I Get 20 Tick Bites Every Week (Lyme Disease)

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I get 20 tick bites weekly and don’t have Lyme disease! Find out about your best defense against Lyme disease.


0:00 Introduction: Conventional Lyme disease treatment
0:55 Ticks and Lyme disease
2:37 Spirochetes
4:02 Lyme disease and vitamin D
5:24 Post-treatment Lyme disease
6:00 Understanding vitamin D
9:12 Preventing Lyme disease with vitamin D

In this video, I’m going to share my secret to preventing Lyme disease. Lyme disease is usually treated with antibiotics, which kill not only the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria, lowering the immune system.

Some people will develop a resistance to antibiotics, which may result in problems such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune disease after Lyme disease treatment.

There are over 900 different species of ticks. Some ticks carry Lyme bacteria, a corkscrew bacteria called a spirochete. These bacteria can penetrate many different tissues and evade your immune system by hiding in tissues without immune cells.

A tick bite usually causes redness that could develop into a bull’s eye rash, a common indicator of Lyme disease.

Corkscrew bacteria can invade the heart and cause palpitations. They also have a defense mechanism that can keep them alive even after they’ve been engulfed by your immune cells. Spirochetes downgrade your receptors for vitamin D, the most important vitamin of the entire immune system.

Vitamin D strengthens your monocytes and makes them more efficient. It also increases antimicrobial peptides that help kill spirochetes.

There are 2 main systems of vitamin D. One controls calcium, while the other supports the immune cells, heart, muscles, central nervous system, and intestines. The latter system depends on vitamin D from the sun, your food, and supplements. This vitamin D only lasts for 24 hours in the body.

If you suspect you have Lyme disease, you may want to try taking at least 30,000 IU of vitamin D daily, even if you’re taking antibiotics. Anytime you take vitamin D3, you also need adequate magnesium, vitamin K2, and zinc.

Japanese knotweed and garlic can also be beneficial for Lyme disease.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about preventing Lyme disease with a strong immune system. I’ll see you in the next video.

86 responses to “I Get 20 Tick Bites Every Week (Lyme Disease)”

  1. Something that seems to work for me, taking garlic capsules daily.
    When we moved to the Ozarks (do we have ticks? IYKYK) I would have 2 or more ticks attached per week in the summer.
    I know it’s anecdotal, but i rarely find them attached after I started taking garlic daily. And it has other benefits, so… Yay!

    • There is scientific evidence to support this actually! Ticks attach must less to people who intake garlic and garlic supplements

    • Definitely noticed a difference when being attacked by flying insects. I have a heavy tick population around my home due to mice and chipmunks, but no ticks this year on me. I don’t use the odor free garlic either.

    • @@patrickhubbell6198how much garlic do you take a day? Did you notice if it helped keep the mosquitoes from biting you also? What brand do you use?

  2. Had Lyme in 2000. Blood tests were negative. Clinically diagnosed and put on antibiotics for two months. Now taking vitamin D on a regular basis. Also stopping some doctor prescribed meds because of side effects.

  3. Thank you for this info – I’ve had 3 Lyme infections, all treated with huge courses of antibiotics, and I will most definitely be using these tips to regain health! Thank you!

  4. Just finished a 6 month fight with Lyme Disease as well as a tick borne parasite called Babesia. Worse experience of my life and getting help from the medical community was even more frustrating than the disease itself. Body literally felt like it was being g torn of the inside out. Thought I was good as dead with as bad as things got.

    • It really is awful. I had Lyme disease in the early stage and took antibiotics but I was in pretty bad shape for almost a year! On top of it I do battle low vitamin D! I’m just glad I caught it in the early stage and got on antibiotics immediately.

    • @@kameronwilliams7635 antibiotics. 200mg of doxycycline was for only 2 months for it destroyed my stomach and I was vomiting all the time. Got switched over to another antibiotic which was 1000mg a day. At the end of my antibiotic treatment in July I transitioned to functional medicine. I am know consuming several herbal medicines in the form of tea and my progress off the antibiotics continued. Also had to force myself to exercise despite the chronic fatigue symptoms I was dealing with. Also started taking 50,000 IU of vitamin D3 every 2 days.

  5. I have been bitten by ticks hundreds of times in my life. I have never gotten sick. I am a life time vitamin taker. I take 40,000 vit D3 every day. I also take gobs of other vitamins too.
    So I think this video is pretty cool.

  6. Oh my gosh! I owe you so much! I could never repay! You help all of us and we are so appreciative!! God bless you!!

    • problem is when you do that it makes them puke into the wound, same thing as when you use alcohol, gas and turpentine

    • I remember that I had an ear piercing that got infected, and I put Tea tree oil on it, but I took the earring out. The next day the hole was completely healed and I couldn’t even get the earring through. I’m a big fan of tea tree oil for wound treatment.

    • @@allfunnydogsstories2129Eek! Were you not told not to remove the earring for 6 weeks or the hole would heal over? Also, you need to treat the piercing like you would a wound, so scrupulously clean. Don’t touch the earring – unless, it’s to gently turn the earrings daily. Also, if you get studs, the butterfly at the back needs space as the earlobe will swell during healing. You need to apply a dab of surgical sprit daily until they heal.

    • Just like mosquitos, once you’re bitten by an INFECTED tick you are at risk. Even if you kill or remove e them.

  7. I am an avid hunter, and THE only creatures that I fear are ticks. I take preventative measures that some may question, but I have not had a tick on me in over 30 years. I soak all of my hunting clothes in a Permithrin solution, then hang dry outside. You cannot spray it directly on your skin, and should not wear clothes that have not been thoroughly dry. I also wear a base layer called Rhyno Skin, which is a pantyhose type material with elastic cuffs at the wrists and ankles. It was developed for the various special forces of the military to prevent leeches, ticks, and others from attaching themselves to the skin of our military personnel.
    I have killed deer with hundreds of ticks on them, and not once have I had an unwanted hitch hiker.

    • is it not absorbed into the body by contact? Any forever chemicals in it? I’ve heard of this. We used to rub sulfur all over our bodies when I was a kid, ticks won’t touch it. We’d be a bit yellow but it worked.

    • I bet your system handles other things like chiggers and mosquitoes. There must be more to the art of “Permethrin” soaking” than you are telling us.

  8. There is not only Lyme disease though. In the US there might also be Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, anaplasmosis, Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness, Tick-Born Relapsing Fever, and tularemia
    Outside the US there is also Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE), Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Neoehrlichia mikurensis.

  9. My father in law was kidnapped in Mexico 5 years ago and was taken to the woods and tied up while the ransom was paid, he said he got more than 200 tik bites all over his body. He didn’t get limes disease .

  10. I was an ER RN doing the pandemic. Our physicians ordered Vitamin D in the ER before the patient was transferred to the hospital and all of our Covid patients remained on high doses of it. My grandmother was a nurse during the Spanish Flu 100 years prior. She told me even in winter they placed as many patients out in the sun if possible.

    • This time, the cdc was credited with the idea that the beaches in gulf Coast Florida should be closed during the early part of the pandemic! What do you think they knew?!

    • I remember baby strollers being left out in the sun in winter. And that was in Newfoundland, Canada.

    • The sad fact that in many countries during the pandemic (historically it wasn’t even close to that), authorities forbid to go outside to catch a little sun, shows it was all about tyranny and control of people.

    • @@sueyoung2115

      Beaches all over the world.
      And playgrounds and national parks.

      Public health was not their concern.

    • @@dawnelder9046 That’s common here in Europe. It keeps the babies healthy. They sleep better and build up cold tolerance.

  11. I live in Virginia on a small suburban lot. I garden daily and caught Lyme from a tick on my Japanese Maple. Our community does have deer pressure, but in my small garden the deer are just passing through. Now I take serious precautions when gardening in the form of Deet as protection and body checks and showers when coming inside. Vitamin D, 4000 IU daily in combination with sun exposure is essential for my health. Thanks for the info, Dr. Bergh!

    • Diatamous earth is a natural organic pesticide that is safe for humans and animals to use in the garden

    • Use buzz away, it works and is nontoxic. We’re country people too. Lately we’ve had success with spritzing vinegar

    • Best thing you can do is copy the military. They tuck their pants into their boots and their shirt into their pants so that ticks can only get to their head and hands which are easy to check.

    • I have recently read apple cider vinegar with 50% water in a spray bottle is non toxic. I’m spray dogs and myself!

  12. I’m in central Virginia on 3 acres of woods around my house. I can’t allow my dogs to walk even the areas just beyond my grass or they get attacked by those blood suckers,,, even myself. Between ticks and copperheads, I stay away from the woods. My husband and 2 boys went hunting several years back and came home loaded with baby ticks on them and their clothes. I grew up on a farm in Nebraska where we also had ticks but not nearly as bad as the east coast. I’ve also heard some conspiracy theories as to why ticks with Lyme are prevalent on the east coast which I wouldn’t be surprised were true.

  13. Let your chickens loose. They will eat the ticks also you can get guinea hens. They eat ticks and other bugs.

  14. As the leading vitmain d channel thats why i tell these people everyday to optimize their vitamin D !

  15. I had limes disease lived in Minnesota most of my life. Got bit on a canoe trip. The doctors at first didn’t know what it was, but they threw antibiotics in it early on which saved my life. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I could barely walk. I would shiver like I was in an ice cube one minute and then sweat crazy like I was in a furnace the next minute. Absolute worst I praise Jesus for healing me every day.

    • Praise God Almighty, Jesus is a prophet not the all knowing God
      Ps : Wish you good health in the future

  16. As a Wildland Firefighter I contacted Lyme and after lots of research I treated my Lyme with Japanese Knotweed and Cryptolepis Sanguinolenta Root Tincture, I also have Candida Albican overgrowth and both of these also help with my Candidiasis but no matter what you do be sure to do lots of research and Dr. Berg’s advice will be Priceless in your search

    • I have had good long term success with Japanese Knotweed as well. It keeps me in remission from my chronic Lyme symptoms. I use Dr. Buhner’s LB Core liquid. God bless Dr. Berg for sharing his common sense knowledge with the world.

  17. In 2014 I found a tick on me. I live in a rural area and there are many deer all over the place including my property. I went to my doctor immediately and gave me a prescription for four cipro pills. I took one every 12 hours and had no side effects. Last year, 9 years later I had an antibody panel done and it showed I had antibodies for Lyme disease. Gut bacteria even if completely wiped out can be easily reestablished. Compared to getting Lyme disease it is IMO by far the lesser of two evils. So if I hadn’t gotten a treatment I probably would have gotten very sick. Glad I have a good doctor. IMO it was the right thing to do.

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