Neutralize Any Bad Effects of Caffeine

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I’m addicted to coffee, and I’m not giving it up. Instead, I discovered the best ways to minimize the bad effects of caffeine. Check this out!


0:00 Introduction: Is caffeine bad for you?
0:50 Should I consume caffeine for energy?
3:10 Caffeine benefits
3:58 The bad effects of caffeine
6:04 The best ways to minimize caffeine side effects
7:25 Check out this video on bulletproof coffee!

Today, I’m going to show you how to neutralize the bad effects of caffeine.

The benefits of caffeine:
• It can help lower the risk of dementia
• It can help decrease the risk of gallstones
• It can help with a fatty liver
• It can help decrease fibrosis within the liver
• It can help decrease liver enzymes
• It can help increase your fasting time (if you add fat to your coffee)
• It can temporarily increase cognitive function

The bad effects of caffeine:
• It can increase blood pressure
• It can increase cholesterol
• It can increase cortisol
• It has the potential to cause insomnia
• It can increase adrenaline
• It can cause anxiety or depression
• It can increase fatigue
• It can cause arrhythmias
• It can cause headaches
• It can cause panic attacks
• It can cause mood swings
• It can give you neck tension
• It can cause jaw tightness and teeth grinding
• It can cause a vitamin B1 deficiency
• It can act as a diuretic

Many of the negative effects of coffee or caffeine occur in people who have a genetic variation that lowers the ability to detoxify caffeine and other toxins.

Even if you don’t have this genetic variation, you can still do certain things to help detoxify caffeine from your liver more thoroughly.

How to minimize the bad effects of caffeine:
1. Lessen your exposure to caffeine and toxins
2. Do heavy exercise
3. Consume cruciferous vegetables
4. Consume celery and parsley
5. Consume curcumin



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Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Thanks for watching! Give these tips a try to help deal with the bad effects of caffeine. I’ll see you in the next video.

64 responses to “Neutralize Any Bad Effects of Caffeine”

  1. Years back, I used to love coffee. Loved it. Then for some reason, I quit. Lately, I tried to drink coffee again and I got sick. My blood pressure went through the roof and I even called an ambulance. When they came, I calmed down and they decided I wasn’t bad enough and asked if I really wanted to go. I said no after a while and felt better. I gave the rest of the coffee I bought to my parents. I don’t drink coffee anymore. At all. I also have an expensive Blood Pressure monitor and it told me I have “irregular heartbeat”. No more after I quit.

  2. Coffee has NEVER given me energy, I just feel normal (I barely drink it). But if I do, I now know how to use it to my advantage, thanks Doc!👍

    • Prior to fitness training bodybuilding or cardio. You go much better. And Digestive aid , with or after a heavy meal. It’s an acid and it boosts metabolic circulation , but perhaps as for the acidity, normally it’s better to leave that job to the natural gastric acids left in the stomach to do their job

    • Same with me. I only drink 2 cups of coffee every morning. It does not give me energy or keep me awake. When I rarely drink coffee at night it does not affect my sleep.

    • @Silver Lining FYI Coffee has fiber, and most of the folks in the western world get half or more of their fiber intake from drinking coffee.

    • @Osayawe Agbontaen Coffee causes drowsiness bc of dehydration. It restricts the blood vessels which makes you sleepy. Drinking a large glass of water can help to reduce the side effects.

    • @LiveYourLifeExtra Thanks for the info that explains this side effect. I don’t have that issue, but I have heard folks say that drinking coffee makes them sleep, which I thought was weird when I first heard it. There are folks that don’t drink coffee for that reason especially when they are working or on their lunch break.

  3. Recently I had to cut coffee completely because I observed that it was giving me anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia. I only drink milk tea not after 5-6in the evening, my sleep has improved a lot. Now I am like really sensitive to coffee. Even if I tried to drink it in the morning sometimes, it results in delayed sleep phase syndrome. Thank you for the video!

    • @Alan Eckert Yes I had to switch to decaf bc of this. Caffeine leeches vitamin C and B1, iron, magnesium and several other vitamins from your body. What’s strange is that it also heightens the absorption of B12. I had this problem as well and the side effects were horrible. Now I can recognize the symptoms quickly and just drink a large glass of water to immediately flush out excess B12. Taking nutritional yeast, and potassium and magnesium or lectrolytes helps a TON with coffee jitters. For those who don’t know, B1 should be taken in the form of Non-fortified nutritional yeast. B1 vitamin in supplemental pill form is no good and doesn’t help much.

    • I love your comment. Does decaf coffee bother you? I quit drinking caffeine coffee too. It sent me to the emergency room several years ago. And I only would have one cup to a cup and a half.

    • I can’t tolerate any caffeine as of turning 37. I get super anxious, flutter pulse, ect. Basically seems I’ve become allergic or hyper sensitive. And Starbucks never has decaf so it seems I’m mostly alone on the issue. These days I drink herbal caffeine free tea. Even a cup of green tea will set me off.

  4. When I criticized an addicted (cannabis) friend of mine, he asked me how much coffee I drank. When he heard my answer, he replied, ‘You’re also addicted to a substance, then’ I’ve been paying attention ever since.

    • @ffwast When I saw the answer, I thought it’s really true. For some reason, I have never seen this in other addicts. at least that’s how it is in my case

    • @ffwast interesting.. I would have thought a stoner would look up.. blink a few times and say.. okiedokie and go on with his/her day.

    • @Healthy Disrespect for AuthorityMaybe if they’re too high to deny that they’re a drug addict. It’s always excuses with them.

    • @Donald Partridge Nah. Caffeine and nicotine addicts admit their dependence, point out that a pothead is a drug addict and they go off on a whole spiel to deny and cope that it’s a drug and they’re an addict.

  5. I used to drink 4 to 8 cups a day without even feeling it (I think in all honesty I was addicted – but to the sugar from the 3tea spoons worth that was in the cappuccino powders I used). I started having anxiety after a blow to the head and now just one cup can induce brief episodes / scramble my cognitive abilities

    • I have a theory that you can develop caffeine resistance (same way as insulin resistance.)

      This might mean you feel fine, but there’s still a problem developing.

      When/if it finally becomes intolerable, it might cause instability of body chemistry and wild swings.

  6. I like taking a small amount of L-Theanine (100 to 200mg) with my morning coffee. It gives me the boost I need in the morning but removed all of the jitteriness and anxiety that can come along with it

    • For me L-Theanine stops working after a few uses. Then I have to go without it for a full week for it to work again. Can you relate?

    • @davethetrousers vitamin B1 in the form of non-fortified nutritional yeast is really good for coffee jitters and feelings of edginess. I don’t know about anxiety specifically but I would imagine it could help even if just a little.

    • @davethetrousers worse? that sounds like a chemical imbalance. People with chemical imbalances tend to have adverse effects to St. John’s wort and Ashwangandha.

  7. I recently started to limit my coffee intake, I was drinking 5-6 cups a day, I am down to 3 cups now with fresh oat milk in it. It doesn’t seem to be doing anything to me. Thank you for this video, I guess I should get down to one cup.

  8. Thank you! I am one of those caffeine addicts, too.
    I’d like to add that coffee also comes along with oxalic acid, the negative effects of which can be neutralized by an appropriate intake of calcium.

  9. Yes Eric, a few years ago I have learnt this while working on a research piece it came out caffeine stays in the body for (48/)72hours.. and so in the morning I have learnt to avoid the ritualistic coffee (it did cost me efforts withdrawing from this powerful ritual that was a charming relaxing centre-stage of the breakfast theatre,) in the morning all together because it will mimic the wake hormones to the receptors making the body producing less of it in returns and so making tiredness crippling in much faster and up cycling dependence to caffeine intake. During the day , the wake hormone is produced every 3/4 hours (7-8am/10-11/14-15pm/17-18) depending on metabolism and daylight between 7am & 6pm and these early times 7/8am coffee should be avoided all together to allow the receptors in the brain to read the real levels of hormone and regulate wake throughout the day. Caffeine is not so benevolent at 360° since it flushes the liver of trace minerals and important vitamins creating vicious cycles, of dangerous when protracted, health deficiencies; which then in return can activate dormant illnesses. 1 or 2 nice coffees are much more useful passed mid morning or in mid afternoon (3pm >>> 5) but not later than that if it’s needed preserving early-ish sleep (as for 10pm)

    • @LiveYourLifeExtra I would advise not to drink decaffeinated coffee it’s rubbish and meaningless rather move to different organic beverages, even just Ceylon teas or similar, green teas are amazingly good in the morning too

  10. I’ve been taking the zeolite detox and that seems to do wonders. Sometimes I overdo it with the caffeine and feel brain fog and lethargic and the zeolite detox seems to make that go away

  11. I experience no bust in energy or cognitive function from caffeine at all, but I feel the negative effects of it. I hope Eric Berg would go into more detail with this subject and if there is more ways to heal.

  12. I love Dr. Berg he give us knowledge about everything without promoting any product to buy. He is a genuine helper. God bless him!!❤

  13. I started getting bad anxiety from my morning coffee and I realized that it was because I was drinking it on an empty stomach. I switched to eating a light breakfast first and everything got better. I guess it’s similar to alcohol in the sense that the caffeine is more quickly absorbed into your blood when there’s nothing in your stomach.

  14. you are the best Dr.Berg, i only trust your advice on food nutrients! thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with the world without charging! Everything ive learned from your videos is priceless information i would of never ever known without watching you! 🙂 I have paranoid schizophrenia and the way ive been eating i could not even tell if i didnt just know. I never get anxious anymore…loving my arugula with olive oil daily (of course all diff variations like maybe guac or salsa on top , going to purchase some nutritional yeast and sauerkraut next time i go out! 🙂 these are foods i would of never known to eat. I found you because i kept getting food poisoning for basically no reason and it was bad throwing up for 48 hours at a time over and over ….i started adding these foods to increase my good gut bacteria and of course removing “foods” that do bad things and i have not had an issue since! 🙂 so thank you , thank you… thank you!!!

  15. I drink coffee every day but I mostly drink it for fasting. I just found out a tsp of unsalted butter will curb my appetite until I break my fast, this is a great reminder to keep drinking it or give it up. I sleep fine at night and only have one cup a day so we shall see. You’re looking good Dr. Berg, whatever you’re doing is working for you!

    • I drink only maybe 2 cups of regular coffee, no expresso coffee. I only drink it in the morning. Coffee never gave me energy or kept me awake.

    • Eating butter during a fast is not considered fasting. It will actually break your fast immediately. You will still get lots of benefits bc you haven’t eaten anything else, but technically butter will break a fast.

  16. I love Dr Berg’s honesty! It’s the way he says “and I’m not going to give it up” about coffee 😂Don’t blame him, the day I give up coffee is the day they put the last nail in the coffin 😂

  17. In the pub the argument rages back and forth about whether tea is addictive. Eventually an old man who had been quiet up to that moment spoke up:. ” I can tell you definitively that tea is *NOT* addictive – and I should know since I have drunk it every day for the last 70 years !”

  18. I used to drink a pot a day. Switched quite some time ago to no more than 16 ounces a day. I began to have higher anxiety, arythmia, mild panic attacks and excessive jitters. I gave up coffee about 6 months ago. Those symptoms went away completely. I had about 6 ounces of coffee a couple weeks ago to see how I’d react and the symptoms came right back. The jitters made it feel like I had been drinking pot after pot of coffee. I absolutely love coffee and miss it but I do not miss those ailments.

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