I Took a Sauna Every Day for 3 Months and This is What Happened

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59 responses to “I Took a Sauna Every Day for 3 Months and This is What Happened”

  1. Video on Heat Shock Proteins and Autophagy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVlw1moIpaU

    Video on Cold and Sauna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-WwOuC2xWM

    Clearlight Infrared Sauna Use Code SIIM for a $75 Discount: https://vr331.isrefer.com/go/SIIM75/SIIM75/

    Metabolic Autophagy Book: https://amzn.to/2W4YfDF

    Support the channel on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/siimland/

    💯💯Subscribe for videos on becoming superhuman: https://goo.gl/TSDCuv

    Stay Empowered

    • I really enjoy the topics you engage in, but I find it difficult to follow at times, because it’s very detailed. Can you start to summarize at the end of each video and put a link to that? Meaning the results were this, this and this.

    • When I got my Igenix like test back one of the strains was a heat shock protein. Would a sauna be good or bad for it?

    • I heard haakon Harfaggerson talked about cold and hot method for penile growth any truth on your front for that?

  2. I grew up in a Finn Colony in Canada. My grandparents didn’t even have running water in their home. The sauna, their only means of personal cleansing was behind the house. You talk about Heat Shock and Changing it Up: We came straight out of the Sauna at a run and into the icy cold river below the house. My grandmother is 105 years old, beat breast cancer in her 40’s and isn’t a tiny bit senile. Grandfather was only hospitalized once in his entire life with apendiciitis at 66 before he suddenly died at 83 of what we do not know. We were always taught to Shock our bodies: Hot bath with Cold rinse (stay in until you have to pee). You don’t mention this in the video.

  3. I’ve been regularly doing Saunas for a few years now. I never get sick like others and if I do, I fast and go into the sauna, and I feel great. I want to buy my own sauna one day

    • @A.J. Hey A.J. I have 55 years of taking saunas I’m 61 and I can say for my experience, unequivocally if one is sick with a common cold so long as you don’t get chilled after the sauna and one keeps warm with a slow cool down, turn up that temperature bring it up to 200° plus…if in good cardio shape. 3-5 sets 10-15m / cool down 10m btwn sets. Cold plunge is optional but vigorous. Water, 💧 🚰 🚿 lots of hydration!

    • I had a sauna in my master bathroom and used it four to five times per week for the sixteen years. I never had a cold, flu, or any other type of illness. Sold my home last November and have had at least three colds and flu since then. Can’t wait to build my next home. The sauna will go in before the kitchen sink!!!

  4. I’ve also noticed that my immune system is next level. Everyone around me have had flus, colds and have been breathing right into my face, but I haven’t noticed a single thing

  5. Hey Siim, nice video, although I would like to know more about how your body reacted to everyday exposure of infrared and hot air. Did you notice any other changes except for skin and better sleep? I do sauna on regular basis once a week, and as time passes by I can say following
    1. My allergies are basically gone,:
    2. I am better resistant to cold environment (walking in a hoodie at freezing temperatures no problem);
    3. I am dealing with small illnesses easier;
    4. I am more stress-resistant and feel generally happier;
    5. I have more power throughout the day;
    6. My mind is clearer;
    7. I spend less time connected to internet / wasting time online, but this is subjective.
    These are just couple of benefits I recognized for the time. I am not working out regularly cause I have an extremely busy life, thanks to the sauna I am able to put my stuff together and live like a person.

  6. Sauna might be the best post workout recovery method i’ve ever tried, slept better, felt better overall.

  7. This is super helpful – thank you. I actually removed a sauna from my house a few years ago to make room for an office, what a big mistake I made ! Just about to buy a new sauna 👍

  8. I’ve been consistently using the sauna for about 3 years, and since then I don’t know what it’s like to be sick.

  9. I’ve been reading a lot about this lately. Also there are similar benefits to cold shock therapy. People who live in climates where there is radical changes in seasonal temperatures tend to live longer–places like Minnesota.

  10. Nice video Siim! I have two saunas at home so very easy for me to use them (one infra and the other one is a Finn.) I use the Finn mostly at 84-87 degrees celcius for 15-20 min at a time. I am a runner and I feel like I can recover much better from hard workouts when I do use the sauna.

  11. I have watched it twice now. It is very helpful. I also use the infrared sauna at home and the traditional sauna at the YMCA after my workouts. Thank you — much appreciated!

  12. I was battling severe depression in the last year ,my mind just went crazy,sleepless nights ..i started almost 2 weeks steam sauna ,im feeling everyday so calm relaxed in peace ..i cannot describe the feeling

  13. I believe this, before covid we had a membership in ymca and we would go there everydy on winter time.That was my first time to be experiencing sauna everyday for a month, honestly i didnt gain weight even if i eat a lot, i can also see the disappearance of my cellulite.I feel lighter and healthier.

  14. Thank you for the video. Yes your skin looks amazing! I learned that your body can adapt to the heat and that this isn’t good, because you have to increase the temperature of the sauna. Thank you for explaining how the two different saunas work. I can’t wait to take the long winter walks and then jump into the sauna!

  15. I’ve been doing sauna IF for 3 decades in my home , my 1st sauna finally died , bought a clearlight , end of last year . With the onset of cold plunge tubs being affordable , I purchased the plunge tub. Going back and forth with cold and hot . I feel the body doesn’t get use to the heat , the cold plunge your able to lower the temp , in keeping with the body will adjust. Having both machines is a game changer in well being , and over all looks and health , with the list of much more .

  16. Just recently started using the sauna and steam room at my gym in the last week or so. Been in everyday this week and feel ridiculously great after I come out. I’ll be keeping this up long term.

  17. For the infrared saunas, how many minutes do you do per session? And what temperature? I do it about five times a week, I can’t go past 30 or 32 minutes and I’m at 146° Fahrenheit. Thank you. I’m trying to maximize detoxification benefits

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