The BEST Foods to Strengthen Your Liver

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Discover the best foods to strengthen your liver and learn what makes them nutrient-dense.


Link to Teaming with Bacteria:

Video on raw milk: ▶️


0:00 Introduction: How to strengthen your liver naturally
0:18 What makes food healthy?
3:55 How microbes make your food nutrient-dense
5:47 Understanding how microbes affect the nutrient density of plants with James White
13:52 Laura Decker on the microBIOMETER®
16:12 The best foods for your liver and overall health
24:13 Foods to avoid
25:35 Learn more about the keto diet!

Today we're welcoming James White. This short interview will change your entire viewpoint on food and what you look for to ensure it's nutrient-dense.

We're also going to talk with Laura Decker about the microBIOMETER, a kit you can use to get information about the microbial population in your soil. Then, I will cover what foods are best to promote a healthy liver and a healthy body.

Combining a low-carb diet (keto) and healthy foods is one of the best things you can do to support your liver and overall health long-term.

There are a lot of opinions on what makes food healthy. I think a big part of what makes food healthy is how nutrient-dense the animals and plants are that you eat.

The nutrient amounts in your food depend on many factors, which go back to the microbes that help plants and animals become nutrient-dense.

The diversity and quantity of microbes in the soil are what build nutrient-dense plants and animal meat.

The best foods for your liver and overall health:
1. Organic and non-GMO foods—and organic grass-fed and grass-finished meat, or 100% grass-fed meat
2. Seasonal raw vegetables
3. Vegetables grown in soil
4. Wild-caught fish and seafood
5. European raw cheeses and raw milk butter and kefir
6. Cruciferous vegetables
7. Fermented vegetables
8. Pasture-raised organic eggs

The worst foods for your liver and overall health:
1. Foods sprayed with glyphosate
2. Irradiated foods
3. Pasteurized foods
4. Canned, baked, processed, and refined foods
5. Hydroponic vegetables
6. Refined sugar
7. Refined carbs
8. Refined seed oils
9. Protein powders



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* At this time, we no longer offer Keto Consulting and our Product Advisors will only be advising on which product is best for you and advise on how to take them.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoyed this interview and learned more about what makes food nutrient-dense and the best foods to strengthen your liver. I'll see you in the next video.

52 responses to “The BEST Foods to Strengthen Your Liver”

  1. Thank you dr. Berg. Since the liver is the second largest organ in the body, after the skin, we must take great care.

  2. Dr Berg I started eating beef liver twice a month otherwise same keto as before. My endocrine doc said I don’t know what you’re doing but keep it up. Appointment in 1 year.

    • Would be great if you could forward him Dr Berg’s videos to show your doc what helps you. This way he can understand and possibly help his patients with this data ❤

  3. 16:19 What is the healthiest foods? The ones that are grown on soil with the most microbes and the most biodiverse microbes. The worst foods are the ones that are grown on dirt without microbes (literally the definition of dirt). Soil has microbes, dirt has no microbes.

    17:05 The best foods for your liver and health:
    • Organic, non-GMO foods, organic grass-fed and grass-finished meat, or 100% grass-fed meat
    • Raw vegetables grown on soil
    • Vegetables grown in soil
    • Wild-caught fish and seafood
    • Raw cheeses from Europe, kefir, raw milk butter
    • Cruciferous vegetables
    • Fermented vegetables
    • Pasture-raised organic eggs

    24:13 The worst foods for your liver:
    • Foods sprayed with glyphosate
    • Irradiated foods
    • Pasteurized foods
    • Canned, baked, processed, and refined foods
    • Hydroponic vegetables
    • Refined sugar, refined carbs, refined seed oils
    • Protein powders

    Thank you Dr. Berg
    Sincerely, 11 : 11 Meditation Portal Channel

  4. Dr. Berg, my question is unrelated to this video. I watched the video about eating chicken ( you were right. Haven’t had one since, even the organic one 😊) But what about turkey? Are turkeys raised the same? And, same issues with the meat itself and what it contains or is turkey meat different and beneficial in any way to consume? Please make a video. And, Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Hi Dr. Berg – what do you think about the claims that kale, spinach, and other vegetables have lectins and phytic acid and other chemicals that the vegetable is trying to protect itself from being eaten and so the person does not absorb certain crucial nutrition? Does that mean the person should not eat those veggies or should supplement the crucial nutriion?

    • Yes, vegetables such as kale, spinach, silver beat, beet greens, tomatoes, peppers etc have high amounts of plant toxins that are inflammatory. It simply means that they should not be consumed raw. Always cook them. With tomatoes, it’s interesting that the traditional Mediterranean method for processing tomatoes – making tomato puree or tomato sauce, was to sieve the tomato pulp to remove the skin and seeds..

      The majority of the plant toxins in tomatoes are in the skin and seeds. Same for peppers. Cooking also tends to neutralize most of the toxins, and of course the tomato puree or sauce was also cooked before bottling. It’s how I’m going to process my tomatoes from now on. No more drying for the tomatoes.

    • Great question. Have been wrestling with the same questions. Very much respect Dr. Berg but there are many other enlightened experts who say humans don’t require any carbs at all for optimal health. Hence the confusion. Hard to know who is right or at least more right. In my personal opinion, I do feel better by consuming less plants and making the diet more carnivore oriented!

  6. I am 23 years old and I been following this guy ( Dr. Eric) a little over a year ago. Both him and the medical medium because when I was 22 I did a massive blood work only because I don’t ever go to the doctor. Did all blood work and the only 3 issues my doctor notice from that test result was that i am close to having diabetes, extremely low in vitamin D and Iron. It scared the crap out of me especially the diabetes. Each and all of his videos on diabetes, iron and vitamin D I have watched because I wanna educate myself on it and to take better care of myself. I am use to watching Dr. Eric videos that whenever he post I always watch even if I am not in that current situation he’s talking about. I rather start taking car myself now in my 20s then to wait in my 30s, 40s or even 50s…… which will be too late Lol. My mom always telling me that health is wealth. Thank you Dr. Eric !! Thank you for all these educational videos you be putting out!

    • I had my blood work done about 3 months ago and mine came back the same as yours. Im 59yrs old. I changed my diet. Lost some weight and now everything is good. My blood pressure even dropped. I cut out a lot of sugar that I was eating. I started drinking Unsweetened Almond milk instead of regular milk. I eat a lot of salmon and veggies. For sweet cravings I eat fresh fruit and I buy sugar free chocolate. My last blood work came out good :))

  7. Great video!! My only question is what do you do in the Fall and Winter in terms of eating seasonally? (especially if you live in northerm NE or Canada) If you were to be true to form and ate like the precolonial farmers everything you’d eat would be preserves and lots of cured meats. Any thoughts?
    I eat a lot of fermented foods already and canned sardines so I’m half way there. But interms of fresh food I’d think winter in northern Maine that would not be possible.

  8. Genuinely appreciate all the time and effort that you and your team puts into provide these priceless bits of helpful health related videos. Thank you Dr Berg.

  9. My dad just had cancerous tumour removed (~50%) from the liver. I would like to tell every one watching this video to take good care of your liver . We are lucky that the tumour had not spread and my dad is a fit guy and stopped drinking for more than a decade.

  10. Thank you Dr. Berg, extremely interesting information today, Definitely has me thinking about the upcoming spring garden differently, more thought towards microbes. I really appreciate the informative interviews as well.

  11. Wouldn’t wanna take a bath in a dirty bathtub.. and I feel the same about the food I consume! Healthy Keto 💯 Thanks Dr Berg 🙂

  12. Doc. when i was stationed in Japan, I always watched the farmers there ( I was stationed in a heavy farming region for 8 years). Anyhow, my wife (Japanese) did some translating for me. A lot of farmers there (especially in the area I was at) “smoke” their fields no chemicals and put fresh water fish in their fields to decompose during planting season. One of farmers I used to fish at his pond literally had the pond mainly for harvesting the fish to till into his off season field for soil health, he said his family has been doing it since great grandfather (he musta been 60-70). I have been doing these types if things for our gardens for the past decade. Great harvests.

  13. I almost had liver fibrosis but this man saved me .i followed keto and intermittent fasting and ate raw kale daily for two years I lost 76 kg in these two years .I m 18 years old and my weight Is 60 kg .thank you 🙂

  14. Dr Bergs do you read our minds to always come up with topics that aptly applies to our needs?
    God bless you Dr. Bergs

  15. This is the one of the best video Dr Berg ever made.
    Such an excellent topic to talk about.
    Hats off to Doc as he touch this subject once more

  16. Please read “Dirt to soil, one families journey into regenerative agriculture “. Gabe Brown is a farmer/rancher up around Bismark North Dakota. Been doing exactly what Dr. Berg is speaking of for several decades now, concerning soil. Thank you Dr. Berg for always looking for the truth and sharing it with us!!!

  17. This is amazing! I appreciate your road maps because now know what to dig for. I also purchased some broccoli sprouts the day before and that’s going into meals I’m planning for the week! Thank you!

  18. Something I really appreciate about Dr. Berg’s channel and his philosophy in general is his breadth of consideration when it comes to healthy food sources. So often when we talk about diet, we’re thinking of the process beginning with selecting food in a supermarket. It’s so much more than that because we ourselves are part of the biosphere. Everything we do, what we think, how we interact with the earth is a part of what it produces for us to consume. Plants, animals and the multitude of of organisms that makeup our food sources have a life journey of their own before ever ending up on our plate. These discussion videos really pan out on the whole web of life. Thinking of food in this way, I feel has allowed me to gain even more nourishment from it. Thank you so much for making these topics approachable and available to all ! 🙏

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