How to make the perfect keto bread

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Do you miss bread on a keto low-carb diet? Then you’ll love this. Out of more than 500 low-carb recipes on our site, this is the most popular one: The perfect keto bread. Full recipe and more:

Smear with butter, and you will think you are eating the real thing! This keto bread sports a pleasing crispy crust with a soft, moist center. It’s bread—you know what to do. Savor it warm, straight out of the oven, or freeze, defrost, and toast to perfection…

There’s only one problem, some people feel that it’s hard to get the recipe exactly right on the first try. Many people have wished for a video version, so we decided to make one. Watch it above and feel free to share it!

The full recipe and more:

44 responses to “How to make the perfect keto bread”

  1. This is the most awesome keto bread I’ve ever had. I make it 2 – 3 times a week for us. I also make hot dog buns out of it and also split it in two and make two longish loaves to slice for toast. It smells like yeast bread when baking and tastes just as good. Tonight we had roast beef with gravy (thickened with cream cheese) over slices of this fantastic bread. I make cooked keto pudding with the leftover egg yolks. This bread is amazing.

  2. I just made this for the first time. It is SO good! I have added rosemary, because I love rosemary in my bread and it’s the first keto bread substitute that I actually really enjoyed.

  3. I just made this and finally have the perfect bread. No other recipe can match this one. It’s soooo simple and straight forward. I mixed everything using a spoon and a bowl. I made one batch using coconut flour (3x less flour used) and 1 batch using almond flour and I can’t tell which one I like better. The coconut one is lighter and fluffier, while the almond one feels denser but not in a bad way. It’s like eating homebaked bread, rich in texture but not tough. I just can’t believe this is really keto.

    • @Schnucks – sorry, your bread is not KETO. You have honey, oat, and wheat, none of those are Keto. I am sure it is great bread though.

    • @eeleb actually it is the yeast takes the honey away which is very little to begin with and vital wheat gluten isn’t like it sounds look it up.

    • @eeleb actually it is the yeast takes the honey away which is very little to begin with and vital wheat gluten isn’t like it sounds look it up.

    • @eeleb oh same with the oat flour it’s not really oats. This is a staple keto recipe and it’s delicious.

  4. I just made this keto bread and I can’t believe how easy and delicious it is. Thank you so much for the recipe.

  5. This is the best keto bread I’ve made. It actually looks, tastes and has the texture of bread rather than cake. I am going to experiment now with adding flavored salts, herbs and olives for variety. Now I can eat bread guilt-free. LOVE IT!!!

  6. Thank you so much for this recipe! Just to confirm when I first tried the recipe my buns were hollow. **Powdered psyllium husk is the key** (I used a coffee grinder for a minute or so to make the psyllium husk finer). After this the buns turned out perfectly 🙂

    • That’s a good tip… my problem is when i take them out from the oven they deflated horrible 🙁 no fluffy just flat and uglies! Please somebody know why im doing wrong??

    • @laquingal Thanks so much, I will try them again, They were hollow on my first try and gooey inside, I bet your tips will help, Lin

    • @lin cashin …what fixed that problem for me was switching from the whole psylium husks to the powder. The yeast is optional, I don’t always use it. It just gives them more of a yeasty flavor. I have since then, also discovered that I can use the whole psyllium husks as long as I use more…the same weight that is equivilant to 1/3 cup of powder (1 3/4 oz). As long as you use 1 3/4 oz of psyllium (whole or powder)the results are fabulous. The problem was when I used 1/3 c of whole husks. I was surprised how much more whole husks it takes to make 1 3/4 oz.

  7. I make this using whole eggs, as I rarely bother to use the yolks for mayo. Tastes just fine. I’ll often slice the buns vertically into five or so slices and have them with keto guacamole dip.

  8. This recipe works well exactly as written, as long as you remember to use *ground* psyllium husk — don’t try to use the flaky, bran-like husk that the stores sell without first reducing it to a fine powder using a spice grinder, blender, etc. A _Nutribullet_ with the grinder blade (or anything similar) works perfectly for this.
    The recipe is fairly high in polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) due to the use of almond flour, and almond flour is also expensive, so I decided to try using a _mix_ of both almond flour and coconut flour in my second batch. Although slightly different, I’d say the result is just as good. If you want to try this, here are the three changes you need to make to the recipe:
    1) Use 1/2 cup (70g) of almond flour, rather than 1-1/4 cups
    2) Add 1/4 cup (45g) coconut flour
    3) Use 5 egg-whites, rather than 3
    Everything else stays the same. If you’re using a scale, the 5 tbsp of _ground_ psyllium husk should weigh 60g (12g/tbsp).
    A full 60 minutes of baking time at 350F will probably be required, since the dough is slightly more moist than the original recipe; maybe even a few minutes more, depending on your oven.
    That’s it! Based on my first batch, this modified version works perfectly — In terms of taste and texture, I didn’t really notice much difference between this version and the original. The main advantages are that it saves money on flour, and contains a healthier mix of fats (more saturated fat, less PUFAs). The only real downside is that you will need to separate 5 eggs rather than 3 (which is slightly more work), and it means that you’ll need to find a use for more leftover egg-yolks!

    • @Kevin Brunk I grind it *before* measuring it out by volume.
      I always grind _all_ my psyllium husk as soon as I buy it, since I can’t think of any advantage to using it any other way, and it takes less storage space. Even if you’re just using it as a fibre supplement (like metamucil), it mixes more uniformly in liquids when ground fine.
      If you have a digital scale, you can also measure the correct amount that way, but whether you’re measuring by weight or volume, the psyllium husk _must_ be ground to a fine powder for the recipe to work properly.

    • @Andrea Falconiero what brand of psyllium husks do you buy? Why not just buy the psyllium husk already in powder form? There are so many out there on Amazon.

    • @Deni M I think the first stuff I bought was “Telephone” brand, or something like that — from India. Later I was able to just buy it in bulk from my local supermarket. In neither case was it ground into a fine powder — I had to do that myself. If you can buy finely-ground psyllium husk for a good price, then there’s no reason not to buy it that way. However, grinding it to a fine powder is a very simple job with a NutriBullet or a blender. Since I have both, I wouldn’t pay any extra money to buy ground psyllium husk, but ymmv.

    • Hi Andrea I saw a tip for separating eggs. It was given by John Torrode on Children’s Master Chef many years ago. It is to simply crack the egg into a bowl and then lift out the egg yolk with your hand. No danger of the yolk breaking. It’s super ‘safe’ and super quick! Many thanks for your tips. G Ire

  9. This really is an amazing bread. I made them and we were blow away. I did do two additional steps. I added 1/2 tsp xantham gum and used one of the egg yokes to apply an egg wash.

  10. I LOVE THIS BREAD!! I’m still relatively new to keto, so the memory of wheat bread is fresh in my mind… this comes SO CLOSE to that, let me tell you! I did make a few tweaks that made it a bit more bread-like for me: I halved the salt, rolled the dough in a mixture of sesame seeds and poppy seeds, and added 7g of active yeast, bloomed in a bit of warm water (taken out of the overall allotment of water in the recipe). The smell of it baking is incredible, the texture is really amazing for gluten-free bread (not eggy), and the taste is SPOT. ON. One happy girl here! Highly recommend.

    • Lorena S Rodríguez C
      I know, makes me dizzy. There is no need, it not like we are hanging out with these people. We appreciate their efforts, but we can’t be there waiting for ever to give us directions.

  11. I tried so many recipes before I tried this one, and I failed all of them. Not necessarily because of the recipes, but because I’m not a baker at all and if there was a change to mess it up, I could. Not with this one. It was very easy to make it and it turned out amazing. I love the texture and the taste. Everyone else not on keto diet in my family loves it too. Definitely one of the best recipes. Thank you.

  12. I made a batch of these, they were perfect & delicious. I don’t have any fancy kitchen equipment, I made them with a folk, bowl & hands, no whisk. They were incredible, I am going to make more, I am going to experiment with the shape. I totally agree with Veronika Lah’s comment. It is like eating home baked bread, rich in texture but not tough.

  13. I love these rolls, my first batch was perfect after that I kept getting hollow tops. After immense thinking I realised I had used a new baking powder and that was causing the problem. Reduced the baking powder to 3/4 tsp and they came out perfect again. So if any one is having the same problem it is not the mixing it is the baking powder. Xx

  14. I tried this recipe several times. Here are some tips for finer textures (holes) in the bread :
    1. Mix egg whites in separate bowl with half tsp cream of tartar, mix it with mixer in high speed until it’s firm.
    2. mix other ingredients with hot water then put in the egg white foam. Mix it again.
    Has anyone tried baking it in loaf pan? How long will it take to bake it in a loaf pan?

  15. Made my first batch and came out great! Two questions: Is there any way to get more of a “crust” texture to the top of the bread? And has anyone attempted to make chips with this bread recipe? i.e. like Stacy’s Pita Chips? (just hoping 🙂

  16. I tried to make those rolls twice and no success:( they were like empty and not done inside… on the third time decided to modify the recipe a bit. I’ve bitten 2 egg ( not 3) whites into nice foam and added some ground flax seed ( about 5 table spoons) and finally my rolls came out perfectly 👌🏼 all I need with it was bit of butter- so nice!

  17. I’ve tried ’em all and this keto bread recipe is the best. Slice in half, toast with a little butter, and top with a few drops of sugar-free maple syrup. Taste like waffles.

  18. I’ve tried this bread several times and like other reviews it was hollow inside and not cooked, so i incorporated other people’s suggestions and came up with what I consider the perfect bun. I used 3/4 cup water instead of 1. I beat the egg whites until foamy and I used 1/2 tsp xanthan gum. I made 8 small buns instead of 6. I cooked them at 350 degree for 55 minutes. I then turned the oven off and let sit in the warm oven for 10 minutes….Viola…perfection…I also bought fresh baking powder….

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