Dr. Max Gulhane – ‘What Your Cardiologist Doesn’t Know About Sunlight & Heart Health’

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Dr Max Gulhane discusses the profound benefits of natural sunlight on cardiovascular risk and outlined fascinating mechanisms by which this is possibly occurring related to biophysics of water in blood vessels.

Dr. Max Gulhane is a General Practice registrar, circadian & quantum heath educator, host of the Regenerative Health Podcast & co-founder of REGENERATE.

This talk was filmed live at 75 Reid St, North Fitzroy for the second REGENERATE Summit on April 21st, 2024.

Attend the next REGENERATE Health Summit in ALBURY, NSW from 3-4th August 2024
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REGENERATE is a decentralized health summit shedding light on the causes and solutions of modern diseases.

The three pillars of REGENERATE are:
1. Circadian and quantum health
2. Ancestral diets – low carb, carnivore
3. Regenerative farming

Website: www.regnerateaus.com – SIGN UP TO THE MAILING LIST!

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Interviews with world leading experts on the REGENERATIVE HEALTH PODCAST
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Filming & editing by Pete Williams of Handeye Productions –

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20 responses to “Dr. Max Gulhane – ‘What Your Cardiologist Doesn’t Know About Sunlight & Heart Health’”

  1. I totally agree with you. This is an important topic. People are slathering sun-blocker on their kids and kids never get out in the sun anymore. I love the sun and it makes me feel healthier. I also believe that the vitamin D is very important for other areas in the body. We were meant to be in the sun. I was losing my hair this last winter and discovered that my D level was very low. I fixed that with some sun and things in that area are back to normal. It just makes common sense. Plants live off of sun and so should we.

  2. So MIT recently demonstrated that photons can evaporate water. There’s certainly some synergy here.

  3. Excellent video and talk. I was thanking God, really. He made us and the sun and everything that is good. Some information about artificial sauna infrared light wave therapy, red light therapy, and all other man-made light therapy would have been very appreciated. Could you do that? I own a TheraSauna with a patented heater with optimal wavelength for penetration and body health.

  4. I am no expert, but I have the following concern. The Infrared light that gets to you is not stronger in the morning and evening compared to noon- it just a higher share of the light that hits the body at those times.- the UV light is more dampened by the longer path through the atmosphere in the morning and evening. At noon you get high doses of both UV and infrared.

  5. This was freaking AWESOME. I’m a retired RN in critical care. I wish I had known this during my career. Hi, from Texas

  6. Extraordinary Science. Just like processed food is the norm now, is this the same with sunblock? Are companies flogging their products without consideration for our optimal health? All for hearing the truth. 👏🇦🇺

  7. This is an awesome alternate explanation for our surge in heart disease that coincides with modern development!

    Much like other hypotheses which focus on the introduction of vegetable oils and the reduction in animal foods in our diet, which began in the early 20th century, the reduction in sunlight hours and increase in electromagnetic radiotion from our rapid adaptation of technology could also be a profoud explanation to our surge in illnesses.

    Its a blessing that more research is being done, but its also such a shame that we have gone through so much change in the last century that it is almost impossible to tell exactly what is causing our illnesses! So many variables to consider…. love the work.

  8. The light we allow determines the life that we get. I choose lots of natural sunlight and minimize artificial light in my life. Thanks to Neurosurgeon Dr. Jack Kruse for teaching me the truth many years ago.

  9. I need to move to a sunnier country. UK has been very cloudy for months now apart from the odd day.

  10. Here comes the sun.
    Thanks for your very helpful video.
    I am going to stop the silly factor 40 sunscreen.

  11. I live in Indiana, it’s no problem to get sunlight in the summertime in the spring even early fall. When winter comes I can’t and never will be able to afford to fly to a ☀️y part of the Earth. So I guess some of us poor people are just 😢 out of luck when winter comes, because I didn’t hear you mention anything about getting son during winter months.

  12. fun fact: green also reflects more IR — so being amongst the TREES is another bonus of spending more time outside

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