The FIRST Sign of a Vitamin A Deficiency Is…

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Can you guess what the first sign of vitamin A deficiency is? Check this out.

Check out Dr. Berg Cod Liver Oil Capsules here: 🛒 OR

Recommended bile salts (Gallbladder Formula Extra Strength): 🛒 OR


End Myopia (Near-Sighted) Video:

0:00 Introduction: The first sign of vitamin A deficiency
0:10 What is nyctalopia?
1:00 Do screens affect your eyes?
2:23 Understanding vitamin A
4:57 Foods high in vitamin A
6:05 Vitamin A functions
7:27 What causes vitamin A deficiency?
10:35 Learn more about cod liver oil!

Today we’re going to talk about the first sign of vitamin A deficiency: nyctalopia. Nyctalopia is night blindness.

The active form of vitamin A is called retinol. Retinol is needed for peripheral vision and to see in dim light.

Beta-carotene is the precursor to retinol—it needs to convert into retinol to become active.

Thinking that you’re getting enough of the active form of vitamin A because you’re consuming beta-carotene can cause you to become vitamin A deficient.

It’s important to consume the active form of vitamin A to support your eyes and your overall health.

Foods rich in vitamin A (retinol):
• Cod liver oil
• Grass-fed liver
• Raw cheese
• Butter (raw)
• Cream (raw)
• Egg yolk

Benefits of vitamin A:
• It helps you see in the dark
• It prevents dry eyes
• It helps the eyes compensate
• It helps prevent rough, scaly, or dry skin
• It supports the immune system and helps prevent infections
• It supports healthy mucus membranes and your internal skin
• It helps support childhood development

Top causes of vitamin A deficiency:
• Pregnancy
• Breastfeeding
• Polymorphism
• Pasteurization
• Low-fat diets
• Liver damage
• Lack of bile
• Gut damage



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Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the first sign of vitamin A deficiency. I’ll see you in the next video.

61 responses to “The FIRST Sign of a Vitamin A Deficiency Is…”

  1. Doc thanks for caring enough to educate us on how to be better stewards of our bodies, you’re truly a blessing and priceless! Now maybe you can help me in the area of focus and overcoming distraction when i hear the words “rat milk” 😂 Make it a great day Doc ❤

  2. In my 50’s and I dislike driving at night. It seems like there are 50,000 different types of headlights now that try and blind me. When it rains at night and all the glare of lights on the road I can’t even tell half the time where the lines are.
    Thank you for clarifying the bugs bunny carrot thing bc I sure couldn’t even eat 20lb of carrots. What’s up Doc?

    • I’ve had difficulty night driving since Cataract Surgery. I’ve purchased the night driving tinted glasses at Walmart. For $12.00, the halogen headlights aren’t as blinding!!! I’ve never used the flip switch on my rear view mirror so much!!

    • Oh my gosh I’ve noticed the lights in the past decade or 2 have really gotten brighter I don’t think it’s due to vision problems

    • You should try sun-gazing in the morning to improve your eyes resistance to bright lights / car lights at night. It has other benefits too!! It’s free and easy to do, takes 5 mins.

  3. I really appreciate this man. He did more for me than my own father. Thank you Eric Berg, Love you 🙏❤️

  4. Here in Shenzhen (I’m a US citizen residing here!), my eye doctor is originally from India but has been trained internationally, and also serves as a professor for ophthalmologists. His wisdom includes an amazing amount of preventative and nutritional knowledge regarding the eyes and their relationship to the body.

    • Even if an indian doctor isn’t trained internationally but in India. He is going to be good and knowledgeable one.. Bcz in India doctors got more opportunities to practice and medicine in India follows strict and rigorous trainings and examinations.. Actually indian medicine school is one of the best around the world

    • @Joshua James well said , not only medicine education but the all education system is very strict and good in India .

    • The worst eye doctors are in the US and that includes optometrist. I would take a foreigner before any US educated dr.

  5. When doing nutrition consulting, in the absence of bloodwork and the specialized equipment, I’d ask a simple question: “If you go into a dark movie theater, how long does it take your eyes to adjust to the darkness–5 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds or a minute?” If the answer is more than 15 seconds, there was a good chance they were vitamin A deficient.
    I had one occasion to be a bit arrogant when a woman came into my health food store. After greeting her, I asked her, “Have you considered that the reason you get chest colds is because of your low vitamin A levels?” It was a jaw-dropping moment for her. She had come during the evening wearing sunglasses, and I noticed her skin that showed signs of inflammation. When asked why she wore sunglasses even when it was dark, she said she thought it looked cool. After she had taken vitamin A for a couple of weeks, she returned for more; her skin looked better, and she was not wearing sunglasses! When asked why, she said she thought it was better for people to see her eyes when communicating.
    No one’s brain is going to spontaneously relate sensitivity to bright lights and glare to a lack of vitamin A, but will instead resolve the “cognitive dissonance” by a comfortable rationalization such as looking cool. We had an extended conversation regarding the multiple roles vitamin A plays with vision, skin health, and immune response of the lungs and mucus membranes (your “skin” on the inside).

  6. I started taking cod liver oil because I watched one of your previous videos regarding it. I was having a really bad case of dry eyes. I kept artificial tears in my purse and had a few around the house like that’s how bad it was even bought 3 warm mist humidifiers.

    I’ve tried omega 3 fish oil in the past but would break out in a rash so I was truly hesitant on trying cod liver oil, and the artificial tears was losing its touch…. But after giving the cod liver oil a try my eyes feel so much better now. I haven’t had to use any artificial tears. Thank you so much 💓

    • @“JC🫶NYC Is there any aftertaste with that one? What does that taste like? I never had it but when I eat certain fish from a can, I have the after taste for hours and I’m having a hard time dealing with it.

    • @Bambina336 just put some lemon on it and it will wash away any aftertaste. I make a toast and put it in the toast. To me it taste better than any sardines or canned fish. If you eat one can of this your good for a while. In the beginning i would do like one can a week to build up the A and D in the body. I save the oil in a jar and take a spoon a day with some lemon juice.

    • You can also take Astaxanthin from company called nutrex hawaii. The one called EyeAstin. It has all the nutrients for the eyes derived from natural sources. I take it it’s awesome.

    • @“JC🫶NYC I have Dr. Berg’s CLO pills but haven’t been most disciplined at taking them so can’t tell if there were any benefits or not. My mom doesn’t like pills so I just ordered CLO that Dr. Berg recommended. Will see how it tastes, it supposed to have some lemon and peppermint oil too.

  7. You had me until the “rat milk” Dr. 😂 I had to reset my comprehension after that. I take a cod liver oil gel caps
    Learned a lot… as usual. Thank you 😊

    • @Marjorie Harrington .. Well when rats are born, the mother has teets that the babies nurse off of. 🤓 Science at work. lol

    • What was that?? I felt like Dr. Berg was testing how gullible people are by sneaking that one in. Especially with his calm, monotone voice, it’s a perfect hypnosis method that works on people who are easily suggestible. Hmm, his credibility just dropped way down for me even though I’ve been a longtime supporter of his health advice.

  8. You just described some symptoms I have been suffering with for years! All the symptoms of Sjogrens but standard tests say no. I had my galbladder removed in my 20’s

  9. Evening Primrose Oil pills helped me with dry eyes after I tried every single eye drops out there and nothing worked. However, my night vision is getting worse so this was a good reminder to take vitamin A too. Thank you Dr. Berg!

  10. From 18 to 20 years old I’ve worked with the microscope for at least 6 hours a day… I developed light sensitivity because of it…. Until I went on Keto almost 5 years ago I had to wear glasses that had lances to darken every time I was around bright light( transitional)…. Year after being on Keto my need for the transitional lenses completely vanished…. It’s so freeing to be able to walk outside without dark glasses…. Snow in winter bothered my eyes more then bright light… I think that high doses of vitamin D helped allot, because I didn’t really take that much of vitamin A or cod liver oil…. ( I’m 65)….

  11. It would be interesting to see a graph of the number of subscribers each year for Dr. Berg. I’ve been watching for the past five years. Congratulations on 9 million subscribers!

  12. Hello Dr. Berg! Would like to know about T3 thyroid levels marginally low compared to normal range but T4 & TSH are within normal range over a period of one year for 22 year old. Would like to know from you about this. Without medicines how this can be managed. Thank you so much in advance Dr. Berg

  13. God bless you Dr Berg. I literally been having dry eye a long time and just ordered Nytridyn Fish Liver Vitamin a yesterday before this video. You have awesome content and good timing and you are blessed with this information and giving it to the masses.

  14. I had an office job for over 24 years and it was killing me and my vision was horrible. I decided to humble myself and get a job with UPS as a seasonal driver and I have to admit, being outside all day and after the sun goes down and looking at the numbers on houses to drop off packages has improved my vision significantly. I can clearly see at night now after a month of working there; not to mention I lost 14 lbs. On top of my diet, eating my keto and vitamins, especially vitamin A. I am a female, age 49.

    • @Zach P Vitamin B Complex by Purely Holistic, Cod Liver Oil Gems (1,000 mg) by Carlson, Vitamin C +Zinc (1,000 mg and 20 mg), 1 daily Vitamin Code by Garden of Life, Vitamin A by Pure (10,000 IU), Magnesium by SunDown (500 mg), Vitamin D3 (5000 IU +K2 (200 mcg) by American Standard. I fast all day, eat a banana, take all my supplements, and drink my coffee until I get off of work. I eat once a day just like Dr. Berg said to do. I drink a water bottle (650 ml) with 2 tbsp of Bragg’s Apple cider vinegar and I add a scoop of Dr. Berg’s Electrolyte powder (Rasberry & Lemon).

    • Being a courier is probably one of the most healthiest job, being constantly on the move(exercise), getting fresh air(oxygen)and the sun all day(vitamin D) creates a healthy mind and body.

  15. As always,heartfelt thanks,Dr.Berg.You kept me going during the pandemic and help me to maintain my health now.

  16. I started carnivore a few weeks ago due to sensitivity to vegetables, and the other night i peeled onto the road and I thought everyone had their high beams on! My vision is a lot more clear, eczema is going away, my quality of sleep has improved, less hair fall, mood stable, libido increased but still aiming for less bloating.

    • @susan waldronDr Ken Berry is entirely carnivore advocate.Dr Berg has mentioned that carnivore is your elimination point if nothing else is working but he is not deeply extensive in carnivore diet.

    • Carnivore diet FTW. You should do sun gazing in the morning, your eyes will become ‘stronger’ so that the bright car lights at night don’t dazzle you…

    • Yeah carnivore diet 💪🏼 it has been improving my health slowly but surely. I do raw eggs most days too. Last 7 years I’ve been slowly eliminating plants from my diet bcs I realized I’ve been reacting to them. Then this year I found Nutrition with Judy channel and Dr Chaffee and now I don’t feel guilty for not eating my veggies or fruit lol. I’ve trimmed down and gained lean muscle. Looking good and slowly been feeling better (toxic mold & tick diseases + plant based diet destroyed my health)

    • @susan waldron check out Nutrition with Judy channel. Lots of interviews – many are carnivores like Judy is. Dr Chaffee has a channel, Dr Shawn Baker, Dr Ovadia, and others are interviewed. Jordan Peterson and his daughter Michalia (sp?) went carnivore – she had juvenile arthritis like my daughter does and going carnivore put her into remission and got her off meds. She was interviewed on Joe Rogan show

  17. My so-called vitamin A deficiency signs turned about to be caused by low zinc status. The metabolism of vitamin A into retinaldehyde and retinoic acid, the active forms, requires zinc at each metabolic step. I needed Zinc picolinate before I was able to absorb and correct properly.

    • I’m deficient in zinc too have been taking 100-200 mg zinc picolinate daily. Toxic mold & tick diseases & plant based diet ruined my health. Now I eat 95% meat, eggs, animal fats and slowly improving. Been slowly adding in chicken liver – I mix it into ground beef. I know I should eat red meat liver but the taste is so strong!

  18. I had night blindness. The Dr. Didn’t relate it to nutrition deficiency but I was already reading in the
    1970s author
    Adelle Davis.
    Bought cod liver oil , took a teaspoon of that every day for a while and the night blindness went away.

    I know that you can over do the oil based vitamin A .
    I drink carrot juice often nowadays.

  19. 100% agree with you about getting out and looking around especially if you are stuck inside the home or office. Since COVID and being stuck working at home the last +2.5 yrs, my eye sight got drastically worse. I force myself to get out and walk everyday and look far ahead as much as possible. It has helped but my vision hasn’t corrected, it has stopped it from getting worse. Thanks for the advice!

  20. I eat a lot of carrots and sweet potatoes, was still deficient in vitamin A. I started a cod liver oil supplement and cut out sugar and my night blindness and skin issues disappeared within a week. Lots of love for Dr Berg.

    • I’m finding I can’t tolerate alcohol any more at age 39. If I have a couple drinks, the nerves are inflamed and I need glasses at night the next day. A day after that, back to normal, no glasses. Sugar in high amounts has the same effect on me. Fascinating. Sugar really is poison.

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