I Had NO Idea This Spiked Blood Sugar

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 


Justin Richard's Channel:

Signos continuous glucose monitor:

Find out about the food that causes the most significant blood sugar spike in this fascinating interview with Justin Richard.

0:00 Welcome, Justin Richard!
1:56 Justin’s health history
4:58 Which food’s effect on blood sugar surprised you the most?
13:26 Other factors that affect blood sugar
16:57 Buffering the insulin response
20:14 Tips to avoid junk food
22:30 Impactful dietary changes
33:28 Highly processed foods
35:16 Choosing a continuous glucose monitor

Justin Richard has collected a wealth of information using a continuous glucose monitor to experiment with different foods and their effect on his blood sugar. He explains how monitoring your glucose can help you stay healthy, too!

Justin has a family history of type 2 diabetes, so he wanted to learn more about insulin resistance to prevent the same fate. He noticed his energy levels diminishing in his late 40s, especially after eating certain foods, so he began using a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) to investigate.

When he first experimented with the CGM, Justin followed his typical diet, which consisted of many highly processed foods. These foods elevated his blood sugar, and it remained elevated for quite some time.

Anytime you eat, especially carbs, your blood sugar rises. Depending on the type of food, you'll experience either a slight or dramatic rise.

Justin was surprised by the effect white flour, bread, and whole wheat bread had on his blood sugar. He explains that there is a minimal difference between white bread and whole wheat products when it comes to blood sugar. Ezekiel bread has the lowest impact on Justin’s blood sugar.

Justin explains that stress and lack of sleep significantly increase his fasting blood glucose. Eating close to bedtime leaves his blood sugar high for 6 to 7 hours.

Justin recommends eating carbs with protein, fat, and fiber. This slows down the rate of digestion, lowering the blood sugar spike after eating. Apple cider vinegar mixed in water also slows digestion and significantly lowers a blood sugar spike.

Justin suggests these tips to eliminate bad food choices and bad eating habits:

1. Don’t go to the grocery store hungry
2. Say no to junk food at the grocery store
3. Go for a walk after a large meal
4. Don’t consume sweets after a meal or when you wake up

Justin uses a Signos continuous glucose monitoring device and highly recommends it!

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about your blood sugar and continuous glucose monitors. I’ll see you in the next video.

54 responses to “I Had NO Idea This Spiked Blood Sugar”

  1. I’ve been following Justin for some time, now! Love his content! So helpful, as I’m Type 2, as well.

  2. Regarding sourdough bread: For over 12 years, I was dealing w awful morning digestive issues, coupled w migraine issues every couple of months. I went gluten free, tried stopping sugars (probably not as strict as I could have) etc, but it was only after I completely stopped highly processed seed oils that I found some improvement.

    I began my own sourdough starter and have been making my sourdough bread w unbleached flour (it’s the only way the natural fermentation works). EVERYTHING else is bleached flour. Like what you put in you swimming pool. Talk about stripping your gut health!

    For me, it’s the potatoes and rice that spiked my sugars and now I eat my bread and solved the 12 year torture sessions almost completely.
    I have heard that good home made bread can detox some heavy metals as well. Thank you, Dr Berg and guest. Always appreciated.

  3. Also in the topic of “taking back my health” I’m in the process of increasing my potassium and it’s been so helpful in regulating my heart rate and BP. Thank you

    • Can you share some of the ways you’re doing this? I need to do this but am having a hard time getting enough.

    • @@WinsomeWinslet I drink a tablespoon of ACV with 1/2 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate (available in wine & beer making stores or on Amazon). This is recommended in one of Dr. Berg’s earlier videos about Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Hope that is helpful!
      I forgot to say, dissolved in water, and also that I no longer get leg cramps.

    • @@WinsomeWinsletDr Berg has an electrolyte powder that has 1,000 mg of potassium per scoop. The raspberry lemonade flavor is great. I use it every day

  4. Being a diabetic I do follow Justin’s page and it has helped me to manage my blood suger . Wonderful guest thank you Dr Berg ❤

  5. I so appreciate this interview! As an emotional eater, it is so hard not to eat that donut or ‘cakey’ food. Been doing keto for five weeks (my husband is also ❤️), and we’ve both lost weight!

    • I wish I could get my husband on board. He really needs to do this too but he sabotages me all the time.

    • My family was economically challenged so sugary sweet foods were considered a real treat. I grew up in this environment and eventually realized and admitted to being an addict to sugar. I’m not an addictive in any other sense so I was/am determined to kick this addiction. If I ever eat something sugary I eat until it’s gone or I’m full. Being honest with yourself, not delusional or making excuses is for yourself is paramount to your success

  6. Wow Ive been following that blood sugar guy a lot recently. After coming across glucose revolution too, he just put it in to practice. All made sense. Im losing weight as we speak goodbye to cravings. Awesome interview thankyou.

  7. That info about blood sugar staying elevated for hours, after eating carbs before sleep was astonishing. Think I got the motivation to quit such a habit on the rare nights I do this. Thank you!

    • Some carbs kick in quicker, but adding in fats/proteins will cause a big rise after 3-5 hours.
      PB and crackers is a tough one, without insulin upfront your sugar will rise quickly, then stay elevated from the protein.
      I love PB, just eat it earlier and differently now. It’s great on a burger with no bun.

  8. Be sure to test home grains (Freshly milled grains) as it has a huge difference than that store bought stuff. I don’t see anyone comparing to real bread, the old fashioned make it at home freshly milled wheat (and nothing sifted out of it when used). I would like to see testing on that but you have to make it yourself with a grain mill and baking it yourself. I find a huge difference since I started milling my own grains. I feel so much better since I have switched and don’t eat that processed stuff.

    • i had HBA1c 6.74 . 3 years ago
      at that time i was Drinking sweet Tea 9 to 10 CUPS a day. plus 8 to 9 Chapati (Roti) Bread ( Whole Wheat )
      after that i remove sugar and reduce chapati ( roti ) Bread from 9 to 2 (Whole wheat Stone mill Grinded ) per day & zero Cups of Tea per day.. after few months my HBA1c was 4.68 it was very great for me then i added some rice and little bit sweet some time in a month then Hba1c was 5.3 & now 5.06
      I was 77 KG at the time of 6.74 HBA1c
      and i was 58KG when my HBA1c was 4.68
      I AM 65KG and HBA1c is 5.06
      I am eating little bit fruit some time in a month. and salad daily… and i only eat two times a day and 1 bread at a time. NO tea NO soda NO bakery items. just dry fruits some time and i did 16 to 18 hours fasting many many months from last 3 years

      I reverse my diabetes and now its in control.
      Thanks to GOD.

  9. I’m also in the 40s and noticed a decline in my health….now recently in the past 4 weeks I’ve been doing intermittent fasting, virtually cutting off all processed foods and eating a low carb diet…..I’ve noticed my irregular heartbeat that I’ve developed over the past few years is gone, my blood pressure is no longer high, my joint pain is gone….i can feel my body is detoxing but I feel if I keep this up for another month, I will reap the full potential benefits of this

    • I’m on my 50’s have all the same things going on. I’ve started Whole Foods eating but I have slipped away off and on. Every day is a new start to eat healthy and needed to feel better.

    • @@jayesh5131 mostly eggs in the morning, salad for lunch …..about 40-50 grams of carbs per day….before I was indulging in tangerines eating 5 a day and drinking very sugary probiotic drinks every day. I didn’t realize how much carbs I was consuming per day even though I thought they were healthy, but now I only drink low carb probiotic drinks and low carb vegetable juice and add just a few grapes, blueberries, or strawberries to my salad ….doing 16-8 intermittent fasting and drinking water with squeezed lemon juices

    • @@xdgs567z Wow
      I was looking for an alternative for fruits and Salad. Eggs it is👍
      Thanks for replying 🫡

  10. The late night eating/6 hour blood spike part freaked me out, because so many of us have done this and just think of all the DAMAGE that high blood glucose is doing to our eyesight, capillaries, nerves, and other organs over those hours! Also, I 100% agree with all his blood glucose/energy level findings. I too grew up eating the carby breakfast, not just cereals, but so-called “healthy” breakfasts of meat, eggs, orange juice, whole wheat toast, oatmeal, etc., and would drag through the day feeling washed out, headachy, and what we call “logey” all day. I went low-carb back in 2004 after several friends lost significant weight converting to it, and within two weeks my migraines were gone, my daytime energy level was off the charts, and I felt like “everything worked properly”.

    • Do you think meat and eggs are carbs? Problem mostly is the canola used to prep foods…should use virgin olive.

    • T-1 Diabetic here, meat and eggs are great, just have to watch later sugar rises from protein/ fats. I use good butter, avocado oil, and olive oil. Avocados will help control sugars and spikes too.

    • Generally, the timing of food intake matters….no matter the form of caloric intake.

      Our human body, its organs & its physiology…..runs on a clock.

      “Departments” inside our body….works better during specific times of the day.

      Likewise, they don’t work as well at other times of the day.

      Departments “close” or “shuts down” or go “offline” – depending on the time of day.

      And if you are working on a busy schedule, your system’s fuel necessities are different each day & different compared to someone else’s life schedule.

      Sleep is necessary for all of us.
      There are those that can function with little to no sleep, but are paying for it in other ways & collections may happen latter or sooner than planned for.

    • @@FinancialConsultdotcodotza
      Meat and eggs are proteins and are very good for diabetics!
      Orange juice, oatmeal, and whole wheat toast are NOT good!

  11. I’m liking how this guy says “for me”.
    Twins have been monitored with these glucose monitor things and insulin spikes were triggered by different things. This from memory, one was triggered by rice while the other wasn’t and the other by white wine while the other was not.
    Gut bacteria was speculated as a possible reason.

    • I get TWICE the blood sugar spike and it STICKS with rice. Not so with bread. I am diabetic btw. This explains why eating rice or rice noodles puts me to sleep.

  12. I also monitor with CGM and have found very similar results as Jason and has been a game changer. At my age my peers are all struggling with diabetes. I have convinced several to start CGM. One more thing I can add, if getting off track and my blood sugar starts trending higher, skipping a meal will get it back in line.

  13. I tried Doritos after almost a year on the Carnivore diet. I tasted like chemical flavored cardboard. However, before carnivore it was something I really “enjoyed”

    • I can literally remember moving to a new state when I was a kid and seeing ‘rich kids’ who got chips in their lunches from home and they introduced me to Doritos and I didn’t like the look of them but tasted them and went ‘ick’

      I had an aversion to any snack food that had orange cheese powder

      But when I was re-introduced to them again in my 20s at alcohol chips and booze parties I started eating them and was ‘addicted’

      But as soon as I got healthy again I didn’t like the taste of them anymore

    • I have been gluten free twenty years now. About 7 years ago I needed to buy the rolls for a dinner party. The moment I would pick up a bag of rolls they would smell moldy. Kept shopping until I found a store that had rolls that did not smell moldy. A small shop that bought from a small bakery.
      Everyone raved about how good the rolls were.
      When I was eating gluten products I had no ides that most bread smelt of mold.
      I buy bread for my husband from a woman who makes it. It always smells good.

    • I agree. Once you eat real food for a period of time and go back and taste fake food, it tastes chemically. 🤮

  14. As a prediabetic, I love this interview. So relatable and personal without being overbearing. Thanks.

  15. This is reality people! My opinion one of the best videos on the internet for anyone learning to watch their glucose and health!!! Love the tip that you say no at the grocery store!!! Moreover, get in the kitchen, meal prep! Change poor choices to healthy ones. Thanks for your authenticity!

  16. Wow, don’t you just love it when 2 of your favourite YouTubers get together. Respect both these guys. Love it 😊

  17. Justin is constantly demonstrating that glucose is glucose no matter what form it takes.
    Here is the thing: your liver makes all the glucose you need. Any you eat is extra whether it spikes your blood glucose or not and represents a problem of storage and disposal by the body. It has to be burned or stored before any fat burning can begin. If you constantly eat carbs, you never burn fat.

  18. My God! This video is so timely. I just got a CGM last weekend and it’s such an eye opener.
    One thing that really surprised me was that I take on empty stomach 2 capsules of vitamin D3/ K2, 2 capsules of TUDCA, 2 Capsules of Vitamin B1 and 1 capsule of vitamin E and the sugar spike is just surprising. And here I was thinking that I am in ketosis 😢

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