The MOST Common Deficiency in All Skin Diseases (Dermatitis)

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Find out about the common denominator in skin problems like dermatitis.



0:00 Introduction: Dermatitis
0:38 Types of dermatitis
1:42 How dermatitis is typically treated
2:38 The best natural remedy for dermatitis
4:35 Vitamin D benefits

In this video, we’re going to talk about dermatitis. Dermatitis means inflammation of the skin, and there are many different types.

At their core, skin problems are either related to an allergy or an immune reaction. You can consider many cases of dermatitis as an over-reactive immune system.

Topical and oral steroids are the most common treatments of dermatitis. They work by suppressing the immune system. Antibiotics are also commonly used to treat cases of dermatitis but often lead to a secondary infection.

The superficial layer of your skin contains a multitude of microbes and acts as a barrier for your lymphatic tissue and blood vessels. These tissues are full of immune cells ready to protect you against foreign invaders.

Dermatitis seems to respond positively to vitamin D. For example, vitamin D works to mitigate symptoms of contact dermatitis by lowering the histamine response. Vitamin D is the main regulator of the immune system.

Skin conditions are typically worse in the winter when we get less vitamin D. They are also worse when a person is under stress. When you raise cortisol levels from stress, you deplete vitamin D.

Vitamin D can decrease acne by shrinking and normalizing the sebaceous glands. This can help regulate the overproduction of oil, decreasing acne breakouts. Seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp is also known as dandruff. Vitamin D cream can help reduce dandruff.

Eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, and alopecia are all related to vitamin D deficiency. Microbes involved in certain skin issues can reduce the vitamin D receptors in your skin, allowing them to survive.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Thanks for watching! I hope this explains the connection between vitamin D and inflammatory skin conditions like dermatitis. I’ll see you in the next video.

69 responses to “The MOST Common Deficiency in All Skin Diseases (Dermatitis)”

  1. The first way I learned to cure my eczema, was nude sunbathing. They went away for two days after that. Now, if the sun is out, you’d be hard-pressed to find me with clothes on. I don’t recommend this if you have close neighbors, but otherwise, the sun seems to heal just about everything, including insanity.

  2. I saw this with my daughters. When we increased their Vit. D3 their dermatitis would decrease within a week.

  3. In the UK, the doctors never bothered too much to investigate my daughter’s skin condition deeply. We always heard that it was an allergy, which, according to them, is quite simple and normal for her age. She has always suffered, and after an exhaustive pursuit of any doctor who could give her a proper diagnosis, we now understand the whole picture much better. However, in order to help her live a normal life, as parents, we have to continue researching on our own. This kind of in-depth video by Dr. Berg is essential for educating ourselves and applying a different approach not only to my daughter’s issue but for everyone else out there. Thank you, Doctor.

    • Same here in Italy. We increased our daughter’s VitD3 and her dermatitis cleared up

    • Thank you for taking an active approach to fixing your kids problems. My parents never did that. I love them and they were decent enough, but it’s quite daunting having to deal with these “weird” problems on your own.

    • ​@@BeforeThisNovemberhaha, same here.
      My mum took the that’s-good-food-and-its-crazy-to not-wanna-eat-it approach to my intolerances. So, I was also on my own.
      Oddly enough, later in live she apologized her own way, by baking for me sometimes specially without my trigger ingredients.

    • @@advex4428 sounds like she was remorseful indeed, that’s nice of her.

      One thing about getting older, is we realise that our parents are just people, just like us. With their own insecurities, problems and that they’re not know-it-all superheroes we perceived them to be as children.

      We can’t resent them for their shortcomings in our development, we can only learn from them and improve for he next generation 🙏

  4. Dr.Berg notified many of times that Vit.D in addition Zinc deficiencies are crucial… 👍
    Thanks Doctor.👏

  5. I have Seborrheic Dermatitis. And I agree with dr. Berg about the winter and stress aspect. It definitely grows when I experience both of these.

    • After a emotional distress situation (loss of a family member) I got this. Never even had dandruff before in my life. It took two bouts with a topical steroid and t-gel shampoo for 6 months. Finally kicked it and it’s never returned. It’s been 6 years. It absolutely is from stress on the body.

  6. Thank you thank you!! I’ve been trying to get my husband to take extra vit D. He has fungal pneumonia. I had him listen to the video and he promised me he would take more. What a blessing ❤

    • A “therapeutic dose” of vitamin D is 50,000 IU. This is the dose prescribed when you’re diagnosed as Vitamin D deficient. A single pill. Your body uses it in so many places it’ll be soaked right up.

      The average Vitamin D supplement contains 1,000-2,000 IU per pill. A good maintenance dose is 8,000-10,000 IU per day. Take that for six weeks and get ready to feel amazing!

    • Cheryl. Please see the work of Dr Linus Pauling. Double Noble Prize winner, for his personal work on Vitamin C. I use it on people to eradicate pneumonia along with vit D. Big doses please.

    • I have found this to be true.
      If my VitD levels are too low even a little bit of sugar flares it right up!
      & wheat carbs are also a big one.

    • what i have found out is , it is not the sugar it self but the sugar and carbs mixed with proteins and fats.. i had same issue years back and i went all fruit and carbs and i cut out the fats and proteins . great results . a few years later i was eating normal again and flare ups returned so it was winter time and i didn’t have access to good fruits so i went carnivore. or keto. low carb veggies like broccoli and others all the fat and butter i wanted but didn’t eat breads pasta potatoes . or carbs or sugar. gone , even in coffee i used stevia. i later found out that my body couldnt handle all the fats and sugar in the blood stream. this is also why diabetics can go off meds when eating a stricked fruit and carb lifestyle. they also can do the same if they give up carbs and fruits and go all fats and proteins. like steak seafood all the fat that comes on the steak . eat it too. ,, if you ever wanna try either diets out just try it. i do both. summer time when fruit is good i go high carb vegan. winter i go carnivore .. cheers! ps when switching over you have to give it time to work. let me know how it goes for you. oh and yes if i get in the sun that works also. cheers again 😀

  7. I had psoriasis for over 10 years, only on the palm of my hands. KETO helped a lot. I decided to stop taking my medication temporarily, cycosporine. I’ve been medication free, with no signs of it for over three years now. My dermatologist was amazed. You don’t know how many times I’ve sent you blessings, Dr. Berg. I used many different holistic approaches, which have totally changed my life..😊❤❤❤❤

    • Thanks for sharing your testimony! Keto re-establishes good microflora, while starving out pathogens like parasites. Dr Hulda Clark taught a protocol emphasizing a low sugar, anti-parasite diet.

    • Surprised. They probably acted that way, but they’re pissed they lost a customer inside for finding the cure instead of being stuck on their meds.

  8. A friend was developing a ferocious, spreading dermatitis. A doctor thought perhaps yeast and a drug reaction but it was accelerating. Talking to someone else, they suggested parasites and the toxins from parasites. Within three days of starting to address that, the pattern reversed. She now has physical scars but it was a correct answer, the doctor said she never thought of, or knew of.

  9. Not getting enough saturated fat in the diet is also a contributing factor to dry skin and many skin conditions.

    • I think it is. That is why I try to consume coconut oil. It is easy to get in my country. But still expensive than palm oil. Olive oil is just taste different and quite expensive (in my country). It helps me with keto diet. So I am not carving sugar all the time.

    • When I was consuming seed oils (and olive oil) my skin was always greasy. Now I stick with animal fat my skin feels more ‘waxy’ (for want of a better word). This is a positive development, IMO.

    • 100% grassfed ruminants are my favorite. I used to do wild caught salmon and mackerel too but now I don’t feel well after eating seafood for some reason. Wearing plastic clothing doesn’t help either so prefer Natural non toxic fibers that breathe ie silk, merino, organic cotton. No fragrance or dyes in personal care, soap, laundry detergent either. Oh I floss with natural silk…did you know there are plastics and forever chemicals in many dental flosses. It’s seems so much harder to stay healthy nowadays.

  10. On point, i was suffering from lot of skin problems and sereral health issues. I tested myself and found out that i have vit d deficiency, started taking vit. D3 after that all those back pain, bursaities and skin problems are going away. I usually don’t comment on social media but Couldn’t hold back to thank you for putting this kind of valuable information. Thank you Dr. Berg. 🙏🏼

  11. Light bulb moment when talking about winter. I used to think that it was the cold and dry winds causing skin problems but I never knew why it didn’t happen in summer with the hot and dry winds. I started taking Vitamin D just before winter last year and I never had any itching and never got sick either, even though people all around me were sick (some more than once) with bad coughs and colds. My Vitamin D level went from 40 before taking Vitamin D to 244 when I tested in March. I take 10,000iu daily with about 150mcg of K2, unless I get a nice sunny day in April to September where I can get over an hour of good exposure, then I don’t take any for that day.

  12. I’m on disability. My dermatologist never did any tests to see if psoriasis is really psoriasis!
    I had scabies for over a year because the doctors were not listening and mine showed up in non-traditional places on my skin. Very cruel.

    • Doctors are only human, I’m afraid. They don’t have every single answer. Hell, sometimes they don’t even have the right answer.

      But we are blessed to have the internet and, if we care enough, can find the answer to almost anything.

  13. D3 seems to be the most important vitamin people should be taking. It provides soooo many benefits

  14. You’ve done many videos on this already but a pre requisite to recommending vitamin D is ensuring the user also has enough magnesium, zinc, k2, and other nutrients that work together for certain functions in the body

  15. Thank you…. What helped me most is giving up all commercial shampoo and conditioner. Not only was it causing itchy scalp hair loss, but many lawsuits have been started because they have carcinogens and cause cancer.

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