NEVER IGNORE These Warning Signs!

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Find out about some of the common vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms you never want to ignore.

0:00 Introduction: The importance of vitamin B12
0:55 Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms
3:18 Vitamin B12 foods
4:48 Vitamin B12 function
5:15 Vitamin B12 deficiency causes
6:04 Vitamin B12 supplements

It’s often thought that only vegans and vegetarians need to worry about vitamin B12 deficiencies, but there are many ways to become deficient in this important nutrient.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can decrease your ability to make and repair DNA, increasing your risk for cancer. Vitamin B12 supports the myelin sheaths around your neurons, and a deficiency can cause anemia.

Early signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include fatigue, weakness, pale skin, and tingling in the fingertips and toes.

Over time, you may notice more symptoms of B12 deficiency, including the following:
•Red, swollen, shiny tongue
•Mouth ulcers
•Out of breath easily
•Dizziness if you stand up too quickly
•Cognitive problems
•Circadian rhythm issues

If you have a severe B12 deficiency, you may have problems walking, severe muscle weakness, and severe psychiatric problems, such as hallucinations and paranoia. Severe B12 deficiency can also cause permanent, irreversible nerve damage.

If you don’t regularly consume animal products, you could become deficient in vitamin B12. Try incorporating vitamin B12 foods such as clams, liver, sardines, red meat, tuna, salmon, grass-fed dairy, and eggs into your diet.

If you have low stomach acid, you will have trouble absorbing vitamin B12. A genetic problem known as polymorphism can also interfere with vitamin B12 absorption.

If you take vitamin B12 supplements, take the natural form called methylcobalamin. A healthy liver, small intestine, and acidic stomach are vital for vitamin B12 to be absorbed and function properly in the body.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this video increases your awareness of the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. I’ll see you in the next video.

54 responses to “NEVER IGNORE These Warning Signs!”

  1. Google search lists Beef when I searched “B12 foods.” Also, it’s important to note that you can have SOME of the deficiency symptoms but not ALL of them if you’re, in fact, deficient. If my husband skips his B-Complex supplement he *_obviously_* loses cognitive ability. I’ve never noticed any skin changes.

  2. Low SAM-e (s-adenosylmethionine) levels, which decrease as we age, makes it all sound like gibberish. Have a blessed day, folks! 🙂

  3. Aside from explaining B12 deficiencies, you also explain how search engines have certain bias towards food/health topics. Thank you.

  4. My Father had Pernicious Anemia. His blood type was AB Negative. Back in the late 50’s, early 60’s it took them awhile to figure it out. By the time they did it had already affected his nervous system and his was partially crippled because of it. He had to have a shot of B12 monthly.

    • I have AB negative as well and I’m struggling with vitamin B deficiencies since at least 50 years. It got better after I started my all carnivore journey, but still is not good. So I do take vitamin B complex supplement.

    • @@lisasternenkind6467 Maybe talk with your doctor about the difference between supplements and a shot of B12. I’m not sure why he needed it in a shot form but I do know it had something to do with low blood cells. I think it was the red blood cells, but don’t hold me to that. 🙂

    • ​@@ArdellDelara I believe you are correct. I had to have b12 shots for a few weeks, when I began my menstrual cycle, because of excessive bleeding. Bleeding was Weeks at a time, not days.

    • @@lisasternenkind6467 you could also try sub-lingual B12, which absorbs directly into your blood via the tissues in your mouth. I do this for my parents, and it *really* raises their serum B12 levels. The brand I use is Superior Source. It’s Methylcobalamin, and it comes in various doses. Just B12, though; it also comes combined with folic acid, but since Folate can disguise a B12 deficiency in a blood test, I never give them that one.

  5. U’r absolutely right as this symptom of B12 deficiency is multifaceted. Thank u for your precious information

    • @sarahtara5546  what you mean? If your nerves are dammage you really ca repair them with B12 ?
      Its hard because if you take to much you get B12 toxicity

    • While it’s well-intentioned..You Can’t fix every health situation or turn it around. Sometimes..the Damage is Done and we have to deal with it. BUT..I do support positive, Pro-Active attitudes when it comes to All aspects of our health.

    • ​​@@good2go4Defiency of b12 is the worst than any risk of toxity as it is fatal if not treated… Here in Canada it’s treated by family doctor with monthly injections and monitoring of levels. Here any level below 70 can’t be measured. Levels of 300 still have symtoms of anemia. Those here are managed at much higher levels because one can run out before end of month in other words have anemia symtoms return with an continuation of damage to spinal cord. Been treated for over 33 years.

    • I agree, everything can be reversed. The inversion and toxic nature of the medical system and our environment contribute to many problems which all can be reversed.

  6. @Dr Eric ,with your help my life has taken a 360° turn ,I was on bed with depression and anxiety.
    God bless you

  7. People complaining that your thumbnail is too much, have OBVIOUSLY never suffered from low B12 or they wouldn’t be so flippant.

  8. I just wish all doctors could have half of the care you have for teaching people about staying healthy.
    Thanks to your videos and EXTREMELY valuable information, I found out that all the issues that showed up in my body in the past year, are because of my fatty liver. And the fact that you also advise how to correct the problem is a HUGE help. Thank you for all the good content you create for us.

    • The reason why you won’t hear any of this from an allopathic Dr is bc they aren’t taught anything about NUTRITION! They never will be either.

  9. I have a B 12 deficiency
    Made worse by being on stomach acid medication for YEARS
    Getting off the meds is soooo painful

  10. Colon Cancer surgery can also cause a Functional B12 Deficiency, if the Terminal Ileum is resected. That’s the last 20-30 cm of your Small Intestine, and is where almost all of your B12 is absorbed. That’s assuming you don’t have an existing B12 digestive issue, and B12 is processed normally via diet. The basic process starts by chewing where the B12 is split from animal protein, after which it bonds to Transcobalamin I, or Haptocorin, to allow the B12 to survive your stomach acid. Then, after a trip through the stomach, it passes into the Ileum, or Small Intestine, where it is washed by the Pancreas to split off Transcobalamin I, so the B12 can then bond with Intrinsic Factor (IF) made by the parietal cells in the stomach (people who make little IF may therefore have Pernicious Anaemia, including those who have had Gastric Surgery if that restricts IF). After that, it can be absorbed via Terminal Ileum, where the IF is split off, so the B12 can then bond with Transcobalamin II, to form Holotranscobalamin, which is transported by the blood stream as the active form of B12 that is available at the cellular level. A lot will end up in the blood as inactive B12, hence why the standard B12 tests are not that useful, as they only tell you total Serum B12, not the level of active B12. After Colon surgery, I developed rapidly developing peripheral neuropathy, symmetrical paraesthesia, confusion, depression, hyper-pigmentation on my feet, and other symptoms that could only be B12 related. I tried oral B12, no joy. Then to avoid the digestive route, I tried sublingual B12, no joy. Then for the same reason, I tried B12 trans-dermal patches, also no joy. All these did were boost my Serum B12, with no effect on neurological symptoms. I had no help from the UK NHS, but tried self-injecting B12, and that worked within days. I will now need to keep that up for life but, I can say that it stopped, and reversed the issues, before they became irreversible.

  11. I recently discovered my B12 and folate levels are “sub-optimal”. Had to do my own research to find that out, as my doctor told me my levels are “fine”. But at least she was willing to give me a print out of the numbers so that i could go look them up. Will totally be supplementing as I’ve noticed mild versions of most of the symotoms you mention over the last 30 years, including recently.

    Im learning SO much from your videos. Keep them coming! ❤

    • Everytime I have blood work done, I always ask for a copy of the test results, so I can do my own research! I’ve been doing that for the last 15 – 20 years!

  12. Please teach people to chew properly. Digestion starts at chewing and activates the stomache acids needed.

  13. So true!! When I was young and first married I moved to a remote area and was so sad . I didn’t talk to many people. Over time i had hallucinations and thought I was schizophrenic!! I was terrified and had heart palpitations. I couldn’t tell anyone and my husband didn’t understand. I read that B vitamins are eaten up in the brain when you are sad so you need so much more to replenish. I took 3 B complex every day and in time the blanket came off 🙏🏻 I know now that when I’m feeling down or have intrusive thoughts I load up on the B vitamins. It literally saved my life .

    • My mother had pernicious anemia and needed B12 shots every week , she also had vitiligo so I might have inherited a B deficiency?

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