You Will NEVER Eat Sugar Again after This!

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 

The average American consumes 75 teaspoons of sugar per day! Find out why you should stop eating sugar today. Your health depends on it!

0:00 Introduction: Stop eating sugar!
0:12 Symptoms of low blood sugar
1:24 Blood sugar explained
2:12 Insulin resistance
4:44 Processed sugar vs. whole sugars
9:56 What about low blood sugar?
10:24 How to break sugar addiction
10:39 Fructose

Today, we’re going to discuss the effects of sugar on your health. Sugar is considered toxic in the body, so it is removed from the blood when you consume it. Similar to body temperature, blood sugar is kept constant at around 80. When you consume sugar, the hormone insulin removes sugar from the blood and puts it into the cells.

If you continue eating large amounts of sugar, the body begins to protect itself by blocking the receptors for insulin in your cells. This ultimately decreases the amount of sugar inside your cells.

Over time, this compensation mechanism will break down, and you will no longer produce enough insulin to keep your blood sugar levels down, eventually leading to diabetes.

There are two types of sugar: processed sugars and whole sugars. Heavily processed sugars, such as glucose, dextrose, corn syrup, glucose syrup, high fructose corn syrup, agave syrup, white sugar, brown sugar, and rice syrup, are devoid of important nutrients like B vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and phytonutrients.

Your body requires nutrients to turn sugar into energy. When you consume processed sugars without the nutrients, your body pulls from your nutrient reserves to use the sugar as fuel.

Raw honey has 181 different chemicals that offer protection and allow you to metabolize the sugar. Maple syrup, turbinado sugar, molasses, coconut sugar, palm sugar, and date sugar are also less processed forms of sugar.

If you’re having trouble quitting sugar, consume fruits or whole sugars instead of processed sugars as you focus on lowering your intake.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this answers your questions about the side effects of sugar. I’ll see you in the next video.

78 responses to “You Will NEVER Eat Sugar Again after This!”

  1. I stopped eating sugar six weeks ago and faced some withdrawal symptoms during the first days. Now, in the seventh week, I feel my body gets used to it. The type of addiction that sugar causes is very disturbing. Thanks a lot for the knowledge around that topic.

    • No bread or wheat products inc pasta, rice, potatoes, vegetables inc salads – as they all convert to sugar.
      So I guess you have gone to a carnivore / lion diet?

    • A while ago I started eating more yogurt, trying to be healthier, and it tasted good. Until I read the ingredients and found out that one small yogurt had about one third of my daily dose of sugar.

    • @@charlesbrightman4237 Did the yogurt contain fruit?
      Natural yogurt should have apx 3 grams per 100 g / 100 ml.
      What was yours?

  2. Being realistic, the easiest way to quit sugar is by quitting whatever other poisons, drugs, toxins, bad habits, etc.! Man, do I feel amazing! 🙌 Y’all be easy! 🙂

    • True about quitting all the other toxins ,that being said actual organic sugar cane that you can pick and peel it and juice it and drink it just like that or freeze dry it for your own crystals are actually good for you it have vitamins and minerals that are good for you and actually protect you from cancer but don’t go crazy on it lol but eating it the way they process it actually causes cancer because they strip it bare of everything good that is in it.

    • Health is a whole body event,
      Sugar is simply part of whole body health
      It is a system not a group of singularaties

    • Maybe for some but not everyone…me included…I only allowed approved food in my house and eradicated EVERYTHING not approved so when cravings came (usually at night), I would have to get in my car and drive to the store. I did drive to the store maybe 5% of the time. At the time, I was living with my Alzheimer’s ridden mother caring for her before she went to memory care. When I moved back to my house with my wife and son, it was not Keto proof so I had to beg them to hide and lock away the unapproved food. Eventually, they came around and joined my new way of eating and guess what? They started losing weight. Two years ago, I lost 73 lbs from my peak weight. Today, I am still at my desired weight, eating Keto, OMAD and walking 8 miles every other day. I’m also free from the 7 medications I had been taking for 20 plus years.

  3. I’ve been on keto for a while now and not had any sugar.. till yesterday, I had a small drink of lemonade omg never again.. I was very sick and threw up and almost passed out.. my body went into shock 😲

    • I advocate for keto, for people who really need to shed pounds. Going back to whole sugars, having some fruit everyday seems to be a very nice sustainable diet . A whole foods diet with home made spelt flour bread will not spike your insulin. Ripe fruit seems to add alot of vitamins. And have really helped my mood through the day. I will say any serious illnesses pop up. Im off sugar and going high protein. Especially cancer.

      Good luck my friend!!

    • Try a splash of concentrate lemon juice in some water in the morning.. very little sugar.. about equivalent to kamboucha. It gets the cravings for lemonade down haha.

  4. “They have to start chopping off the toes and the legs … amputations. But other than that, you’re gonna be perfectly fine.”
    You gotta love the doc

  5. Came across this video around 7am. I was about to eat a bowl of cereal. I threw it out and made some eggs instead for breakfast.
    Thank you Dr. Berg for the reminder this morning.

  6. I’m 22, and i stopped eating sugar 7 years ago and i never felt any good before that. But i was making one mistake that i quit on all kinds of sugar, even fruits which lead me to hypoglycemia. So now i try to eat a variety of fruits & veggies to keep the necessary amount of sugar in my body. But to anyone reading this, processed sugar is a poison and should be cut off forever. Just consume small amounts of natural sugars from fruits and other stuff to keep your glucose levels stable and you’re all good. Btw, amazing content one again and i’m sure a lot of people will follow it to change their lifestyle

  7. I’m saving this video forever to explain to people because this is EXACTLY what happened to ME!

    I was ~250 blood sugar and 13.9 A1C, I got real skinny and couldn’t absorb anything. Was always tired. Everything broke down. I started puking and discharging blood and my mouth was dry and legs were cramping.

    The doctor gave me an insulin pen, but I didn’t want to depend on that long term. So I completely changed my diet like Dr. Berg recommended. I found him after doing some research.

    Now I haven’t had any sugar for 18 months now and completely reversed 20 years of sugar damage. I wish I could go back and tell my teenage self to avoid sugar. Never going back to sugar or processed food.

    • You can’t reverse 20 years of sugar damage. This is not to discourage your amazing recovery and better quality of health and hopefully long life, but what you said above factually doesn’t undo 20 years cell damage.

    • ​@user-uz7ti7vb3t our bodies thrive to live and repair damage. Don’t be so negative and potentially wrong as well.

    • ​@@ErnstHeinze-iw4gqit’s not negativity. I’m just saying that there’s usually some permanent damage. Maybe you could still live average span. It’s hard to say. I’m just saying that you can’t undo damage to that extent.

    • @@user-uz7ti7vb3t”can’t” is a word the medical community has used for centuries, only to be proven wrong over and over.

  8. Dr. Berg I’ve been following you for over a decade, you are absolutely the best of the best, you have literally saved my life, I owe you the world…

    • He has lots of good videos and his content is good overall. But I caution you to not blindly “drink the kool-aid”. Basically saying, whenever you read something or watch something, don’t just accept it, but question it. Critical thinking should be a major aspect of our lives from school age until we die.

      Question things, analyze things, research things from multiple sources, draw your own conclusions. Don’t blindly follow what someone says. This isn’t to take away from the doctor’s videos. He does make good content. But this will help you grow in your understanding of something, which is a good thing.

  9. I did an experiment at college for a week and we presented our findings to the class. My group eliminated grains and sugars (even natural sugars and balsamic vinegar.) 3 days in I had a migraine (I expected that) after that I had cold like symptoms for a couple of days. After a week, it was like my brain woke up. I was motivated, sharp, and even more energetic. I slept so well, and my clothes were noticeably looser, yet I never felt hungry. My back pain disappeared too, which had been really bad. Some things like cashews tasted so much sweeter. I wish I’d kept it up. I’m going to do it again. Trust me, the benefits are amazing!

    • The body stores toxins in fat so when you burn fat the toxins recirculated through your body unless your liver has enough B-vitamins to detox. B is one of harder vitamins to get, but Doc says nutritional yeast is a good source which is just toasted yeast.

    • I’ve been on a sugar free journey for 5 years and my back hurts and other parts of my body hurt too. But I sleep good yeah 🤭

  10. I am 65 years old and I stopped eating processed, convenience, and fast food decades ago simply because they are too expensive. I am still active and am the same weight that I was in college. Periodically, I will have a pancake, a small bowl of pasta, or a glass of wine. My sweetener is stevia or Bocha brand. Thankfully, they cost enough to keep me from being the dessert baker that I used to be. My three main sources of food are meat, eggs, and vegetables. I am forwarding this video to two friends who are in dire need of this education. Unfortunately, many of the people who receive this message will still continue with their bad habits and addictions. I appreciate you doing this. Hearing it from me doesn’t help. Thank you, Dr. Berg.

    • Isn’t it curious how that people can know that they’re killing themselves with poor foods and continue with their habits anyway?

    • How is processed foods is expensive? I find keto is the most expensive thing ever. You don’t just buy any eggs they have to be pasture raised organic blah blah. And that’s not $3 for a dozen. It’s $9 at Whole Foods. Keto mayo with great ingredients? Sure just give us $10 per small jar

    • The grandkids ???? ……’s the parents fundamentally..if it’s never taught in the home their foundation is not solid and strong

  11. Thanks to Dr Berg I’ve been completely off sugar for 3 1/2 years now. I look at least ten years younger. I went from size 10 to size 4. I feel energetic and happy all the time!

  12. My wife is finally on board with me on this! She’s down almost 10lbs (water weight) but she is starting to feel better. Shes even doing OMAD comfortably!She’s had a host of health problems, physical and mental, and I can’t wait to see her transformation!

  13. its been three weeks completely sugar free. Feeling so much better health wise- my face fat has simmered down, less bloated, less moody and cranky, of course feeling so much lighter in my figure. NEVER going back to consuming sugar ever again 😷

  14. I don’t know how I’m still alive. I grew up eating soooo much sugar, I mean way too much, right into my late 50s. I’m 64 now, and while my sugar consumption is still a little high, I’ve cut back and continue to cut back. I’ve known how bad sugar is for years, but I’m taking serious steps now to get rid of it altogether. This video is a HUGE help!

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