You Will NEVER Eat Sugar Again after This Video

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 

Did you know that sugar can be addicting? Find out how to get rid of sugar cravings and deal with sugar addiction with these 3 tips!

0:00 Introduction: How to stop eating sugar
0:34 Sugar addiction explained
3:15 How to break sugar addiction
3:40 Tips to reduce sugar cravings
6:08 Dealing with sugar addiction

Let's talk about the side effects of sugar and how to cut sugar from the diet. The average person consumes 74 teaspoons of sugar per day. Since there are over 200 different names for sugar and types of hidden sugar, many people don’t realize how much they’re consuming.

Food addiction expert Dr. Joan Ifland explains that you get a surge of dopamine when you consume sugar. The dopamine cells in your brain are not equipped to handle this surge, which is why you crash within 20 minutes. Over time, the dopamine receptor stops working, and you will need more sugar to achieve the same dopamine surge.

You can reverse sugar addiction and get your body into a state of fat-burning called ketosis in as little as 72 hours! You will no longer crave sugar.

Willpower alone does not usually get rid of sugar cravings. To get into ketosis and eliminate sugar cravings, you have to get your body to burn fat.

Try these tips to get into ketosis and eliminate your sugar cravings for good:

1. Keep your carbs below 30 grams per day.
2. Change your environment and get your friends and family on board. Hide junk food or remove it from your house altogether.
3. Find pick-me-ups other than sugar. Exercise, dancing, music, laughter, long walks, nature, and helping others can increase endorphins and oxytocin without depleting your dopamine receptors. Physical work is also very therapeutic.

If you fall off the wagon and give in to sugar cravings, don't beat yourself up. Use it as a learning experience! Consume protein and fat to minimize the damage caused by a slip-up.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you eliminate sugar cravings and deal with sugar addiction. I’ll see you in the next video.

91 responses to “You Will NEVER Eat Sugar Again after This Video”

    • @@boink800 yea and the irony is if you speak out about the truth of sugar… people think up you are crazy… I had family and friends say “all things in moderation” and I’m thinking… “does that include meth?”

    • @@JewishKeto Even when they people suffer from CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) or NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) due to excessive sugar consumption, they still will not stop eating sugar. It’s very sad to see that.

  1. ❤ I remember being in the hospital for heart surgery. I couldn’t eat anything because of testing before surgery About 19 hours of fasting. A nurse came in with some O.J. for me to drink after she checked my blood sugar which was low. I act like I drink some of the juice because I wanted to fast longer and didn’t want no sugar in my body.❤❤

  2. Day 448 of quitting sugars, carbs, seed oils and processed foods. 448 days ago I embraced the Carnivore lifestyle. THE BEST decision I have ever made. A huge shoutout to Dr Berg.

  3. Here is my testimony. I suffered from depression all my life until I stop eating sugar (all kinds such as bread, honey, agave etc). I started doing IF and OMAD. I have never again experience depression or mood changes.

    • That is why food producers put so much of it in their food. Our food can make us sick and our Pharmacies, try to offset the results of our food illnesses. Conspiracy?? Maybe, maybe not.

    • To me it isn’t powerful at all. All it is is another food source which I tend to stay away from like the plague

    • Not really. I have ADHD and very little ‘discipline’ or will power. What i do have is curiosity to try other foods and find new things i like to eat which don’t have sugar, or have very little. I now prefer my own ‘desserts’ and can test my blood glucose and blood ketones to make sure the new food isn’t negatively impacting me. Sugar cravings last about 3 days or so and then disappear if you quit cold turkey. Important thing is to have new foods around that you like.

    • It’s just like any other vice. A glass of wine or one beer every now and then isn’t going to kill you. Now if you become an alcoholic then that’s a problem. It works the same with sugar.

    • the problem is that since it’s mostly in everything, you need ENOUGH income to spend on high quality food at the expense of going broke

    • Also, with alcohol your body tells you when you’ve had enough. With sugar, there is no such biological mechanism.

  4. I ate a full 1/2 gallon of BlueBell Dutch Chocolate Ice cream in one sitting Saturday night. The first two bowls were so pleasurable…but a dark mental cloud came over me and all the pleasure was gone and I was depressed all day yesterday. It’s Monday morning and the depression is still with me but free-range eggs, grass fed/finished ground beef, wild caught salmon/sardines, raw organic multi-vegetable/lettuce, EVOO, grass fed/finished butter, sauerkraut, kimchi is in the fridge/pantry …so I know I will continue to be victorious over the momentary failure. This is why, after 2 1/2 years of continued success since losing 73 lbs and getting off 7 meds I had been taking for 20+ years, I watch multiple vlogs like this EVERY DAY to remind me why I’m doing what I do.

    • Sugar causes inflammation in my body and headaches so I avoid. Don’t understand work potlucks folks get offended you don’t eat their sweets. These are health professionals who most are overweight etc. I don’t know how their homemade goods prepared and with my allergies I don’t participate.

    • I slipped during my vacation in July and have yet to get ‘completely’ back on track. SO thankful for these videos.
      Thanks for sharing your experience. It really helped.

    • All endeavors have setbacks.
      Good for you for getting back on course.
      Let’s not forget, even a World Series Champion loses around 60 to 70 games per year.

  5. I am bloody outcast in my entire family including in laws.. and I love it.. I live healthy, eat healthy, practice music, eat the best produce and meditate.. and yes, I also listen to this lovely gift to mankind.. Dr Berg.. love from India

    • Trust me, you will need family when you are older. Apologize with your best manners, and may God be merciful to you.

    • I am outcast because I don’t drink, I eat healthy not what they eat and live on mountains and do yoga, meditate etc.. I have generated passive income so I can spend time with my kids.. I have friends who visit me often for trekking and fun activities..

  6. Since I quit Sugar…. I feel amazing! I’m not hungry 24/7 I’m not grumpy, I’m not sluggish… my ED is gone. My body acne is gone… I have not had a cavity in a long time. My co workers think I have gone insane lol yea if I’m crazy than I’ll happily move into a loony bin.

    • I have a frequent urination problem and I’m pretty positive it’s correlated to my high consumption of sugar. I also have a ton of cavities. Always sluggish as well. I need to get on board with your plan.

    • Same here. Who knew going animal based would solve issues like cavities, tooth and gum aches, acne, ED etc. I wasn’t even eating “bad” foods either. I ate home cooked meals most of the time and would have “heart healthy” cereals. My colleagues also think I’ve gone bananas 😂

    • I’m curious…. did you have issues with brain fog? I’m older and starting to struggle with that. Would love it if I could attribute it to sugar consumption….

    • ​@@chez0788there’s no better day than today to start on your lower sugar journey. Do a little bit at a time so that you don’t relapse and then one day you’ll realize you are consuming basically no sugar throughout the day.

      Avoiding it 100% is nearly impossible, but cutting it down is easier than you think. It’s just a matter of doing it.

    • ​@@dieselboats7886age is a factor with declined brain health. That’s why there are supplements that can help with memory. But if you are eating excessive amounts of sugar than that will definitely do it. I speak from personal experience!

  7. My grandmother passed away from diabetes and some family member got cancer my mother blamed it in white sugar and sugar products and scared us all at a young age. I avoid sugar so happy.

    • Good to hear. There is an established link between diet and mental health. Someday, certain mental disorders will be treated with dietary changes, as well.

    • ​@eddysgaming9868 I sure hope so!! I keep trying to say this. As a counselor…. but of course, ethics boards and other red tape keeps us from being so honest… same with doctors. It is outside of what is “research backed.”

  8. Was invited at a grill party yesterday. The mother is a dietition and the father works in health service to. On the table: soft drinks with 10g sugar per 100 ml. I didn’t wanna forbit my 5-year old the fun but I noticed that he was just suckling on the soft drink, not even thirsty. At home he won’t get this stuff, not even juice. I am from Germany and people here are so afraid of consuming too much fat but ignore the sugar at all.

  9. I cut out my sugar addiction 3 months ago. I was so addicted I drank about 3/4 quart of chocolate milk every day, as well as candy, soda, cookies, ice cream, etc. I didn’t think I would be able to do it, but I did. Now I lost 18 lbs so far with just cutting that junk out! My skin tightened up on my face, arms and basically everywhere. I never expected these results. Now it keeps from eating sugar bc I want to keep looking and feeling better. I can’t wait to get my blood work next week for my yearly exam bc my fasting blood sugar was high. Thank you, Dr. Berg, it was you who convinced me to do this ❤

  10. 365 days complete, no sugar ,no wheat, very less rice ,
    I loss 13kg,and never rised weight again
    Feeling fresh as i m in 18 year old

    Dr berg is now true angel for me

  11. If your friends have made you an outcast because of your dietary needs, they weren’t really your friends at all. My friends don’t eat like I do, but when one of them has us over for dinner, she goes out of her way to make sure we have at least a good meat or fish entree and salad. I can’t drink alcohol due to medication, so, while not the best choice, she makes sure there are at least some diet sodas available, or flavored water. We’ve been friends for over 50 years. That’s what true friendship looks like.

    • Indeed, it’s fine to refuse to eat and drink things as long as you explain to your friends, and if they’re real friends, they won’t mind at all. If they do mind, then it means they were not real friends.

    • I feel the same. I’m not trying to be self-righteous by saying no, just self-preserving but sugar seems to be very divisive!

    • @almaburns6562  that’s true, I agree. It’s sad that I been telling my friends and family to try to eat more healthy but no one will listen…sigh..

  12. In my career in healthcare, I saw the bad effects of diabetes in both our young and older patients. I changed my diet to a Mediterranean diet and one by one, I replaced all my bad sugar snacks for healthy snacks like celery sticks, carrots, etc. To this day, I pay attention to the amount of sugar I consume including hidden sugar. ☺️

    • The bigger surprise that sugar is in EVERYTHING! Pickles, bread, and salad dressings! I was using my grocery list and then looking up the ingredients via my phone to cut down on the time standing at grocery shelves. Even ‘sugar free’ products had to be checked. They even stick it in ‘keto friendly’. I had no idea how pervasive sugar is in products.

  13. I’m 7 months into keto and 82 pounds down no sugar and I don’t eat out. It literally cured my depression I cried every other day for two years

    • Hi, I’m 5 months into my low carb, low sugar and have lost 2 stone, I eat out, we go to Nando’s and I eat 1/2 a chicken and a salad (we went yesterday for our anniversary) this has been ok with me and I have reversed my diabetes 🎉

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