I Will Get Attacked for This…

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 

Have you been fooled by the lies in modern medicine? From over-prescribed medications to outright lies doctors tell, it’s difficult to discern some of the common misconceptions in healthcare. Find out about 9 common lies doctors tell and the truth about medicine and health. I’m definitely going to get attacked for this!

0:00 Introduction: Lies from modern medicine
0:34 Medical system problems
1:48 Lies doctors tell
3:24 Hypertension and sodium
3:57 Vitamin D toxicity
5:00 Red meat and cancer
7:57 Hypoglycemia and diabetes


Modern medicine is primarily influenced by big pharma and big food. The medical industry is also overspecialized, and nutrition and food therapy training is virtually nonexistent.

Check out these 9 common medical industry lies!

1. You don’t need a gallbladder.
The gallbladder stores bile salts that help you extract fats from the digestive system. If you don't have a gallbladder, you won’t be able to concentrate bile.

2. Statins have minimal side effects.
Statins have major side effects and increase your risk for type 2 diabetes and liver damage.

3. Hypertension is caused by too much salt in the diet.
Instead of trying to lower sodium, increase potassium. Focus on adequate potassium intake to support healthy blood pressure levels.

4. Low amounts of vitamin D will fix a deficiency.
If you’re low in vitamin D, 600 to 800 IU will not be enough. You need around 10,000 IU every day.

5. Red meat causes cancer.
Grass-fed red meat is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. It’s a high-quality protein source and contains all of the B vitamins, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, creatine, l-carnitine, coenzyme Q10, and glutamine.

6. Avoid saturated fats.
Unsaturated fats are a much bigger problem. Dangerous seed oils and ultra-processed foods are full of unsaturated fats—not saturated fats.

7. Your weight is causing your health issues.
Your weight is a symptom, not the cause of your problems. The root cause of your weight problems and the associated health issues is likely insulin resistance.

8. Plant-based diets are best.
Doctors and dieticians often falsely claim that plant-based diets are cleaner. Most fake meat products contain many ultra-processed ingredients.

9. Hypoglycemia is a complication of diabetes.
If you have hypoglycemia, you have too much insulin. Instead of focusing on lowering insulin, doctors will advise patients to eat glucose pills or candy if their blood sugars drop too low.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about the common misconceptions in healthcare. I’ll see you in the next video.

102 responses to “I Will Get Attacked for This…”

  1. I had a blood test and my LDL was 121. I was told “wellll just in case I’m going to prescribe a statin”. I said I’m not taking something I don’t need. I suppose doctor knows best. He said “DON’T BLAME ME IF YOU HAVE A HEART ATTACK!. I never went back to that doctor.

  2. I am 56 with lower blood pressure and more energy than anyone I know. I eat meat, eggs and fermented dairy. Like Dr Berg I look younger than all my similar aged friends. No wonder I have not been to a doctor since 1996!

    • Doctors in general are scared little robots,and fear falling out with their superiors, corporate brutes, which own them and direct them no end..

    • Keep doing your thing. Same here at 52. Just had bloodwork done. Total cholesterol 170, Trigs 90, BP 118/75. I eat steak/fish/Chicken, eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, kiwi, berries, olive oil butter, and Whole wheat bread on the egg omelets. Only drink whole milk or water. I’m 6’2 185 lbs. I haven’t jogged in years. Eat like our ancestors did back in 1900 on the farm. Avoid sugar. Stay lean as heck. Do your best, and let the chips fall where they may.

  3. My consultant told me that my keto diet was going to cause me to have massive heart attack and that I should follow a plant based diet. I decided that I didn’t need him anymore, after all, he didn’t know as much as I had learned with regard to diet. I reversed prediabetes and lost 103 pounds in 10 months

  4. I am 47 years-old and never been healthier and sharper mentally than I am now and it all thanks to the decision that I made two years ago ; I decided to quit alcohol completely, started doing OMAD (One Meal A Day ) , cut off all sugar from my diet and I decided to hit the gym 6 times a week, resting on Sundays.. Fast forward two years, it has been a life changing journey to say the least . My sleep has improved dramatically, after I turn off the lights within three minutes I fall asleep never waking up in the middle of the night. Because I quit alcohol no more headaches and hangovers on the weekends, feels GREAT to wake up at 6 am on a Sunday morning feeling completely rested.. Because I quit sugar and all sugar foods my brain fog has disappeared .. The best medicine I believe is preventive medicine .. It is a lot easier to prevent cancer and heart disease than curing them ..Be proactive about your health, live a lifestyle that never lets you need these doctors ..

    • Don’t get gym too much, it’s needed only for carb eaters to burn carbs and detox themselves hard way. When you don’t eat this poison you doing it easy way and don’t need to work out hard and if you don’t need to look like Arnold you only need to go to gym once or twice a week. If you will do it too often you may hurt yourself abs shorten your life.

    • An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure! Keep it up! I will never go back to a standard American diet. Its a shame we have reached this point in this country and its spreading world wide. Just pitiful!

  5. I had a heart attack and was in ICU for 4 days, got 5 stents. I was ‘pre diabetic’ but the food they served was all carbs and sugar. My wife was bringing me real food. On sunday they brought my lunch, it was an English muffin, hash browns, and oatmeal with candy-jelly and sugar syrup plus peaches swimming in liquid sugar. I didn’t eat any of it. Then a nurse came in and said they were concerned I wasn’t eating. I said ‘I’m not eating any of that crap, it will spike my blood sugar’. So she left but came back with 4 other nurses and they asked me what I wanted to eat. I said ‘a couple of scrambled eggs’ They all burst out laughing, saying I can’t have that with my heart condition. Totally clueless, or just purposely trying to make my condition worse so I’m a repeat customer. The heart doctor came in and told me to be SURE to take the Statins every day. He said ‘think of them as vitamins for your heart’. I couldn’t believe he said that! Lost all respect for him at that moment. It’s been 2 years, I eat Keto and am doing quite well.

    • How was your diet before the heart attack? My mom was put on statins and I really want to help her get off them. She’s always eaten very healthy, never drank or smoked. Her heart problems stem from the stress of my father cheating on her constantly over decades of marriage 😢

    • I would love to talk with you! My husband has been down the same path as you and is on several heavy duty heart drugs and a statin. I so wish I could find a heart doctor who treated integratively. Do you still take heart drugs? I appreciate you sharing your story above.

    • Wow!!! They tried to unalive you after the heart attack 😮. Unbelievable but I believe it and you. Glad you became your own advocate.

  6. Several months ago I showed my neurologist my lab results, he said, cholesterol high, take a pill. I said no, is there something natural I can do? He said walk 2x a day, get out in the early morning sun and cut the carbs. Yesterday, Saw my pcp, blood pressure up (always up at her office) she says cut the salt,cut the red meat, monitor the pressure at home (I had lost 17 pounds). Go to neurologist, he says, I know you like natural, try holy basil, other herbs, keep up the weight loss and low carbs, good job. He is from India, doesn’t mind talking about alternative medicine in conjunction with other meds.

    • Don’t measure bp in clinics.

      Do your own reads randomly on different days & times & keep a record.

      I remember reading decades ago that the medical world thought that transient BP rises seen in clinics was an indication to treat & had the same risk factors etc

      Think about that
      No common sense, no rationale

      Very few research papers are validated by further research confirming same results, so making it evidence.

      This means we are being led by random buts of research, not evidence, which is the same as being led by a theory, not a proof.

    • You’re right. Alternate medicine is usually used as a home remedy in India. It’s very rare Indians go to doctor.

  7. This is why I left nursing after 20yrs to become a DC. I’ve actually witnessed a cardiologist tell a patient who we just saved after he had a heart attack there is NO evidence that diet and exercise will help him. BUT HE HAS A NEW PILL THAT WILL HELP HIM.

  8. I was suffering from diabetes, taking 40 units of insulin plus 850mg of metformin three times daily. I finally got tired of the wildly fluctuating blood sugars and switched endocrinologist. My new doctor is not so much into medications as nutrition and he started by telling me to stop eating anything with wheat. That alone got me off of insulin completely. So, then he advised me to start examining the carbohydrate content of everything I ate and try to avoid foods with more than 3mg of carbs. A few weeks later, I had to reduce my metformin to two per day. By then I was doing a lot of research on my own and learned a lot. After discussing it with my endocrinologist, I went on a week long fast – nothing but water for 7 days. The first three days were incredibly difficult but, I stuck with it. By the end of that week, I was no longer taking any diabetes medication at all. Also, after that week long fast, with my endocrinologist’s agreement, I went 100% carbohydrate free and a month later I went total carnivore. The by product is, my weight went from 220 lbs to 180 lbs in three months and I felt great. That was three years ago and now I weigh about 176 and my health has never been better and no diabetes. Food is indeed the best medicine. Oh, BTW, I”m 77 years old.

  9. I remember hearing my granny say many times, “Good food is cheap medicine.” Even with the price of food these days it’s still true.

  10. Independent Osteopathic physician here and I approve this video. Not all of us are in the bag of the pharma-food-healthcare industrial complex.

    • May I ask where you are located? We’re trying to find a provider not associated with the local hospital system.

    • @@greeneyes2256 You can consult an naturopathic physician. But they are not currently covered by the current corrupt so-called health care system we have in this country. It is caveat emptor with it, Latin for let the buyer beware with the allopathic establishment (conventional medicine). Do your own research and guard against weak moments. There are lots of free sources like Berg and PubMed is a free on-line source for scientific articles.

  11. Years ago, I went to the doctor – he put me on a statin and about three days later I could barely move. I hurt so bad from head to toe and never did it cross my mind that it was the statin, but my doctor told me stop taking it. The medical system is definitely broken. Thank you for your content.

  12. Your average medical experience: go to clinic, wait 2 hours for a 2 minutes consultation in which the doctor dismiss your concerns, fly through your questions, give you preposterous solutions combined with a poison prescription and then tells you that “if you don’t feel better, return next week”. Don’t you dare say anything that might contradict their recommendations.

    • They offer sorcery as a solution. Do they understand what they are really doing to people? The brainwashing leading the blinded sheep.

    • My clinic have a time limits. % min for 1 problem. 10 min for more complex stuff. 20 min for the female stuff. But its long waiting time for the longer app. I told my doc like you but I don’t want to see you too often. IN 5 min we can solve couple of my problems and you don”t have to see me. He did not like that. Because every visit he charge $.

    • @@janachristensen6 in Canada its customary to book many people for the same time slot, so you show for your 3pm appointment, but have to wait at least a couple of hours. Walk-in can easily take 5 hours or more.

  13. My type1 diabetic husband had an outpatient knee replacement. After surgery, he was told he could not go home until he ate. The nurse brought him a bagel, applesauce, and milk. His blood sugar was 175. I told them he was not going to eat that as his blood sugar would skyrocket. They then brought him some soup. You would think they would know better.

    • To be fair. They are infiltrated by slaves of organized crime.
      It’s. A. Roman style slavery. Work for a place, or be an entrepreneur,, doesn’t matter.
      If your owned you do their dirty work for them.
      Never talk about it,,,and they look after you health wise. Financially and give you a good social rating.
      That’s why/how our country is operated by the Satanic the group called organized crime.
      How did this happen ???
      Men did not protect their women and children from local wolves dressed as men.

  14. I remember 12 years ago I went to my doctor for my yearly bloodwork results…I’m sitting on the exam table..weighing 360 lbs. at 6ft tall…she tells me I have type 2 diabetes,my kidneys are failing and my cholesterol is way high..she gave me metformin, 2 different kidney medications, colestorol meds and other stuff she never even explained what they were for..she never once said LOSE WEIGHT you’re too fat…I never took any..I went on a diet started exercising and lost 120 lbs in 6 months .. retook bloodwork and everything was totally fine.she didn’t even say that great or anything..she looked upset when I told her I didn’t take any of the meds and didn’t want any prescriptions.

  15. Dr Berg, I’ve been listening to you for a few years. Back in March of this year, I had two cardiac stents put in. I had two blockages between 95-99%. What led to them being found to begin with was that a blood test showed my calcium level was over 2,700. My cholesterol level was still “normal,” at around 170. After the stents were placed, my cardiologist immediately prescribed a statin. I never got it filled. To begin with, I couldn’t understand why they told me the calcium was what caused my arteries be clogged, yet wanted me to drastically reduce my cholesterol, rather than my calcium. Well, I was already taking your vitamin K2. But, rather than taking the statin, I started taking a mega dose of K2 every day. Two weeks ago when I went back to the doctor… guess what? Both calcium and cholesterol are completely normal. I still haven’t told him I’m not taking the statin.

    • @sonofagunn1967 – “I started taking a mega dose of K2 every day.” – Sounds interesting, but how much did you take every day? Would be very interested in.

    • @@joachimortenburger4026 I was taking Dr Berg’s k2 twice a day before the stents, but had only been taking it a few months. His is 50 mcg, so I was taking a total of 100mcg a day. After the stents, I started taking Life Extension mega dose once a day, which is 45,000 mcg.

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