He’s 61 Years Old and Has a Slower Speed of Aging Than Bryan Johnson – Dave Pascoe Routine

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00:30 Rejuvenation Olympics Results
01:29 Dave Pascoe Stats
03:55 Dave Pascoe Diet
09:43 Dave Pascoe Supplements
37:44 Dave Pascoe Routine

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51 responses to “He’s 61 Years Old and Has a Slower Speed of Aging Than Bryan Johnson – Dave Pascoe Routine”

    • One is Italian or southern European and the other Irish. It’s already unfair from birth and lineage.
      People from the British island age extremely fast compared to Swedish and southern Europeans.

  1. It’s refreshing having people with a different approach than Bryan Johnson, but who still makes great progress

    • @@SiimLandbuurnnn

      On a side note siim, I really like your content, I think a good idea you could take up is evaluating certain compounds like royal jelly, forskolin, etc., which are being studied for longevity. And then, give your opinion/whether they’d be good enough to add to your stack 🙂

    • ​@@SiimLand It is indeed SUPER interesting! BUT, is it true that he never show himself in public ?? That the picture of him does not reflect how he actually look these days ??

  2. I don’t think they want to update the leaderboard because it’ll go against their model of selling products, Siim has been doing this naturally, Blueprint on the other hand is optimization not natural, congrats love the content.

    • @@LVArturs Bryan Johnson takes testosterone, probably because of his low calorie vegan diet, not to highlight the vegan part it’s probably mostly due to the calorie restriction and The fact that there’s not a variety of different foods, it’s the same thing everyday, not to mention hundreds of pills

    • @@LVArturs siim started very early with very good habits, i believe this helps a lot with his results

  3. Yes, I do watch, and I want to thank you sincerely for this review and for helping me to improve!

    I’ve been in Italy for a month and been working on replacing insulation in my attic for the past several weeks, so I’m WAY behind in reading & responding to LinkedIn! Sorry about that! I’d love to do a podcast episode with you.

    I completely agree with your assessment and reasoning. ECGC, arachadonic acid, grape seed, pycnogenol, and SOD would be better in the morning. I did have them there but moved around a bunch of things prior to my Italy trip. Supplement timing is super challenging. I will be moving them back to morning again, per your sensible recommendation.

    • You found a typo on my site. I take 4g NAC, not 1. I will increase Glucosamine to 3g. My zinc at 30mg/day appears to be fine, based upon blood and HTMA measures of zinc/coper ratios.

      As to that outrageous price for TA-65, I do not pay that! 😅 That’s some kind of Amazon web error! The actual price is $57 per 30 day supply. Again, thanks to you, I will be fixing that link on my site!! 😂

    • Hi Dave. Very interesting and exhaustive list of supplements. I like how you added GG to offset the negative effects of the Red Yeast Rice. Have you considered adding to the stack Acetyl L-Carnitine which easily crosses the blood brain barrier? I used to believe it’s either L-Carnitine or Acetyl L-Carnitine…but nowadays, I take a little bit of both (credit to Dr. Russell Blaylock). I have two caveats: The Grassfed Beef Liver, LE Multivitamin, and Rosita Cod Liver oil combined are many times over the RDI for vitamin A. It’s possible the high dose vitamin D3 negates/offsets some of the vitamin A. Excessive vitamin A (beyond what the body can process) will accumulate in the liver…until one day when it cannot and retinoic acid (via bile) spills into the blood. Over the long term (i.e. we’re talking months, years, or possibly decades), I believe the consistent overconsumption of vitamin A will eventually lead to hypervitaminosis A and the effects are devastating. Look up the many scientific papers published by Anthony R Mawson. Check out the many instances of premature deaths within the Weston A Price community – who promote organ meat and cod liver oil consumption. There’s also a running thread on Twitter/X of several dozen “nose-to-tail”/organ meat consuming carnivores who have crashed and burned. My second concern relates to trehalose. I understand it’s popular within the longevity space but if you’re curious about its darker side, head over to Hormones Matter (the website) and search for their articles on trehalose. Personally, I go out of my way to avoid trehalose (i.e. brand name: Treha but sometimes it’s hidden from the ingredients and list as Natural Flavors).

    • @@DavePascoesURL @SiimLand Guys it would be a good idea to read Dr Michael Greger’s book How Not to Age. It’s a great guide to what works and what doesn’t, and what’s been properly tested. I have a supplement spreadsheet with the lists of Bryan, you Siim and Sandra Kaufmann, I will add you Dave. That way I can see what you all agree on. PS I am 76 with a biological age of 57. Still too high, working on it.

  4. Actually, different types of berries are very different from one another, which is why I include about 16 types of berries in my diet.
    For example, blueberries are a good source of anthocyanins, while strawberries are a good source of ellagitannins and ellagic acid, which are not found in blueberries (or if so, in very small amounts). Blueberries contain pterostilbene (which strawberries don’t have, as far as I know), whereas strawberries are the richest known source of fisetin(which blueberries don’t have, as far as I know). Maqui berries contain delphinidum(which can prevent spikes in blood sugar, even when taken with a high-glycemic meal), which other berries don’t have (except for Concord grapes, I read). Sea buckthorn berries and rose hips both contain lycopene (and are good sources), which most other berries don’t have. And black raspberries and red raspberries contain even more ellagitannins than strawberries have. Although “wild” strawberries have the highest amount of ellagitannins of any known food, I read. And aronia berries contain even more anthocyanins and proanthocyanins than blueberries have. Plus, different berries have widely-different ORAC values. Coffee cherries have an ORAC of 343,282 (and have been found to increase BDNF in the brain); whereas wild blueberries have an ORAC of 9,000.

    • Agreed. That’s why I eat blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and goji berries primarily. I do eat some strawberries, and take Siberia Sea Buckthorn oil. I would even do more berries if they were readily available to me.

      I know I get critiqued for having seeming “redundancies” in my protocol, but I would consider them more to be “overlaps”, since, as your berries example illustrates, some seemingly similar things at a broad level do have “similar mechanisms”, but they also provide for different compounds that are believed to be beneficial in and of themselves.

  5. Thank you for this , very interesting. I watch all the people who take their health / longevity seriously. My comment would be that just because you are super slim / fit does not mean that all things in the blood / arteries are fine. I am 59 in June , I have friends who are slim / fit and have had strokes/ hip replacements and cancer treatment. My main reference point is Peter Rogers MD. Take a look at him a to understand how the blood really works . Best regards

  6. I’m on the same protocol Dave Pascoe. 48 years old and 37 chronological age. I live in Belgium. Mainly carnivore with fruits.

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