Your Body Is BEGGING For Vitamin D!!

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Check out this fascinating interview with Professor Bruce Hollis, a pioneer in vitamin D research and an expert on vitamin D deficiency.


0:00 Welcome, Professor Bruce Hollis!
0:53 The 2 systems in the body that use vitamin D
2:40 The forms of vitamin D
8:30 The problem with vitamin D research in the United States
15:45 What are normal vitamin D levels?
18:47 Vitamin D and cancer
25:35 Is vitamin D stored in your fat?
27:03 Vitamin D and your arteries
28:44 Vitamin D and lactation
34:11 Vitamin D and magnesium
36:43 Vitamin D toxicity
42:06 How did you begin your research on vitamin D?
49:30 Final thoughts

Please join me in welcoming Professor Bruce Hollis! Professor Hollis’ research has provided a new understanding of the importance of vitamin D and its full range of functions.

Vitamin D has been understood as an essential nutrient for skeletal integrity and maintaining blood calcium levels. As microbiology and research developed, researchers found that many cells that had nothing to do with the skeleton could respond to vitamin D, including cancer and immune cells.

Vitamin D exists in different forms inside the body. When you take a supplement or sunlight hits your skin, you’re dealing with the inactive form of vitamin D. It is then turned into a compound called 25-hydroxy vitamin D, the intermediate form of vitamin D that stays in the blood for weeks. This form is picked up in blood tests but isn’t easily accessible by the tissues that might need it.

The final form of vitamin D is one of the most potent hormones, 125 di-hydroxy vitamin D. Vitamin D is converted into the active form in the kidney but can also be converted inside the cells.

The vast majority of studies substantiating our information on vitamin D in the U.S. have several problems and have produced inaccurate results. There is also no agreed-upon range on “normal” vitamin D levels—or what levels are considered a vitamin D deficiency.

Professor Hollis has conducted research and has seen significant results using vitamin D to prevent birth complications in women in Iran, in patients with low-grade prostate cancer, and in lactation. He also explains the importance of magnesium, a key cofactor for vitamin D metabolism.

Professor Hollis wants people to understand that few physicians recommend or acknowledge the benefits of vitamin D because national organizations have yet to properly understand and recognize them.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about the importance of vitamin D and addressing vitamin D deficiency. I’ll see you in the next video.

99 responses to “Your Body Is BEGGING For Vitamin D!!”

  1. As I am the leading Vitamin D Deficiency channel on Youtube, if your body is begging for Vitamin D
    I look out for the following signs:
    -Extreme Fatigue
    -Bone pain
    Muscle twitching
    -Heart Palpitations
    -Weakened Immune system
    -Hair loss
    and soo much more – only true Vitamin D Deficient People could relate

    • 💭💭 MY vitamin d level is 7 😱
      💭💭 MY doctor 🥼 prescribed ME prescription vitamin d2 50,000 units to take 1 time a week❕
      💭💭 I’ve been nervous nelly to take it because it’s a vitamin d2 which is WEIRD❕
      💭💭 I called 📞 the pharmacy asking more about d2 compared to d3 he said it’s what they carry it’s basically the same thing 🤔 is this true OR NO❔

    • @@skinnydee1886 firstly , thank you . toxicity doesnt exist when k2 and magnesium are be supplemented

  2. I was keto for 5 years and the last year, I am mostly meat based. Probably 90% carnivore, and absolutely no seed oils. I have some green beans, onion, peppers, a little tomato, spaghetti squash once in a while. My vitamin d came back at 115 or so and my doc told me to quit taking vitamin D. I am like I don’t take vitamin D. So he told me to quit taking cod liver oil because it had vitamin D. I did and my next reading came back at 121. I guess it is just naturally high. I have noticed I am around sick people coughing up a lung at work all the time, and I rarely catch any thing. If I do, it is just a little sniffle for a day or two, and I don’t even need any meds. Plus I lost 200 lbs, I am no longer diabetic. I was severely diabetic before. On over 300 units of insulin a day with A1C’s in the 14’s. My knees have healed, my diabetic leg ulcers have gone away. And many other things.

  3. Suffered with severe asthma and allergies for the first 38 years of my life until I read “the optimal dose” and tried 30,000 IU d3 + 300mcg k2 mk7 daily. After a few months I was off all my asthma and allergy meds. 2 years later I’ve dropped to 20,000iu d3 daily and would say I’m completely cured.

    For the first time in my life I’m completely cured from the severe asthma and allergies that crippled me my entire life.

    • I have allergies as well! I was hoping for a way to get rid of them and I was told I couldn’t and it was a genetic condition…

    • Did you get from Drs prescription or over the counter. I suffer from low levels and don’t feel like myself, constant joint aches fatigue etc. I know I need more.

    • Prescription is d2; I would get d3 from health food store or Amazon. You can do a quick Google to find out the difference. All good but the later is better imo

  4. I have taken 30,000iu for years. I have not been sick in years. Last winter I dropped back to 10,000iu because the doctor said my level was slightly high and didn’t want me to take any. No way I wasn’t taking any. I was sick from the end of October until mid January. I was sick setting on the couch trying to figure out what could be causing it and how I could change things. I remembered I lowered my Vitamin D. I started taking the 30,000iu again and was better in 3 days. I had previously taken 20,000iu a day for many years and felt a difference going to 30,000iu a day so I stuck with it. It is now 7 months later and I still feel great and have not been sick 1 time.

    • Please make sure your taking vitamin K with it. High dosage D increases calcium asorption and it can get into tissues and arteries without proper vit K to direct it. Magnesium is also depleted.

    • The upper limit is 4000 a day what u talking about 30kIU? Youtube comments are dangerous these days 😂

  5. They’ve been blocking out the sun for months here in the U.K , we’ve had two consecutive days of sunshine since summer started , no wonder everyone here’s so miserable

    • Yes the summer in Scotland has been awful, like January at times weather-wise. Although we were blessed with a clear sunny day (no haze) about 5 days back which was nice.

    • I just notice here in London last year and this year summer has been terrible almost no sun at all. 😮

    • I’m in London and I agree, first nice day today.

      Interestingly, my sister (hospital doctor) once said that it would be busy in the hospital because it was raining. I asked her what the rain had to do with it and she said, ‘rain depresses people’.

  6. I had lymphoma at the age of 5. Thyroid cancer in my late 20s. Went through a thyroidectomy plus radiation. My Vitamin D levels are always super low. My doctor prescribes such high levels of vitamins D for me and I feel great after. When my Vitamin D is low I even feel so depressed for no reason, Vitamin D is so important.

    • 💭💭 SO happy your doing/feeling great 👍🏻 🤍
      💭💭 SO your doctor 🥼 prescribed vitamin d for YOU to take❔
      💭💭 WAS it vitamin d YOU take 1 times a week 50,000 units❔
      💭💭 if YOU don’t 👎🏻 mind ME asking 🤍
      💭💭 also how low WAS your vitamin d❔
      💭💭 MY d level is at 7 😱

    • Don’t take the kind doctors prescribe! That’s D2. You want D3. And you must take with K2 or you are destroying your arteries

  7. I told my GP (MD) I was taking 4000iu of Vitamin-D3-K2 daily, as I was pre-diabetic. And he went nuts. He said it was way too much, and that sunshine meets all our needs. He was African, and this occurred in cloudy old England. You’d think he’d know better.😆

  8. Dr Berg, I wonder if you actually really comprehend the number of people’s lives you’re either bettering or actually saving. A big thank you from France ♥️

    • ​@@aychingao Because we live in a fallen world. Wasn’t supposed to be this way. Read the Bible or at least the try first book Genesis. If you seek you will find, Christ has promised us and I’ve found He is trustworthy. All that being said, God has provided us with natural medicine if you will to help us along. Pray that you will seek. He will meet you..

  9. The Australian Aboriginals have for as long back as they know , when they became ill they would lay out in the sun until they felt better.
    Smart people

  10. I’ve been taking 20,000 iu’s of Vitamin D daily and my mood has been boosted among other things! This lecture has been very eye opening! Thank you!

  11. It’s a high privilege to have access to expertise and information shared by Dr. Berg. Living in the Central Asian region, I would never have gotten a chance to get educated about my health at this level and for free. Again can’t thank you enough, Dr. Berg.

  12. Dr. Berg in another video you had recommended 20,000 IU to shut down genetic triggers. I have hemochromatosis (H63D). I have been doing this protocol for over 2 years now. It has worked wonders in mitigating the affects of the disease. Turns out according to this video, that recommendation is spot on! Thank you so much.

  13. At age 73 myself; trying to fix my sickly body; i just tripled my D3 dose while hearing this very good coverage a few minutes ago; and think i will double that today to 6k iu. Born in Bronx NY to our smoking parents…playing with mercury in our hands and getting mercury amalgam fillings …playing with chemicals and swimming in the Passaic River…watching dead rats float by and hearing news say chemicals were burning / floating river fires fotos in the newspaper! My mom quit smoking she said, was cos her 3rd child (myself of us 9) kept getting burned grabbing her cigarrettes…the dentist gave us lollipops and saying ” see u all next time kids!”
    We now must be our own health guardians through prayer and info ive gotten this far. My mother & grandmother helped enormously with their health advice; against all odds.
    This guest is SUCH a good source, WOW!
    Btw i heard vit. D3 and K2 in the same dose or cap has a effect of counterproductivity; or else i was going to buy your D3/K2 supp.Dr Berg

  14. My grandmother is Tibetan. She said back when she was very young in Tibet. She saw Tibetan doctors first before giving any traditional medicine, they would make people who are sick sit in the sun everyday and also ask the family to put their clothes and blankets out in the sun. Back then they may not know about, VD or K2 but at least they knew something.

    • Actually, they knew more than the people who think that oral intake of “vitamin D” is necessarily the equivalent of letting your skin do the job of converting 7-dehydrocholesterol (a cholesterol derivative) to cholecalciferol (AKA “vitamin D3”) and releasing it directly into the bloodstream.

    • @@kevinl20082008 As I tried to say before (but was apparently censored for some reason), your grandmother actually knew more than those who currently believe that oral ingestion of “vitamin D” is equivalent to biosynthesis and release of this cholesterol derivative directly into the bloodstream by the skin. (As Professor Hollis indicated, your body regulates the production of the hormone calcitriol – the active metabolite of so-called “vitamin D” – through a negative feedback loop that is dependent on this endogenous process. Over-riding this mechanism would essentially be a pharmacological intervention that may or may not be appropriate in healthy individuals.

    • Right! It’s interesting how much more knowledgeable they were compared to our super educated western doctors…

  15. When I had cancer I prescribed 50000 units a day for myself. I did many other things too but still here cancer free. April of 2020 docs gave me 2 months

  16. We need more people just like this. Just finished reading book called The 21 Former Doctor Secrets by Rachel Morgan and its so fascinating what modern indrustry hides

    • Strangely, Google does not know anything about it. It replied, “It looks like there might be some confusion. Rachel Morgan is known for her Creepy Hollow series, which features books like The Faerie Guardian and The Faerie Prince1. However, I couldn’t find any information about a book titled The 21 Former Doctor Secrets by Rachel Morgan”

    • ​@@JulianaCane-g8l SUNSHINE did it for me naturally levels are the best ever. Ensure Liver stomach area gets sun direct

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