11 Bizarre Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency (You NEED to Know)

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Find out about some of the bizarre symptoms you might experience if you have low vitamin D.

Breathing Hacks:

Full Interview with Dr. Bruce Hollis: ▶️

Vitamin D Toxicity: ▶️


0:00 Introduction: Common vitamin D deficiency symptoms
1:30 11 surprising vitamin D deficiency signs
5:56 Vitamin D3 deficiency explained
9:40 How much vitamin D should I take?
13:30 Take vitamin D3 with the cofactors

Today, I’m going to tell you about some of the symptoms that you probably didn’t know were related to vitamin D deficiency. The most common signs that you’re vitamin D deficient include lower back pain, depression, high blood pressure, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases.

Blood tests only show you the inactive form of vitamin D and don't tell you about vitamin D at the cellular level. Instead, look out for some of the surprising signs of vitamin D deficiency.

1. Head sweating
This is typically seen in infants but can also be seen in teenagers and adults.

2. Sweating more at night
If you’re vitamin D deficient, you may sweat excessively, even if the room is cool. You might also wake up with a moist pillow.

3. Mood swings
Vitamin D controls mood regulation, so if you’re deficient, you could experience a range of moods in a short time.

4. Procrastinating
If you constantly put things off for later, you could be vitamin D deficient!

5. Panic attacks
Low vitamin D levels can cause panic attacks, so try taking high doses of vitamin D3 if you’re experiencing them.

6. Achiness
Achiness in the pelvis, lower back, hips, and upper legs is often a sign of low vitamin D.

7. Loss of muscle strength
If you have low vitamin D, you won’t have enough calcium in the muscles. Calcium allows the muscle to contract and is also involved in muscle production.

8. Stiffness
Stiffness related to vitamin D deficiency usually occurs in the knees and fingers. This is related to inflammation, weakened cartilage, and weakened collagen.

9. Chronic fatigue
Vitamin D supports your mitochondria, the energy factories of the cell. Without enough vitamin D, you can’t make energy.

10. Slowed down thinking
Vitamin D deficiency can cause diminished cognitive function.

11. Difficulty feeling satisfied
If you’re vitamin D deficient, you might not feel satisfied after eating, and you’ll have a tendency to overeat.

Consider taking around 10,000 to 20,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day, along with the cofactors magnesium, vitamin K2, zinc, and vitamin B6.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about some of the more bizarre vitamin D deficiency symptoms. I’ll see you in the next video.

68 responses to “11 Bizarre Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency (You NEED to Know)”

  1. Dr Berg notes:

    Today, Dr Berg tells you about some of the symptoms that you probably didn’t know were related to vitamin D deficiency. The most common signs that you’re vitamin D deficient include lower back pain, depression, high blood pressure, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases.

    Blood tests only show you the inactive form of vitamin D and don’t tell you about vitamin D at the cellular level. Instead, look out for some of the surprising signs of vitamin D deficiency.

    1. Head sweating
    This is typically seen in infants but can also be seen in teenagers and adults.

    2. Sweating more at night
    If you’re vitamin D deficient, you may sweat excessively, even if the room is cool. You might also wake up with a moist pillow.

    3. Mood swings
    Vitamin D controls mood regulation, so if you’re deficient, you could experience a range of moods in a short time.

    4. Procrastinating
    If you constantly put things off for later, you could be vitamin D deficient!

    5. Panic attacks
    Low vitamin D levels can cause panic attacks, so try taking high doses of vitamin D3 if you’re experiencing them.

    6. Achiness
    Achiness in the pelvis, lower back, hips, and upper legs is often a sign of low vitamin D.

    7. Loss of muscle strength
    If you have low vitamin D, you won’t have enough calcium in the muscles. Calcium allows the muscle to contract and is also involved in muscle production.

    8. Stiffness
    Stiffness related to vitamin D deficiency usually occurs in the knees and fingers. This is related to inflammation, weakened cartilage, and weakened collagen.

    9. Chronic fatigue
    Vitamin D supports your mitochondria, the energy factories of the cell. Without enough vitamin D, you can’t make energy.

    10. Slowed down thinking
    Vitamin D deficiency can cause diminished cognitive function.

    11. Difficulty feeling satisfied
    If you’re vitamin D deficient, you might not feel satisfied after eating, and you’ll have a tendency to overeat.

    Consider taking around 10,000 to 20,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day, along with the cofactors magnesium, vitamin K2, zinc, and vitamin B6.

    Thank you Dr Berg!

  2. Thank you Dr. Berg. I couldn’t figure it out. My blood levels are normal but, I have all those symptoms. I keep thinking I am going crazy. Thank you thank you ❤❤

    • Yeah, I was also thinking how that was a smart idea, even tho I’m def gonna be watching the entire thing any time I watch Dr Burgs videos

  3. The cravings from vitamin deficiencies are caused by hormonal imbalances and are the big cause to substance abuse, addiction, eating disorders also. People try to fulfill cravings with drugs, alcohol and junk over processed food. One of the root causes is nutritional deficiencies causing hormonal imbalances.

  4. I was just diagnosed with a severe vitamin D deficiency. In watching this video, I am now sure this has been a years long deficiency. Thank God I got fed up with my doctor not listening to me or testing my vitamin and mineral levels like I had been asking him to do for years and found a new doctor. Hopefully, we can fix all the damage that has been done to my body from this. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and expertise with us.

    • @lauriehalbrooks 1594 I could not agree more. I feel my GP’s in Australia all from the one practice have been less than casual about my health. I have many work and life injuries and the pain is constant and at times severe. Worst of all is the complete loss of energy, when merely standing up and going to the kitchen is a real chore! Always been healthy and fit, but my last 10years have been a nightmare. Dr Berg and his videos are really who I turn to now and I am coping much better. I take 3,000IU D3 and I will up that to 5,000IU: 1,800mg Mg: and 2,400mg of K and I really feel better to the extent that my ‘injuries’ seem almost like they are fading….either that or I’m fading! Take care and thanks Dr Berg I am wiser and better educated after your vids.

    • @@donnahilton471 when you don’t know what the underlying issue is and are asking for blood tests explicitly to check vitamin and mineral levels that are repeatedly not done, you don’t know. And I was taking high quality vitamin and mineral supplements, just not enough vitamin D apparently. So, I didn’t know I had a deficiency. And for the record, many vitamins and minerals are not water soluble and can build up to toxic levels. My dad had toxic levels and came close to death. So, no, not everyone can safely add a supplement.

    • @@barry7608 I understand completely. I have been fighting my doctor for several years now. It has gotten so bad that I can barely lift my legs to walk now and have to use a mobility scooter if I leave the house. I am only in my mid-50s. Also, if upping my vitamin D helps my 30 years of horrible back pain, I may consider a lawsuit against my doctor as I have seen him many, many times for my back pain. It’s a sad day when so many doctors no longer advocate for their patient’s health.

  5. I just ordered your D3. I can’t wait to take it because I’m deficient and have all of these symptoms. My husband also!! Thank you!

  6. Awesome stuff!!! 6 weeks of taking 50,000 IUs a day I’m finally out of bed!! 2 months in bed pure exhausted i saw your conversation about high doses. And bought your vitamin D Added 600 mgs of magnesium. Ox bile, boron and enzymes!!! Magnificent rewards!!
    Ps i sure wish u made a bigger bottle of the 10,000 !! Amazon spends a lot of time at my house. ❤

  7. I live in Quebec, we don’t have much Sunlight in the winter time… By taking large amounts of vitamin D3, I feel really different.

  8. When I lived in the PNW, doctors would tell me that I need more vitamin D. When I asked them how do I get more living here? They would just shrug their shoulders. Moved to a state that gets more sunshine and immediately felt a difference.

  9. I’m an outdoor person and I eat a lot of small canned fish. My Dr told me, there’s something where a body does not absorb vitamin D, even though I take vitamin D and I get it from the heathfood store , not the cheap artificial ones. Thank you Dr Berg for explaining it in detail.

  10. When I hit menopause, my hot flashes were terrible! I took HRT, until I hit 65. I started taking 20,000 units a day and I got rid of them!

  11. I work out side 8-12 hours a day. Had all these problems, literally everything mentioned. Had enoff of it took time from work for stress, got my blood taken, everything was good but vitamin D. I started keto and fasting and take lots of vitamin D and I’m 100% better. Like noticeable mood changes. Dr. Berg straight up saved my life.

    • @5piral0ut  I’m an arborist so I’m usually wearing alot of Personal protective equipment. I’m covered up alot. Usually just my forearms are showing. I never thought about it much. I also usually have sawdust on my forearms so I just was never getting direct sun on my skin.

    • I watched a video where a doc said if you’re insulin resistant the body will put the D in the fat cells and you can’t access it.

    • @lisamarierosso2713  I’m working my way up but around six thousand. I’m going to probably do ten thousand.

  12. The moral of the story is: a deficiency in anything can be the cause for anything. Just make sure to eat pasture raised beef, liver, eggs and home cultured kefir as the most essential “super foods”. Then focus on everything else – fruits for Vit. C, oysters for zinc, raisins for boron, etc., Every food has a medicinal property.

    • every plant has a medicinal property, and we are symbiotic with plants not beef which the producing of is killing the planet!

    • Problem is everyone cant do those things bc of availability or income or other factors i suppose, u r 100 percent correct just saying those things are not available for most people in the clean nutritional form that would be helpful. The stores are part of the problem in the way we torture and pump full of poison the animals we eat not yo mention the plants fruits and veggies.

    • @@56once Beef isn’t killing the planet. What about all the Round Up sprayed on grain to force it to ripen? It washes into the streams and rivers and kills fish and pollutes our drinking water.
      There are many, many things that are impacting our life and our health. Eat what helps you stay healthy and let other people eat what keeps them healthy.

  13. My wife just wants the bare bones information while I appreciate that you give us “the why”. Getting a conceptual understanding of what is going on is important to me. By applying the data you’ve given on healthy keto, IF and nutrition, the psoriasis I had in 3 places has been gone since I started a year ago. Also the “arthritis” and swelling I had in my left hand..gone. I lost 30 lbs as a nice side effect so now I weigh the same as I did in my 20’s. I’m 65 now. Higher energy, no brain fog….a new lease on life. Thank you Dr. Berg!!

  14. I got extremely ill from vitamin D deficiency. It was so bad I could not sleep, had zero energy to get out of bed, chronic fatigue, and was like a freaking zombie. I didn’t have all these symptoms, it was a process figuring it out. I thought it was a B12 deficiency, and it may have been part of my overall health issue, but not the reason I got so bad. Working at nights and not taking a supplement was the culprit.

  15. 1.Head sweating
    2. Excess sweating at night
    3. Mood swings
    4. Procrastination
    5. Panic attack
    6. Body Ache
    7.loss of muscle strength
    9. Chronic fatigue
    10. Ability to think
    11. Hard to fell satisfied with food

  16. I got panic attacks from putting everything off until later 🙂 I was just prescribed 50000 ius and was diagnosed with skin cancer. I have quit all bad habits and learned the power of fasting. I have total faith. Thank you Dr. Berg, another great video.

  17. I wanted to add one more thing about mixed reviews on vitamin D. For example, why do some people,(most) do well on high dose vitamin D, but not everyone. I should probably do a video on this but here’s the data: magnesium is the vital cofactor for vitamin D and the more vitamin D you take, the more magnesium is required so IF a person omits magnesium and takes lots of D3, they could experience magnesium deficiency symptoms: lack of sleep, muscle tightness, restlessness, leg/foot cramps, panic attacks, anxiety, etc. Interesting. The same thing goes with magnesium, if you are low on D3, and omit D3 and take lots of magnesium you could end up with bone pain, achy low back, low immune system, sleep problems, etc.

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