but the surgery is probably not happening due to cost and high copays.
      Do you have any videos on hiatal hernia fixes? I’ve managed to survive long enough that I’m not sure I would go thru surgery even if affordable. Any recommendations for that hiatal hernia that was “insignificant” 4 years ago would be appreciated!
      Thank you.

    • @butchmetzger7023  hi I’m going through small hiatal hernia and was prescribed pp1 for the hernia but I wanted to ask what tips u take or took over the years to not take ppi and also what to eat. I was told by my gi specialist i don’t need surgery because my hernia is to small. Bit it hurts sometimes and he also said to lose weight. Any tips can help me I’m struggling to fix my stomach problem.

    • Same for me I have so many digestive issues but I think mine is from me not having my gallbladder anymore. It is horrible acid reflux. Hope you get some relief soon.​@@alexlabra1562

    • @alexlabra1562  tips for getting off PPI? Stubbornness. Lots of prayer. Sitting propped up with pillows at night until my back hurt worse than my belly. Avoiding triggers as much as possible. Also, otc pepcid.
      I started having heartburn when I was pregnant, and so skinny people would ask if I was anorexic. I was eating everything I could stuff in my mouth. Everyone assured me heartburn with pregnancy was normal. I was also working with my husband a lot and lifting way too much at times and would
      occasionally need to be checked for hernias in the groin area.
      First PPI was omeprazole. It helped for a while. Then dr increased the dose. Then switched to pantoprazole cause it was stronger. Then increased the dose of that. With age and weight gain that I blame on the drugs, I just kept getting worse.
      Started the surgery testing and haven’t taken any PPI since. Triggers for me seem to be stress, lifting, and tomatoes. Eating small meals and refusing to play human forklift seem to help.
      I hope this helps some and wasn’t too long winded!

  4. Sharing notes from Dr Berg:

    Antacids only work for a short time, requiring you to take more and more to keep your symptoms at bay. Through prolonged use, antacids will only make heartburn worse by depleting your stomach acid.

    Antacids are associated with the following side effects:
    • Bloating
    • Indigestion
    • Allergies
    • Increased infection in the stomach
    • Depression

    Antacids create a condition known as achlorhydria, which depletes your stomach acid, but you need your stomach acid to get rid of heartburn. Your stomach is very acidic and should have a pH between 1 and 3. Enzymes cannot be activated if you do not have the right pH.

    Heartburn is not a problem resulting from too much acid—it’s a valve problem. Keeping the pH of the stomach between 1 and 3 keeps the valve shut.

    How to get rid of heartburn naturally:

    1. The most important nutrient to eliminate and prevent heartburn is vitamin B1 (thiamine). Your stomach can not produce acid when you’re deficient in vitamin B1. A diet high in carbs depletes B1. Low B1 deprives the autonomic nervous system, which controls the valves of the stomach. Look for a natural source of vitamin B1 to get rid of heartburn.

    2. Potassium and zinc are very important for your stomach acid. Try a good electrolyte powder and trace mineral supplement to increase your intake of these important minerals. Also, make sure you’re getting plenty of sea salt.

    3. Increase your stomach acid. This triggers the valve at the top of the stomach to close. Apple cider vinegar and betaine hydrochloride can help acidify the stomach

    It’s important to note that if apple cider vinegar or betaine hydrochloride causes burning, you may have gastritis or an ulcer. In this situation, you need to heal the stomach before taking apple cider vinegar or betaine hydrochloride.

    Thank you Dr Berg! 🐱👍

  5. YES this makes so much sense. I took vitamine B1 for something else. and I noticed Instantly a relief in my esophagus when i took the B1. Litterally in minutes

  6. That’s exactly what happened to me!! Heartburn, pills to zhe point I tried to research causes myself. When I told my Dr I didn’t want to take omeprazole I was prescribed something else. I knew I was on my own. Old math class reminded me a neg and a neg is positive. That’s when I hit heartburn with acid!! ACV
    Now I’ve found dr berg and am learning so much! Thank you Doc

  7. Thank you so much for all of your guidance on health Dr. Berg, especially heartburn. Last year, doctors destroyed me with the combination of H2 blockers and pantoprazole. I began to have strange symptoms such as SOB, dizziness, weakness, rapid hearbeat, insomnia. I couldn’t eat vary my diet while I was taking these bc my gut would hurt and I mentioned this to my physicians, they told me they were not concerned with any of this causing my symptoms. They told me to keep taking the medications and that I was just anxious. I decided to go see a hematologist. My body wasn’t holding iron and my B12 was very low. No other explanations except the medications. I started taking betaine hcl with my meals, increasing my red meat intake and seeing a holistic dr who encouraged colostrum. My heartburn is gone and I’m much better. Thank you again!

  8. Thank you Dr. Berg. 20 years of dealing with heartburn, hopefully this is the solution I’ve been lookong for.

  9. Dr. Eric Berg you are magician 💖 I’m dealing with this issue for a couple of month.. You always upload videos sooo relevant to me 😁 Thank you so much 😍 Value of your knowledge and information is just priceless 💖 Presious 💖

  10. That sounds a lot like my story. For years, I was just ignorant to what was going on with my health. Then a few yeas ago, I was getting tired of the acid reflux.

    So that eventually led me down a path to not only pay attention to my gut health. But find and realize all the other issues I was dealing with and not noticing all these years. I haven’t fixed my situation, but the discipline I’ve built with caring about my health is on another level these days.

  11. This guy so much more helpful than my own medicine prescribing doctor. Apple Cider Vinegar works way better for me than Betaine HCL

  12. Heartburn in college changed my life too. I ate bottles of antacids and was prescribed nexium, and the doctor wanted me on anxiety pills too. After 2 more years of suffering I decided to try acupuncture. We chatted about food and unlike my “regular” doctors, the acupuncturist supported me trying a food elimination diet. 20 years later… I live on a farm and grow all my own veg, fruit, meat and herbal remedies. Heartburn set my life on a completely different course.

  13. I got really sick around Christmas last year, the worst acid reflux I’ve ever had, that catapulted me into changing my diet and lifestyle. Feeling and looking much better. Grateful for your videos ❤ really enjoying your electrolytes too

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