The #1 Superfood in the World

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Is red meat unhealthy? You’ve probably been taught that red meat causes cancer and other health conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease, but did you know that red meat is the #1 superfood? Discover the amazing health benefits of red meat in this video!

0:00 Introduction: The #1 superfood is red meat!
0:10 Is red meat healthy?
0:27 Green powder vs. red meat
1:37 Glucagon and red meat nutrition
2:20 Does red meat cause cancer?
2:37 The importance of protein
3:41 More red meat nutrients
5:17 Red meat truth
5:43 Animal protein
7:14 Red meat vs. white meat


Today, I’m going to tell you about the #1 superfood, red meat! Some people think green powder is the best superfood, but while it's very beneficial, it’s missing one important ingredient—protein. Green powder has vitamin C, K1, beta-carotene, magnesium, potassium, and phytonutrients but no protein. To optimize your health, you might want to start consuming grass-fed red meat along with your green powder.

Red meat is an excellent source of B vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, iron, selenium, zinc, and DHA. Grass-fed red meat also contains phytonutrients. Red meat increases the antioxidant glutathione and is a potent source of carnosine, an antioxidant that helps prevent glycation.

Protein consumption triggers the hormone glucagon, which stabilizes your blood sugar and helps counter the effects of insulin. Grass-fed red meat protein is the best source of protein!

A large portion of your body is made of protein. Muscle, collagen, ligaments, tendons, fascia, cell membranes, skin, and bones are all composed of protein. The 74,000 enzymes in your body are proteins, along with your neurotransmitters and hormones. Your blood contains a significant amount of protein, and it's also essential for immune cells.

Red meat contains taurine, an amino acid needed to help prevent high blood pressure, and leucine, an amino acid that triggers the synthesis of muscle.

Your body can make glucose from protein when necessary. Gluconeogenesis is the production of new glucose, which occurs mainly in the liver.

The protein leverage hypothesis states that animals, humans, and insects will continue to eat until they satisfy their protein requirement. This is why you will overeat if you consume junk food—it has no protein! If you have low blood sugar, you should consume protein, not candy!

Red meat contains myoglobin, a type of protein that helps carry oxygen. Red meat contains more myoglobin and iron than white meat. Cows, sheep, and goats have a unique ability to concentrate the nutrients from the grass into their meat.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about the health benefits of red meat—the #1 superfood! I’ll see you in the next video.

61 responses to “The #1 Superfood in the World”

  1. The only thing that healed me from a vegan diet & autoimmunity. Red meat & tallow are healing. Praise the Lord.

    • By ,”autoimmunity” do you mean you have an Autoimmune Disease? I ask because I have more of a rare Autoimmune Disease called, Graves Disease. I was diagnosed almost 3 years ago and I am STILL not on medication for it. I struggle greatly every day. Most days, I cannot even manage to do the basics necessary things, like cooking a meal, doing skin care, washing my hair often enough. Living a life, leaving the house, going places, vacations, dates with my husband, hikes with my dog, etc. Are not even a possibility. And I am only 33 years old. It has completely destroyed my life and taken everything away from me. It’s been impossible to truly LIVE with how bad I have been feeling. I have anywhere from 3-20 different symptoms, most of them painful and exceptionally stressful, every single day. All I want is my life back, but I am struggling badly with trying to figure out how to do that. I cannot afford a Holistic Doctor, and that seems to be the best place for healing Autoimmune Diseases. They do so many things that normal doctors don’t do, and they help you change your whole body and lifestyle, rather than just giving you a pill and hoping for the best. If I am correct in my assumption, would you mind giving me some tips on how you healed yourself and things that I could do, too? I simply cannot live this way anymore, as I am not LIVING at all. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you 💛

    • I forgot to add it healed my tachycardia & pitting edema too so I weaned off beta blockers. No need for drugs! No wonder big pharm hates cows & livestock.

    • ​@UltimateToronto Pretty sure a lot of that misinformation is intentional. “They” obviously don’t want us having accurate information on good nutrition, let alone actual healthy foods.

    • Dr Berg I have cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatic insufficiency and type 2 diabetes ( under control mostly). What kind of diet do you recommend. I’m a 66 yr old male and confused.

  2. Cows are my favorite vegans! They eat all of the greens for me, and I appreciate them passing all the those benefits along to me 😉

  3. Dr berg saved my life and parents life. you’re my top 1 favorite person in the entire world. We really need you to change the future and fight big Pharma and the junk foods industries.

  4. Going carnivore healed me from NAFLD,excruciating back pain,inflammation in both rotator cuffs,pre diabetes and high BP.

  5. Always remember they don’t want us eating red meat but they themselves are having wagu steaks at their secret meetings where they decide what we get to do and don’t do despite us never electing them to any public office.”Rules for thee, not for me.”

    • Who is they? You guys and this conspiracy nonsense. Why do studies say oily fish is good then? Lots and lots of studies on salmon showing massive health benefits for things like cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

      So if “they” don’t want us eating healthy food, why are they saying salmon, mackrel, sardines and other low mercury oily fish are good?

      Where are all these populations of people eating high amounts of red meat their whole lives, and having low rates of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes?

    • Also, wagyu beef is lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, and high in mono unsaturated fat, similar to olive oil. Rich people leave all the regular cheap beef for y’all to eat, while they eat the healthier stuff.

  6. I’ve been eating grass-fed beef everyday for a long time and I haven’t been sick at all for 19 years, not even a small flu!
    Of course, I consume little unhealthy foods.

    • I’ve been eating vegetables and fruit for 40 years and never sick and never take any drugs/ medicines as are thousands others that I am aware of. Many people like to say they are vegetarians and that should mean good health But in fact they don’t know the first thing about the nutritional values of various vegetables. So they are not all healthy. It’s not what you label yourself that counts, it’s what you put into your mouth. If you must label, I’d rather say Nutritarian… Lol. . There are dozens of vegetables and fruit that contain much more protein than most even know and it’s important to balance them out, instead of only eating a choice few, Maybe just because it tastes good. I guess there’s a learning curve of how to select and prepare fruit and veggies in order to balance the nutritional needs and make it taste good for all different palates. Where ignorance is bliss, it’s folly to be wise.

  7. 1 month in this health journey, I started because I had major problem with sugar last time I didn’t find anything sweet in my house I started crying almost faint of the stress of not having it, fatigue, tiredness, anxiety and 10 kg + …..after one month of following the rules being consistent with all the information , I don’t feel the need of sugar anymore, I feel amazing my mind is clear I started running 6,7 km every other day I’m happy and no anxiety anymore also physically I lost 7 kg , THANK YOUUUU

    • That’s awesome- breaking the chains of sugar addiction is no easy feat. Congratulations on your newfound liberation and good health!🎉🌿

  8. Probably the most important dietary video ever made!
    Been carnivore for 18 months and agree with everything said.

  9. When you said if you want to find the truth look at the exact opposite direction of what the media tells you.. this is the most accurate observation, amazing video as always dr berg keep going❤💪🏻

  10. I started seriously eating red meat when my herbalist, blood analysis technician told me my b12 was alarmingly low and is why I developed a neurological condition. I eat red meat almost daily now.

  11. We need to stand with the farmers! The extremists are saying the animals we eat are bad for us & the climate. No farmers No food. You’ll have no choice if they get their way. You’ll have to eat bugs. 😡

    • it’s the methodology that is problematic

      conventional agriculture is against nature, factory farming animals is abhorrent despicable abomination of life

      symbiotic, regenerative, sustainable, in accordance with nature

  12. I always bless my beef before I eat it. The cow provides an important function for humans and I honor all the animals of the earth.

  13. I remember when I was diagnosed with cancer I was down with depression and felt like the world is coming to and end Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It’s quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.

    • Can you help with the reliable source I would really appreciate it. Many people talk about mushrooms and psychedelics but nobody talks about where to get them. Very hard to get a reliable source here in Australia. Really need!

    • Yes, Steve_porassss. I have the same experience with anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction and Mushrooms definitely made a huge huge difference to why am clean today.

    • I wish they were readily available in my place.
      Microdosing was my next plan of care for my husband. He is 59 & has so many mental health issues plus probable CTE & a TBI that left him in a coma 8 days. It’s too late now I had to get a TPO as he’s 6’6 300+ pound homicidal maniac.
      He’s constantly talking about killing someone.
      He’s violent. Anyone reading this
      Familiar w/ BPD know if it is common for an obsession with violence.

  14. Thanks Doc. Whatever FDA says I try to avoid it. I found myself in this rabbit hole of so many industry lies when I read “The 23 Former Doctor Truths”. Its no wonder why Doctor left her career.

  15. Not going to lie. I was skeptical at first. But now I eat 5 cups of spinach/kale mix and 2 cups of broccoli a day with my red meat, fish, and chicken. Only consume 1500 to 1700 calories. I have dropped a lot of weight. I do fast between 16 and 18 hours. Thanks for the info.

  16. Heart and liver!! Our grandparents’ generation would eat these once or twice a week. Incredibly healthy for people.

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