Over 50% of Women Have THIS?!

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Fibroids are the #1 reason women get hysterectomies. Find out about the best vitamin to help shrink fibroids naturally.


0:00 Introduction: What are fibroids?
1:14 Vitamin D for uterine fibroids
3:00 Vitamin D research
5:25 How to shrink fibroids naturally

Around 20% to 50% of all women will have some sort of fibroid or endometriosis before the age of 50. A fibroid is a growth on the uterus that is not cancerous. 

Research has shown that vitamin D may help shrink the size of fibroids.

If you’re vitamin D deficient, your risk of developing uterine fibroids is much higher. Vitamin D naturally inhibits the enzyme aromatase, which converts androgens to estrogen. Vitamin D can also affect the fibroid itself. If you have enough vitamin D, certain tumor and cancer cells will commit suicide.

Dr. Bruce Hollis has done extensive research on the benefits of vitamin D but says a lot of research on vitamin D has been rejected by top medical journals!

Around 50,000 IUs of vitamin D daily may help shrink fibroids in the uterus. You’ll also need to take the following vitamin D cofactors:
•500 mcg vitamin K2
•800 mg magnesium
•50 mg zinc
•Vitamin B6 and boron (recommended dose on the bottle)

More tips to help shrink fibroids naturally:
• Get on the ketogenic diet
• Increase your consumption of cruciferous vegetables
• Limit dairy consumption

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you shrink fibroids naturally and eliminate uterine fibroid symptoms. I’ll see you in the next video.

73 responses to “Over 50% of Women Have THIS?!”

    • And remember to take it with enough Vitamin K2 and Magnesium for the Vitamin D to be absorbed properly.

    • @@FirstDagger I do I take it all every day. I never get sick, even though I have a chronic illness. All I will say is I can’t use b6, it brings on my neuropathy.

    • Vitamin D can cause cancer in some people. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez found this in his research with patients. Just sharing so people can be aware of the potential problem.

  1. I literally got the news yesterday that I have 3 fibroids after an emergency ultrasound and woke up to this. WHOA it’s like Dr. Berg is psychic or the phone is listening 😬🤣. Btw whoever is reading this and if you have faith please pray for me. 🙏🏽🕊️

  2. What a great health remedy,my doctor doesn’t know the cause of my stomach pain ,she just told me to take anti gases tablets.terrified me

    • The difference between treating symptoms versus causes. Dr Coimbra from San Paulo, Brazil, developed a protocol regarding vitamin D3 and Dr Berg has mentioned a few times. Well worth a look as dozens of doctors around the world have adopted it. Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s doctor familiar with it near you. Dr Chaffee is another from Perth, Australia is another. Low fat diets are very taxing to a body especially the upper right quadrant of the abdomen

    • The difference between treating symptoms and causes. Dr. Coimbra out of San Paulo. Brazil developed a protocol that dozens of doctors around the world use. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a doctor near you familiar with it. Dr. Chaffee out of Perth Australia is another.

    • The difference between treating symptoms and causes. Dr. Coimbra out of San Paulo. Brazil developed a protocol that dozens of doctors around the world use. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a doctor near you familiar with it. Dr. Chaffee out of Perth Australia is another.

    • The difference between treating symptoms and causes. Dr. Coimbra out of San Paulo. Brazil developed a protocol that dozens of doctors around the world use. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a doctor near you familiar with it. Dr. Chaffee out of Perth Australia is another.

  3. Perhaps you should have talked about Adenomyosis as well. Endometriosis and Adenomyosis often go hand in hand.

    • Yes I had both stage 4 plus complicated large cysts a few times and PCOS 😓…multiple ops, scar adhesions, couldn’t have kids, affected work, I had a hysterectomy and was in ICU on a ventilator after. Very hard journey! My vitamin d was always low as well as hypothyroidism and hypoglycemia

    • If at all possible, keep at least one ovary. I had a total hysterectomy at age 42 ( uterus and cervix removed) as well as the fallopian tube removed, but kept one ovary seven years ago and thankfully haven’t went through menopause yet. I have PCOS, had stage 4 Endometriosis, large fibroids, and Adenomysois, I had EXCISION for the Endo. The hysterectomy was strictly for the Adeno.

    • @@Dorothy-qr4ln please consider postponing the surgery and supplementing with iodine. Dr. Berg has videos about iodine, but you can also see videos from Dr. David Brownstein and Dr. Elizabeth Bright about iodine and how it helps with women’s health issues (menstrual).

  4. Yeah I have 12 cc fibroid. And I WAS VEGAN. Something that’s not being addressed is individuals always assuming that it’s food it’s also clothing and chemicals that can help offset fibroids.
    I like the fact of taking vitamins, but then nobody’s addressing usually when you have fibroids, they put you on high hormonal birth control to combat the fibroids. Also, I was getting symptoms of PMDD so I was getting put on antidepressants. Now I have an allergy to vitamins, but it’s hard to find vitamins that will not offset symptoms of sickness because of my other prescriptions..

    • Omgosh?? As a Vegan?? I’ve noticed the more studies come out about veganism the more it’s shown it’s good but not the healthiest diet. Prayers for you. I’m in my 30’s and I know 2 of my friends who run marathons and are fit body and health wise have fibroids but both also have healthy children so not everyone has hysterectomies from it. Stay in faith 🙏🌹

    • Women need healthy fats (from animal sources) to balance hormones naturally. Dr. Elizabeth Bright offers more info.

    • The runnjng probably causes oxidative stress and cortisol. I wonder if your friends are not taking in enough D3 & K2 and other synergistic vitamins.

  5. Oh Dr Berg…thank you for putting this out there. I wish i would’ve had this precious information, 16 yrs ago. I had a “partial” hysterectomy and wasn’t even IN menopause yet and immediately after the surgery, was thrust in to it. They put my on HRT and 6 yrs ago, my Dr slipped and said that hormones POSTPONE the inevitable. I went off. I’ve been miserable ever since…UNTIL…YOUR VIDEOS. Now there’s hope..FINALLY. You have no clue, what you’re doing for women like me. We appreciate ALL YOU DO…THANK YOU!

    • I’m 44 and just finished going through menopause. Luckily I only had 4 years, my mother had around 7. I was early at getting my period and early to go into menopause. It was hell and I hope your hell ends soon!

  6. I have read about the Vitamin D connection and fibroids quite often. I’m supplementing for years now. I do have a fibroid, now for 11 years already. Around 2019 I stopped taking birth control pill because it really messed up my hormonal balance. It was around that time that the growth slowed down. However, I also started supplementing Vit D around that time, so maybe it was both of these things. I’ll keep taking Vit D, K2 and Magnesium, but I’m also looking into B6 now.
    ECEG – green tea extract, I think, is also supposed to help. I already drink matcha (always have) several times a week. I’m not sure if I should cut out coffee as I read that caffeine could be a hormonal disruptor as well …

    I did read about keto diets sometimes helping women in shrinking their fibroids. It’s one of the only diets out there I haven’t tried yet. I’m slightly underweight and need to be careful anyways. But I’m doing 16:8 intermittent fasting a few times per week already.

    I have cut out cow milk a long time ago, but I sometimes get yogurt, kefir and cheese. Maybe I should cut out these more as well.

    Not sure if I’m ready to go keto, but maybe I’ll try a low car diet for a while and see how my body reacts.

    Thanks so much!

    I don’t want sorgery especially as long as the fibroid is asymptomatic …..

  7. Both my mother and grandmother have had hysterectomies due to fibroids. I don’t think it’s hereditary, I think our lifestyle has caused it. I’m trying to make a difference and be healthier, more active and make sure I get all my vitamins and minerals. Thank you Dr. Berg for your videos! I feel better now at 30 than I have my entire life.

    • I’m in my 30’s and I know 2 of my friends who run marathons and are fit body and health wise have fibroids but both also have healthy children so not everyone has hysterectomies from it.

    • Can be partially hereditary, but “activated” by environment (deficiencies, eating wrong things, etc). That’s how epigenetics works (think of genes as a blueprint for something, but that doesn’t mean it’s always built). Just because the blueprint is there doesn’t guarantee the building will be constructed. Just because the gene is there, doesn’t mean it’s going to activate. Dr. Bruce Lipton discusses epigenetics if anyone wants to learn more.

    • examples – I have genes for acne, but if I eat correctly, I don’t have pimples. Also, I have genes for ovarian cysts (how my body expresses estrogen dominance, my aunt and cousin had endometriosis), but when I take iodine daily, the cysts go away and stay away.

  8. I deeply regret the loss of my Uterus and 1 ovary back in 2005. If only I had known about Magnesium, D3 and B vitamins effects on Fibroids back then. A fibroid went cancerous.
    Because I had severe PMDD I believed the Doctors that a hysterectomy would improve my life. Not even remotely true.

    I had already beat Cancer once before but it was time consuming and more expensive than free surgery.
    One of the worst decisions of my life.

    • Hi how did you feel now that you remove your uterus
      Why are you said you regret it
      Can you share

    • 🙏🙏🙏 Don’t worry. You are still alive to tell your story while others are not❤ that’s a blessing alone🎉

    • I’m sorry you have to deal with the difficulties resulting from that surgery. I’m sure many other women are there with you, because that’s how “medicine” works (surgeries).

    • @@ladi2612 I had my uterus removed when I was in my early forties, and I have never regretted it. But I already had all my children, and there were multiple reasons for having it done. I think it probably saved my life. I kept my ovaries so I didn’t have to deal with all that. They weren’t the problem anyway, it was all the large tumors that caused very heavy bleeding and periods which were so close together. It was a relief not to have all the problems that went along with the heavy bleeding. I never regretted it!

    • ​@@ladi2612Who knows what the butchers did to her? I’d imagine she’s on hormone treatments to keep her female hormones in balance?

  9. Hey Dr. Berg, THANK YOU FOR THIS INFO!! I am 64 and when I was in my 40’s I had fibroids real bad. The doctor wanted to give me a hysterectomy of course. I avoided him after that. I started taking nattokinase and that is what helped me! It shrunk them down and I felt much better!! I WISH I would have known about vitamin D back then.

  10. Dr. Berg you are the best! That’s why I have been following you since 2018. If I had to cancel all my subscriptions for the purpose of minimal life, the only one I will keep is your channel.

  11. Sushmita: I’m in my 60s… in 2005 I had a myomectomy to remove a fibroid then following that in 2010 a hysterectomy. Sadly we were NEVER informed about the vitamins Doc. has mentioned in this video. Presently taking most of the vitamins approx. 5-7 years to date… We never know how beneficial it could be at this age 😊❤😊

  12. Found out two years ago I had fibroids. Started taking 12000 IU vitamin D3, 300mg Magnesium, 100 mg B6, 200mg K2, 800 mg Chaste berry and turmeric tea( fresh turmeric, ginger, water, black pepper). I included exercise 3 days a week. No fibroids symptoms anymore.

  13. Eat healthy, exercise, take vitamin tabs, drink one spoon of extra virgin olive oil, drink matcha green tea and sleep well.
    That’s what I’ve done and just celebrated my 90th birthday lately. 😊

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