Dr. Paul Mason – ‘Junk science trashes low carb – a response’

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Dr Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney, and also holds degrees in Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. He is a Specialist Sports Medicine and Exercise Physician.

Dr Mason developed an interest in low carbohydrate diets in 2011. Since then he has spent hundreds of hours reading and analysing the scientific literature. For a number of years Dr. Mason has been applying this knowledge in treating metabolic and arthritis patients who have achieved dramatic and sustained weight loss and reductions in joint pain.

Dr. Mason is also the Chief Medical Officer of Defeat Diabetes, Australia's first evidence-based and doctor-led program that focuses on the wide range of health benefits of a low carb lifestyle, particularly for those wanting to send into remission pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic illnesses.

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28 responses to “Dr. Paul Mason – ‘Junk science trashes low carb – a response’”

  1. Thanks Paul – I was hoping you would address that ridiculous article! Keep doing what you’re doing, it’s so valuable and appreciated.

  2. Unfortunately, flawed study designs and misrepresented results are very common in “nutrition science”. These types of “scientists” need to be weeded out, and journalists who don’t do their homework and collaborate in spreading this misinformation also need to face consequences.

  3. 37.5% of total daily calories., let’s say 700 calories, is about half a loaf of bread. That was the average (not maximum) for the lowest quintile of carb intake in the study. What a joke to claim that it studied “low carb diets” in any way.

    • Maybe these peolpe ate 216 kcal a day – that would be 20 g of carbs. How on Earth did they manage to keep pen in hand to fill the questionaire πŸ˜‰

  4. Until we band together as one group and start suing INDIVIDUALS for fraud – then nothing is going to change at any great rate. Please seriously consider this.

  5. I am a scientist but not in the medical field. And of course one cannot extrapolate the experience of a single subject to a whole population. Yet I will share my personal experience for what it’s worth:
    * In 2010 I had T2D, high LDL & triglycerides, low HDL, as well as IBSD, acid reflux, chronic low-grade inflammation, and lower back pain (due to the transversal force my gut exerted upon my spine). I was taking 6 medications.
    * In March of that year I decided to go low-carb, stop snacking, and stop drinking alcohol (my consumption had always been quite modest though).
    * Within 8 months I had discontinued ALL 6 medications.
    * At the end of the year I had lost exactly 39.5 kg.
    * 14 years later I still do low-carb, have not gained a single kg back, and still take no medication.
    * During a medical for a new job the head nurse was impressed with my blood work and commented that I had “the blood profile of a teenager”. Then, very unexpectedly, she asked me if I was on a keto diet. I was surprised because I had not mentioned this at all.
    * To summarize: 14 years ago I barely had enough energy to get out of bed. Today I run 10 km races competitively. Low-carb has given me my life back.

    None of the MDs I saw to treat my symptoms and illnesses ever suggested a low-carb diet. YouTube wasn’t much of a thing back then. I got there by reading many, many articles in medical journals. One of the doctors I was seeing was the same age as me, obese and in ill health – he had a stroke and later passed away from a heart attack.

  6. Thank you for addressing this. Low carb remitted my diabetes within 3 months. It’s been nearly 3 years now and I’m still in remission! And I’m eating more meat and less veggies and minimal seed oils than when I started

  7. Love your work Dr Mason. You are a voice of reason in a sea of dangerous misinformation. I cured my type 2 diabetes by going strict ketovore. 2 years ago I was peeing constantly and had blurry vision after a busy Christmas season of food and drink. I knew the signs for diabetes so I tested my blood suger and it was 9 to 11 on my glucose monitor and would not go down. In fact it kept rising due to out of control gluconeogenesis…
    even on zero carbs. I was fully diabetic. In just one month on a strict ketovore diet my blood suger normalized and I was insulin sensitive again and my liver wasnt metabolically deranged anymore and was not constantly pumping out glucose. After just 2 weeks my glucose flatlined and at 4 weeks my CGM showed a normal response to a test bolus of carbs. A normal , expected spike then flatline blood glucose after a few hours. Subsequent periodic testing of carb loading showed the same response. I pity the poor souls who fall into the corporate Medical model of diabetes treatment and get put on insulin and metformin. The solution is easier than anyone can imagine. I did use a course of berberine and various supplements to support and reboot my liver and down regulate gluconeogenisis but it was the ketovore diet that did the heavy lifting. Meat and eggs cured me. Natures superfoods. Keep up the good work. I look forward to all of your presentations.

  8. Thank you Paul for this video and setting the record straight, it sickens me when so called journalists make these ridiculous & false claims, when they have no idea what they are talking about.

  9. Thanks Paul. I was flabbergasted when I saw this published in the six minutes Ausdoc email. As a GP I’ve been gently suggesting to patients they switch their cooking oils from canola or rice bran to virgin olive oil, they come back a few months later and some actually give me a hug they are so happy they feel so much better and have lost often 10-15kg.

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